Infinite script kill

Chapter 105 Fatty Evolution

Chapter 105 Evolution of Fat Man (There will be more in the evening.)
"Ding ding ding..."

In the cave, a faint fire light illuminated the darkness.

Surprisingly, the leader of this group of robbers was actually an old man.

When Xu Tong saw him, he was carrying himself behind his back, holding a chisel in one hand and a small hammer in the other, carving hard on a cement stone slab in front of him.

He took a closer look, good guy, it's actually Tao Te Ching? ?
As if sensing that someone was coming, the old man glanced sideways and didn't say anything. He just pointed to the sofa chair that had been removed from the car and motioned him to sit down first.

Then while knocking on the chisel in his hand, he said to himself: "I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you are going to do. If you are here to ask for directions, I can only tell you that you have given up your heart." , can’t get out here.”

Xu Tong took out a cigar from his bosom, and slowly warmed it up with the flame of the simple oil lamp beside him. He was more concerned about another matter about the old man's question.

"You just said...they?? Who are you referring to?"

The old man's hand paused for a moment, and he turned around, only to see that his face on the other side was covered with blood, and one of his eyeballs had been smashed out.

He looked carefully at Xu Tong with the only remaining left eye: "A week ago, two people killed a dozen of us after getting out of the car."

The old man pointed to his blind eye, which was obviously their masterpiece.

It seems that some players have already entered the lair.

And much earlier than expected.

"This place is very big. Going to the back, it can accommodate thousands of people. There are no infected people, no evolved ones. If you are hungry, we can provide you with some food, such as boiled leather shoes or belts, but don't Keep on killing."

The old man's words are really surprising. You must know that just now they stripped off the clothes of a carload of people and beat up the man severely, but such a bandit leader would beg himself not to kill innocent people indiscriminately?The standard sage mode really surprised him.

Seemingly aware of the suspicion in Xu Tong's eyebrows, the old man continued: "When we were first captured, there were 2000 people here, and within three days, nearly half of them died. They were not killed by those monsters, but was beaten to death by others."

"Etiquette, righteousness, honesty and shame have no meaning here. Survival is the first need. The more we need order at this time."

Xu Tong was smoking a cigarette, and stretched out his palm to interrupt the old man's continuation. In fact, he was not interested in listening to this old magic stick fooling around here.

Speaking of fooling around, the most indispensable thing in the mental hospital is this kind of magic stick.

The worst magician was even locked in a small room in the critically ill area, and no one was allowed to talk to him, because he had already driven three psychiatrists crazy.

"I just have one question, where are they?"

The two players Xu Tong was referring to were naturally those two players.

"Not here."

The old man shook his head, expressing that he didn't know where the two guys were. They seemed to disappear not long after they entered.

Some said they were eaten by monsters outside, others said they managed to escape, but no one cared about either.

Seeing that nothing came out of the question, Xu Tong stood up and left.

"and many more!!"

At this moment, the old man suddenly opened his mouth to call Xu Tong, staring at the cigar in his hand: "If you give me the cigar in your hand, I can tell you a secret."


He glanced at the old man, then at the cigar in his hand, took out a pack of cigarettes from the item book and threw it to him: "Forget about the cigar, save some smoking."

The old man picked up the cigarette, quickly tore open the wrapping paper, squeezed out a snow-white cigarette from inside with trembling fingers, lit it, put it near his mouth, and took a deep puff.

"Hiss~~~ Puff! Cough cough cough cough..."

A cloud of pungent smoke spewed out from his mouth, and a gleam of light finally flashed in the old man's cloudy one eye, as if the decadence in his body was swept away at once.

He whispered to Xu Tong: "I found that they need human beings, living human beings, because...they don't have the ability to reproduce."

The old man seemed to be very afraid of Xu Tong's disappointment, so he didn't dare to show off, and immediately continued: "A long time ago, there was a theory that if human beings live longer and have higher quality of life requirements, then the desire to reproduce will be lower, and vice versa.

