Infinite script kill

Chapter 106, Sheet 31: [Magic Changed Paper Fatty]

Chapter 106 No.30 sheet: [Magic paper fat man]

(Sorry, sorry, sorry, because I was in a hurry, I accidentally copied and copied the previous chapter, and I realized that I was confused after uploading.

But I can't modify it at this time, because there is no way to modify more than a thousand words.

So I temporarily put the new chapter in the front, put the old chapter in the back, and then stayed up all night to write, and finally wrote a chapter, covering it on the repeated chapters, you only need to update this chapter I'm so sorry to see the new content, I'm so confused. )
"Boom rumble..."

The whole nest was shaking, as if something had come to life under their feet.

A large number of infected people crawled on the ground in fear, and even the evolved ones showed panic expressions.

Fortunately, this violent tremor came and went quickly.

It’s just that a large number of evolutionaries rushed into the human breeding circle. They were not slaughtering, but they arrested every human being, sniffed them carefully several times, and even licked them a few times to make sure It was thrown aside without a problem.

They were looking for traces of Xu Tong, but Xu Tong was not here.

At the corner of a cave, I saw a fat man with a thick body, hopping forward, every step, the figure would flicker, and often the next step would appear more than ten meters away.

Some evolutionists always look suspicious when they see the big fat man jumping around, but it's just suspicious.

"Ton ton ton..."

Right in Fatty's belly, Xu Tong looked at the huge lair world around him.

From the outside, the fat man's belly is actually completely transparent, a very thin layer, as if a needle can easily pierce it.

This is Fatty's first form, ghost form.

In addition to the ghost form, Fatty has two other forms.

The skills corresponding to each form are different. It is not an exaggeration to describe my gamble this time as directly smashing the jackpot with a probability of 100 to 1.

He looked at his item book.

He remembered very clearly that he originally had 845 script points, which could be called a huge sum of money, but now... only a pitiful 280 points were left.

A total of nearly six hundred script points evaporated and disappeared, but he didn't feel bad at all, because the fat man disappeared and was replaced by an item card.

【Magic paper fat man】: (Producer Xu Tong)

The weird oriental metaphysics blessing, and the special soul power injected by the unknown ability, the most weird thing is, this object that should not exist, was actually forced to merge successfully under the blessing of some mysterious lucky power? ?
Holding the item card can summon the paper fat man at any time.

Additional Skill 1: Ghost Form.

Consume 2 script points, enter ghost form after activation, and have passive skills [Spirit Flash] [Swallow Belly] in ghost form
Cooling time: 8 hours.

Passive Skill: Belly Swallow
Living people or objects can be swallowed into the stomach and carried.

The load must not exceed [-] kg.

Passive Skill: Spirit Flash.

It can flash 10-30 meters forward.

(Note: Fatty who enters the ghost state cannot cause damage to any creature or object, and is immune to pure physical damage, but the spell damage is increased by [-]%.)
Additional Skill 2: Paper Armor Form.

Consumes 2 script points, activates and enters paper armor form, with passive skills [Thousand Claws] [Swallow Belly] in paper armor state
Cooling time: 8 hours.

Passive Skill: Thousand Claws
The palm will split into a huge number of tentacles,
Additional skill 3: Rampage form.

After suffering a fatal blow in the other two forms, see the automatic activation to enter the rampage mode. In the rampage mode, it has skills: [Destroy Bomb] [Compressor Cannon]
Cooling time: 24 hours.

Active Skill 1: Compression Cannon
When it enters the violent state, it will spit out all the objects in the belly towards the target in front, and the longest range is 200 meters.

Passive Skill: Destroy Bomb
In the runaway state, when the body suffers severe injuries, it will quickly choose to self-destruct, producing a high-intensity explosive blow to all creatures within a diameter of 70 square meters.

(After self-explosion, you need to pay an additional 300 script points to re-summon within 24 hours. After 24 hours, the summoning chips will be doubled, and so on...)
The above are all the skill entries of Big Fatty.

But that's not all, because from the time he turned into an item card with entries, he has become a summoned object with a certain amount of thinking, and is no longer his own control object.

There is an essential difference here.

This not only means that I am about to have an extra super follower, but also means that I can make two more paper figurines as helpers.

This wave of him is simply super lucky... But is it really luck? ?
Xu Tong couldn't help looking at the dazzling crystal box in the item book.

Just after he got out of trouble, he looked through the item book and found a very strange message in the item book.

"Warning, your actions are intervening and seriously changing the evolution process of this item...*%*¥...The power of origin is intervening..."

This is the last warning from the space. At that time, my failure rate had reached an astonishing 90.00%. Adding this one, I am afraid that the minimum failure rate is 90.00%.

