Infinite script kill

Chapter 1066 Please continue your performance

Chapter 1066 Please continue your performance
The man is tall, with silver-white hair, majestic and dignified, and the white velvet robe is covered with various ribbons and small coat of arms, clearly showing his noble status.

"The great Atlantis Empire, His Royal Highness Hagrid, High Priest of the Twelve Legacy, welcomes you home."

Although Hagrid's appearance has changed drastically, he is holding a marine scepter that symbolizes authority, so his identity is naturally unmistakable.

Facing the man's welcome, Hagrid seemed to be very pleased: "Very well, Andy, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you have become an excellent Grand Consul."

After the two exchanged polite words, Andy finally looked at Xu Tong and the others beside him, and his friendly face suddenly became gloomy.

"Oh, these are the guests I specially invited, don't neglect them!"

Hagrid was afraid that Andy would offend Xu Tong and other scary guys when he opened his mouth, so he deliberately spoke first.

After hearing Hagrid's words, Andy was stunned, and the displeasure disappeared immediately, but there was inevitably a bit of disdain and contempt in his eyes.

This arrogant attitude will naturally not be welcomed by Xu Tong and the others. After noticing Andy's eyes, Xu Tong just looked at Andy.

The white tiger roared loudly in the fate, and Andy's pupils tightened suddenly, and he saw a huge vicious tiger pounced towards him.

"don't want!!"

Andy danced and screamed, and sat down on the ground, all feces and urine came out for a while, and the stench was tangy.

Now everyone was stunned, and then Gao Zhuo and the others burst out laughing unceremoniously.


The ear-piercing laughter brought Andy back to his senses, only then did he realize that there was no evil tiger at all. He knew in his heart that he had been tricked, and his face suddenly became embarrassing to death.

"How dare you use magic on me!!"

Andy got up like a irritated lion, pointed at Xu Tong and others and roared, "Take them down for me!"

As the voice fell, the guards behind Andy in armor rushed forward quickly, trying to arrest him.

"Go away if you don't want to die!"

Gu Xibai snorted coldly, and waved his big hand in front of him, to put it bluntly, to blow the guards away.

To be Andy's guards, these people are first-class masters. According to the level of Atlantis, they are at least three-star werewolf warriors.

After being slapped by Gu Xibai and flew to the ground, he immediately got up, his eyes were red, he let out a howl of wolves, and they all changed into werewolves and rushed up again.

However, the result did not change. Facing the rushing figure, Gu Xibai didn't even raise his head, and slapped the werewolf's teeth with a resounding casual blow.

"Papapa..." The applause continued to rise and fall, and after a while these so-called masters were already lying on the ground, howling in pain.


Andy was trembling with anger, he could only look at High Priest Hagrid.

In the end, Hagrid turned a blind eye to this, and instead gave Andy a cold look: "Enough of Andy, these people are my distinguished guests, your arrogance and rudeness are nothing short of embarrassing for the Empire!"

Perhaps Hagrid never dreamed that Hagrid would say such a thing in full view.

Could it be that his distinguished guest is more important than himself, the Grand Consul? ?

Hagrid ignored the pale Andy, turned around and made a gesture of invitation to Xu Tong and the others: "Please rest in my manor first, I need to go back to the temple, don't worry, I will be back soon."

So under everyone's shocked eyes, Xu Tong and others boarded the carriage originally prepared for Hagrid and walked slowly towards the center of Atlantis.

Going forward along the avenue, every few tens of feet, at the crossroads, there is a circular or other regular polygonal fountain.

Under the fountain is a pool, the water of which is clear and translucent. Young sea people holding harps are gathering in groups by the fountain, lazily playing the harp, and the melodious sound of the harp attracts the chirping of birds in the sky.

Those tall and beautiful men and women, wearing spacious robes mainly in white, blue, and red, walked on the street with full faces.

And Hagrid's manor is even more luxurious and magnificent. It is a palace that occupies a huge area, with three floors high, and each floor is about three feet high. The built-in landscape and fountains are magnificent, comparable to a palace.

In such a long time, to have such a luxurious building really makes everyone feel a little dreamy.

Hagrid didn't dare to make Xu Tong and the others wait any longer. After a brief report, he quickly returned to the manor and immediately warmly entertained Xu Tong.

All kinds of delicacies were delivered to the table, so Xu Tong and the others let go of their arms and began to eat extravagantly.

After all, they have been out for so long, and they haven't had a decent meal yet.

After eating and drinking enough, Xu Tong motioned for Hagrid to find him a quiet room, and he was going to retreat, during which Gao Zhuo and the others would play casually and relax.

After they had completely digested Genesis, they left here for Mount Tai.

However, just after discussing the itinerary, Xu Tong frowned.

When I raised my head, I saw a signal flare hitting the air.

