Infinite script kill

Chapter 111 Statues

Chapter 111 Statue (This is the fifth change yesterday, although it is a bit late.)

A sudden scream made the ranger's face change, and he rushed to the pit at a faster speed, and opened the stone in front of him, only to see Zhang Qiang was clutching his arm, tears rolling in his eyes.

Seeing this, the Ranger breathed a sigh of relief, and frowned, "What are you shouting for? Call those infected people over, and you two will have something to eat."

Zhang Qiang nodded aggrievedly, pointed to Xiao Chengzhi at the side and said: "He was burnt out, he bit my arm while holding it, you see my arm is bleeding from the bite."

He rolled up his sleeves, and the ranger took a closer look, and saw that there was indeed a tooth mark with a little blood on Zhang Qiang's arm, but after careful inspection, he found nothing wrong.

It's just a little bit of skin and blood, but nothing serious.

You Xia looked at Xiao Chengzhi again, feeling guilty all of a sudden, he was only thinking about lighting the fire and cooking, for a moment he ignored the time, and forgot that Xiao Chengzhi needed to take medicine every night.

He touched the little guy's forehead with his hand, and was surprised to find that the child's fever had gone down, and his breathing had returned to normal. This discovery surprised You Xia a bit.

But no matter what, it was safe and sound, I saw him take out the roasted grouse from the item book and said: "After searching for a long time, I found a grouse, I roasted it for you on the spot, Hurry up and eat."

Speaking of pushing Xiao Chengzhi to wake up, Xiao Chengzhi first rubbed his eyes after waking up, then his eyes lit up when he saw the chicken leg handed over by You Xia, picked it up and started to chew it.

It's strange to say that Xiao Chengzhi's appetite is not very good, every time he eats something symbolically, but today's appetite is as if it has been opened up at once, it is surprisingly good, eating one chicken leg is not enough, and eating the other half Every partridge was eaten clean.

This startled You Xia, and hurriedly took him to check carefully, for fear that the little guy was terminally ill and had returned to life.

But after confirming that the little guy was really all right, You Xia was relieved.

Let them finish eating, and take them on the road in a hurry.

The moon is round at night, and it seems that after the noise of human beings is gone, the sky at night begins to show a little bit of stars.

Zhang Qiang, who was tired from walking, fell asleep on the back of the ranger, and the halazi dripped down his collar.

You Xia couldn't wipe it off because he was still holding the sleeping Xiao Chengzhi in his arms.

Speaking of which, the farther they went east, the fewer and fewer infected people they met on the road. By the time the sky was slightly bright, the ranger was already exhausted, but when he passed through a vegetable field, he vaguely heard There seemed to be a sound ahead.

Immediately, the ranger's eyes lit up, and he hastened to speed up his pace, quickly catching up with the source of the sound ahead, only to hear the sound getting clearer and clearer.

By the time he walked through the vegetable field, he could hear every word clearly.

"If you are a survivor, please stand at the station on the left and wait. Every day at twelve o'clock at noon, there will be a shuttle bus to escort you into the survivor camp..."

The source of the sound was coming from the roadside station. You Xia walked over to have a look. It turned out that there was a big speaker hanging above the station, playing it in a loop.

"I found it, I found it, hahahaha!!"

In an instant, a strong sense of accomplishment exploded in You Xia's heart.

Putting down Xiao Chengzhi, pulled the bastard Zhang Qiang from his back in his hand, lifted it up vigorously over his head and shook it: "Wake up, you little bastard, we're here, we're here, we found it, hahaha!"

Zhang Qiang, who was woken up by the shaking, hadn't had enough sleep, and he didn't wake up until he heard the ranger's excited roar.

"Uncle?? Are we here??"

He looked around in a daze, until he could clearly hear the loop playing on the speaker, and then he screamed excitedly.

You Xia kissed the little guy fiercely on the face, and then he held Xiao Chengzhi beside him in mid-air and spun around in a big circle, only then was he relieved from his excitement.

Hurry up and take out a lot of delicious and delicious things to make these two little guys full.

The three sat on chairs at the station, eating while waiting for the bus to pick them up.

During the period, Zhang Qiang curiously asked about the survivors' camp.

Facing the child's innocent eyes, You Xia didn't know how to refuse at first, what's more, he was in a good mood at this time, and when he spoke, he was naturally full of enthusiasm.

The description of the survivor camp was so good that Zhang Qiang's eyes stared at the stars.

"Uncle, when we get to the camp, can I stay with you?"

Suddenly Zhang Qiang asked.

You Xia froze for a moment, then scratched his head: "This..."

"I'm very good. I can wash clothes, cook, and... Anyway, don't want me!"

Seeing that tears were about to roll down Zhang Qiang's words, You Xia curled his lips and said in his heart: "You know how to be a chicken, besides crying, you know how to eat."

However, he still patted the child on the head, and said reluctantly: "It depends on the situation, if the camp doesn't care, uncle won't let you go hungry."