These monsters are corpses after all. No matter what abilities they can evolve, there is one thing they can never evolve, and that is reproduction. Their cells will never have viable eggs and eggs.

So they can't survive for a long time. Those infected people are an example. They are rotting and stinking. How long can they last?Time will turn them into bones. "

The old man's words are a bit interesting, but what does it matter that they need living people? ?

Don't wait for him to ask.

The old man had already lit a second cigarette and said, "When they came in, were they building a house??"

He nodded.

"That's right, they are building a womb. These beasts actually want to create a womb. Hahahaha, go crazy. You would never have imagined that such a great biological invention would be created by a bunch of corpses."

Speaking of this, the old man laughed so hard that tears almost came down.

"These dead people actually want to challenge the realm of God, it's really ridiculous."

Then he pointed to himself: "If they succeed in building, what are we?? We are sperm, the source of life they use to create new life. Tell me, are we disguised and fucked their old mother! Hahahaha ...Fuck their old mother..."

In the end, the old man had already started to go crazy.

I don't know how long it took before the old man gradually calmed down. When he looked back, Xu Tong's people had already left, but he left half a cigar on the table.

When he came out of the cave, he found that the bus he had come in had been completely dismantled.

Not even a single wheel remained.

The resources here are too scarce, and even a single thread is enough to become the target of people's competition.

What this old magic stick said was a bit crazy, but it was undeniable that there seemed to be something there, and it seemed that this magic stick was not completely incompetent.

Xu Tong randomly found a relatively clean place, and carried the fat man out of the backpack behind him.

Looking carefully at the fat man, he found that there seemed to be a little cold light in the fat man's pupils, but when he tried to throw the fat man into the item book, the result was still rejected.

"This item is in a special period and cannot be included in the item book for the time being."

Hearing the prompt, Xu Tong simply took advantage of this effort to remove the temporary patches on Fatty's body, and started repairing again. He still has [-] script points in his hand, and repairing a few holes is no problem at all.

Occasionally, some naked men and women would look at him, and even a few women with good figures came up, wanting to ask Xu Tong for some resources in exchange for some food.

It's just that when they got close, a big knife suddenly slashed head-on, almost cutting open the woman who was walking in front.

Now no one dared to approach him again.

In fact, there are still some places in the back, where there are no people at all, and they are very clean, but Xu Tong didn't think about that place, because there will always be a pungent barbecue smell permeating there.

It took more than 50 script points for sewing and mending, and finally let him repair the holes on the paper fat man's body.

"It's a pity that the spirit-enchanting technique has not been able to successfully enchant the gold leaf, otherwise I will give you a layer of it."

Seeing the repaired little fat man, Xu Tong also breathed a sigh of relief.

He tried to control the fat man, wanting to verify whether the fat man could control it now, but when he activated the paper control technique, suddenly a warm current surged down his fingertips.

In an instant, it was as if a hand was on his palm.

It was a feeling of blessing to the soul, as if the fat man in front of him had come to life.

"You are trying to speed up the change of this item. Your approach will cause a lot of script points to be consumed. It is not recommended to do so. Please stop immediately."

The cold reminder came, but he didn't seem to hear it. He glanced at his item book, and saw that the script points in the item book were being deducted at a rate of two script points per minute.

Seeing this, Xu Tong put his hand on the fat man's head without any scruple.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and a full two hours passed. Seeing that the script score that had been consumed had reached 240 points, the corners of Xu Tong's mouth began to twitch.

After calculating the investment I had made in this paper fat man, it was enough to buy two good item cards.

But the more this happened, the more curious he became.

Because, he found that whether it is the ability of the item card or the temporary power given by this world, they all follow the principle of equivalent exchange.

Since it was an exchange of equal value, his investment in the paper fat man would inevitably be exchanged for a corresponding return.

