Infinite script kill

Chapter 1041 Climbing to the Top of Kunlun

Chapter 1041 Climbing to the top of Kunlun (two chapters in one)

The so-called Kongyou Xianle is nothing but Yuren's painful screams.

They are born with voices that are difficult for immortals to reach, but Yuren are naturally taciturn and do not like to speak.

In order to make their singing more loud and melodious, they will be filled with secret medicine and hung on a special torture frame. The millstone below will start from their feet and crush their bones, flesh and bones inch by inch.

During this process, Yuren's screams are the most beautiful movement in the world. No matter in the past, present, or future, there is no more moving sound than this.

It's just that in Xu Tong's eyes, the voice at this moment only makes him feel sick.

It was hard for him to imagine that it was not enough for the so-called gods to enjoy human sacrifices, but they had to use this method to show their identities.

Until now, when Xu Tong recalled the scene of the feathered warrior fighting with him with the determination to die just now, he couldn't help being greatly touched in his heart.

No wonder the other party was so unafraid of life and death. It turned out that he was already a dead person from the very beginning.

"This is the fate of the Yu Clan. It has been marked since they were born."

Shen Gongbao stepped forward and said to Xu Tong.

This cannot be resisted by them, they are born to be consumables used to please the gods.

"Could it be that every time they hold a banquet, they have to arrest a Yuren to do it?"

Xu Tong turned around and asked with a surprised face.

It's just that Shen Gongbao's next words refreshed Xu Tong's three views again.

Shen Gongbao sneered: "A Yu clan?? Who do you look down on?"

"The Queen Mother of the West's banquet requires at least [-] people, including at least [-] girls, [-] boys, [-] adults, [-] men and [-] old people, and the rest must be strong and powerful Yu clan men. Replenish.

This ratio is the best ratio designed after an unknown number of attempts.

Right now this is just an audition, the banquet hasn't started yet, when it starts, [-] Yuren will be hung on it, and then will be the climax of the banquet. "

"[-] Feathermen!!"

Xu Tong's eyes widened. He claimed that he was not a man of justice, but in doing things, Xu Tong never crossed the bottom line of his heart, which was his conscience.

But today, what he saw far exceeded his expectations. Looking at the face of the tortured feathered woman distorted by pain, Xu Tong never felt such anger in his heart for a moment.

"This is the so-called god!"

Xu Tong clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could rush up now and kill all these so-called gods.

At this time, Xu Tong realized why the magic stick said that the so-called reincarnation was just a cruel mercy.

The gods are enslaving all sentient beings, even if they reincarnate for hundreds of generations, they cannot escape their control after all.

The Yu clan is just a microcosm. Even players like them are just tools, pawns, and even entertainment tools in the eyes of the gods.

Xu Tong looked at the tall figure on the top of the jade, his brows were full of anger, and he didn't want to go any further on the next road.

The gods regard all living beings as pigs and dogs, and this banquet is like a forest of wine and meat. Just as Amei said, the wine in the wine glass is the blood of all living beings.

As soon as Xu Tong thought of this, he completely lost interest in the Kunlun Feast. If it wasn't for his lack of strength at the moment, killing Kunlun might be what he wanted to do most.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly heard a shout from behind: "Hey, since you have worked so hard to come here, why are you leaving now?"

The person who spoke was the fairy who had bet with the gods just now. Her figure flew down from the top of the jade, and she glanced at Xu Tong: "It turns out that you are the chosen one, so it's no wonder."

Xu Tong didn't expect the other party to be able to identify himself as a player. He was startled, and immediately became cautious.

But the fairy seemed to be particularly optimistic about Xu Tong, and her red lips slightly raised: "You have great potential. The last time you came to Kunlun, the chosen one is called Buluan. What's your name?"

Xu Tong raised his brows slightly when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that Buluan, the gun god, had also come to Kunlun. Hearing the woman's tone, he seemed to be very familiar with Buluan.

So instead of answering directly, he cleared his throat and said in a deep voice, "Is there anything the fairy wants to say?"

"I think you're interesting, so I'll give you a chance. If you can go to Yaochi, how about I grant you a wish."

