Infinite script kill

Chapter 109 The opening of the infighting

Chapter 109 The opening of the infighting


The room was suddenly eerily quiet.

The eyes of the two met, and the cold light flickered in the eyes from time to time, which was not only a confrontation, but also a temptation to each other.

Just as she didn't know what Xu Tong knew, Xu Tong also didn't know whether she would push the two to the point of completely tearing their skins apart.

But he had to do this. Since the source virus can have the ability to develop vassals, why didn't Yan Niang let herself become his vassals? Wouldn't that be easier and less troublesome?

So when she said that she wanted to send herself in as a tribute, it seemed that she really intended to dedicate herself to that lovely empress?

Perhaps she could argue that this was for the convenience of action, or she could give a more appropriate reason.

But now he doesn't trust Yan Niang anymore, he hides such information and throws himself into the captivity, no matter how reasonable the excuse is, he will not believe her now.

If she becomes the empress, whether she will be able to obtain the benefits she said is even more unknown.

"I don't have anything suitable to compensate you right now." Yan Niang shook her head.

"Then I'll go!"

Xu Tong turned around and asked Big Fatty to take him away without any hesitation, and left decisively.

The big fat figure flickered and disappeared, and walked out of the room the next moment, and Yan Niang had no intention of chasing after him when he quickly left.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't take it seriously, because he was in a hurry to rush to the opening ceremony of the next script.

Until Xu Tong disappeared from her sight, the baby in her arms let out a low and strange cry, as if asking Yan Niang why she didn't catch up and tell him the truth.

"Forget it, so what if you tell him, cracks can never be repaired with your mouth."

There are some words that she can't explain, or even say, once she says it, she will be killed.

When Xu Tong arrived at the sky garden, the flames over the garden had already been extinguished.

But those evolutionaries who served the source virus were trembling one by one, and even wanted to escape from this place.

As the elevator doors of the building slowly opened.

A dead body was placed on a flower bed in a garden.

From a distance, Xu Tong finally saw the figures of the two players head-on for the first time. Except for the strong and strong Liang Hong, the other player kept himself standing in the shadow, and his black cloak covered his body. His body was tightly hidden inside, and his true face could not be seen at all.

This mysterious person, if nothing else, should be the other player that Tana mentioned, the Blood Demon.

The two stood behind No. [-] without saying a word, but it could be seen that Lianghong's face was extremely ugly. I believe that at this moment, he was not only angry for Tana's death, but more worried that he had not After taking the medicine, what should I do when I wait for the next drug addiction relapse.

All was quiet.

In the corner, Mustache, Wang Jiaming, Chen Hai, and several other hosts of the source virus are all there, but it is obvious that Chen Hai is standing inside, which means he is a bit isolated.

I don't know if it's because of the original host, but Chen Hai's mouth has always been stinky. At this time, it is undoubtedly a wise move for everyone to keep a distance from him silently.

On the flowerbed, the beauty who had appeared on the scene just a few hours ago has now become a pile of rotten meat, with a huge cut in her head, and the brain crystals inside have disappeared.

But the focus of people's concern is not this, but the missing child in her belly.

With the palm of a black leather glove, he slowly put his hand on Tana's body, and his hand caressed Tana's body.

As if caressing a work of art, his eyes shone with tenderness, as if the woman lying in the flowerbed was his true love.

"Dear Tana, I have always believed that you are that miraculous oasis in the desert. I brought you out from that remote corner, hoping that the dazzling light can illuminate our group and ignite the hope of life..."

Number Eight has a gentle and hoarse voice, like a nomadic poet.

With a focused expression, no one would doubt his feelings for Tana.

"After I become the new empress, you should take the same position as me, because the child in your belly is destined to be my next successor..."


As soon as No. [-]'s voice fell, there was a disdainful cold snort in the quiet garden. Even though the sound was very small, everyone looked at Chen Hai in unison.

Wang Jiaming and Xiao Huzi resolutely chose to stay away from this guy.

Other source virus hosts are no exception. After all, everyone knows that the baby in Tana's belly may be a new shortcut. Now that Tana has been killed, the whereabouts of the child are unknown. What's more troublesome is that everyone is suspected.

Who would provoke number eight at this time is undoubtedly the most stupid way.

No. [-] suddenly raised his head, his eyes were burning with madness and fury, obviously he didn't like Chen Hai interrupting his thoughts at this moment.

Chen Hai was uncomfortable with everyone's squinting eyes, his heart was full of evil fire, and he said disdainfully: "What's wrong, he is not the empress, and he is starting to plan for the next empress now, if he becomes the empress Emperor, do you have to make arrangements for whoever the grandchildren will take over before you're done?"

Anyway, Tana's killing has nothing to do with him, don't he even have the right to speak? ?

Some people belong to the kind of people who are caught in the act and want to die, and Chen Hai is obviously like this.

"Shut up!!" Seeing that this guy wanted to continue talking, Wang Jiaming finally couldn't help but stepped forward and pulled his arm, signaling him not to continue.

Number Eight retracted his gaze, and fixed his eyes on Tana's body in front of him again.

The palm caressed her cheek, and his focused gaze was like the affectionate lover in the poem, until his palm touched her belly along Tana's chest.

The gentleness on his face gradually began to solidify, his face turned from pale to flushed, and finally turned blue, but there was a crazy and dangerous light in his eyes, which was definitely not a good sign.

"But... you ruined everything!!"

The angry roar seemed to come out of the empty chest after hitting it many times, making people feel that the whole world is dark for no reason.

At the same time, violent black flames ignited in his palm, instantly turning Tana's body into bones, and with a cracking sound, even every bone was burned to ashes.

The terrifying aura was like a devil coming out of hell, and Xu Tong, who was hiding in the fat belly, frowned tightly.

Chen Hai, who was full of indifference just now, turned even paler.

As the host of the same source virus, No. [-]'s evolution direction is completely running towards the direction of the battle, and the terrifying aura surges, making people feel the word despair deeply in their minds.

Looking like a wolf, he scanned everyone: "Whoever it is, hand over the child, and I guarantee that he will die comfortably."

No. [-] focused on several competitors, but directly ignored the idiot Chen Hai.

In his heart, a stupid pig like Chen Hai seemed to be too deeply influenced by the host, his mind was full of tofu, and he didn't have the guts to do this at all.

Wang Jiaming took a step back, cleared his throat and explained: "Number Eight, I understand your feelings, but this matter..."

"Shut up, is it you!!"

Number Eight, who was so angry to the extreme, obviously had no interest in listening to Wang Jiaming's nonsense, and asked questions sharply, like a vicious dog ready to strike at any time.

Wang Jiaming's pupils shrank immediately, and a gust of evil fire flashed under his eyes, but this anger just appeared like a superficial splash of water, and then quickly disappeared. He closed his eyes and shook his head: "It's not me!"

No. [-]'s gaze turned, and he turned his eyes to Mustache. With Wang Jiaming's example, Mustache denied it more cleanly.

Seeing the sincere attitude of the two, Chen Hai twitched his mouth, took off his coat, and was about to have a cup of fresh blood and slowly enjoy the big show.

"Ding dong..."

In the pocket of the coat, a necklace slipped out of the pocket and landed on the marble under his feet, making a crisp sound.

"what is this??"

Chen Hai stretched out his hand to pick up the necklace, wondering when he didn't have this item.

He didn't even notice that No. [-]'s cold eyes were fixed on him.

"It's him!!" Lianghong, who was standing behind No. [-], saw the necklace, his eyes sparkled, and pointed with his hand: "He is the murderer!!!"

PS: There are two more updates... go to the code word
(End of this chapter)

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