Infinite script kill

Chapter 113 Mud

Chapter 113 Mud (Late, late, sorry.)
On the other side, Xu Tong was listening to the big bald head talking vigorously, when suddenly the whole nest trembled again.

There was a deafening roar from the chrysanthemum-like gate behind the statue.

The sound spread along the nest path to the corners of the entire nest.

Only when the voice faded away did the big bald head get up excitedly, his tentacles and limbs danced excitedly: "The ninth source virus has awakened, great, the Empress is about to start preparing to choose an heir."

Hearing the excited scream of the big bald head, he couldn't help but wonder in his heart, why didn't he wake up early and late, why did he wake up at this time? ?
I always feel that there is always something wrong with this source virus that was only awakened at this time.

But I know too little about the host of the ninth source virus, and it is meaningless to make guesses out of thin air.

At this time, the big bald head narrowed his dark green eyes and looked at the unfinished statue in front of him, and slapped his head: "Yes! Yes! Yes, I will do it like this, I thought of it, I will do it like this!"

I don't know if he suddenly thought of some inspiration, the big bald head immediately climbed up the statue, and began to drastically modify his masterpiece, with a crazy expression on his face, completely ignoring everything around him, as if entering a certain state of selflessness.

Seeing the big bald head obsessed with work, Xu Tong glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help looking at the huge gasoline barrels beside him.

He raised his brows and didn't know what he was thinking of. His eyes gradually narrowed, and he commanded Fatty to swallow those few full gasoline barrels calmly.

He calmly took away a few barrels of gasoline, and under Xu Tong's command, Big Fatty ran away in a hurry.

Although this statue is a very good ambush point, if there is a sudden big explosion here when the empress is choosing a successor, the scene must be very spectacular.

But after thinking about it, he still gave up the idea.

Because it was unreliable, if he only relied on this little thing in his hand, he couldn't produce the effect he expected.

"Well, then use it to fry other things..."

With his chin in his hand, he began to think about what to fry.

At this time, an evolutionary hurriedly ran past him, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately asked Big Fatty to follow.

He is not interested in those evolutionists, what he is interested in is the man on the back of these evolutionaries.

Don't get me wrong, he has no particular preference for men.

It's just that it was Liang Hong who ran over just now, and this guy seemed to be injured.

In the narrow gap, Liang Hong carefully searched around, as if he was not at all surprised by the empty result inside.

"Look here!"

When he came to a fork in the road, Liang Hong commanded the team of evolutionists to enter an inconspicuous tunnel to search.

But I believe that Lianghong knew in his heart that the lair was too big, and there were countless of them in such an inconspicuous corner.

Sure enough, after searching for several hours, Lianghong sat down on the ground, and began to grab his hair with both hands irritably.

But as soon as he raised his hand, the wound on his chest brought a tearing pain, which made him twitch uncontrollably.

I saw that the muscles in his chest had been burned into a piece of scorched black dead flesh, and the fire poison damage attached to it was like a red-hot coal, which continued to burn his body.

Even drinking holy water and healing potions can't get rid of such negative damage.

The burning pain in his chest, coupled with several hours of anxiety, made Lianghong's complexion worse and worse.

It turned out that the roaring sound made by the empress before was tantamount to sending an important message to the entire nest, that is, the selection of the successor would begin soon.

The first to worry must be No. [-].

He was so anxious that he wanted to kill Wang Jiaming and the others immediately.

It turned out that after he went there, he realized that he was ruthless and he was not stupid.

They couldn't find their children, so they simply started to play disappearance. After all, the nest was so big, if they really hid, it would not be so easy for No. [-] to find them and kill them one by one.

When the empress began to choose a successor, they would appear together again, and it would be too late for Number Eight to make trouble.

This time No. [-] immediately failed to move, and in a panic, the first unlucky person was naturally the player under him, Lianghong.

How could the matter between Tana and him be hidden from No. [-].

But Tana's explanation is that she needs to use the vigorous blood in Lianghong's body to nourish the fetus, so No. [-] obediently chose to acquiesce in a word.

Obviously, on the multiple-choice question of children and cuckolds, he didn't hesitate, and chose to accept everything.

As for why Tana used the [Biological Mixture] to control Lianghong, this matter has no way to get to the bottom of it. After all, Tana doesn't even have a single bone left.

No. [-] doesn't care about these things, he thinks it's all due to Lianghong, an idiot, that caused Tana's death and the child was stolen.

Ever since, Lianghong became like this, that handsome face was almost beaten into a pig's head.

The burning wound on his chest was tormenting him all the time.

"So sad!"

Lianghong clutched his forehead decadently, feeling as if his whole body was a puddle of mud and he had no strength at all.

"It's all the fault of that bitch, damn it, blood demon, you bastard, you've hurt me!"

Lianghong cursed in a low voice, but in fact he himself couldn't tell what he was cursing, he just felt empty and uncomfortable in his heart, and regretted it even more, why didn't he choose to be a good person?
Maybe the questline for the good guys would be a little easier? ?
The more I think about it, the more I regret it. I thought it was a camp confrontation, but it turned out like this.