"An accident happened on the battleship!" Gao Zhuo and the others stood up one after another.

Hagrid was also taken aback. He had clearly ordered that no one approach the battleship. How could something go wrong? ?

The Sun Battleship was docked at Hagrid's super fortress, surrounded by heavily guarded guards, so nothing would happen.

But at this moment, the signal flare was sent out, indicating that Amei, who was sitting on the battleship, must be in big trouble.

"go back!"

Just in case, Xu Tong set up a teleportation beacon on it, which can be teleported back at any time.

The moment he saw the signal flare, Xu Tong immediately took out the teleportation beacon and teleported it back to the battleship.

When Xu Tong rushed back through the teleportation beacon, his face turned cold instantly, and he saw that the battleship was surrounded by people.

"Back off, bastard, you dare to besiege my battleship, you are trying to rebel!!"

Hagrid didn't teleport the beacon, but with his strength, it only took him a few breaths to rush over.

When he saw the surrounded warships, Hagrid's face instantly turned livid, he waved the scepter in his hand, and pointed at the leader of the warriors: "Layat, who told you to do this, are you provoking me! "

As one of the Twelve High Priests, the area around his fortress was a restricted zone, and no one would dare to accuse him of killing people even if he started killing people.

The soldier who was named by Hagrid could only put on a bitter face, stepped forward and said: "I'm sorry, Your Highness Hagrid, your distinguished guests have rescued a group of fugitives. These fugitives are very dangerous. His Highness Ao Gu personally arrested them I was arrested, so..."

Hearing Aogu's name, the anger on Hagrid's face subsided by most. He turned around and walked to Xu Tong's side, explaining in a low voice: "Aogu is the head of the twelve priests, and his authority is greater than mine. It's a lot taller, and it's a bit of a hassle."

Hagrid is the Twelve High Priests, but he is a newcomer, much younger than Aogu, who has lived almost four hundred years.

The implication is that I hope that Xu Tong will not directly conflict with Ao Gu, and if those people are not important, just return them to them.

Xu Tong called Ge Zhuo and asked what happened.

"I did it!"

Ge Zhuo puffed out his chest and said to Xu Tong.

It turned out that when they were ordered to guard the battleship, they saw people parading in the street below, so Ge ​​Zhuo and the others would not care about other people's affairs.

But he found out that those who were paraded through the streets were Chinese people like them.

These people were bound by iron chains and dragged on the road by horse-drawn carts, allowing the surrounding residents to throw stones at them.

How could Ge Zhuo and the others see it now? They were in a foreign land, seeing compatriots with the same skin color and language as themselves, how could they not save them, so Ge ​​Zhuo personally led the team to rush down to rescue them.

Although they are not as strong as Atlantis fighters individually, but when they form a battle formation, it is a crushing battle.

They directly beat the parade team until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and they were rescued without any hassle. It didn't take long for this to happen.

Speaking of which, Ge Zhuo asked for the rescued prisoners to be brought up.

As Ge Zhuo said, these people are all Chinese, with yellow skin and black hair, exactly like them.

The only difference is that most of these men are covered with simple animal skins, and their shoulders are pierced by some kind of special instruments of torture. They look at Xu Tong with the same confusion.

Seeing this, Xu Tong looked back at Hagrid.

"They are all prisoners of war captured on the front line." Hagrid bit the bullet and explained to Xu Tong. The scope of Atlantis is constantly expanding, so there is friction with Xia Guofa in the east. These prisoners of war are from the front line. was caught.

Xu Tong snorted coldly: "Then what if I want to protect them!"

"If you want to keep it, get a ransom in exchange!"

The clouds in the sky twisted and turned into a huge face.


Seeing this, Hagrid hurried forward and bowed slightly to the huge face on the cloud.

Even among the twelve high priests, Hagrid had to lower his noble head when he saw August.

"Hagrid, your honored guest is so impolite."

The cloud and mist twisted, and Aogu's voice sounded like thunder rippling throughout Atlantis.

Everyone could hear it clearly, which was a huge blow to Hagrid's authority.

Hagrid's complexion changed, and he became annoyed immediately: "Your Excellency Aogu, it's really disrespectful for you to say that. They are my most honored guests. I don't allow you to humiliate them like this. I can pay the ransom for these people." to pay, but you need to apologize to my guest!"

Hagrid did not forget to turn around after speaking, and said to Xu Tong: "Please believe me, no matter what, I will not allow anyone to offend you!"

Hagrid's compliment surprised everyone, but what was even more unexpected was that when Xu Tong heard the words, he pulled up a small stool and sat down, taking out the cigarette stick without haste.

This made Hagrid start to mutter. Xu Tong lit a match, slowly roasted the shredded tobacco, and said to Hagrid without raising his head: "Yes, please continue your performance."

(End of this chapter)

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