But here lies the weirdness. This message is only half, and the rest of it is all garbled codes. The last sentence of source power intervention made him cast his suspicious eyes on this mysterious item card again.

He seemed to have a little understanding in his heart, why the host would repeatedly hope that he would sell this item card to her.

What?Have trading restrictions? ?

He doesn't need to worry about this at all. Since the host knows that he has such an item card, he must be aware of the restrictions, but she still wants to buy it so much, which means that even if there are rules and restrictions, there must be a way to bypass the rules.

In any case, Fatty's strength was exactly what he hoped to see.

Even in the state of ghosts, the vast majority of evolutionaries can't tell whether the fat man is their kind.

After all, there are not a few evolutionaries in human form here.

As long as the fat man cuts off the smell on his body, it means that he can move unimpeded in this ghostly place at this moment.

The tunnels and corridors are built high with white bones, which can be called a work of art if you look at it from the perspective of human identity.

There are many twists and turns in the tunnel, but it is not completely dark and lightless. If you look carefully, there will be rows of hollows on it, not just ventilation holes, but it seems to have the effect of lighting wells.

It has to be said that those evolutionaries who are like lizards seem to be born as experts in architecture.

With a mouthful of spit and a handful of bones, such a large project was built under the ground abruptly.

Xu Tong's goal is naturally to go straight to explore the deepest part of the cave. He is also very curious about what kind of secrets are hidden in the deepest part of the cave.

Is it true that, as the old man said, these viruses that destroy the world really want to create new humans? ?
There may be some truth to what the old man said.

But it's not enough to just base everything on his conjecture, he needs to witness it with his own eyes.

Passing through the brightly colored corridor, Xu Tong suddenly froze.

The huge wall of flesh in front of him was actually exactly the same as what he saw in the Post Office Building.

These fleshy walls wriggled slightly, looking like human intestinal organs.

A half-human evolutionary came from one end, with a human upper body, a snow-white shirt, and a black tuxedo.

With long snow-white hair, there are actually gold-rimmed eyes.

With one hand on his chest, he looked like a butler in European and American TV dramas.

It's just that the premise is to ignore the lower half of his reptile-like body. When he saw it, he froze for a moment.

Suspicious eyes looked at the big fat body, his face became more and more indifferent, and the slender body circled around him.

da da da da da...

The slender claws were just on the ground, making rhythmic sounds, even though he had many feet, it didn't make people feel bored.

Like a walking phonograph, it will play a disco or jazz rhythm for you at any time.

In Fatty's belly, he was already ready to attack, and he could draw a big knife from the item book at any time, cooperate with his own lightning ability, and kill the opponent.

"Why such a stupid shape, these idiots..."

Surprisingly, the evolutionary who looked like a big housekeeper seemed to have misunderstood something, turned around and said, "Follow me!"

As he said that, he walked along the path to the other side.

As soon as Xu Tong was stunned, he immediately signaled Fatty to follow and watch quietly.

"Remember, don't use your stupidity to test the patience of these leaders. The Empress will definitely choose our ruler from among them, so you must be careful. The last idiot actually tried to challenge the authority of these leaders. What a shame! idiot."

The housekeeper seemed to be reminding, or talking to himself.

He took Xu Tong all the way up, and at a corner, he saw an elevator.

This can't help but surprise him, and he also noticed that among these evolutionaries, many of them already have the wisdom of evolution, and they have begun to have complete thinking like human beings.


As the elevator door opened, a ray of warm sunlight shone down, Xu Tong stared, and suddenly realized that Fatty's ghost form had started to fade under the sunlight.

When I saw that my body was about to be exposed.

Fatty finally discovered this problem, and hurriedly turned sideways and flashed into the shadows in front of him.


The butler turned his head suspiciously, and when he saw that big honest face with black eyes and a silly smile, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

These evolutionary beings who are new arrivals are found recently, and the governance is getting lower and lower.

"It should be that the nutrition intake is not enough."

The butler secretly sighed in his heart. After all, with the passage of time, the supplies that can be captured are getting less and less. If the evolutionary fails to replenish the living people who are looking at them in a short time after evolution, and absorb enough nutrition, the intelligence will be depressed. It is an inescapable trouble.

But seeing that he can still understand his own words, it shows that his intelligence is not too low.

Stepping forward with his prelude, Xu Tong realized that at this moment they had left the underground cave and came to the largest sky garden in WL city.

Not far forward, a surprising picture appeared in his line of sight, and he saw those evolutionists wearing neat robes, like attendants, not only put on human clothes, but also played human song.

And the object of their clothing is actually a human being!

Chapter 32: The Taste of Freedom

No, it should be said to be a pathogen, just like Yan Niang.

If the infected person is the lowest grade, then the evolved person is a grade higher.

