Infinite script kill

Chapter 1080 Destiny is not as fragrant as shit

Chapter 1080 Destiny is not as fragrant as shit


When a group of people came down from the Power Witch Hall, Gao Zhuo and the others felt refreshed and indescribably comfortable.

Everyone has changed from a big fat man to a tall, rich and handsome man, except of course Gu Xibai.

Wu Zu, who sent Xu Tong and others down the mountain, stared at them like a monster the whole time.

Under the blessing of the Great Tripod, Gao Zhuo has completed the life-and-death practice against life and death, and became a corpse immortal, which is already incredible.

But it will be even more terrifying when Gu Xibai raises the tripod and attracts changes in the world.

Thousands of stars are woven into a unique heaven and earth texture to bless it, which has never been seen in hundreds of years.

Even Li Zu was alarmed and came to watch the ceremony in person.

Seeing the starlight bathing Gu Xibai, Li Zu screamed angrily: "This broken tripod is very biased, I'm going to smash it sooner or later!!"

He has lifted the tripod seven times in his life, and he is already a leader among his peers, but none of them can arouse the resonance of the nine tripods.

Now an outsider raised the tripod, which actually resonated with the tripod. It really made him stomp his feet in anger, and he was no longer as calm as he was talking to Xu Tong and the others just now.

Seeing this, all the witch ancestors also bowed their heads silently, full of shame, even if Li Zu was like this, let alone them.

"That's all, it's also due to this kid's luck."

After a while, Li Zu stopped worrying about it. Before that, Gu Xi was as fat as Qiu, and he didn't see any difference in this kid.

At this moment, the energy in the body was completely refined with the help of Jiuding, and after it merged into the physical body, Li Zu saw the way of this kid.

The other party is not a witch, but has a body comparable to that of the ancestor of the witch. The acupoints in his body are like a star map, which attracts the stars upwards and grounds the earth. It is no wonder that Jiuding is willing to resonate with him and bring him great benefits.

Thinking of this, the imbalance in Li Zu's heart disappeared, but he still muttered: "If it wasn't for the special circumstances, time is running out, you must catch this kid and become my apprentice."

Followed by Hagrid and Chang Wuzhi, the two are well-behaved, but they have already surpassed many Wu tribe warriors.

It wasn't until Li Bo, the god of shit luck, appeared on the stage that everyone's three views were refreshed again.

"Head, isn't this thing stressful?"

Li Bo looked at the falling cauldron, feeling a little uncertain, but Xu Tong kicked him on the buttocks: "You can lift it as soon as you let it. There is so much nonsense, and I will definitely give you a big chance."

Li Bo rubbed his buttocks, walked to the bronze tripod in front of him, took a deep breath, and put his hands on the tripod.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, this guy began to lift the tripod with all his strength.

Li Bo's face suddenly turned red, the veins on his arms squirmed, and his feet were spread apart like roots of old trees.

But the bronze tripod in front of him didn't move at all.

Not even rising from the ground.


Seeing this scene, the ancestors of the Liwu Temple who were watching the excitement couldn't help laughing.

"It shouldn't be. Li Bo is also an Earth Immortal. With a full set of natural blessings, even if he is not good at strength, he should be able to lift this tripod without any problem?" Chang Wuzhi felt something was wrong.

Gao Zhuo scratched his head: "Li Bo, stop pretending, hurry up and lift hard!!"

Faced with Gao Zhuo's urging, Li Bo didn't respond, but held his breath and pushed up with all his strength.

Not to mention that the two felt something was wrong, even Xu Tong and Gu Xibai felt the same way, Xu Tong did not go to lift the tripod.

He had just broken through to the Celestial Immortal, and it was the time when he needed to accumulate strength. Lifting the tripod might help him, but it was tantamount to counterproductive.

But Gu Xibai has lifted a tripod before, the tripod itself is not heavy, what is heavy is that it consumes a lot of potential in the process of lifting it.

So Gu Xibai thought about it, and thought of a possibility: "You said, could it be that Li Bo's potential is too high, so it's hard to raise it?"