The fairy pointed to the jade roof behind her, and Shen Gongbao's expression changed drastically when he heard the words, and he was about to dissuade him, but the fairy's eyes flashed, and Shen Gongbao was speechless and shouted silently, as if his voice had been taken away in an instant.

Any fool can see that this girl has no good intentions at all, she just wants to continue to have fun.

Seeing this, Xu Tong asked back; "Do you keep what you say? What if you don't keep what you say if I climb up?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hearing Xu Tong's inquiry, the fairy laughed like a silver bell: "What else do you have that I can regret."

As lofty gods, they can change everything in the world with their own hands, as long as they are willing, it is nothing more than a price.

And this price, for them, is only negligible, not even worth mentioning. Sometimes they are very happy to see someone accomplish this feat, so that they can show their abilities and their hypocritical mercy in due course.

"There is no evidence for my words. I don't have big ambitions, but the things I want are not ordinary goods. Fairy at least give me a certificate, so I can rest assured!"

Xu Tong narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

Seeing that Xu Tong is a master who does not see rabbits or scatter eagles, the fairy finally made a vow to Xu Tong with a smile. As long as Xu Tong can step into the Yaochi, she will grant him a wish.

"Since this is the case, I must give it my all!"

Seeing Xu Tong's promise, the fairy turned around and returned to Yuding with satisfaction, and reminded Xu Tong before leaving: "If he can't do it, then his fate will definitely be worse than those of the Yuren."

Shen Gongbao didn't speak until the fairy left, and with a mournful face, he pulled Xu Tong past him and said in a low voice, "You're crazy, you didn't keep the promise, you want to walk up to the Jade Summit by yourself, you're courting death!"

Shen Gongbao stomped his feet anxiously, but Xu Tong asked curiously, "Isn't that the top of the mountain? I can't see it far away, is it?"

"Do you think this is a downtown area?? This is Kunlun, a forbidden place that the gods dare not set foot on. Even those demon merchants and envoys only send tribute to the front terrace. If they get The Queen Mother of the West agreed, so she sent down a celestial horse to meet her, no one dares to climb Kunlun on foot, you are courting death!"

If you want to enter Yaochi, you have to go to Yuding first, the distance is not too far, but if it is really that simple, then it would be strange.

Shen Gongbao told Xu Tong an old story. When King Zhou Mu traveled to the west, he climbed Kunlun on foot and met Queen Mother of the West. As a result, he ran away secretly.

Since then, the Queen Mother of the West has closed Kunlun. If she wants to enter Kunlun Yuding, she can only ride a Tianma. Those who climb the mountain on foot, without exception, have never succeeded.

So, this is a trap.

Faced with Shen Gongbao's persuasion, Xu Tong just asked one thing: "Did that old woman really mean what she said just now? Is it possible to have any wish?"

Seeing Xu Tong's bewildered look, Shen Gongbao immediately turned bitter. Knowing that his words were in vain, he could only nod his head: "Since she has made an oath, if she dares to break it, she will suffer backlash."

"Since that's the case, then I really want to experience this Kunlun Wonderland."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he raised his head, stepped on the road paved with bluestones, and went straight to the top of the mountain covered by golden clouds.

"Hahaha, this kid really walked up."

At this moment on the top of the jade roof, the gods were smiling.

A new game has started, the game is very simple, just watch Xu Tong go up the mountain, you know, after Queen Mother of the West was deceived by King Mu of Zhou, no one has been able to climb Kunlun on foot for so many years.

"I haven't seen you for many years. Are these stupid guys still so boring?"

In the corner, Ni and the old god stick looked at the gods who had begun to bet and applaud from a distance, and couldn't help but sneer at them.

The old magic stick grinned: "To tease life, isn't it just a game they never get tired of, what's so strange about it, just like this fruit."

The old god stick picked up a fruit on the table, this fruit was crystal clear, revealing a faint divine brilliance, but the shape of this fruit was no different from that of a human heart.