And above the evolvers are these pathogens, they seem to be born destined to be above many infected people.

Inspired pathogens rushed to this lair from all directions, of course not for gatherings, they are not living people, and they have no habit of celebrating the New Year.

And there is only one reason, the Queen Mother, the source of all viruses, has come to the end of her life.

The new generation of kings will be selected from these pathogens.

They are completely human at the moment, with neat and expensive suits on their bodies, and expensive watches on their wrists, walking among these monsters, enjoying the food and drinks handed over by these evolutionaries.

There was even a young man sitting in front of the piano, melodiously presenting a jazz piece to everyone.

But no matter how the monster plays, it will still reveal its fox tail after all.

Sure enough, in the middle of the banquet, these gentlemen who were just polite and full of gentlemanly gestures could not wait to show their fangs.


With a light knocking sound, a man with a mustache stood up and looked at the brothers and sisters in front of him with fiery eyes: "This cup, we respect our mother!"

"Respect Mother!" Everyone raised their glasses of wine and downed them in one gulp.

When the wine glass was picked up again, it had been replaced with fresh blood.

"I would like to congratulate my brothers and sisters sitting here with this cup. The tribute you found will definitely be favored by the Empress. It's a pity that I didn't find anything that the Empress would like. I only found this."

Mustache clapped his hands, and a box was brought up by his attendants. When the box was opened, it turned out to be a heart full of vitality. The heart was stored in a glass box, and every time it beat, everyone could even hear the sound of a heart in their ears. It was like the sound of drums beating.

Did a powerful breath of life rush towards his face? Seeing such a huge heart, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

"This powerful heart is enough to allow the Queen Mother to live for several more months. I believe the Queen Mother will definitely feel my heart."

Mustache pinched the beard at the corner of his mouth and squinted at the rest of the table.

Sure enough, this heart that contained the power of life immediately made many people jealous.

Everyone knew that the empress's rate of decline was simply too fast.

It was so fast that she would have to choose a successor within a few days, and she couldn't even see the day when the lair was completely completed.

But with this brand new heart, the life of the empress can be extended by at least three to four months.

At that time, the Empress will have the opportunity to witness the day when the lair she created is completed.

This is indeed a rare gift for the empress.

But things are good things, but there are inevitably people who are picky: "Such a big heart, can the empress bear it in her body? Let's take a look at mine."

Someone took out another thing, which was a bottle, which also contained a strong essence of life, which was made from a dozen top-quality brain crystals with strong vitality.

Just one drop can regenerate a crippled ordinary person with a severed arm. It is feasible to know the importance of this thing to the empress.

"And mine!!"


Xu Tong stood behind, watching these dutiful sons scrambling to show off their tributes, he was so greedy that he almost drool while hiding behind.

I began to struggle in my heart, how could I steal some treasures from these guys.

The quarreling among the dutiful sons became more and more intense, and they even tore off their faces, revealing their originally ferocious faces.

"Ding Ding!!"

Suddenly, a clear and pleasant knocking sound came from behind all of them unexpectedly.

"Hee hee hee……"

Suddenly the garden became quiet, everyone looked up and saw shiny black leather shoes stepping on the floor on the steps of the garden, and No. [-], who walked down from the upper floor step by step, squinted at the people at the dining table, and let out a disdainful sneer. Sneer.

Tapping the wine glass with one hand, he said: "You are really filial children, I think the empress will definitely give you a mouthful of love when she sees your gifts."

"Number Eight!!!"

When they saw the man in red, the mustaches immediately fell silent.

The man he called No. [-] walked to the table, glanced in Xu Tong's direction, and waved the wine glass in his hand.

Fortunately, Xu Tong reacted quickly and immediately reminded Fatty to pour the wine in a low voice.

"You guys should stop arguing. If the empress wants to extend her life, wouldn't it be good to just grab a few and devour them if there are so many evolutionaries in the lair? Do you need to waste your time here?"

Hearing this, the faces of the seeded contestants in front of them suddenly became strange.

Although they were very unconvinced, what Number Eight said was not something they couldn't figure out.

"Your stupid wisdom obviously hasn't understood yet. The empress called us because she understands that the historical significance of her life has come to an end. Do you need to let the new king inherit her wish as soon as possible? You will only bring the ethnic group to destroy."

After No. [-] finished speaking, seeing that these brothers seemed unconvinced, he put down the exquisite silver wine glass and clapped his hands.

"Jingle Bell……"

As the silver bell rang, a woman appeared behind number eight. The woman's appearance was sweet, but this sweetness had to ignore the split mouth on her neck and the pair of extra arms on her shoulders.

But the point is not the woman's appearance. When No. [-] stood up and put his hand on the woman's abdomen, everyone's eyes changed instantly.

