Chapter 1081
"Hahahaha, I just said that the brothers are all dragons and phoenixes among the people, and it is true."

After Xu Tong and others walked down the gate of the Liwu Temple, Xing Tian Dafeng also chased after him.

This guy ran quickly, his aura was completely different from before, obviously he had regained his own strength.

The power of the seventh-rank witch ancestor is enough for him to trouble his enemies.

"Let's go, let's go back to drink, if you don't get drunk today, you won't go home."

Xing Tian Dafeng said that he was going to take Xu Tong and the others home.

But this time Xu Tong refused.

"Thank you for your kindness, but we have other things to do next, so we won't bother you anymore."

From Li Zu's mouth, I learned that this world will be destroyed in a few months. Although I don't know how it will be destroyed, there is not much time left for them.

Now that Gao Zhuo and the others had absorbed the huge energy, Xu Tong wanted to go straight to Mount Tai.

He has a strong intuition that it seems that the root of all problems lies on Mount Tai where he can find the answers he wants.

What's more, if he stays again, he will actually be used as a gun by Xing Tian Dafeng. Xu Tong would have considered it in the past, but forget it now.

But he still promised Xingtian Dafeng that he would come back, because Li Bo was still here.

Li Bo had eaten all he could eat this time, Li Zu looked at this little fat man, and he fell in love with him from the bottom of his heart.

Say something to take people away and train them well.

Even if he knew that Li Bo was an outsider, he also knew that time in this world was running out, but Li Zu's idea was very simple, that is, to teach this little fat man Li Wu's methods within the limited time.

Seeing Li Zu hugging Li Bo and not letting go, Xu Tong thought that this was also Li Bo's chance, and besides, Li Bo had a teleportation beacon in his hand, which could teleport back to the Sun Battleship at any time, so he nodded and agreed, agreeing that at the latest After three months, if Li Bo didn't go back, he would pick him up in person.

In fact, several ancestors of the witch religion were very optimistic about Gao Zhuo and others. For example, Li Zu wanted Gu Xibai to stay, You Zu was attracted to Chang Wuzhi, and Gao Zhuo was favored by Hua Zu. up.

But after the three of them discussed for a while, they still didn't agree.

No one dared to say that the trip to Mount Tai was a blessing or a curse. Since they had to go there no matter what, they should accompany them to the end.

"In this way, I will wait for you to come back at home. At that time, I will also let Lao Tzu perform for you. What is a means!"

"Okay, I will definitely watch it myself when the time comes."

After Xu Tong and Xing Tian Dafeng bid farewell, they used the teleportation beacon and returned directly to the Sun Battleship.

Then he drove the Sun Battleship and went straight to Mount Tai in the East.

Mount Tai was called Mount Tai in ancient times. It is majestic and majestic, elegant and handsome, with stone docks and pines. At a glance, it is larger and more magnificent than it is in reality.

"Look over there!"

Gao Zhuo pointed to the distance, but he saw that the sun was shining on Mount Tai on one side, full of vitality, but on the other side, the vegetation was withered and everything withered.

The mountain is one yin and one yang, and there are many ghosts and ghosts walking towards Mount Tai.

"It is rumored that Mount Tai has been known as the god of life and death since ancient times, and it is also recorded in the history of gods that Mount Tai was the god of life and death for all things long before Empress Houtu incarnated in Six Paths."

A-mei looked at the huge mountain in front of her, with curiosity and some awe in her eyes.

As one of the oldest second-generation gods, Lord Taishan has never exploited slaves before other creatures.

On the contrary, there is a maverick style of conduct among the gods.

Rumor has it that after Empress Houtu incarnated in Six Paths, Netherland caused countless forces to chase and compete.

There are many demon kings who have the strength to crush the gods.

The gods fought, and there was a sea of ​​blood.

The Fujun sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, and never made a move, until seeing that the underworld became more and more chaotic, the gods had no choice but to ask the Fujun to come out of the mountain.

Afterwards, the lord of the government suppressed the great kings of the five directions, suppressed the sea of ​​blood, took over Fengdu and opened the Underworld, settled in a secluded mountain, stabilized the six realms of reincarnation, and formulated the calendar of life and death.

During this period, the gods from all sides tried their best to intervene in it, but even though their hands were inserted, they could not shake the position of Fujun at all.

On the contrary, after years, the position of Fu Jun has become more and more stable until it cannot be shaken.

In the end, on the important joint of Shihuang's pacification of the world, he completely got rid of the constraints of the gods with the four characters of Fengchan Taishan.

Even in the script world, the gods dare not make plans for Netherland, which is why, the time point of the script world is constantly changing, but the time for Netherland has never changed because of the script world.

A-mei talked about the records in the history of the gods, and she couldn't help admiring the legendary prince in her heart.

But I don't know what Amei suddenly thought of, and she looked like a smile but not a smile.

Seeing that she had a different look, Xu Tong couldn't help looking at him suspiciously. A-mei hesitated to speak, but she didn't dare to say anything. She just walked behind Xu Tong and quietly wrote a line of small characters on Xu Tong's back.


These Xu Tong also couldn't help grinning.

