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Chapter 1082 1 Cup of Tea

Chapter 1082 A Cup Of Tea
Youxian Cave, this book should not have appeared in this era.

It seems to be a novel that only appeared in the Tang Dynasty. Xu Tong can't remember exactly who wrote it.

But the content of this book belongs to the eighteen forbidden types.

Although men's love for this kind of thing is common, but thinking of the novels he read in the emperor's bedroom, Xu Tong will inevitably have an illusion. The great emperor sitting on Youshan.

Even if it is a step back, if the person in front of him is not the Lord Taishan, he must be related, at least the hobbies are the same.

Immediately, the three of them looked at each other, then walked towards the Taoist and bowed their hands together.

"Meet the Lord!"

The Taoist was slightly taken aback, and turned his head to look at the three of them with a strange expression. Then he realized that someone was really coming, his expression froze, and he quickly hid the book in his hand behind his back.

"Ahem, Fujun? The three of you may have misunderstood the person. I am not Fujun."

The Taoist coughed lightly at first to cover up his embarrassment, and then he categorically denied that he was the Lord of Mount Tai, Xu Tong and the others were not surprised by this.

As Xu Tong thought before, even if this person is not Taishanfu Lord, he must have some connection with Taishanfu Lord.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong stepped forward and didn't try to explain who the Taoist was, but said, "Since that's the case, I haven't asked Your Excellency for your honorable name yet."

"Haha, coincidence, I was still thinking about my name just now, after thinking about it, there is a poem, I can tell my name."

The Taoist man has red teeth and white teeth, and his smile is very beautiful. He can only hear his loud voice rippling in the valley.

"In one life, there are three thousand gods in the primordial world, and in the second generation, all things are born in the beginning of time.

Heaven respects me as the Father God, and Earth calls me Rangximother. "

This poem is so arrogant that it dares to make the heaven respect his father and the earth call his mother, but it does not make people feel arrogant when recited by a Taoist, it seems to be a matter of course.

Even the breeze in the valley is rippling, and the forest leaves are beating, making soft sounds that seem to testify to this poem.

Xu Tong and the others stared wide-eyed, looking at the Taoist in front of them for a while, but saw that the figure of the Taoist was changing.

One second he was a Taoist, but the next second he turned into a pretty nun, in a moment he turned into an old man, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a urchin again.

When the three of them rubbed their eyes again, the Taoist figure was still there, but the face had made them unable to tell whether it was real or not.

But one thing is for sure, this person is too outrageous, probably even more terrifying than the second generation of gods.

No, Xu Tong even felt that even his cheap uncle, Kong, and even a generation of gods like Nishen were far less mysterious than this Taoist.

Just as Xu Tong and the others were surprised, the Taoist blinked at Xu Tong: "Can you guess who I am?"

Xu Tong shook his head numbly, thinking: "How can I guess that?"

Seeing that Xu Tong couldn't guess it, the Taoist smiled and said, "Forget it, if you can't guess it, then don't guess it, you will know later."

After the Taoist finished speaking, he looked behind Xu Tong. After seeing Gu Xibai and Gao Zhuo, a smile appeared on his face:

"The two of you came here because of fate, but you can go to the east and west, one left and one right, and there is a fruit tree on each side. This fruit tree grows strangely, high into the clouds, with only one leaf and one fruit. You two can take it by chance. Break it open after you get it, and you can know your fate!"

Gu Xibai and Gao Zhuo were startled when they heard the words, and soon understood what the Taoist meant.

This obviously meant to send them both away.

Although the two were reluctant, the Taoist in front of them made them feel unfathomable and terrifying. Even if the two disagreed, there was a way to make them go away.

So the two discussed it, then Gu Xibai walked to the left, Gao Zhuo walked to the right.

After the two left, the Taoist waved his sleeves and called out a tea table, and after motioning for Xu Tong to sit down, he burned charcoal and boiled water.

"Senior, I'm here for one thing, please understand!"

Xu Tong waited for the two to leave before he opened his mouth to explain why he came.

The Taoist waved his hand, but he signaled to Xu Tong that he already knew: "The people who come to me almost say the same thing as you, and they all come to ask for understanding. It's just that there are so many understandings in the world. I can give it to you." , it’s just a cup of tea, it’s up to you whether you understand it or not.”

As he spoke, the Taoist lightly plucked his fingers towards the void above his head, and with just a casual pinch, the space in front of his eyes was shattered. The two fingers seemed to span the heavens and worlds, and when they were lightly pulled on an old tree, the two crystal clear The clear young leaves are pinched at the fingertips.

Every leaf is different, gorgeous brilliance, it is so peculiar, every leaf is like a small world, shining brightly, like a dream.

The Taoist put two leaves in the teacup in front of Xu Tong, and said softly, "How many fruit trees do you think the two of you can find?"