As soon as these words came out, Lizu and the others burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Li Zu waved his hands and laughed loudly: "I've never heard of it. The potential can be so high that even if it is a peerless genius who is rarely seen in a thousand years, there is absolutely no reason for it."

"In my opinion, he simply can't lift it up, or else forget it, even if he barely lifts it up, but if his potential is not enough, it will harm him instead."

A witch ancestor said, although Xu Tong and his group are already very powerful, but the strength of this little fat man is not like the peerless genius they said.

"Yeah, otherwise forget it. There are not a few cases where someone forcibly lifted the tripod in recent years, but because of insufficient accumulation, they died suddenly."

Another witch ancestor spoke out to persuade him out of good intentions, and he didn't want to see Li Bo, a fat man, die in vain.

It's just that Xu Tong felt that Gu Xibai's words made sense after hearing the words.

How much potential Li Bo has, I dare not say that I can see it clearly. This kid has a part of the skills of Xu Lai and Xiao Leshan, two great earth immortals, and has gained so many benefits. It is a joke to say that he has no potential.

Now that Li Bo can't lift it up, there must be another reason.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong said to Li Bo in the team channel: "Don't use brute force, use all your available skills, don't even let go of your own title skills, even if you resist hard today, You have to carry this cauldron for me too, or... I'll treat you to stewed noodles!"

Hearing the word braised noodles, Li Bo almost trembled his legs and sat down on the ground. It was a nightmare he couldn't shake off.

Now Li Bo didn't dare to be vague at all, and shouted: "Get up!"

All of a sudden, strands of green life surged from under Li Bo's feet, and the power of nature enveloped Li Bo's body. The roar of beasts, the wrath of nature, and the endless life force from the earth poured into Li Bo's body continuously.

The emerald natural light is the inheritance of the Druid sect.

Under the shroud of all the bright lights, Li Bo's body raised a mysterious natural aura, and he turned into a priest of nature.


Now the expressions of Li Zu and the others changed subtly, the power felt a bit like Li Wu.

Li Wu is one of the nine witches. What he is good at is the power of nature, and he can cultivate all kinds of weird poisonous and Gu insects through the power of nature.

Among the nine witches, Li Wu is probably the most unprovoked one. Although this kid does not have Li Wu's inheritance, the original power is the natural force that Li Wu values ​​most.

"That's a bit hard to say!"

Now Lizu was a little confused.


At this moment, Li Bo roared and actually lifted the cauldron. Although it was only an inch, the moment the cauldron was lifted, the whole city of Anyi trembled.

"Boom rumble..."

Numerous restrictions were triggered in the city, but no foreign enemies invaded, but the whole city was shaking violently.

"How is this going??"

For a while, everyone didn't know what happened, and Li Zu was even more surprised. He didn't know how this kid raised a tripod and made such a big commotion, which actually stirred up the energy of the whole Anyi city.

Just when Li Zu was startled, suddenly a green fluorescent light shot straight into the sky in the distance, making a deafening rumbling sound.

"It's the direction of Li Wu Temple!"

Several ancestor shamans looked over and saw emerald light covering the sky, forming a huge stream of life rushing towards this side.

This air flow directly fell into the cauldron above Li Bo's head, and the copper rust on the cauldron immediately receded, revealing a mysterious luster.

The emerald divine light gradually condensed, turning into a phantom of a green tripod on the tripod.

"Ding on Ding."

Seeing this scene, Lizu and the others almost popped their eyes.

"My aunt's grandma, this guy is actually going to hold a double tripod!"

"Co-author, I couldn't lift it before, it's really because his potential is too great, even a single tripod can't help his digestion potential, we need the blessing of double tripods!!"

A shaman's jaw dropped in shock, and he just felt that he had been pierced by a knife in his ass today.

But it didn't end there, followed by a scene that made their scalps tingle even more.

With the appearance of the second cauldron, another golden light flew out from the Tianwu Temple in the distance and came straight towards it.


Now Lizu's scalp is numb.

When the golden light fell on the second tripod, Li Bo felt that the top of his head sank, and there was another tripod.

