Infinite script kill

Chapter 108 Claiming Compensation

Chapter 108 Asking for Compensation (There are three more changes tonight)

Accompanied by a loud bang, the entire lair was soon alarmed.

The building has a total of 68 floors, and several source virus candidates in the sky garden on the [-]th floor were still discussing what the child in the woman's belly, Tana, looked like, and an explosion occurred on the roof.

Even though the fire after the explosion was not big, the thick smoke billowed into the sky like wolf smoke, which still made many evolutionaries panic.

"It's a pity, it seems to me that it's a sky-high mansion."

Wang Jiaming raised his head and could see the thick clouds of smoke above their heads through the glass above his head. He couldn't help feeling a little regretful. Before he became the host of the source virus, he was a well-known domestic real estate investor, and he retained sporadic memories. Here, I still have a deep impression of this well-known building and the super mansion on the top.

Mustache squinted at him, frowned and said, "Let's get down to business, are you planning to give up like this? I don't think No. [-] can lead us to open up a new ethnic group."

"That's right, I'm not convinced!"

Chen Hai on the side was resentful for this, thinking that No. [-] was just lucky, besides, Tana was pregnant before the outbreak of the virus, and the child did not die immediately. This was just a coincidence with a very low probability. Nothing changed.

A large number of infected people are rapidly dying, and on the way here, he has discovered that some people in the human team have obtained enhancements and abilities through brain crystals.

And they are still rapidly gathering towards the east, which is what really worries them.

They who used to be humans know very well that human fecundity and adaptability are too strong. Once they gain a foothold, the balance of victory will definitely tilt towards them.

But No. [-] didn't think about it at all. His arrogant and domineering style didn't look like the bearing that a queen mother should have at all.

While the three of them were talking, suddenly No. [-] hurried past them with a dark face.

When passing by, No. [-] glanced at the three intentionally or unintentionally, and the cold eyes immediately made the hearts of the three thump.

Especially Chen Hai, who was still talking ill of No. [-] just now, subconsciously avoided No. [-]'s sharp gaze, and lowered his head guiltyly.

"Strange, No. [-]'s expression is not quite right." Wang Jiaming looked at No. [-]'s back in a hurry, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Maybe his wife died." Chen Hai remembered the look in the eyes that No. [-] had looked at him just now, and his heart became even more unhappy, and his words became harsh.

Wang Jiaming frowned when he heard the words, glanced at Chen Hai displeasedly, turned around and walked away, chanting as he walked: "It's the same root, why is it too urgent..."

Chen Hai was stunned when he heard the words, and then cursed for a moment: "Hey, you bastard son of a bitch, I've lost my mind for nothing."

Mustache wanted to say something else, but after hearing what he said, his face turned dark and he turned around and left.

Now Chen Hai was even more annoyed: "Bah, what, dare to think about it, do you really think of yourself as a human?"

After finishing speaking, he scolded angrily: "Where are my clothes!!"

An infected person hurriedly lowered his head to get it from the hanger, but just as he took off his clothes, he turned around and was almost hit by a fat man. There was a rustling sound on the sharp thin scales, and after glaring at the fat man, Hurry up and send the clothes up.

Xu Tong hid in the big fat belly, looked at the back of Chen Hai who took the clothes and left angrily, secretly laughed in his heart, and quickly left this place of right and wrong with the baby in his arms.

When he rushed back to the human captive area, he saw that there were already more than a dozen corpses in the open space of the captive area.

After all, there is not enough to eat here, and many people have only half breath left, and after being tossed by those evolutionaries, they burp on the spot.

Under the order of the old god stick, the corpse was doused with gasoline and burned together.

The fire ignited the corpses. Many people watched the flames burning in the flames, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of spit subconsciously. Some even stood up and wanted to get closer to the fire.

As a result, he was beaten back naturally by the thugs under the Shengun. Looking at the blank faces under the firelight, the old Godstick suddenly felt a little worried, because he knew that what was beaten back was the body, and what could not be beaten was the floating body. people's hearts.

What I'm afraid of is that after today, there will be a few more bones in those dark corners behind.

The old god stick sighed, turned around and went back to his cave, pretending that it was all out of sight.

As soon as he entered the cave, there was a familiar smell of cigars in the air, which immediately made the eyes of the old god stick brighten. He couldn't help but take a deep breath, quickened his pace and took a closer look. He was pleasantly surprised: "It really is you!!"

Seeing that Xu Tong was sitting on a chair waiting for him, the old god stick's eyes lit up, and he immediately leaned over to take a deep breath in the smoke cloud beside him, and his whole body became refreshed.

Apparently, after tasting half of the butt of a cigar left by Xu Tong, the old man suddenly felt that most of his previous life had been wasted. If he was given another cigar like this, he would even die.

