Chapter 1079
"Old man, are you familiar with Yan Xiaoqi?"

Xu Tong heard the other party's tone, it seemed that he was very familiar with Yan Xiaoqi, so he asked directly.

"So his name is Yan Xiaoqi."

When Li Zu heard the words, he suddenly became enlightened, and Xu Tong immediately knew that he was talking too much.

Yan Xiaoqi obviously didn't leave his own name in this script world. When he asked this question, the other party must think of Yan Xiaoqi.

In this weird world of witchcraft, it is not a good thing to leave a name. Even the name Yan Xiaoqi may not be his real name, but Xu Tong will inevitably feel a little guilty.

After Li Zu saw the worry flashing in Xu Tong's eyes, he took the initiative to say: "Don't worry, he is not in this world, I can't kill him just by using his name."

Xu Tong, who was overwhelmed, didn't know what to say for a while.

He could only cough twice to cover up his embarrassment, and then continued: "Senior called us here, isn't it to talk about old friends?"

"You are distinguished guests from a foreign land. We should treat each other generously and show our friendship as landlords. But at this moment, I have to remind you that the time you can stay in this world is no more than a few months. If you just want to It’s easy to talk about my great Xia demeanor, but if you have something important to do, don’t delay.”

Li Zu's words made Xu Tong and the others a little confused.

"Boss, this old head is trying to drive people away, telling us to get out of here as soon as possible?"

Gao Zhuo said in the team channel.

Xu Tong didn't feel like it, so he simply broke the casserole and asked, "Why is this so?"

"There is a definite number. This world has gone through 78 years and 4000 years. It has long been a definite number. Your coming here is the proof of the extinction of this world."

The more Li Zu said, the more confused he became.

"It means that we are here, and your world is about to perish. Do you still want to drive us away?"

Chang Wuzhi finally couldn't bear it any longer, and said bluntly.

Lizu laughed as soon as he heard it: "When the time comes, you will naturally have to leave. Why should I drive you away? It's just a kind reminder to you."

"Since you know this world is going to be destroyed, why don't you think of a way to leave!"

Xu Tong realized that the old man in front of him was not malicious, and after simply reminding him, he asked questions again.

There are many masters here, and there are even strong men who are not weaker than themselves. It is not impossible to tear apart the boundary wall and forcibly travel through the other world. Why should they stay and wait for death.

To Xu Tong's question, Lizu opened his mouth, revealing only a few big teeth left: "Because we are witches."

There is no redundant explanation, just a sentence that they are witches.

For outsiders like Xu Tong and the others, it was difficult to understand the reason, and Li Zu didn't need them to understand.

People who understand this kind of belief can naturally feel its power, while those who don't understand it will only feel that they are doing nothing but dying.

After Xu Tong and the others came out from Li Wu, someone brought them to the back mountain of Li Wu Hall.

This is Xing Tian Dafeng's promise to them to help them quickly digest the excess energy in their bodies.

On the top of the back mountain stood a huge bronze tripod, and they only needed to lift the tripod to digest the excess energy on their bodies.

It sounds so simple, Gao Zhuo even wondered if he was trying to fool them.

So Gao Zhuo was the first to rush forward, intending to raise the tripod.

When Gao Zhuo came to the big tripod, he looked up and down the big bronze tripod, and saw that the bronze tripod was covered with copper rust. If this came back to reality, it would probably be an unrivaled national treasure.

"Just this tripod, I don't think it's heavy."

As Gao Zhuo said, he walked up to the cauldron and opened his hands, intending to lift the bronze cauldron.

He braced his arms, the tripod trembled slightly, Gao Zhuo lifted it off the ground, Gao Zhuo looked proud and wanted to lift the tripod completely in one breath.

However, when he tried his best to lift the tripod, his whole face flushed instantly, and he didn't feel like he was lifting the tripod, but more like he was lifting the whole world.

This cauldron is not heavy, but every time Gao Zhuo lifts up an inch, the pressure on the cauldron increases by one point, and at the same time a fiery force strikes from the cauldron.

This fiery power poured into his body along his arms, and Gao Zhuo immediately felt that his body was filled with endless energy. The pressure constantly merged into his physical body.

Even though he couldn't lift the cauldron for a while, Gao Zhuo's body was poured with endless power, and he felt like he was flying, and his whole body was greatly strengthened.

At this moment, Wu Zu who brought Xu Tong and the others here explained: "This tripod is one of the nine tripods of the Great Xia. The person who lifts the tripod is blessed by this tripod's extraordinary power to stimulate their potential and refine themselves. However, if their own potential is too poor, they will often Will be suppressed by this tripod and die violently."

Of course, this ancestor Wu would not tell Xu Tong and the others that many people come to lift the tripod every year, but once the tripod starts, there is no reason to let it go halfway.

Either stimulate one's own potential to the extreme and lift up the tripod, or drain one's potential and die suddenly.

The most important thing is that this tripod does not distinguish your level of strength, it is completely based on potential, so even the ancestors of witches like them would not dare to raise the tripod rashly.

Although he didn't know why Li Zu agreed to Xing Tian Dafeng's request, he wanted to see the jokes of these outsiders in his heart.

