Infinite script kill

Chapter 1074 Heavenly Immortal

Chapter 1074 Heavenly Immortal

A golden light rushed out from the Sun Battleship and went straight to the top of the sky.

Everyone looked up and watched, only to see the golden light shining in the eyes, dyeing the sky golden like a round of sun.

"The boss is out!"

When Gao Zhuo and the others heard the movement, they came out of their resting cabins one after another.

They have been sailing for more than ten days, and not far ahead is the land of China that they have been thinking about.

It's just that without Xu Tong's explanation, they have never dared to rush back rashly. After all, Xu Tong is still at a critical moment of retreat.

If there is any big trouble, they will suffer a small loss, but it will be a big loss if it affects Xu Tong's retreat.

The sky is full of flames, the silver bars are shining brightly, the fairy clouds are twining, and it is peaceful.

"Is this to become a fairy?"

Gu Xibai raised his head, his eyes seemed to be on fire, he could see through reality with a single glance, and see clearly the real body of the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, when he looked at the radiant golden glow, he couldn't help showing a look of exclamation on his face.

"Zhong Lu Chuan Dao Ji" once listed five kinds of immortals: ghost immortals, human immortals, earth immortals, immortals, and heavenly immortals.

Tianxian is the highest level of Taoist immortals.

The five qi are towards the Yuan, and the three flowers on the top of the head, from the virtual to the real, are juxtaposed with the gods and gods.

It's just the level of strength, which requires time and opportunities to accumulate.

In other words, it is the full level, but the equipment has not yet reached the top level.


In the sky, the Ruyi Furnace of the Great Sun was humming, and a little bit of crystal light overflowed from the furnace, like golden flowers raining down.

Hagrid looked at the dots of golden light, and felt a pain in his heart.

These golden lights are not dross, but the energy of Genesis. He has worked hard for more than ten years, plus the energy accumulated by the huge energy of Atlantis. Isn't this a waste?
It's just that he doesn't know that at this moment, the massive amount of sacred energy, transformed by the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, is frantically washing Xu Tong's body and thoughts.

The quantity is so huge that Xu Tong desperately absorbs it, but it is impossible to absorb all of them, and most of them are rushed out. This is an extremely extravagant squandering.

There is a golden wheel on the back of Xu Tong's head, with golden light shining, but there are all living beings chanting scriptures on it to bless Xu Tong.

I saw the little fat man of the second soul, sitting in it, his chubby appearance is like Maitreya in a temple, beside him are Da Ya, Yunxun, Fa Cai, Ji Xiang, Thunder, and even the five black flesh The ball is actually among them.

As the saying goes, if one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

Absorbing the power of Genesis, Xu Tong's thoughts tripled from the original 320 four to 970 two, and then tripled to 910 six.

From the posture of Sanxian, he was promoted to Tianxian Daoguo in an extraordinary way.

Even the hall behind him was glowing with myriad mysteries, blending into the golden light of Dao Fruit in the back of Xu Tong's head, all of them benefited greatly, and the scriptures recited in his mouth were praises to Xu Tong.

Just listening to the sound of chanting sutras resounded throughout the world, so that the entire Sun Battleship was surrounded by Xu Tong's golden light. Fortunately, no one passed by here, otherwise they would be shocked.

The sound of chanting continued for another three days, and endless life energy gushed out from the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, turning into pure crystals and falling down.

For a while, Wuju and others took action one after another to collect the crystals, but occasionally some crystals would fall down and fall into the deep sea.


Suddenly, there was a huge earthquake, No. 20 four days, the divine light soared into the sky, and dispersed the sea of ​​clouds in the sky. When the huge breath of life dissipated, a warm light pierced the sky from the sky and shone on the sea below.

For a moment, the world was peaceful, filled with a peaceful atmosphere, like a god coming to the world

Xu Tong walked out of the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace with a crystal clear body, detached from the Three Realms and not among the Five Elements.He stood up slowly, and the moment he clenched his fists, he felt like he could hold the whole world in his palm!

Xu Tong calmed down physically and mentally, restrained the golden light on his body, and did not try, because there was no need for that, and he clearly knew how powerful he was right now.

At this moment, he has unparalleled self-confidence. If he meets a fat girl like Niu Niu again, he will be able to deal with it easily.

But he didn't dare to be complacent about it, Niu Niu was just a small character, his real enemies were not only the gods, but also those gods of death who were with the old gods.

With my own strength, it's not enough to deal with them.

What's more, there are guys like the youngest who hide deep, so if they meet, it will be a blessing to be able to escape.

Xu Tong fell down, but he didn't take back the Great Sun Ruyi Stove, but grabbed Li Bo and threw it directly into the Great Sun Ruyi Stove: "You all go in, there is too much energy in it, you can absorb as much as you can, don't worry. You're welcome."

After speaking, he threw Li Bo into the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace.

Now Gu Xibai and the others were not polite, they raised their big hands, grabbed Master who was at a loss, and jumped directly into the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, followed by Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi.

Not even Amota.

Seeing that Hagrid was still looking dull, Xu Tong kicked him in as well.

There was too much energy, it was not something that could be absorbed by just a few people, even Xu Tong didn't even let Ge Zhuo and other military leaders let go, and threw it directly into the Dayi Ruyi Furnace.

I wanted Amei to go in too, but Amei didn't want to.

She is from the Snow Clan, and she is most afraid of fire and water. Besides, she is not good at fighting. Her own practice is enough, so there is no need to continue to practice hard.