While muttering to himself, Lianghong suddenly twitched his eyelids, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked to the left.

I saw a fat figure running past him.

Lianghong's complexion changed, and he immediately got up and chased after him. A slightly pungent stench in the air came from Fatty's body, which made his eyes shine even more.

There is absolutely no mistake, it is this taste.

It is the unique smell of [biological mixture]. It will be very pungent when you first smell it, but after you eat one, you will feel that it is simply the most fragrant thing in the world.

So no matter how weak the smell is, Lianghong can tell it right away.

His speed is very fast, which can be called as agile as a leopard. Compared with the agile pace of the big fat, simple and fat, no matter how you look at it, he has an absolute advantage.

But he still couldn't catch up to Fatty, and was left far behind by Fatty. Fatty in ghost form had no attack ability.

But the passive of Lingshi is too practical, blinking step by step, it is completely prepared for escape and hurrying, no matter how fast Lianghong speeds up, he can barely follow behind the big fat ass.

Often around a corner, Big Fatty will disappear in front of him in a few seconds.


Seeing the fat man running faster and faster, Lianghong gritted his teeth and suddenly activated his item card. After a layer of pale golden light ignited on his body, his speed increased at once.

But at this time, Big Fatty stopped running, and obediently stood where he was and waited.

Seeing that he took out all the big moves to save his life, this guy actually stood where he was, which made him uncomfortable. He thought it was so simple, wouldn't it be over if I yelled a long time ago? ?
Only when the fat man got a firm foothold, Liang Hong came up from behind, and punched the fat man in the face without hesitation.

When the huge fist came down, Lianghong was very aware of the power of his punch, even if the opponent was made of steel and concrete, he would still be hit with a concussion.

However, the expected touch did not reflect on his fist, instead he watched the fat figure disappear in front of him.

When he reappeared, he saw that the fat man was already ten meters away from him.

teleport? ?
Lianghong was startled, afraid that this guy would run away, and when he was about to continue his attack, the fat man in front of him disappeared strangely.

Instead, there was an unfamiliar face.


Seeing Xu Tong, Liang Hong slowed down his pace, and immediately understood in his heart: "You are responsible for everything??"

"No, to be precise, it was our lord who accidentally ran into your shit and killed that bitch."

When mentioning that lord, Xu Tong's face was devout, as if he was a loyal believer.

Lianghong frowned, this was the last result he wanted to see, if the baby was in the hands of other competitors, the probability of No. [-] becoming Empress would be greatly reduced.

Just when he was thinking about countermeasures in his mind, his pupils closed, and he saw an extra glass tube in Xu Tong's hand, which contained the life-saving medicine he had been thinking about 【biological mixture】

"Would you like it? I'll give you one pill for two hundred scripts."

He shook the remaining eight pills in the bottle, and opened his hand towards Lianghong.

"Two hundred script points?? Why don't you grab it!"

"I'm not robbing now. If you don't buy it, I don't plan to sell it. At worst, I will take it back to the exhibition and sell it. There are eight of them here, which can increase the power by 40%. It is not difficult to sell them at a sky-high price."

His indifferent appearance made Lianghong's teeth itch with hatred, but he had to admit that this thing could indeed be sold at this price.

After all, eight mixtures, the overall increase is 40%, and it does not occupy the grid of the item book. At first glance, who can stand the temptation.

But only he, the victim, understands how tricky this thing is.

Wasn't he also confused by the entry of this thing at the beginning, so he made himself so decadent step by step.

So much so that when he saw this thing now, his hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

It's true that one can increase your strength by 5%, but after eating the third one, you will develop drug resistance, and the fifth one will have no effect. I don't care how much it increases my strength.

I just hope to get one to relieve the indescribable pain that haunts him all the time.

"It's too expensive, let's get it cheaper. This thing doesn't do much for me. I can only pay 50."

After hesitating for a while, Lianghong gave himself a more reasonable price.

Surprisingly, Xu Tong did not haggle the price, but actually took out one and threw it to him.

Lianghong grabbed it and threw it into his mouth without even thinking about it.

Suddenly, a very refreshing feeling of dizziness hit him, which made him feel like he was going to sublimate. At this time, even if the other party wanted to kill him, he didn't care at all.

Seeing him leaning against the wall and lying on the ground, the corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched. He had seen so-called addicts, but Lianghong's performance was worse than those addicts.

This made him thankful that he had no intention of eating this stuff.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, Lianghong woke up from the strong hallucinogenic feeling just now, lying on the ground and squinting at him, without even the desire to give money.

An attitude that if I lie flat, you can come here as you like.

Even though he is only entering the script world for the third time, he has never seen such a bad player.

So that when he looked at the small medicine bottle in his hand again, he sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, pornography, gambling and drugs are not good things..."

 Sorry, it's a bit late, I'll slow down for the past two days, deal with the details of the story before continuing to add more.

(End of this chapter)

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