He wants to see if this fat man can bring him a reasonable surprise after spending so many script points.

"Warning! Your behavior has seriously interfered with the evolution process of this item, please stop this action, otherwise the item has a 50% chance of being shattered."

At this time, a stern warning sound suddenly came from my ear.

But he doesn't care, life is like a big gamble, he has invested so much, it doesn't make sense to choose to give up when the cards are drawn.

At this moment, a cold black mist suddenly rose from Fatty's body, causing the surrounding temperature to suddenly drop by more than ten degrees.

Originally, some people were curious and wanted to gather around to see what this guy was doing, but before they got close, they were shivering from the cold.

The chill was getting stronger and stronger, and after a while his eyebrows were covered with a thin layer of frost.

What was even more weird was that there seemed to be a black fire burning on Fatty's body, and sneering giggles could be heard from time to time.

At this time, Xu Tong was surprised to find that the consumption of script points had suddenly tripled.

"Warning, your behavior is intervening and seriously changing the evolution process of this item, please terminate it immediately, otherwise the item has a 70% chance of shattering."

With the sound of the warning this time, the probability of failure has suddenly increased to 70.00%.

Others might hesitate, but Xu Tong's face is more expectant. He has a strong intuition that he will succeed.

This is by no means a delusion, but just now, the feeling of blessing to the soul was as strong as touching a certain nerve in him.

Script scores dropped rapidly.

I'm afraid that other players will think this guy is crazy when they see it.

This is completely life-burning. The paper figurine in front of me is devouring precious script points like a bottomless pit, and knowing that the final result of smashing it down is probably a failure, it is still smashing it in. A red-eyed gambler, or a complete lunatic.

"Warning, your behavior is intervening and seriously changing the evolution process of this item, please terminate it immediately, otherwise the item has a 90% chance of shattering."

The probability of failure rose again, but Xu Tong's eyes were extremely clear, and even if there was only a [-]% probability, he wanted to try to bet the game to the end.

Maybe it's too focused, and it's also because there are too many messy things in the item book.

Xu Tong didn't notice at all that at this moment in his props book, in the crystal box shining with magical light, strands of green fluorescent lights that were completely different from usual were flickering.

Under the flickering light, an inexplicable aura surrounded him.

The warning sounded again, but this time it had been completely ignored by Xu Tong. Even if he was told that the probability of failure was 100%, he would never choose to give up at this time.

Seeing the black cold light on Fatty's body getting stronger and stronger, the look of anticipation in Xu Tong's eyes became stronger and stronger.

The rapidly declining script score jumped from the original number of [-], and in the blink of an eye, as much as [-] had been burned.

A bead of cold sweat rolled down his forehead, and now his only worry was that his script score might not be enough.

The people around watched from a distance, no one knew what happened, only to see that Xu Tong's surroundings were actually shrouded in a layer of frost.

Some people wanted to get closer, but they couldn't stand even being closer to ten meters. The snow-white frost was like an egg enveloping him inside.


At this time, outside the cave, there was a sudden rustling and wriggling sound, the sound was abnormally rapid, and a group of evolutionaries rushed in from the outside.

You must know that these evolutionaries will never break in, but today they broke the precedent.

Their speed was very fast, and the first time they rushed in, they locked their target on the frost where Xu Tong was.

Excited screams came from their mouths, and an evolutionary like a praying mantis rushed up quickly, waved its huge fleshy wings, and slammed towards the white frost in front of it.


Immediately, the cold fog swirled, causing the surrounding air to drop again. Everyone's minds tensed up, and they couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat for Xu Tong.


I saw that the frost had dissipated, and strange things happened. There was nothing in front of my eyes, and Xu Tong's figure seemed to disappear out of thin air.

PS: I'm sorry, I won't add updates tonight, my fingers hurt, especially the joints of my hands, please keep the 12D updates, and there will be another update before [-] o'clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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