Infinite script kill

Chapter 112 Wu Ren

Chapter 112 Wu Ren

You Xia didn't know how long he had slept, Mimi opened his eyes, and looked out the window, the sky outside was already slightly pale.

It seemed that he was really exhausted, and he actually slept all night in this broken bus.

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at Zhang Qiang in his arms, seeing that the little guy was sleeping soundly, and couldn't help showing a bit of warmth on his face. He gently turned his head to make him sleep more peacefully, and finally took another look, Hey, does this kid have a bad stomach?Most of his trouser legs were soaked by his saliva.

"Uncle! I want to eat chicken drumsticks..." Zhang Qiang's childish dream talk made him speechless, thinking that in reality, how could this kid be able to eat and play? He raised his head and looked at Xiao Xiao who was sitting next to him. Cheng Zhi.

However, when his eyes swept over, You Xia was suddenly startled, and saw that Xiao Chengzhi was not there, he quickly raised his neck, vaguely heard a burst of silly laughter behind him, and turned his head to have a look.

I saw that Xiao Chengzhi had woken up at some point, and was still playing with a girl behind him.

The two hid in the back of the car, giggling from time to time.

Instead of being bored by this, the other survivors in the car felt somewhat comforted when they heard the child's laughter.

After all, it is a fluke to be alive. Being able to find the camp of survivors means surviving in this doomsday. The children's laughter is more like a pacifier, which can soothe the panicked souls deep in their hearts.

Carefully put Zhang Qiangping on the seat, stood up by himself, and moved his body a bit. Although he slept well, the broken bus was really bumpy. After getting off at night, his bones seemed to be stiff.

In front of the car, two soldiers with guns were talking one after another.

Five o'clock in the morning is the time when people are most likely to feel drowsy, and often those who work on night shifts will start to feel drowsy even at this point.

The driver even took out a pack of betel nuts and a few mint leaves from his bag and chewed them together in his mouth.

Seeing this, the ranger walked to the front of the car, took out a pack of cigarettes from the item book, opened it and distributed it to the driver and two soldiers.

As soon as they saw the cigarettes, the eyes of the three of them immediately brightened.

"Good stuff!"

After receiving the cigarettes, the three of them didn't care whether the enclosed space of the bus would cause discomfort to people, so they immediately lit the fire and took a deep puff.

The flickering light of the cigarette, the three of them took a few puffs, and they became energetic.

You Xia sat on a chair beside him, holding a cigarette in his hand, and wanted to smoke it at first, but thinking of Zhang Qiang who was sleeping soundly behind him, he endured it and put the cigarette under the bridge of his nose for a few deep sniffs before asking them. Said: "Brothers, how long will it take for us to arrive?"

Otherwise, how to say that smoking is a good thing, a cigarette is often the best bridge between you and strangers.

A soldier took a deep breath and said, "It's just ahead, that's 10 minutes away. Have you seen the bridge? After crossing the bridge, we will arrive at the camp."

The ranger looked at the shadow of the bridge in the shadows in the distance, and couldn't help showing a look of anticipation, and continued to ask: "When we arrive at the camp, we..."

He pointed to himself: "I can be regarded as a little capable, killing a few infected people is no problem."

Maybe it was because he smoked the ranger's cigarettes. The soldier had a good impression of the ranger. He looked at the ranger and said, "It's not bad. After entering the camp, everyone will be assigned jobs according to their needs. If you want to be a soldier, that's the best. The remuneration is also quite high.”

"Yes, we can receive a box of aid a week, which is considered a high salary in the camp. Of course, if you have special skills, you can apply for it yourself. It is said that the salary is very high."

"Special Skills!!"

Ranger keenly sensed that there was some information in these four words.

"Yes, special skills. It is said that some special infected people have a crystal in their brains. After eating it, they can have special skills and can enter the special forces. Of course, if you don't have this ability, you have other talents, such as senior welders and fitters. And so on, it's also very delicious."

Two soldiers briefed him on the operations of the camp.

In fact, it is similar to what he thought. After all, in the current situation, talents are the most scarce, and everyone must play the necessary value. Even a disabled person will get a job that can satisfy three meals.

Moreover, the base adheres to the principle of never giving up and never giving up. If the situation is really special, the base will also give some basic subsidies. Although he is living in poverty, it will not let him starve to death.

"Not bad!"

You Xia nodded. At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Zhang Qiang had mentioned before, raised his eyebrows, and did not forget to ask about the child.

At the same time, he didn't forget to refill the cigarettes in his hand.

"Hahaha! This cigarette is a good thing. We haven't smoked it for a long time."

The driver refilled his cigarette, then took the conversation and said: "If you are an immediate family member, you can take the child with you. The camp will provide an extra meal for the child, and the remaining two meals will be eaten at school. Send them to the school, and they will be taken care of by the school with full power, and there will be a lot of meals and teaching."