"Not a witch, but also worthy of lifting a tripod!"

However, what this ancestor Wu didn't know was that the fat people around him each had an outrageous amount of energy, and Gao Zhuo's hands were trembling at the moment, but he felt extremely comfortable.

I even couldn't help moaning out loud, it was so comfortable, the strange energy in this tripod was like giving myself a sauna massage.

After a while, he was sweating profusely, and the energy in his body was so abundant that he had the illusion that he could break the sky with one punch at this moment.

At the same time, Xu Tong and the others also discovered that Gao Zhuo's originally obese body was losing weight little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the energy in his body is continuously integrating into his physical body.

This guy is the body of a zombie. He has absorbed such a huge amount of energy, and his strength is also rising steadily.

Even the corpse aura in the body is also transformed accordingly.

Extreme yang produces yin, and it is also possible to rejuvenate the dead qi, but this process must be extremely difficult, and Gao Zhuo has caught up with the opportunity.

Through the process of lifting the tripod, he reshaped his physical body. If he passed this level, he would have the opportunity to become a corpse immortal.

Shixian is not Shijiexian. Shijiexian belongs to the five immortals, the last one, with the lowest status and the lowest achievement.

Because the threshold for this method is too low, Xu Tong once encountered in the script world, as long as sufficient conditions are met at a specific time and place, he can be dismembered into a fairy.

In mythology, many gods are dissected to become immortals. For example, Tieguai Li and Cao Guoshu among the Eight Immortals, if they did not practice enough in their first life, they were dissected, and then reincarnated to continue practicing until they accumulated enough cultivation to officially become immortals.

But Gao Zhuo is different, he is a zombie, not in the five elements, even if he is a corpse immortal, he is also not in the five elements.

"This guy is really lucky!"

Seeing the changes in Gao Zhuo's body, Xu Tong couldn't help feeling happy for him, but he couldn't help but think of another person.

"I don't know what the princess is doing now."

As soon as Xu Tong thought about it, he didn't know that a desperate chase was going on in a script world of an unknown era.

The three players quickly rushed out of the valley on a piece of flying paper, but they were full of panic at the moment, because they were the ones being hunted down.

"How can there be such a perverted woman in this script world? All skills are invalid for her?"

"Who knows, this bitch is too ruthless, the idiot head of the regiment tried to suppress her with Buddhism, but in the end she was torn in half, and all the blood was drained from her body!"

The three of them were embarrassed, and looked back from time to time to make sure that the demon girl did not catch up.

The leader of the group they were talking about was the quasi-first-line expert in the Fanjingshan team. He had three +9 high-level item cards in his hands. He heard that he made a mistake, so he was assigned to be the leader of the group.

Among the players, this is definitely a first-class master.

However, such a master was torn to pieces under everyone's shocked eyes.

Other players wanted to attack, but the result was that everyone's jaws dropped. The opponent was not only immune to all item card skills, but could even directly control the space.

As a result, more than ten people were killed in an instant, and the three of them were also shocked. When they realized that the situation was wrong, they immediately released flying papers to escape.

"No, we have been flying for so long, why are we still in this valley, are you sure the direction is correct??"

Suddenly, the player who controlled the flying paper noticed something was wrong. His flying paper was modified to not only be able to bear the weight of three people, but also several times faster than ordinary flying paper. But now they have been flying for so long , at least a hundred kilometers away, but they didn't even fly out of this valley?

Just when the three of them were puzzled by this.

There was a faint sneer from behind: "I know that I can control the space, but how can I let you escape!"

Hearing the laughter, the three of them looked as pale as paper. Following the sound, they saw a beautiful figure on the cliff of the valley in front of them walking slowly towards them.

Those bare feet stepped lightly on the void, like walking on flat ground, and she was dressed in ethereal white clothes, like a fairy in a mural.

But none of the three dared to have any blasphemous thoughts, they just felt cold all over, and the blood in their whole body was about to freeze.

"Forgive me, we didn't do it on purpose, it's all their idea to hit you, it has nothing to do with us!"

When the three of them arrived at this moment, they kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Seeing this, the woman just raised her chin contemptuously, but she didn't kill him right away, she just asked, "Do you recognize a man named Xu Tong?"

"Xu Tong??"

The three were startled and looked at each other. Someone said boldly, "Does he have another name? Our players have many names."

"Well, Zhang Haisheng, Li Bo, Ma Hongwen..."

The woman said so many names in one breath, which made the three of them covered their heads, but when one of them heard Li Bo, he suddenly remembered something, and screamed excitedly: "Oh, Qimen, for Qimen, I know, he People from the Seven Gates, right, we recognize it, we recognize it."

The woman's eyes immediately softened a lot when she heard the words, and when she was about to continue asking, the woman suddenly couldn't hold back and sneezed.

For a moment Yumei frowned slightly, pinched her fingers and counted, and suddenly she was in a good mood: "This guy, it's rare to think of me!"

After finishing speaking, the woman ignored the three of them, turned around and left, just when the three of them thought they were lucky to survive, the void in front of them suddenly collapsed, and the next moment, the terrifying space turbulence tore the three of them into pieces...

(End of this chapter)

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