I saw the shadow of a palm in the woman's bulging abdomen from time to time, propping up the woman's belly.

"This is impossible!!!"

Mustache screamed, even if it is a pathogen, they do not have any reproductive ability, so it is impossible to conceive.

And the queen mother built such a huge lair, the really great plan is to create a real power to give birth.

But the appearance of this woman now undoubtedly has a thunderous effect on the ground.

Once her heir is born, it means that the Queen Mother's plan can be advanced for at least three years.

How important this is to the empress.

At this moment, all treasures and essences are all rubbish.

"There is nothing impossible. She was pregnant before being infected, and became infected in time after her death. The most amazing thing is that the baby in her womb is still alive."

Number Eight opened his arms and took a deep breath into the wine glass with an intoxicated expression: "All this is the arrangement of fate."

As he spoke, he stopped the woman's waist, turned and left triumphantly.

After No. [-] left, Xiao Huzi and the others immediately lost interest in arguing, and packed up their things and prepared to leave.

Xu Tong originally wanted to find a chance to follow one, and try to see if he had a chance to kill one.

However, the housekeeper asked him to stay with several other evolutionists to clean up the messy dining table.

So much so that he lost the opportunity to keep up and rob.

But when he was clearing the table, he accidentally learned something.

That is, on the top of this building, there is actually a private helicopter.

Naturally, this matter was casually mentioned by the two evolutionists when they were chatting about this sky garden.

But Xu Tong's mind suddenly became active. Helicopter is the fastest way to leave this ghost place safely.

Thinking of this before the other evolutionists noticed, Xu Tong directed Big Bear to dodge into the fire escape, and his figure quickly climbed up the stairs and so on.

It was a very small iron door, and the lock on it had been corroded thoroughly, and it didn't need his strength, and the big bear could pull it open with just a grasp.

Pushing open the small door, a gust of fresh wind blows on the face, looking up, vomit! It's nice to have money.

The roof is not the barren airport as imagined.

Two coconut trees stand tall, looking up, the sky is blue and the clouds are white, standing on the edge is like wanting to step on the whole world under your feet.

The huge infinity swimming pool blends the reflection of the sky with the water surface, forming a pair of superb views of sky and water.

This is no longer a question of money, and living without money. It is conceivable that the people who lived in this building in the past were probably either rich or noble during their lifetime.

At this moment, a few suppressed gasps were suddenly heard not far away.

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, and only heard the slight groan from a woman not far away, but the groan was quite seductive, and it was like a silk thread that seemed to be there, wandering in the hearts of people, dragging It's seductive.

This couldn't help but subconsciously reminded him of the scene where the host teased him in his ear when he returned last time.

He put the fat man away, stepped on the edge of the roof quietly, and poked his head out to have a look.


The hot picture is enough to lock the author into a small black room a hundred times.

That dazzling body was only attached to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, a man was rushing up from behind, the picture couldn't be described, he squinted his eyes.

He froze for a moment, turned his head back, rubbed his eyes and wondered if he had read something wrong.

After another look, sure enough, this woman is the pregnant woman that No. [-] held in his arms just now.

And that man didn't look like an evolutionary. After examining it carefully for a while, he was basically sure that this man was probably a player.

After regaining his composure, the man looked a little panicked, and hurriedly put his clothes on.

The woman with a round belly shook out of the necklace on her chest and pulled out two small pills. I don't know what they were, but judging by the way he left with joy on his face, it should be a good thing.

After sending the man away, she walked out of the room naked, stood by the swimming pool, rinsed her body with clean water, and brushed her long hair.

Four arms make her shoulders look full of explosive power, but the perfect curve is also like a perfect workmanship.
After washing the body a little.

The woman spread her arms and swam to the edge of the pool. Looking at the beautiful scenery in the distance, she not only closed her eyes, but opened her four arms, feeling the breeze blowing on her face. A little cold feeling.

"Is this the taste of freedom??"

She took a deep breath, never felt for a moment that she was so close to the name of freedom, she couldn't help but screamed to herself.

"No! That's the smell of a rainbow."

A clear and powerful answer shocked her, and she hurriedly opened her eyes, only to see a rainbow appearing and disappearing under the refraction of the sunlight.
A figure of a man was standing at the windward position, with his hands down his trousers, he grinned at the woman, "I'm sorry I've gotten a little angry lately."

The woman was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized what was the slightly fishy raindrops that just sprinkled on her face...

 Sorry, sorry, the code word is confusing, this chapter actually copied the previous chapter, but because of the setting of the starting point, once the VIP chapter is released, it needs to be reported and edited if it deletes more than [-] words, but this point Alright, the editors are all asleep. I can only say that I will code another update tonight to overwrite the content of the previous chapter. Sorry...for causing trouble to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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