As he spoke, he took a deep breath and glanced at Ranger through the rearview mirror. He remembered that this guy brought two children into the car, so he said: "If you are not a direct blood relative, and you don't want to leave your child to school, then You just need to apply, the process is very simple, but the premise is that there is no meal allowance, half of your daily meal allowance must be given to your children, of course, the school still manages the two meals for school.”

"Is that so..."

You Xia frowned in embarrassment, and the driver saw his embarrassment, so he couldn't help continuing: "Young man is not bad, he can still take two children to escape at this time, benevolent, but you don't look like their parents, if you If you want to raise two children by yourself, heh, it’s too bad, it’s better to leave it to the school.”

"Yes, the school basically guarantees three meals a day. Don't worry, the camp takes good care of the children. The treatment is better than that of our ordinary soldiers. There will never be any deductions."

The soldiers were also persuading the ranger, assuring him that the school was good. Maybe some people didn't understand that when resources were so tight, children who had no combat power were treated better than soldiers.

But as long as you think about it in reverse, you can understand the brilliance of the camp.

Once the family members are killed, the children will be sent to school. Everyone knows that the camp will provide the best convenience for their children, and who will have any worries.

What's more, having a camp to support children is not only for the growth of the next generation, but also to bring hope to the entire camp as much as possible. Stimulating the birth of the population is the key.

The Ranger nodded, deeply agreeing with the idea of ​​the camp.

"It's time to ask the children for their opinion."

You Xia thought to himself that since he had a lot of food and drink in his item book, he wouldn’t be afraid of starving them. When he joins the Special Forces with his special abilities, he will be treated better. How can he keep these two little guys fed and clothed? No worries.

While talking, the car has already passed the bridge, and in the distance, you can see the bunker erected in the distance and the heavily guarded guards.

Seeing this, You Xia stood up and walked back, intending to call Zhang Qiang and Xiao Chengzhi to get off the car with him.

However, just as he woke up Zhang Qiang and walked towards the back row, the faint smell of blood in the air made him suddenly have a bad premonition.

When he looked at the seats in the back row, his pupils tightened even more.

I saw Xiao Chengzhi sitting on a chair, holding a girl who was slightly bigger than him in his arms, his sharp teeth were piercing the girl's neck, greedily sucking the girl's blood.

The girl's body twitched, and the pupils of her eyes gradually began to disappear, turning into gray eyeballs like those of the infected.

He noticed the incredulous gaze beside him.

Xiao Chengzhi raised his head slowly, the blood-stained corner of his mouth showed a sly smile that shouldn't appear at his age: "Thank you for your hard work."

[Identity Mission 1: Escort Completed]

"You are one of the five members who completed the identity mission and got a mysterious gift, please check it yourself."

The prompt sound from next to his ear stunned You Xia. He never dreamed that the person he risked his life to escort would actually be...

Before he could think too much, the mission prompt sounded again.

[Sub-quest 2: Deadly Diffusion]

Mission objective: protect the source virus and initiate the spread of the virus.

Mission description: The host of the source virus is about to fully awaken. When awakening, it will use itself as the source of infection to rapidly spread the infected person's virus within a radius of five kilometers. Please protect the source virus for successful awakening.

Hearing the prompt in his ear, Ranger was completely dumbfounded. He always thought that the script space was wrong, and he was clearly standing under the villain's house number, so why did he send him a protection mission.

It wasn't until this moment that he suddenly realized that he had been tricked.

From the beginning to the end, his mission never gave him a chance to be a good person, which reminded him of his name in this script world; "Wu Ren"

He muttered to himself: "Wu Ren has no one, he is insensitive, it turns out that all this has been arranged early in the morning!"

"Uncle, Chengzhi, we're here, we're here!!"

Zhang Qiang's shout woke him up suddenly, and he saw the car slowly parked in front of the gate.

Because the people in the car were carefully inspected before getting into the car, the soldiers focused on observing the bottom of the car to see if there were any infected people hidden inside.

Seeing that the car was about to drive into the camp.

He looked at Xiao Chengzhi, and saw Xiao Chengzhi stretched out his index finger to his mouth, signaling him not to speak.

At the same time, there was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and on his forehead, there were dots of scarlet light shining, like an activated time bomb.

"After the matter is done, you will be my follower, and I will give you half of the original virus."

As Xiao Chengzhi said, he patted the girl in his arms, and saw the girl sitting up stiffly, with gray pupils, fixedly staring at Zhang Qiang who was screaming excitedly.

Xiao Chengzhi's eyes turned cold, and he whispered: "Kill him..."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes, raised his head and took a deep breath: "Mother, this is the greatest gift I can give you!"

The red light on the forehead flickered for a moment, and a dazzling glare suddenly enveloped the carriage...

PS: Code the next update after dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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