"How many?"

Xu Tong froze for a moment, thought for a moment: "Two?"

The two of them are on the left and the right, at least they can find two fruit trees.

But the Taoist shook his head and said: "There are thousands of roads, but if you keep going, you will only converge on one point in the end."

Hearing what the Taoist said, Xu Tong frowned: "You mean, they will come together in the end and find a fruit tree?"

The Taoist did not explain, and poured the hot water into the teacup.

When the hot water falls into the teacup, a fresh fragrance rises immediately, full of life and Dao rhyme. The two tea leaves in the teacup dance lightly, blending together like Tai Chi yin and yang fish, mysterious and profound.

The Taoist then made a gesture of invitation to Xu Tong.

Xu Tong looked at the tea in front of him, and instead of drinking it directly, he put it in his hand under the bridge of his nose and sniffed a few sips of the tea.

"What kind of tea is this?"

"No name, I picked it at random."

"Then... what's the effect of drinking it?" Xu Tong asked persistently.

The Taoist thought for a while, then shook his head, and said with an innocent look on his face: "I don't know, some people will become enlightened after drinking it, and some people will go crazy after drinking it. Afterwards, he yelled at me."

The Taoist put his hands in his pockets, thinking of the appearance of the people who came here to drink tea, he suddenly felt a little funny.

As soon as Xu Tong heard it, he immediately became energetic: "Who has drunk that?"

It was just a casual question, but the Taoist in front of him shook his body: "Sir, there are not many people who can come here to drink this cup of tea."

Obviously not everyone is qualified to drink this cup of tea, Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai are not qualified, so they were dismissed by the Taoist.

Xu Tong reckoned that only those who have [source] can drink this cup of tea.

At this time, the Taoist continued: "There is a woman named Xiwangmu who stood here after drinking tea and scolded me for a few days."

"Western Queen?"

Xu Tong was really surprised by this name. He didn't expect that among the people who came here to drink tea, there was the Queen Mother of the West.

Doesn't that mean that this person existed at least in the era before the Queen Mother of the West?Could it be that he is a generation of gods?
But when he thought of the poems that this person had just recited, Xu Tong didn't feel like it. It seemed that this person was more unfathomable than a generation of gods.

I just don't know why the Queen Mother of the West yelled at the Taoist after drinking the cup of tea.

But the names that the Taoist said next made Xu Tong's heart skip a beat.

"A girl named Houtu came here later. After drinking this tea, she just let out a sigh and left. I have a good impression of this girl. Do you know how she is doing now?"

The Taoist asked Xu Tong.

Xu Tong remembered what his sister had said to him, and he couldn't help saying casually: "My husband and the child are hot on the kang, it's okay."

"The mansion you came to look for, after drinking, sat here for a long time without saying a word, and then left, but I saw that he was very happy when he left."

"These are from earlier times, and there are a few others that I don't remember very well."

At this time, the Taoist suddenly remembered something, and slapped his head: "By the way, there was a man named Kong Ren who once came here. After drinking this cup of tea, this guy became crazy."

"The magic stick has also come!"

Xu Tong's heart was shocked, and he couldn't help being taken aback. He didn't expect his cheap uncle to come to this kind of place. Could it be that he was also the owner of [Source]?
But what did he see after drinking this cup of tea?
Could it be that his personality change has something to do with this cup of tea?
Thinking of this, Xu Tong became more and more curious, what was hidden in the cup of tea in his hand?
In doubt, Xu Tong took a deep breath and drank the tea in his hand, wanting to see the mystery in the tea.

Although the tea is steaming, it does not feel hot in the mouth, but is cool and sweet.

It's just that the aftertaste is gradually becoming a bit bitter.

It's just that other than that, there is nothing unusual.

Xu Tong frowned and put down the teacup in his hand, and when he looked up, he saw the Taoist staring at him eagerly.

"To be honest, this thing is not as good as iced black tea."

Xu Tong commented that the taste is a bit astringent, and he should have added some sugar if he knew it earlier.

The Taoist was stunned for a moment: "Then I will add some sugar next time."

Xu Tong wanted to say something else, but when he opened his mouth, he found that his mouth became numb, and immediately after his head became dizzy, a strong sense of drowsiness hit him, like an ordinary person who hadn't slept for days and nights, His head suddenly went dark, and he fell asleep on the table.

Seeing this, the Taoist grinned, took out the book that he hadn't finished reading just now from his sleeve, sat aside and started reading again: "Hey, where did I see it..."

 Tomorrow's New Year's Eve, I'm going to go to the countryside to visit my grandmother in the morning, and go home to watch my parents at night, so I took a day off, and after that, I will update normally for seven days during the New Year. Women's clothing live broadcast to pay off debts, please join the group to watch the news.

(End of this chapter)

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