"This Wuxin tribe is a unique spiritual creature, but under the deception of the gods, they dug out their hearts. It is ridiculous that this tribe still treats the heart-taking ceremony as a coming-of-age ceremony. Heartless people with big holes in their chests."

As the old god stick said, he took a bite viciously, and saw the bright red juice splashing out from it, the old god stick ate it with relish.

"For thousands of years, this kind of people who have been fooled by the gods are more than just the Wuxin tribe. There are thousands of worlds and tens of thousands of creatures. The one who has not been bullied and plundered by them."

When he said this, the old god stick suddenly changed his voice, and looked at the calm Nishen beside him: "Hey, but then again, our era didn't seem to be much better. Now, it's nothing more than the dragon slayer becoming a villain." It's just a dragon story."

Ni did not deny this, but said a little impatiently, "How long will we have to wait!"

He was already a little impatient in waiting here for so long.

While talking, the old magic stick also leaned over, intending to see who the poor guy who was fooled this time was.

As a result, the eyes looked down, and the corner of the old god stick's eyes suddenly twitched: "Hey!"

"Why, do you recognize it?"

Sensing that the old god stick's expression was different, Ni asked quietly through voice transmission.

"Hey, how do you say that sentence, the enemy's road is narrow."

The old god stick did not expect that the little guy who had just slipped away from under his hands would come to the door by himself at this moment.

"But, after all, it's my own child, and it's not up to these bastards to bully!" Thinking of this, the old magic stick stretched out a finger, and gently squeezed, a piece of time was pinched on the tip of his finger , and cast towards Xu Tong's figure below.


Lei Guang tore through the sky, only to see one after another purple light shining in front of Xu Tong's road.

The purple light is dazzling and brilliant, but in Xu Tong's view, it is extremely dangerous. Wherever the purple light shines, all vitality will be annihilated, and all life will wither.

Xu Tong could only dodge as much as possible.

I saw him mobilizing an inch of time, and his figure was like a ghost, passing through the gap of this purple light in an instant.

It seems to be a brisk step, but as long as he takes a wrong step, the end waiting for him is nothing but ashes.

This scene not only made Shen Gongbao standing behind fearful, but also dared not breathe.

If that's all, it's fine, but at this moment, some black shadows are quickly killing Xu Tong.

These figures were extremely fast, and they seemed to ignore the damage of the purple light, leaping forward, like a goshawk swooping down.

The most striking thing is that they all have a huge hole in their chest.

"Be careful, they are Kunlun Wuxin slaves!!"

Seeing this, Shen Gongbao in the distance immediately became anxious, and hurriedly shouted to Xu Tong to be careful.

These unintentional slaves descended through the sky. Their dark skin made people unable to see their expressions. They were holding strange weapons in their hands, like maces, but they looked like crooked shapes. It is a burst of strong light like blue lightning.

It was already very difficult for Xu Tong to dodge these purple lights, but now he is being chased by these Wuxin slaves, the limited space is not enough to dodge, so he can only fight head-on with several Wuxin slaves head-to-head with the possibility of injury.


A huge crash exploded in the sky.

Xu Tong held Moran in his hand, and when he swung his sword, yin and yang qi circulated around his body, forming a strange aura to guide all the strange weapons that were thrown at him to one side.

It's just that although these weapons didn't touch his body, a bit of blue light hit his abdomen.

Immediately, Xu Tong felt a sharp pain. If it wasn't for his super strong physique, if he were an ordinary Sanxian, he might be directly smashed into a serious injury.

Seeing that going on like this was not an option, Xu Tong frowned slightly, and no longer confronted these guys head-on, but put away Mo Ran, and rushed up the mountain more quickly.

These unintentional slaves can ignore the purple light, but Xu Tong can use an inch of time to speed up his speed.

I don't know if it was stimulated by the crisis, Xu Tong suddenly felt that the effect of his own time at this moment was far beyond the past.

It seems that there is a force invisible to help him break the barrier of time.

It's just that the situation is critical at this moment, and he is not allowed to savor the reason carefully. Xu Tong's figure flickered for only a moment, and he wanted to rush out of the range of the purple light.

"Hahaha, run faster, run faster!!"

