Chapter 110 The true nature is revealed (the fourth update, and one more update)
Is that him?
Of course not, this string of necklaces was exactly what Xu Tong threw into Chen Hai's pocket while Chen Hai was asking for his clothes.

There's also a little cardboard figure inside, just in case, to make sure the necklace falls out of his pocket at just the right moment.

He believes that Lianghong, who is addicted to drugs, will recognize this necklace that he has been thinking of for the first time.

Sure enough, Lianghong did live up to expectations, even better than he expected.

Pointing at the necklace on Chen Hai's hand and screaming.

"No...not me!!"

Chen Hai was stunned, and suddenly remembered that Tana seemed to be wearing such a necklace on her chest, but the moment he finished speaking, his eyes were already enveloped by black flames.

The speed was like a whirlwind, leaving black flames in the air. The arm of No. [-] swelled instantly, and a lion-like head protruded from his arm, exhaling black flames, and bit it down with a bloody mouth. .

Chen Hai's pupils shrank immediately, his left hand twisted quickly, and several huge tentacles stabbed obliquely like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

Both are the source virus host, but the gap is also exposed at this moment.

No. [-] didn't dodge or dodge, letting the tentacles hit him, the flesh and clothes immediately shattered in the loud noise, but the huge head bit hard on Chen Hai's shoulder.

Amidst Chen Hai's painful wailing, most of his shoulders were torn off directly, and the torn flesh emitted light yellow smoke and was creaked by the black fire.

But it didn't end there, the huge impact sent him flying five or six meters into the air!

During the fall, Chen Hai's body made intimate contact with the hard steps and raised walls many times.

At least seventy to eighty bones were broken all over the body, the torn left shoulder seemed to disappear out of thin air, and the arm was broken off.

In contrast, apart from the shattered clothes, No. [-]'s flesh and blood that had just been torn apart had already healed quickly.

Chen Hai, who was spitting out blood, noticed the footsteps behind him, turned around with difficulty, looked at No. [-] who was walking in front of him, and seemed to use all his strength to spit out a mouthful of blood arrows.

"Fuck you!!"

Number Eight dodged sideways, only to see the blood arrows shot at the side stone wall, smashing a big hole.

Looking at Chen Hai with cold eyes, he slowly raised the lion-like head on his arm: "We come from the same source, and my mother is also your mother."

Chen Hai was startled when he heard the words, looked at Xiao Huzi and the others, and finally understood why every time he finished cursing, there was no one around him, it seemed that only at this time did he turn his head around: "Oh, no wonder..."


The black fire instantly enveloped Chen Hai's head, burning his flesh into ashes.


No. [-] stepped on the head with only bones left, crushing its skull into fragments, and with the other hand wearing a black glove, took out a small red crystal from the fragments.

"No wonder you are so stupid, it turns out that your source virus is only a little bit like this."

After speaking, he pinched his fingers.


Suddenly, this brain-like thing was crushed and exploded in an instant.

"Number [-], you are going too far, Chen Hai cannot be the murderer." Wang Jiaming looked at Chen Hai's body on the ground and said in a deep voice.

Chen Hai is not the murderer, No. [-] knows it very well, but so what, does he care?
"You all know that he is not, and no one has helped him? I gave this favor, find the child, or I will kill until I am the only heir left."

Everyone's face turned cold, no one expected such a result.

"Medicine... medicine..."

Lianghong walked quickly to Chen Hai's body, tremblingly picked up the necklace on the ground and held it in his palm, but before he opened the necklace, No. [-] snatched it away.

"Idiot, you will get nothing until you find the child!"

Hearing No. [-]'s words, Lianghong froze for a moment, and when he turned around and wanted to say something, his shoulders sank, and he saw the blood demon hand on his shoulder, shaking his head to signal him not to speak any more.

A large number of evolutionaries began to search desperately in the nest.

But the lair is always the empress's lair. As the host of the source virus, they can only be regarded as the successors, and they are far from being able to command all the evolutionaries.

To put it bluntly, even the infected people outside are not qualified to mobilize them.

The power that can be activated is bound to be limited.

Xu Tong was not in a hurry, anyway, he was hiding in the fat belly, as long as he didn't take the initiative to jump out, no one would find him.

He simply wandered around the lair as if he were visiting.