Seeing that Amei was unwilling, Xu Tong didn't force it, and threw some more soldiers with fairly good strength into it, and hugged the fire himself, so as not to accidentally turn these people into scum.

As soon as everyone entered the Dari Ruyi Furnace, they jumped up and down for a while, the temperature inside was comparable to a frying pan.

"Oh, it hurts me to death!!"

Gao Zhuo screamed in pain, his whole body was torn apart, and he felt like he was going to be cooked in an instant.

Looking back, Master, Ge Zhuo and others were even more unbearable. One counted as one, and they passed out immediately.

Only Chang Wuzhi, Gu Xibai, and Hagrid looked normal, but to Gao Zhuo's surprise, the fat man Li Bo didn't look uncomfortable, but rather enjoyed it.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and suck as much as you can."

Gu Xibai glared at Gao Zhuo, and then fell down on the ground, looking like a tiger. It was the Wu Qin Xi's move. Suddenly, the pores on his body opened, and his whole body was like a huge whirlpool absorbing the energy around him crazily.

Chang Wuzhi and the others didn't have such means, but it didn't prevent them from devouring the energy in the furnace at a faster speed. Chang Wuzhi opened and closed his hands, stretched out his hands and kept grabbing around, and saw countless energies being captured by a wave of space in his palm. The force is continuously compressed into the shape of golden pills and sent to the mouth.

Seeing the two absorbed so desperately, Gao Zhuo didn't dare to neglect in the slightest. In terms of personal strength, Gao Zhuo is not eye-catching in the team.

It is only better than Master, and even Li Bo, a dead fat boy, has a tendency to come from behind.

But Gao Zhuo's foundation in practice is not bad, after all, he came from a family of supernatural arts, that is to say, his foundation is just a little worse than Gu Xibai's.

I saw him sitting cross-legged enduring the great pain, and running the law of life and death taught by the eldest princess, the split skin and flesh were like big mouths of blood, greedily sucking it up.

Gradually, Gao Zhuo didn't feel so much pain, but instead felt very comfortable, like soaking in a hot spring.

Everyone stayed in the stove for a whole day and night before they were brought up by Xu Tong one after another.

It's not that the energy in it is not enough, on the contrary, there is still a lot of energy in it, but Ge Zhuo and others can't stand it anymore.

Xu Tong was worried that they would be killed accidentally, so he could only throw them out in advance, and then directly changed a group of soldiers and threw them in.

The strength of these fighters ranged from high to low, and they could bear it for a while at the beginning, but then they couldn't hold on one by one.

Xu Tong can only be like mutton, throw it in and rinse it, count one, two, three, four, five, and then throw it out.

Although these soldiers looked very embarrassed when they were thrown on the deck, after they realized that their strength had risen to a great level in just a short while, they all called out their true fragrance.

After a while, Master couldn't take it anymore, and struggled to get his head out, but was slapped down by Xu Tong. As a logistics researcher, Master may not need too strong combat power, but at least he must have vitality. Guaranteed.

People can't burp when a gust of wind blows over, so this guy naturally became the focus of Xu Tong's attention.

After shooting three times, Master was thrown out by Xu Tong after he was filled with energy.

Then he looked at the remaining six people in the furnace.

These six people are all masters with strength and foundation, but the six people sucked desperately, but they still couldn't stop a large amount of energy from overflowing from the furnace.

In the past few days, golden rain has rolled up on the surface of the sea, so that countless monsters have emerged on the sea surface, stirring up a bloody storm for the golden rain.

There are even some monsters rushing directly into the sky recklessly. Xu Tong saw that this was seafood delivered to the door. Of course, he was not polite. He was knocked unconscious when he raised his hand, threw it on the Sun Battleship, and threw Meng Po's pot along with it. Come out and plan to make a seafood hodgepodge.

Of course, with my own cooking skills, there is definitely no way to do it. I still have to leave this matter to my sister.

Another full seven days passed.

Under the crazy absorption of the six people in the furnace, the overflowing energy in the furnace stopped overflowing, and Xu Tong threw all of them out easily.

As a result, everyone was swollen all over, as if they had gained a hundred catties out of thin air.

Even a human being like Gu Xibai is no exception.

After Xu Tong put away the big day wishful stove, they lay on the ground one by one and didn't even bother to move.

The energy is too rich, they can only absorb it desperately, but it still takes a lot of time to completely digest it.

So this seafood big pot meal is destined to have no fate with them.

Xu Tong simply called out the rescued tribal men to eat together, and asked about the current customs of Huaxia by the way.

It's a pity that the vast majority of these tribal men belong to half-otaku, and their radius of activity is the tribes between several hills.

If it is a little further away, I don't know at all.

Just when Xu Tong felt a little lost in his heart, one of the men from these tribes suddenly asked, "What do you want to know?"

Xu Tong looked at this person and felt a little familiar. Thinking about it carefully, oh, yes, when Gu Xibai and Simon were fighting, it seemed that a man led the battle roar to cheer for Gu Xibai, and it seemed to be him.

At this moment, Xu Tong's eyes swept over, and he found that this person had unkempt hair, but his eyes were clear and bright, which was completely different from the men of these tribes.

Obviously, he has seen the world, so he asked: "I want to know who is the king in today's world."

"Hey, I've been imprisoned for decades. I don't know who the king is, but if you can bring me back to Anyi, I guarantee you will be unimpeded from now on."

Hearing the other party's tone so confident, Xu Tong narrowed his eyes: "Your Excellency is..."

The man twisted his hair: "I am Xingtian Dafeng!"

(End of this chapter)

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