Now, not to mention Li Zu, even Xu Tong himself felt his scalp tingling, looking at the stunned Li Zu and others, he asked, "Is this... normal??"

"Normal? My dad crawled out of the grave and gave me two slaps, that's normal!"

Li Zu rolled his eyes, this kind of thing was unheard of, never seen before, at least he had never heard of it in his life.

It's just that these words can't be said out loud, Li Zu coughed lightly, and wiped the sweat off his forehead: "This,, it's normal..."

After the words fell, a crimson ray of light struck again in the distance, and another ray of cauldron light unexpectedly emerged.

This is the three tripods overlapping.

"Yeah, Lizu, what the hell are you doing to make my divine cauldron tremble and make strange noises?" Before the people arrived, the sound came first.

At the same time, several figures broke through the air and rushed towards the Hall of Power Witches in unison.

Xu Tong and the others were startled, the four of them were three men and one woman, their auras were like raging waves, and their auras were not much different from their own.

Several ancestor shamans immediately bowed to salute, but the four of them turned a blind eye and ran towards them with big strides. They took a closer look, and when they saw Li Bo holding the tripod, their eyeballs were about to pop out.

Li Zu hurriedly introduced these four people to Xu Tong.

The four are Ling Zu, You Zu, Li Zu, and Hua Zu.

The four of them looked at Xu Tong and the others, and their eyes immediately lit up, but after Li Zu introduced them, the four of them were relieved, and after smiling and nodding at Xu Tong, they focused their eyes on Li Bo's body.

It seems that at this moment, the identities of outsiders like Xu Tong are not important to them. On the contrary, this dark-looking fat man is more attractive than Xu Tong and the others.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Lingzu exclaimed in amazement, holding three tripods at the same time, he had never heard of this kind of strangeness, and it was worthwhile to see it today.

"It's a pity that this source of life doesn't come to our Li Wu Palace."

Li Zu is an old woman, but she looks like she is only in her [-]s, but Li Zu and others want to call her grandma, which shows that the real age of this old lady is probably older than Augustu .

"Since you can lift three tripods, why can't you lift a few more!!"

Huazu watched Li Bo struggling to lift the big tripod above his head slowly, looked carefully at Li Bo, squinted his eyes, and made a gesture with his fingers: "Little guy, let me help you!"

After Huazu finished speaking, he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of gray-white light that hit Li Bo. Immediately, Li Bo felt a heat in his chest, and his plump face trembled. The tripod light flew over and landed on top of Li Bo's head impartially.

"You old bastard, do you want to kill him!"

Seeing that the fourth cauldron was about to fall, Li Zu's face darkened, and he cursed with displeasure, but after he finished cursing, Li Zu took off a green leaf from his sleeve and flung it lightly at Li Bo: "Since you are helping me, let me help you!" Just help to the end, I also want to see if this kid can attract Jiuding."

This brilliant green leaf was like an elf, spinning around Li Bo, and then poured out a large amount of natural force into Li Bo's body.

Good guy, these people don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement. Seeing that Li Bo attracted the sympathy of other Jiuding, they simply filled a handful of firewood, trying to make the fire more vigorous.

Xu Tong and his party stood by and watched, dumbfounded for a while.

Knowing that this guy is the king of shit luck, I didn't expect this guy to be unlucky, but once he was lucky, he would be out of control.

Xu Tong instantly felt that his book of destiny was not good.

Adding destiny also has a negative effect.

Shit luck is not negative at all.

The most important thing is that this kind of shit luck and misfortune belong to the same nature, basically there is no way to control it, and there is no way to observe it.

With Li Zu's blessing, emerald green lines appeared on Li Bo's body, and his body quickly lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's just that at the same time, another tripod light flew from the direction of the Youwu Temple. This time, the five tripods added to his body, even if Li Bo tried his best to bite his gums, he couldn't lift the five tripods at once. .

"No, Li Bo can't bear it if this goes on like this!"

Seeing that Li Bo was starting to lose strength, Xu Tong and the others suddenly became nervous.

Once the cauldron is lifted, there is absolutely no reason to put it down halfway. Once it is relaxed, it may even be directly smashed by the cauldron and cause serious injuries, or even be killed on the spot.