"I knew uncle was the best for me."

Zhang Qiang leaned his head up, regardless of whether it was snot or tears, all smeared on the ranger's clothes.

Compared with the intimacy of Zhang Qiang and You Xia, Xiao Chengzhi looked very indifferent. In fact, he spent most of the time sleeping during the journey.

As long as there is no danger, the ranger will carry it on his back and let him sleep on his back. Occasionally he will wake up to hurry, eat something, and basically let Zhang Qiang finish what he can say.

So in comparison, You Xia has paid a lot for him, but in terms of relationship, he is still stronger with Zhang Qiang.

It was not until 12:30 noon that a heavily armed bus approached slowly. A group of heavily armed soldiers got out of the bus, checked the three of them carefully, and took them to sit in the car after making sure they were all right. .

There were more than the three of them in the car, and several other survivors.

The ranger only found out after inquiring that it turned out that there was still a whole day's journey away from the survivor's camp.

This can only be regarded as an outpost, but although it is an outpost, the infected people in this area have basically been cleaned up.

You Xia and the others could also sit comfortably on the chairs and have a good sleep. He was really exhausted during this time.

Thinking that he was about to arrive at the survivor camp, his mind was extremely relaxed, and he fell asleep while lying on the chair, muttering: "Damn, it's really hard to be a good person once..."

It was just his words that made Xiao Chengzhi stunned for a moment, squinting at the sleeping ranger, the expression on his face gradually became weird...


The plump buttocks wriggled in a brisk rhythm, and the harmless big face of humans and animals looked very different in the eyes of some evolutionists.

Some evolutionists even approached suspiciously and sniffed it carefully, but no matter how they sniffed, they didn't find anything suspicious from Fatty's body.

Coupled with the fat, flexible and slender tentacles, the evolutionists couldn't find any doubts, and could only watch helplessly as this guy's figure flickered away step by step.

Is Fatty's disguise perfect?Of course not, if you are in a sunny place, as soon as the light shines, you will immediately reveal your true colors.

But the question is, where does the sunlight come from in the nest? ?

However, there were some faint beams of light refracted in, or some insects with faint fluorescent lights.

So in this place, I don't need to worry about being discovered.

"Ding ding ding..."

Fragmentary knocking sounds came from the end of the corridor.

Xu Tong walked over with his powerful dark vision, and saw the huge shadow in front of him at a glance. His pupils tightened, and the shadow gradually became clear. It turned out to be a huge statue.

The statue seems to be unfinished, but the huge body still gives people an unprecedented sense of shock.

A bald head is lying on it and is carefully sculpting, but his lower body has an octopus-like body.

The delicate and delicate tentacles seem to exist just to carve this stone statue. The slender tentacles are covered with sharp teeth, which can drill into any gap in the statue to carefully polish any dead corner.

The upper half of the bald head is completely human body, squinting his eyes to carefully carve every detail on it, and nodding in satisfaction after confirming that there is no problem.


At this time, the bald head suddenly noticed the fat man standing below, and seeing his stupid face, he frowned and said, "Do you understand you?"

Fatty shook his head.

The bald head climbed down from the statue, took a closer look at Fatty, and couldn't help frowning: "The quality of the evolutionary is getting worse and worse, and a fool has evolved."

After speaking, he picked up the bucket beside him and began to drink heavily.

Xu Tong hid in the big fat belly, leaned his face up to have a look, a pungent smell hit him, and his heart moved: "Gasoline!"


After the barrel of gasoline was drunk by the bald head, he casually threw the gasoline barrel aside, with a slightly drunk look on his face, pointing to his brilliant masterpiece in front of him, and said proudly: "This is the Empress Nine Son."

The majestic statue in front of him is the Queen Mother's body, and the so-called nine sons are the nine human figures standing under the Queen Mother's body.

Xu Tong looked carefully and found that these nine people did not sculpt their faces or sex organs.

But each of them had a red gem set in their brows.

"Hey, isn't it weird? Why don't they have faces? Because they don't have faces. When the Empress walks out from the back door, these heads will explode, so they don't need faces."

The bald head pointed to the back of the statue. Xu Tong looked at it carefully for a long time before he saw an arch like a chrysanthemum.

Seeing that the bald head seemed a little drunk, he squeezed his voice to imitate Fatty's tone of voice, and asked, "Why... the explosion?"

With a look of disgust on his bald head, he held another barrel of gasoline in his arms and gulped a few gulps before saying, "Explosion is an art. As early as five years ago, before the Queen woke up, nine pieces were split. A source virus, the source virus lurks in the brains of the human hosts through various methods, after the empress wakes up, they will be awakened, and then become the source of the virus's spread."

The bald hand kept gesticulating, perhaps because he was too lonely, and he was eager to tell others about his excellent ideas.

After finishing speaking, he leaned over with a mysterious face, hiccupped, and said in a low voice: "I will tell you a secret, each source virus has only one chance to be released, and there is still one source virus that has not been released yet..."

(End of this chapter)

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