She slapped Amei's buttocks, and said angrily: "You dare to make up such unfounded things, you must have eaten your heart and leopard's guts."

A-mei stuck out her tongue and made a strange face: "I didn't say anything."

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words were said, there was a muffled thunderclap in the sky, which made Amei turn pale, tremble for a while, and ran into the cabin without looking back.

While running, he muttered: "Don't blame the little girl Wuxin, don't blame the emperor, don't blame the emperor!"

"Head, sister-in-law, what's the matter??"

Gao Zhuo and others saw that Amei was behaving strangely, so they couldn't help looking at Xu Tong.

It turns out that my sister once read the history of the gods, and when she watched the section about Lord Taishan, she found that she didn't know who was bold and mischievous, but she added another touch to the history of the gods by using graffiti.

A-mei didn't dare to say the original text, but dared to write it on Xu Tong's back, which probably meant that the Fujun was having an affair with Yincao's empress, who never showed her face.

Only then did he suddenly laugh.

Of course, even Xu Tong didn't dare to say this, and it was clear at a glance that some desperate guy was arranging the emperor.

This kind of thing can't be true if you think about it, but...Xu Tong suddenly remembered that he was at the top of Youshan Mountain and had entered the emperor's room.

It seems that when he saw some books that he shouldn't have seen in the room, his expression was a little weird, as if this message may not be groundless...

Although Mount Tai is high, it is not unattainable, and the Sun Battleship can even jump over it, but considering that this is the emperor's ashram, Xu Tong dare not be so arrogant. with.

So when we got close to Mount Tai, let the Sun Battleship go down, let Chang Wuju, Master, Hagrid, A-Mei, Amota, and others stay on the battleship, and he took Gu Xibai and Gao Zhuo to climb the mountain on foot. .

It is said that in this era, few people would come to Mount Tai.

But there is a bluestone path in the mountain stream for people to climb the mountain.

I saw crystals and jasper scattered everywhere on the hillside, radiating dazzling brilliance in the sun.

Surging waterfalls fly down from the top of the mountain, forming a small clear lake at the foot of the mountain.

The breeze blows, and the splashing water floats away with the wind, bringing coolness to the valley.

"Someone is coming, someone is coming!"

There was a sound of children playing in the forest. Xu Tong took a closer look and saw a group of fat dolls with red bellybands on them. They looked very cute and chubby.

"Why are there so many dolls here?"

A golden light flashed in Gu Xibai's pupils, and Martial Dao's golden eyes scanned these fat babies, even Gu Xibai was taken aback by this look.

Then what kind of fat dolls are there, all of them are radishes... no, ginseng-infused vegetation elves.

I don't know how much spiritual energy of heaven and earth they have received here, and each of them is about to catch up with the big radish in the northeast.


Hearing that these dolls turned out to be made from ginseng, Gao Zhuo couldn't help but swallowed: "It must be very nourishing."

"It's hard to catch. It would be nice if Li Bo was around."

Xu Tong nodded, but he didn't intend to do anything. These ginseng dolls are born to know the art of earth escape, and they have been entrenched here for an unknown number of years. It is not easy to catch them.

The most important thing is that I can't smash the emperor's dojo to pieces just to catch a few ginseng dolls.

If Li Bo was present at this time, things would be much easier to handle.

It's a pity that Li Bo was taken away by Li Zu. I don't know if this little fat man is lying in Li Zu's arms and eating grapes, or he is being trained by Li Zu.

"It would be nice if we could abduct a few beauties from the Li nationality by the way." Xu Tong thought to himself.

In this valley, apart from the ginseng boys who can be seen everywhere, there are many unknown vegetation elves.

As Xu Tong walked along, he suddenly felt worthless for Dan Jing. If this guy saw these elixirs that had been cultivated to look like a boy in human form, he probably wouldn't have given up his obsession so early.

The three of them continued to walk towards the mountain along the bluestone path, getting deeper and deeper, but instead of climbing up the mountain, they gradually entered the valley.

The small flowers of different colors on both sides continuously exude a faint refreshing fragrance.

The sika deer wanders leisurely in the valley, and the tiger, which humans have always considered ferocious and cruel, actually walks in the valley benevolently.

Rainbow-colored long-winged birds and white cranes fly freely over the valley.In the middle of the valley there is a simple thatched hut.

Looking from afar, I saw a Taoist man, holding a roll of books in his hands and reading intently. The Taoist man stood in the center of the valley, and he didn't look awkward at all. He was wearing a blue Taoist robe and his hair was raised high. It was so natural, as if they were part of this valley.

"Could this person be the legendary Fujun?"

Gao Zhuo widened his eyes, wanting to see the true face of the Fujun.

Gu Xibai was panting even more, and tried to slow down his pace as much as possible, for fear of offending the lord.

Xu Tong was not sure, because he had never really seen the true face of the Great Emperor. At the top of Youshan Mountain, he only saw an old man, and the other party did not admit that he was the Great Emperor.

But when Xu Tong took a few steps closer, his pupils froze suddenly: "It's really him!"

"Head, are you sure?"

"It's definitely true!"

Xu Tong nodded, staring at the book in Taoist's hand, and saw the words "Youxian Cave" written on it.

(End of this chapter)

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