"Hey, the old man can help him too!"

Seeing that Li Bo was about to be beaten to death by these witch ancestors, Li Zu had no choice but to make a move. He raised the tip of his fingernail, and a drop of golden blood overflowed from his fingertip.

The blood was like the sun, burning on Lizu's fingertips.

Xu Tong and Gu Xibai couldn't help looking at each other. At first, they couldn't see the depth of Li Zu, but felt that Li Zu was more like an ordinary person without cultivation.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized how badly he was blind. The power contained in this drop of blood was comparable to a golden elixir.

With Li Zu flicking lightly, this grain of golden blood turned into golden light and penetrated into Li Bo's body.

Now Li Bo's whole body was hot, as if he was about to be ignited, he kicked his legs, exerted all his strength, and lifted the five tripods above his head high.

Seeing this, Lingzu and Youzu couldn't help being a little moved, and they were planning to make a move to see if they could attract two more big cauldrons.

But it was stopped by Li Zu in a hurry, the five cauldrons were already at the limit, if he continued to increase, I'm afraid this little fat man would not be able to hold on.

"What are you afraid of? With me here, if he can't hold on, I must have a way to save him!"

Lingzu is good at witchcraft for the soul, even if a person is dead, he has a way to bring them back to life.

Although the process was somewhat troublesome, it was not difficult for him to revive a person who had just died.

Youzu laughed hoarsely at the side: "Hey, even if it is smashed into meat paste, I can make it up again for him."

These two people are purely here to fight the fire, I wish Li Bo could summon all the nine tripods and come out with a legend about the nine tripods in one fell swoop.

Ke Lizu still resolutely stopped them, cursing angrily; "I don't care about this fat man's life or death, but if the Jiuding is really smashed down, I'm afraid my Li Wu Temple will be finished, whoever the **** messes up again, I will start a formation to blast his mother."

Seeing Li Zu's attack, the two had no choice but to give up, regretting that it was too late.

Fortunately, Li Zu stopped them, otherwise the two of them would really succeed, I'm afraid Li Bo had to experience it today, what it means to cry with joy.

Five tripods was already the limit, every time Li Bo gritted his teeth and lifted it up with all his strength, it felt like the bones in his body were about to split.

But his physical body is also transforming at an extremely fast speed at this moment, and the skills injected into his body by Xu Lai and Xiao Leshan before have been completely digested.

The energy obtained in Xu Tong's Great Sun Ruyi Furnace has also been completely absorbed.

If it weren't for the blessings of Li Zu, Li Zu, and Hua Zu, Li Bo would have been unable to hold on.


Feeling that he was about to be unable to support himself, Li Bo's forehead was bulging with blue veins, and he mobilized all the strength of his whole body to lift up until he raised his arms above his head.

Suddenly, the shadows of the four big tripods built on the tripod gradually turned into streamers of light and penetrated into his body.

At this moment, Li Bo felt so refreshed that he could fly up. This lifting of the cauldron can temper his own potential, and the moment he lifts the big cauldron, all the pain will disappear.

It is unprecedented for Li Bo to lift the five tripods in one breath, but the pain and income are also surprisingly huge.

For a moment, I saw the glowing green glow gushing out from Li Bo. Under the green divine light, Li Bo seemed to be a different person, his whole body would start to turn into elements, and his palms turned into flames.

The feet blend into the ground.

There was a surge of power in the chest in an instant, and with Li Bo's shout, the powerful life force burst out completely, engulfing him whole.

"Force of Nature, High Priest of the Elements!"

Following Li Bo's roar, his physical body also underwent tremendous changes. His body turned into infinite elemental power, and he changed the attributes of the elements at will with his thoughts.


After the shadows of the four tripods on the bronze tripod had dispersed, Li Bo walked out under the joyful and expectant eyes of everyone.

I saw that his physical body turned into crystal power at this moment, it can be turned into rainwater for a while, and it can be covered with hot flames for a while. It is ever-changing and can control the power of nature at will.

Li Bo even had a strong feeling that he seemed to be the master of all things in nature at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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