Infinite script kill

Chapter 1065 Book of Destiny

Chapter 1065 Book of Destiny

The purple-gold radiance almost instantly covered up the luster of all the item cards. Under the purple-gold light, seven stars emerged.

Xu Tong also felt something in his heart at this moment, walked to a side of glass, looked at it with his eyes, and found that his luck also showed the shape of the Big Dipper, only the Big Dipper, only three stars are lit at this moment, and the other four stars are lit up at this moment. It is gloomy.

"How is this going??"

Xu Tong was very strange, his recent luck was actually not high, but it wasn't bad either, but he had never heard of such a strange fortune like the Seven Star Big Dipper.

Then he looked at [Source] this magical item card, now it is finally complete, and the final ability is finally fully displayed in front of him.

Book of Destiny:
The sky does not carry me, I will take it myself, the great luck is galloping, and there are no taboos.

Passive Skill 1: Unlimited Luck

One's own fortune shows the seven-star Big Dipper, the number of Big Dipper stars, the stronger the luck number, the Big Dipper will be completely destroyed, and the calamity will be added to the body.

(Note: The Big Dipper can be re-lighted every time a calamity is passed.)
Active skill 1; destiny is mine

By consuming the number of Big Dippers, you can change your own destiny at will.

Cooldown: 30 days

(Note: The more consumed, the stronger the change.)

Seeing the ability of this book of destiny, even Xu Tong's scalp tingled for a while, what is destiny? ?

That is the will of heaven, the force that all things are directed towards.

In the words of ordinary people, it means that God is chasing after your ass to feed you.

Those who have the destiny are free from all kinds of taboos, and no one in the world can control them.

Ever since I became a player, I have met a person who is destined to be blessed once, and he is still my master.

By the order of the heavens, an era ended. In that era, the inheritance of the three religions had not been cut off, and there were still peerless masters sitting in command.

But when they saw the master, they would take the initiative to retreat, not daring to meddle in the master's problems, and even secretly help.

After the Master finally fulfilled the Mandate of Heaven, even if his soul fell into the shadows, he still had extremely high treatment, and even had a Mandate of Heaven in his hand as a reward for protection.

It can be seen that this destiny is extraordinary.

Xu Tong looked at the entry in the Destiny Book: "The sky does not carry me, I will take it on my own, the great luck is galloping, and there are no taboos."

Good guy, the meaning of these words is clearly that if God doesn't give it to me, I will grab it myself. How overbearing is this, and I don't take the sky seriously at all.

But after seeing the introduction of the skills, it seems that he does have this domineering confidence.

Being able to change one's own fate at will is simply a fight with God.

"[The Eye of Fate] can observe fate, [Blessing of the Sky] can turn decay into magic, and [The Carrier] has the power to intercept other people's luck. At the last step [Book of Destiny] these four ability rings They are interlocking, as if the previous abilities were completely prepared for it."

Thinking of this, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel agitated, and saw him activate the Book of Destiny with a thought.

For a while, two of the seven stars on Xu Tong's head fell down again. This time, he directly used the two Big Dippers as the price to activate the Book of Destiny.

Immediately, wonders appeared in his eyes, and various wonders of destiny appeared in front of him.

The white tiger has wings and is the master of killing.

Qinglong turns rain and moistens all things.

Suzaku phoenix sings, the world returns.

Xuanwu Negative Monument, Gongde Forest.

The Four Elephants of Destiny appeared in front of his eyes, and Xu Tong was almost drooling at the sight. These four kinds of Destiny each have their own unique magic.

"It is estimated that the fate that the master got back then is probably the white tiger with wings."

Xu Tong pondered carefully, in fact, although this destiny seems beautiful, it is not absolute.

For example, the white tiger has wings, although it is the master to kill, it often does not have a good death.

The green dragon transforms into rain and moistens all things. Although it can die well, it is destined to wither. This is the truth of the saying that when a whale falls, all things are born.

As for Suzaku Fengming and Xuanwu Negative Monument, there are also disadvantages.

The former has worked hard all his life, while the latter has spent his life in hiding.

But Xu Tong didn't think about these things. If he could only choose once, then he might think about the rest of his life, but he only needed a 30-day cooling-off period to change his life again, and these sequelae didn't fall on him at all.

I'm afraid this is also the strength of the Book of Destiny.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong thought for a moment, and then chose the fate of the white tiger with wings.

When Yan Xiaoqi gave himself the boundary map, he told himself clearly that this was a trial route specially left by Doumu.

Not long after they entered, they met a top powerhouse like Hagrid, which showed that this route was not easy to follow.

But the benefits are also astonishingly huge. I may meet more masters in the future, and the fastest way to improve myself is to plunder the wealth accumulation of these strong people.


All of a sudden Xu Tong's luck changed drastically, and the roar of the tiger shook the sky and the earth amidst the storm.

