Infinite script kill

Chapter 1075 Anyi

Chapter 1075 Anyi
Summer capital.

The place where the world's wealth gathers, and the place where the world's rich and powerful gather.

There are countless businessmen coming and going, and the convoy is like a long dragon, stretching for dozens of miles.

"Hahahaha, I'm finally back!!"

There was a long whistle, and a man wearing animal skin strode forward, ignoring the queues to enter the city, and led people directly to the city gate.

I only heard the man walking and saying: "Your wine is too boring, I will take you to taste the Guli Cake from Anyi later, that is a good wine."

The man's voice was so loud that it attracted the attention of many people around him. When they heard the word "Gu Li Su", some people couldn't help being startled, but when they saw the man's appearance, they immediately showed contempt.

What kind of wine is Guli Crisp? It is a fine wine refined by the Li nationality.

The most important thing is that this wine is very famous, but not many people have actually tasted it, because this wine is the king's imperial wine, and ordinary people can't drink it at all.

This shabby-looking savage in front of him dares to say that he wants to drink Guli crisp.

However, someone took a look and saw a group of people behind the man. These people were dressed in strange clothes and looked a bit nondescript.

All of them are chubby, and they don't look like good people.

"Head, I always feel that this guy is unreliable, his strength is so poor, and he is so bragging that all the royal court dignitaries will kowtow to him when they see him, and the patriarchs of the nine big families will call him grandpa when they see him. He shouted that I am the king, it is simply the ancient version of Kangxi Weifu private interview."

Gao Zhuo muttered behind him.

It can't be blamed on him being suspicious, Xu Tong didn't believe Xing Tian Dafeng's words.

The cowhide is too big, if his status is so respected, how could he fall into the hands of Atlantis.

But one thing can be confirmed, this guy is not a guy from those tribes.

Xu Tong looked at the city in front of him. It was not so much a city as it was a huge fortress.

I saw the black city wall stretching for hundreds of miles and hundreds of feet high, forming a square, with a mountain peak at each of the four corners. Bullying.

Wisps of thick aura from the stars surged down from the sky, and the pure aura was so thick that it was unbelievable.

All kinds of auras fell on the buildings in Anyi, and those pavilions and pavilions built of huge stones all had a layer of bright light on their appearance.

The water vapor rose from the ground, and the light blue mist rose slowly, and the buildings swayed in the mist, and the whole Anyi was like a giant shimmering monster, swinging its body in the mist.

Xu Tong wanted to peek directly at the appearance of Anyi city with his miraculous vision, but was blocked by a strange force.

Even his strength can't see through this city, which shows how strong the defense here is.


As soon as Xing Tian Dafeng blew out the cowhide, he was stopped by two soldiers in black armor before he reached the city gate.

These soldiers in black armor didn't look sideways, each of them raised their heads slightly, and their eyes turned to the sky.

At the gate, there were more than a dozen soldiers randomly checking the passers-by, especially those merchants and guards who were wearing weapons. They looked carefully and carefully before letting them in.

The two soldiers stared at Xingtian Dafeng, who was wearing animal skins and disheveled hair in front of him, and suddenly his face was filled with disgust, and he frowned and said, "Where did you come from? This is Anyi, and this is not where you should come. Where do you come from?" go!"

Xing Tian Dafeng was stunned for a second when he heard the words, and then he was furious, pointing at the soldier's nose in front of him, his thick fingers wanted to poke into the soldier's nostrils: "You idiot, widen your eyes, give me See who I am!"

The soldier didn't expect this barbarian to be so arrogant, so he was annoyed immediately, and drew out the dagger at his waist: "Bold barbarian, dare to break into the gate of Anyi city. Could it be that he is tired of working, and retreat quickly, otherwise Kill without mercy!"

Following the soldiers' roars, four more black-armored soldiers immediately surrounded them, glaring at Xu Tong and the others extremely unkindly.

Now Xing Tian Dafeng's face turned black with anger, but he is not a fool, knowing that these idiots don't recognize him, he snorted coldly and said: "I am Xing Tian Dafeng, let your stewards get out and see you!" I."

The soldier was startled when he heard the words, and looked at each other, he was very unfamiliar with Xing Tian Dafeng's name.

But the word Xingtian is not a surname that ordinary people can have.

Of the nine major families, the Xingtian family controls one-third of Daxia's army, and all of them are not easy to mess with.

When they thought about the arrogant and domineering attitude of this savage-looking guy in front of them, but they were somewhat similar to the members of the Xing Tian family, the four soldiers suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

They don't want to be troublesome, and they are not afraid of ten thousand but just in case. It is really Xing Tian's family, even if it is a cat, a dog or a pet of Xing Tian's family, they are not something they can provoke.

Just when the four of them directly let them go into the city because more things are worse than less things, a gloomy, cold, sharp voice sounded like smashing glass with broken porcelain came over suddenly:

"Xingtian Dafeng?? I haven't heard of it, what are you, dare to pretend to be a member of Xingtian's family?"

Everyone looked back, only to see an official with a high head and big sleeves walking down the city wall.

This official has a triangular face, hanging eyebrows, and two shriveled small lips. He looks miserable.His thin body looked as if a gust of wind could knock people down.

Xu Tong and the others took a closer look and found that this person did not know what kind of evil magic he had practiced. His whole body was full of evil spirits, and strange clouds of smoke ooze out from under his skin from time to time, which looked very unappetizing.

When Xing Tian Dafeng heard the words, his face completely collapsed in an instant. Unlike facing these soldiers, these soldiers didn't know him, and he didn't think it was strange.

