Infinite script kill

Chapter 1078 Li Zu

Chapter 1078 Li Zu
"Sure enough, I still can't hold my breath!"

Xing Tian Dafeng watched the black shadow kill him, with a grin on his face, he stepped back and hid behind Xu Tong.


Seeing this, the other party didn't stop at all, and slapped Xu Tong with all his withered palms, and in an instant the void exploded and countless scalp-numbing spells appeared.

These spells are extremely strange, not only can summon demons, but also have the power to devour life, causing the surrounding time and space to decay and everything to die.

This was a range attack, and the opponent didn't intend to fight Xu Tong at all. As long as he could rush forward and cover the surrounding void with spells, it would be enough to kill Xing Tian Dafeng.

"It's a master!"

When Xu Tong saw the opponent make a move, he guessed the opponent's plan, but saw that he stood still, thoughts flew out, and his own Dharma appeared behind him.

The celestial form, big enough to support the sky, small enough to hide from the ground, was released by Xu Tong at this moment, like a giant, holding a divine sword and chopping down across the sky.

The face of the other party changed drastically when he saw this, and a sense of imminent disaster emerged, which made his eyebrows and soul tremble violently.

I saw a strange scream from the other party's mouth, and a strange spell appeared on his forehead. The next moment, the atmosphere of this place changed completely.

Xu Tong's sword light was slashed on it, and it was corroded by the blood mist in an instant.

"Blood Curse!"

Seeing this, Xing Tian Dafeng showed a sinister smile on his face: "It really is you, an old fellow!"

The horror of the blood curse is very terrifying, even if it is a master at the ancestor level, if it is not careful, it will be turned into pus and blood.

This is supposed to be a curse-killing technique that can only be released by the joint efforts of at least seven ancestor-level wizards, but this person can activate the blood curse with only one person's strength. do it.

"Xing Tian Dafeng, you will definitely die today!!"

The person who came showed his true face, he was a bald old man, missing a left arm, with a grim look, and he would never die with Xing Tian Dafeng.

I saw him push the blood curse and fall, he didn't care if the blood curse spread on the ground, I'm afraid the Hall of Power Witches would be fine, but all the creatures within ten miles around would turn into blood.

Seeing that the blood curse was extremely vicious, Xu Tong didn't touch it directly, but stretched out his hand, and the surrounding space changed, only to see a bronze-colored cauldron appear in his palm.

The big tripod rose against the wind, and nine golden lights suddenly blocked the time and space in front of him. As Xu Tong activated the Nine Immortals Refining God Formation, the huge tripod fell down with a bang, flying sand and rocks, thunder and fire, and murderous aura.

The terrifying blood curse was dissipated in an instant, and the blood surged for a moment, not only did not corrode the formation, but instead merged into the god refining formation, causing the world inside the formation to be stained with blood, and the blood mist flowed, which was very amazing. The evil spirit is overwhelming, and the killing is immeasurable!
These old people who came to assassinate were also shocked. At the price of breaking their own arms, the blood curse that they launched started to bite back at him at this moment.

After the Nine Immortal Cauldron was repaired by Xu Tong with the Dream Rubik's Cube, the startup time was many times faster than before.

In just the blink of an eye, the yin and yang have been turned upside down in the formation.

The figures of the nine immortals were even more clearly visible, and it was also the first time Xu Tong saw the true faces of the nine immortals.

These nine people are old or young, some are immortal, some are young and handsome, some are rough with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and there is even a beautiful Taoist nun.

The nine immortals shot to destroy the formation one by one.

In an instant, the violent wind turned into thousands of sword blades, countless evil spirits surged from the earth, and thousands of stars rained like cannons in the sky.

The old man didn't even have a chance to breathe, and was instantly covered by the bombing-like firepower.


Now a gust of wind is blowing in, only to hear his body jingling, scarred by thousands of sword lights.

Immediately after the star rock fell from the sky, this time he didn't even have a chance to catch his breath, and was smashed into the ground by countless meteorites in an instant.

Countless Earth Sha detonated and sent out terrifying explosions. The power of each explosion was enough to easily blow up hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers into deserts.


This was the first time Xu Tong used it after repairing the Nine Immortals Cauldron. He did not expect the power to be so terrifying.

It is worthy of being the formation of refining immortals, a treasure against the heavens.

Rao even saw his scalp tingling for a while.

"Hahaha, bow corpse old thief, I don't think you will die!"

Xing Tian Dafeng hid beside Xu Tong, watching his arch-rival being beaten so helplessly, he danced and yelled excitedly.

But what is surprising is that under such a frantic bombardment, although the old man was covered in injuries, he never fell down.

Instead, under the stimulation of Xing Tian Dafeng, he let out bursts of roars, his skinny body shone with dazzling light, and he jumped up, trying to break through the formation.

The bow corpse old man used all kinds of secret methods, and he was about to turn into chaos and crazily hit the big formation.