Everyone looked at Xu Tong with feelings, feeling that at this moment, Xu Tong's aura instantly became terrifying.

The strong killing spirit made everyone's heart speed up, Gu Xibai frowned, strongly suppressing the urge to do something that he almost couldn't help.

Hagrid on the side was even more frightened by this murderous look.

"Head, what's wrong with you??"

Gao Zhuo stepped forward and asked, thinking that Xu Tong had murderous intentions and was about to draw his sword to kill someone.

"It's alright?"

Xu Tong's face became calmer and calmer, but in the eyes of everyone, it was more like the eve of a storm, depressing and suffocating.

The completion of [Source] brought changes in the tasks, as if he wanted to go to Mount Tai by himself.

But this matter is not in a hurry. Before going to Taishan, he will go to Atlantis for a stroll. It is known as the source of the western gods. It would be a pity not to visit.

Furthermore, with Hagrid, the High Priest, by his side, it would be much easier for them to enter Atlantis.

After a short rest, everyone set off in the direction of Atlantis.


After the restart of the huge super fortress, everyone moved slowly towards Atlantis.

Because of the identity blessing of Super Fortress and Hagrid, the road can be said to be unimpeded.

"There is an agricultural area, and the wine produced every year is the most fascinating product."

On the viewing platform, Dyson Mutu enthusiastically introduced the customs of Atlantis to Xu Tong and others.

He probably never dreamed that he would be promoted directly from a low-level werewolf warrior to the rank of senior warrior advisor by Hagrid in a daze.

This is not a three-level promotion, but a nine-level promotion, and one can even join the ranks of nobles.

As a high-level fighter, the standard of strength must be at least one star, which is a height that I can hardly achieve in my life.

Coupled with the title of consultant, his salary directly doubled by ten times.

All of this was something Dyson had never dared to dream of before, and now the depression caused by his surrender to Hagrid disappeared in an instant.

Whatever it is, as long as I live well.

Without the burden of thinking, Dyson is also dedicated to serving Xu Tong and the others.

In addition to these local conditions and customs, he also knew everything about Xu Tong and others' inquiries. Even if he didn't know clearly, he would call in the information as soon as possible.

Anyway, with his current level of senior warrior consultant, most of the information can be accessed at will.

The happiest among them is Master. The combination of magic and technology gave him new inspiration for his alchemy.

Now every day I can't wait to soak myself in this ocean of knowledge.


When the Super Fortress gradually approached Atlantis, everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh.

This is a city built of gold and beautiful jade, a city that is as gorgeous as human beings can imagine. The streets on the streets are all paved with gold bricks.

The city of Atlantis is spacious and bright, and all the residences and various public buildings are all single-style palaces.

Towering one-story, two-story, and no more than three-story palaces with huge domes and arc tops, each palace is surrounded by tall columns.

All the building materials are made of gold or silver. The gold is used for the walls, and the silver is used for the roof or pillars. The foundations of those palaces are all made of huge jade blocks, rippling with abundant aura, which made Xu Tong and the others sigh.

"It's hard to imagine that in such a highly technologically advanced place, nature can be so perfectly integrated."

Xu Tong took a deep breath, feeling that his immortal body did not feel the slightest repulsion.

"Put this in reality, even if you shoot the guns every year, the environmental protection can still meet the standards."

Gao Zhuo sighed full of resentment.

The avenue paved with gold is spacious. The avenue with a width of more than ten feet is divided into neat lanes, and flowers and green trees are planted in the middle of each lane.
"It's too extravagant to make these gold pavement like this, isn't it afraid of wear and tear?"

Li Bo's eyes were straightened. He had heard the legend of Atlantis, but when he saw it, he realized how luxurious it was.

"Regarding this issue, please rest assured that these materials are covered with a layer of transparent special materials to avoid daily wear and tear, and in the sun, the covered gold and silver will not reflect strong light that is unbearable to the eyes .”

Dyson immediately explained to the side.

The super fortress descended slowly, and many people had already come to greet Hagrid below the fortress.

As the youngest of the twelve priests, his every move is related to the future of many people.

"Go ahead, be natural."

Xu Tong and others followed behind Hagrid, and Xu Tong secretly sent a voice transmission, telling Hagrid to do whatever he wanted on weekdays, but they were just guests invited by Hagrid.

Hagrid was bitter in his heart, but his face was still full of energy.

Then the hatch of the fortress opened, and a group of people came out amidst the cheers and cheers below.

The soldiers on the square have quickly formed a neat square formation, surrounded by Xu Tong and the others.

Each of these warriors wears golden armor. Compared with fighting, the gorgeous style of these armors is destined to be more ceremonial and etiquette.

At this time, a carriage came slowly, and a middle-aged man holding a golden scepter slowly walked out of the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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