After all, I have been arrested for so many years, the group of people I would kneel down to greet when I saw them from afar, now I am afraid they are those who have been promoted a long time ago, and those who have returned to their hometowns.

But the guy in front of him, wearing the uniform of Captain Dali, is an official official, this guy doesn't even recognize himself.

Seeing this, Xingtian Dafeng was really angry and laughed back: "Okay, okay, I'm not at home, are the group of idiots in Xingtian's family eating shit, now even a Dali captain doesn't recognize me anymore!"

The more Xing Tian Dafeng scolded, the angrier he became, and he greeted more than a dozen people's names in one breath.

Xingtian Weapon, Xingtian Evil, Xingtian Mengze...

The official was also frightened, his expression changed drastically, he raised his hand and pulled out a whip from his sleeve, and struck towards Xing Tian Dafeng's head, cursing: "Presumptuous, how dare you insult the prince!"

There was a puff of black smoke from the whip, which was drawn down like a poisonous snake, and the terrifying power ripped apart the air like thunder. It was obvious that he had killed Xing Tian Dafeng, and he did not intend to let Xing Tian Dafeng live.

Xing Tian Dafeng saw the poisonous whip coming, but he was unable to dodge it. Just as his heart sank and he was ready to bear it, he saw a hand grabbing the poisonous whip lightly.


Seeing someone grabbing his own poisonous whip with bare hands, the official's expression inevitably revealed a horrified expression.

The poisonous whip was pinched in Xu Tong's hand, but the pulsating poison seemed to feel some kind of nemesis from heaven and man, and quickly avoided it.

With a pinch of Xu Tong's fingers, the poisonous whip was turned into powder.

This scene changed the official's expression greatly. He glanced around Xu Tong and the others, and suddenly saw Hagrid with a swollen face. Hagrid's golden hair was so conspicuous that it was hard not to see it. .

Immediately, his face changed greatly, and he pointed at Xu Tong and others angrily and said, "They are spies from the Hai Clan, come here, kill them, kill them!!"

Following the roar of the officials, the surrounding soldiers drew out their weapons in unison, and at the same time a huge gong sounded, and the organs on the surrounding giant arrow towers quickly aimed at Xu Tong and the others.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo and others quickly surrounded Xu Tong in the middle with Xu Tong as the center.

"Head, what should I do, those two big things don't seem to be easy to fix!"

The big things Gao Zhuo mentioned were the huge towers on the left and right ends of the city wall, and strands of starlight began to gather on the towers.

At first glance, it is nothing ordinary.

"We are not in a good condition now, or retreat first!"

Gu Xibai said.

It's not that they are afraid, but it is really inconvenient, because they have absorbed too much energy, which makes it difficult for them to digest the energy for a while, and instead turns them into fat people one by one.

That is to say, Xing Tian Dafeng said that he had a way to let Gu Xibai and the others quickly digest the excess energy, so Xu Tong came with a group of people.

With the experience of Atlantis, this time Xu Tong directly asked Master and A-mei to dock the warship a little farther away from Anyi.

If there is any danger, they can quickly leave through the teleportation beacon.

But Xu Tong turned around and looked at Xing Tian Dafeng at this moment: "Who are you who you called just now?"

He claims to be a master of acting, and he is extremely accurate in seeing people. Just now, Xing Tian Dafeng's anger is definitely not faked. The kind of anger that is indisputable and weak makes Xu Tong wonder what this guy is. identity.

"It's all my grandson!" Xing Tian Dafeng said angrily.

"Haha, that's easy."

Xu Tong grinned, then raised his head, and took a deep breath. Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed color, as if an infinite gust of wind was flowing backwards. roar.

"Grand thieves of Xing Tian's family, your grandfather is back!!"

The sound was like thunder on the ground, resounding through the entire Anyi City for a while, the sound was continuous and continuous.

"Crazy, crazy, you are courting death!!"

The official was also startled by the roar, his expression changed drastically, and he pointed at Xu Tong and others and cursed.

Just as he finished his words, he heard the sound of shaking the mountains in the distance.

I saw a group of cavalry rushing out of Anyi City, stretching into two black lines, seemingly without end, in the dust flying, all black unicorns, and the elder of the Xingtian family, Xingtian Mengze, rushed in front.

This team was extremely fast, and they rushed to the gate in just one cup of tea. The black unicorn army exuded a murderous aura of iron and blood, causing those businessmen who watched the excitement to flee one by one.

"Who yelled just now!!"

Xing Tian Mengze's eyes were like bells, and he held an ax that looked like a door panel. With a roar, he smashed the ax in his hand to the ground.

"Boom!" There was a loud sound, a huge crack was smashed out by the axe, and the shattered stones smashed to the surroundings. Some people were hit by the stones before they could dodge. Sparkling holes.

At this time, Xing Tian Dafeng stared at him, and grinned on that skinny face, showing big black teeth: "Hey, are all the cubs of Xing Tian's family dead, Mengze, where is your father?"

When Xing Tian Mengze heard the words, he was about to raise his ax to strike this person, but he didn't know that the moment he raised the ax, Xing Tian Mengze suddenly glanced at the speaker's face, and immediately froze as if struck by lightning. Enter Kirin.

"Boom!" He threw the ax in his hand on the ground with a sound. Under the shocked eyes of everyone, he jumped down from Mo Qilin's body, crawled to Xing Tian Dafeng, and hugged Xing Tianda. Rich black and sour stinky feet: "Grandpa!!"

(End of this chapter)

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