The gods saw that Xu Tong's pace was getting faster and faster, leaving Wu Xinnu's pursuit behind him, instead of worrying, their eyes became more expectant.

Some gods were even cheering for Xu Tong. It seemed that at this moment, all the gods seemed to be standing by his side.

But is this really the case?
Seeing that the purple light was about to disappear, Xu Tong suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.


Xu Tong stepped on the ground suddenly with his toes, and the huge force caused all the green bricks under his feet to explode, but the strong force still pushed him to slide forward.

Just wait until one of Xu Tong's toes touches the golden sunlight ahead...


A scalding and tingling sensation suddenly came from under his feet.

Xu Tong looked at the bluestone path in front of him irradiated by faint golden light. Under the golden light like the autumn sun, this road seemed to be full of holiness, flawlessness, and even a little warmth.

However, when Xu Tong tried to take out a piece of bread from the item book and threw it forward, the bread evaporated into the air in an instant.

This is a dead end.

In other words, the Queen Mother of the West never hoped that anyone would be able to go to Kunlun, but all her distinguished guests would naturally be pulled into Yuding by Tianma himself.

People who try to go up the mountain in vain are definitely not the objects that Queen Mother of the West likes, so the path illuminated by the golden light in front of them is a dead end forbidden by humans and gods.

There is a saying that darkness comes when hope is shattered.

This is exactly what the gods wanted to see.

There is no picture more exciting than the moment when hope is dashed.

The front is a dead end, and the back is the unintentional slave who is chasing after him. The figure who has fallen into a predicament is exactly the battle of trapped beasts that the gods want to see.

However, to their disappointment, after Xu Tong discovered that the road in front of him was a dead end, he did not show the expression the gods expected.

He just looked at the front of him quietly, on the shimmering light rippling in the air, as if he was thinking about something and lost his mind.

This scene made many gods feel dissatisfied. It is obviously a dead end. Does he still want to fly to the sky?

But soon, a large number of Wuxin slaves have already caught up from behind. These Wuxin slaves are born with supernatural powers and are extremely powerful. They should have become the most powerful fighters in the world.

There was even a power that even the gods were afraid of.

But now they have become the guards of Kunlun Mountain, a group of uneducated and uncivilized wild dogs.

At this moment, these Kunlun unintentional slaves rushed towards Xu Tong, enough to tear him to pieces.

Although this is not the ending the gods want to see, it is also a good show.

At least before the banquet begins, it can be regarded as a pastime.

The old magic stick, who was watching coldly, frowned and was ready to make a move at any time.

"You brat, you can't die in this place!"

"Wait, look, this guy has gone inside!"

At this time, a god suddenly widened his eyes, pointed at Xu Tong below and screamed.

The moment the unintentional slaves were about to kill Xu Tong, Xu Tong suddenly opened his arms and jumped forward.

In an instant, Xu Tong's body was also rippling with pale golden morning light, and those unintentional slaves who came after him were turned into ashes by the golden halo before touching Xu Tong's body.


Everyone was stunned by this scene, only to see the faint golden light shining on Xu Tong's body, which was the restriction left by the Queen Mother of the West, Jin Lingyuan Aurora.

This is a power that can only be mastered by the Queen Mother of the West. How did this little Sanxian master it? ?

A large piece of unintentional slaves turned into dust in the golden glow, but Xu Tong's body seemed to have become a part of the golden light, not only was not harmed, but was bathed in the brilliant golden glow.

"Vientiane tide!"

Xu Tong opened his eyes. It was he who used the power of the Vientiane Tidal to transform his body and the characteristics of the golden light.

Although it was temporary, it was enough for Xu Tong.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong raised his head, and began to look at the fairy with malicious intent. With a grin, he stepped on the steps to Kunlun with great strides.

(Sorry, the latest update is a bit short. It’s because I haven’t recovered from a cold and can’t lift my spirits. After the test, it was still positive, so I can only lock myself in a small room all day long. I’m so depressed, no Dare to go out, afraid of infecting family members, I don’t know brothers, what’s your situation, it will turn cloudy in a few days?)

(End of this chapter)

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