He held his nose and sniffed for a while, not caring whether it was second-hand smoke or not.

"Hiss~~ah, comfortable!"

After taking two deep breaths of the old magic stick, he rallied and sat down, and asked Xu Tong, "What's the matter?"

This old man, a wicked man, never asked him about the last time he disappeared out of thin air when he opened his mouth. He was very clear about whether he should ask or not about some things.

Xu Tong nodded, and pushed the bag that was used to hold the fat man in front of the old man.

The old man hesitated for a while, opened the bag and took a look, his face turned ugly, he quickly tied up the bag, shook his head to Xu Tong and said: "No, no, you have seen my situation, and now those people outside have already His eyeballs are glowing green from hunger, if you leave this child alone, you might lose sight of it and become a piece of meat in someone else's pot."

"Look at this kid again, do you see any difference between him and ordinary kids?"

Seeing that the old man refused, Xu Tong was no exception, so he asked the old man to take a closer look at the baby.


Hearing this, the old man opened the pocket of the bag again, and simply took the child out completely and took a closer look at it by the light of the fire.


He looked at the baby carefully, let out a surprised sound for a moment, looked up at Xu Tong, and seemed to remember something when he was about to speak, hurriedly put the baby down carefully, stood up and walked out in a hurry.

He could vaguely hear the old man calling a few of his men outside the door, telling them to keep a close eye on the entrance of the cave so that no one could come in, then he hurried back and hugged the child in his arms.

"Where did this kid come from?"


Xu Tong did not conceal the baby's origin, and simply told the old man about Tana's situation.


Taking a breath of cold air, the old man hugged the child in his arms and exclaimed miracles: "Oh, I smoked your cigar, and I felt that the first half of my life was wasted. I saw this child, and then I realized that I learned the truth. A lifetime of biology turned out to be for this child."

He is full of melancholy, and he has two hobbies in his life, one is smoking and the other is studying biology.

Who knew, when the world was about to end, I finally found the final answer to these two hobbies.

How could this make him not feel sad.

"Is there any way for you to take this child and leave."

Looking at this child, the old man thought for a while, and said to Xu Tong with a serious expression: "This child is really special, maybe she can really create a new ethnic group, if possible, take it out of here and find me My student, Li Zhengqing, is my best student, maybe he can crack the secret of this child."

[Submission 4: Find Li Zhengqing]

Mission description: Professor Li Zhengqing is on his way to the east to find antibodies. If it goes well, there may be a chance to find him in the east.

After the old man finished speaking, the reminder of the task appeared in his ears.

Li Zhengqing?Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, he had never heard of this name, but on the way he came, in the team of the two players he met, there seemed to be several people wearing white coats.

The middle-aged man who stopped him at that time remembered being called a professor.

It wouldn't be so coincidental.

But Xu Tong resolutely rejected the old man's proposal. Maybe it is not difficult for him to leave the lair now, but it is not the time yet.

And this baby is the most important part of his plan, the story he prepared has just begun, how could he leave at this time?
Seeing that he refused, the old man had no choice but to reluctantly agree to help him take care of the child first.

Xu Tong left all the milk powder for the old man, and at the same time left some food supplies as a reward for the old man.

And of course, a full cigar.

After he left the captive area, Xu Tong took out the bone flute that Yan Niang had given him, put it by his mouth and played it.

After a while, I saw the doll flying over from a distance flapping its wings. Its head was looking around, as if looking for the trace of Xu Tong.

But seeing Fatty, the baby looked a little strange, and it wasn't until his voice came out of Fatty's stomach that the baby confirmed his identity.

"Take me to find Yan Niang!"

Let the baby lead the way, and let Dapang follow the baby all the way to find Yan Niang's location.

Surprisingly, Yan Niang, who was thought to be the source of the virus, would have the same luxurious residence as No. [-] and the others, but Yan Niang's residence was so shabby.

At first glance, it looks like a dilapidated unfinished house without even a window.

Yan Niang also seemed very surprised when she saw the fat man in front of her, but she quickly signaled the baby to guard outside, and led Xu Tong into the room.

Just when she was about to speak, Xu Tong jumped ahead of her and said, "You are deceiving me!"

Yan Niang was taken aback by the indifferent questioning voice.

"Give me some compensation, or we will terminate the cooperation." Xu Tong poked his head out from the big fat belly, his eyes flickering coldly: "Don't try to justify anything, because you didn't intend to let me leave this place alive in the first place." Ghost place!"

PS: I know that many people have recently said that the plot advances too fast and the quality has dropped drastically. In fact, after thinking about it, the problem is simple. The plot map is large and the conflicts between characters are not intense, but believe me, my butcher knife will start soon.

(End of this chapter)

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