Xu Tong's face changed slightly. Every time the old man hit, the Jiuxian Cauldron trembled slightly.

If he hadn't completed the Nine Immortal Cauldron by himself, in the past, the big hole in the Nine Immortal Cauldron would have been forced out by the other party.

Fortunately, the Nine Immortal Cauldron was intact at this moment, and the nine immortals seemed to have recovered, and they activated their magical powers in unison to bless the Nine Immortal Formation.

Immediately, the colorful lights rose from the cauldron, and the figures of the nine immortals also resonated with the formation. With the blessing of nine kinds of secret methods, they rolled forward in unison.

Now the formation has been upgraded to a mortal situation, even if three generations of gods come in person, there is no way to escape from it.


Now the old man couldn't hold on any longer, vomited blood and his body fell down like a kite with a broken string.

Blood splattered, and countless cold winds turned into sword lights and slashed on the old man, the process was like a thousand cuts.

"Enough is enough, the ball will be dead if it continues."

Seeing that his enemy couldn't hold on any longer, Xing Tian Dafeng hurriedly stopped Xu Tong and asked him to spare the old guy's life.

Xu Tong looked at him curiously; "Are you sure? Or do you want to do it yourself?"

"No no no..."

Xing Tian Dafeng shook his head: "Let him go, let him go, this old guy is interesting to live, kill him, I will have nothing to play in the future."

When it came to the end, Xing Tian Dafeng's face showed a stern expression: "I want to play slowly, starting from his grandchildren, I want him to watch how his family is destroyed!"

That's right, seeing Xing Tian Dafeng's attitude, Xu Tong threw the place out of the Nine Immortals Cauldron, and then took the Nine Immortals Cauldron back.

Seeing the old man lying motionless on the ground, with hideous wounds all over his body, Xing Tian Dafeng even stepped forward deliberately, untied his belt, and urinated on the old man's head.

"Old thief Gongshi, you want to kill me, but my life is better than yours, let's settle the score slowly!"

After speaking, he kicked the old man's crotch, but from Xing Tian Dafeng's expression, it seemed that he had kicked a rock.

Then Gao Zhuo and the others rushed over.

Gu Xibai even carried three men in black who had passed out, and Li Bo and Hagrid carried two.

Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi were empty-handed, but judging from the blood on their bodies, they should have gained a lot.

Xing Tian Dafeng was not so merciful to these little guys, and expressed that he could deal with Xu Tong and the others at will, so Gao Zhuo stuffed all these people into the coffin with a smile.

Then Xing Tian Dafeng led them into the Power Witch Hall.

But in front of the main hall, four figures in black robes were standing silently waiting for them.

These four are the guardians of the witch palace, and their strength is unfathomable. Xu Tong can only see that the strength of the four should not be lower than that of the old man just now, or even higher, but he can't tell how.

I couldn't help being secretly surprised in my heart, I didn't expect there were four top masters here.

They could see clearly what happened just now, but they had no intention of taking part in it.

The Temple of the Witch God is supreme, even though Xingtian Dafeng is the ancestor of the witches of His Highness Li Wu, it does not mean that the Temple of the Witch God has intervened in these worldly hatreds in order to help him.

At the moment when Xu Tong and the others arrived, the four of them stared at Xu Tong in unison. The means that this person showed just now made them all feel very strange.

"Xingtian Dafeng, you can go in, Li Zu has already prepared the ceremony, and will restore your divine power anytime."

A guard spoke, with an indifferent expression as if he knew everything.

After finishing speaking, he still did not forget to speak to Xu Tong and the others: "Several distinguished guests, please come this way, Li Zu said that he wants to see you."

Li Zu is the Lord of Power Witch. Don't look at Xingtian Dafeng who is awesome outside, but when he arrives at the Witch God Temple, he immediately shrinks his head, as obedient as a baby who has just been beaten.

"What did Lizu see us do?"

Gao Zhuo opened his mouth to ask.

This place is unfathomable, if the other party has any evil intentions, it may not be easy for them to kill them.

"I don't know." The four witch ancestors shook their heads in unison, they just followed orders, and Li Zu couldn't tell them what he thought.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't talk nonsense, he came here, and he wanted to go in even if he was a dragon and a tiger.

A group of people walked into the Liwu Hall along the path on one side, and saw the starlight here like a waterfall, bright and gorgeous.

An old man was sitting on a high platform, and had prepared drinks for Xu Tong and the others to arrive.

However, what Xu Tong and others did not expect was that the old man did not have the slightest level of cultivation. Rao Xu Tong made sure that he even opened the Fate Eye to look at it, but he did not find that the old man had half a level of cultivation.

"Please sit down. It's been a long time since I met a foreign guest. The last time that brat was there was already 48 years ago."

When the old man opened his mouth, his words were astonishing, which surprised Xu Tong and the others.

But after thinking about it, I realized that the person the old man was talking about was probably Yan Xiaoqi.

(End of this chapter)

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