As long as the child can't be found for a long time, I believe that No. [-]'s knife hanging over the heads of other competitors will definitely break out the internal strife...

The other end was in a ruin, and the ranger looked at the small town in the distance with a bitter face.

Take out a bottle of water from the item book and drink it clean in one gulp.

"Uncle, how far do we have to go?"

Zhang Qiang dragged Xiao Chengzhi up from below, looked at the inconspicuous town in the distance, and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"How would I know!"

You Xia responded angrily, cursing this damn identity task in his heart, and only said to go all the way east, but after walking for so long, he didn't find a trace.

Zhang Qiang was startled by the ranger's roar, and the circles of his eyes immediately turned red.

Seeing this, the corner of the ranger's mouth twitched a few times, so he could only slow down his tone, trying to calm down his impatience: "Persist a little longer, I think we should be there soon."

After comforting the child Zhang Qiang, the ranger called out his item book, and his face became even more ugly. He entered the script world this time and carried more than 500 script points. Most of the script points on the screen have been consumed.

At this time, he felt very painful. This was simply an endless marathon, and he didn't even gain a little bit along the way.

Completely became the nanny of these two children.

"Just take a rest here, I'll go and see if there are any cars or anything like that around."

The ranger pointed to the soil hole on the side, signaling for the two of them to hide in it and rest for a while, and moved a few big rocks to block the hole.

This is relieved.


At this moment, Zhang Qiang called You Xia through the crack of the stone, and saw a pair of black and white eyes looking at him from under the crack of the stone: "We will wait for you to come back."

Looking at the eyes under the crack in the stone, You Xia nodded a little guilty, and then he quickly fled, his figure shuttled in the field, running forward continuously.

He didn't know what he was going to do, he just wanted to throw these two boys far behind his ass, to give himself a little room to breathe.

It wasn't until he ran into a woods that he frantically vented all the anger in his heart.

"You damn space, I obviously chose the bad guys, why did I take these two children to the so-called protected area, shouldn't I kill them and escape by myself?"

He slammed his fist hard on the tree trunk, and he was about to go crazy in such a state of desperation.

Repeating the curse just now, punching and punching until the bowl-sized tree was broken.

Accompanied by the rumbling sound of falling trees, Ranger seemed to vent all the anger in his chest, and sat down on the ground, gasping for breath.

A cigarette was lit by him in his hand, and after taking a deep puff, his eyes swayed from side to side on the way back and forward.

After a while, as if he had made up his mind, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stood up and disappeared into the woods in front of him without looking back.

The night was getting darker and darker.

Looking at the night outside, the two children hiding in the soil hole couldn't help curling up tightly, waiting anxiously.

At this time Zhang Qiang suddenly felt that Xiao Chengzhi's body started to have a fever again, his body was curled up, his teeth were trembling up and down.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiang hurriedly wrapped Xiao Chengzhi in his own clothes, and hugged him tightly: "Hold on, uncle will be back in a while."

Xiao Chengzhi nodded reluctantly, completely speechless.

At this moment, rustling footsteps suddenly came from outside.

The voice was not loud, but it could be heard clearly in this wilderness. Zhang Qiang's eyes lit up, but he didn't dare to ask if it was Uncle Ranger.

Instead, he covered Xiao Chengzhi's trembling mouth, and stared fixedly at the crack of the stone.

They've been through so much along the way that even children understand the dangers of being out in the wild.

Fortunately, the sound of Rusha's footsteps got farther and farther away, which finally made Zhang Qiang breathe a sigh of relief.

I don't know what the footsteps of something are, but as long as it is not Uncle Ranger, it will never be a good thing.

The wind outside was whistling, and the time passed by. Seeing Xiao Chengzhi's body shaking more and more violently, Zhang Qiang also began to feel anxious.

His stomach also began to growl unsatisfactorily, and he looked out through the cracks in the stone.

It was still pitch black outside, and there was nothing.

"Uncle... where are you..."

He was looking forward to the figure of the ranger appearing in his field of vision as soon as possible, but he didn't notice that Xiao Chengzhi was lying behind him and opened his eyes at some point.

Two shiny green eyes stared straight at Zhang Qiang's neck, licked the corner of his lips with a bright red tongue, swallowed a mouthful of spit, and stretched out his palm towards him...

PS: Eat something before continuing to code...

(End of this chapter)

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