Infinite script kill

Chapter 114 We Are Players

Chapter 114 We Are Players

Gambling damages the heart, pornography damages the spirit, and poison damages the life. Qian Lianghong is a bloody example.

A 5% increase in strength is indeed very tempting, but who would have thought that even a player with a physique blessed by various props would be tortured into this appearance.

Xu Tong was not in a hurry, he sat on the ground casually, and waited for Lianghong to wake up a little more. Anyway, this place is very secret, and he needs to go through a few narrow corners to get in, and such hidden corners, the whole nest is everywhere, if there is no Any special method, trying to find it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Light the cigar and slowly roast it. Now I not only like the taste of the cigar, but also enjoy the roasting process.

By the way, he didn't forget to take out two cans of Coke from the item book, throw one can to Lianghong, and put the other can in his hand.

Taking a deep breath, the hot cloud of smoke wrapped around the tip of his tongue, and he swallowed most of it, just like tasting a piece of steak, savoring the different flavors inside.

Until the smoke cloud was exhaled, the lingering cloud of smoke surrounded him, condensed and never dispersed, exuding a unique fragrance.

Until now, the first cigar is considered to be finished. The whole process is cumbersome and slow, but it gives people a kind of aftertaste that lingers on the lips and teeth, as well as a kind of spiritual enjoyment.

"My father is a bad gambler. Every time he comes back, he often beats me. Once, he pressed me against the wall and beat me all over with bruises. I... can never forget, he..."

Having said that, Xu Tong didn't say any more, but tears were shining in the reddish eye circles.

Lianghong raised his head, looked at him sideways, and frowned: "Why did you tell me this?"

Xu Tong raised the Coke in his hand, put it to his mouth, and took a sip, but did not answer Lianghong, but continued: "He died later, I killed him, I stabbed him many times with a knife, how much do I know?" Can not remember."

As he said that, he looked at Lianghong: "I don't know why I told you this, maybe I think we are all just poor worms."

Poor thing?

Lianghong was startled, thinking how could he have such a miserable life experience, but then he thought, how much better is my current appearance than him?

With a relieved smile on his face, he nodded: "That's right, poor man, we are all poor men."

As he spoke, he raised the Coke in hand and raised it towards Xu Tong.

The two toasted each other through the air, until they drank all the Coke on their hands in one breath, and tears almost fell from the excitement, before they hiccupped together with satisfaction.

It seemed to be a contest of who could play louder and longer, which was a very childish behavior, but the two looked at each other and smiled, with a little more relief on their faces.

The happiness of a man is sometimes as simple as that.

"Let's talk about it, calling me here isn't just for my 50 script points."

After the episode just now, Lianghong finally lifted his spirits again, sat up straight, and motioned Xu Tong to speak directly.

"Easy! Two words, help me, three words, help me, four words, please help me."

Xu Tong held up his four fingers, and shared his special plot mission information with Lianghong as he spoke.

After reading it carefully, Lianghong raised his head: "No! Our missions conflict."

This answer is not unexpected, even in Xu Tong's expectation.

"But you know in your heart that my lord killed Miss Tana and took away the child in her womb. Whether it was stealing or robbing, the means are not important, the result is the most important thing. She will become the new empress, And the culprit that led to this result is you, oh, at least that's what Number Eight thinks."

Xu Tong's words pointed to the point, so that Lianghong was at a loss for words for a while, and there was no way to explain.

Because the fact is really like this, otherwise how would the wound on his chest come from.

But when these words came out of Xu Tong's mouth, he still made him very upset. After all, he was also harmed by this guy in front of him. Now that he said it this way, if it wasn't for the fact that the two of them had a pleasant contact just now, now he Even if he didn't make a move, he had already flung his sleeves and left.

Sensing the displeasure on Lianghong's face, Xu Tong immediately brought the topic back:

"You and I are both players, from the perspective of the game, you and I are the masters of this script.

Just like chariots and cannons on a chessboard, they are better than pawns, either rampant, or over mountains or rushing left and right.

But if necessary, when abandoning the car to save the handsome, do we still need to ask the opinion of the chess pieces? "

Lianghong's eyes lit up, Xu Tong's words really gave him a refreshing feeling.

They have always used the perspective of participants to infiltrate into the world of the script, and groped along the direction of the main line according to the planning of the script and the way of task guidance.

But I never thought that I would dominate the direction of the game by myself.

Since I am a player, shouldn't this be a game I control?

In fact, Xu Tong's statement is mixed with many sneak changes and wrong guidance directions. Of course, he will not tell Lianghong. The premise of doing this is that you must have a key trump card that can guide the direction.

Not to mention telling him that this is a scripted world, not a computer game. Every attempt to divert the plot is a risk on a tightrope. After all, there is only one life.

Of course, he would not say such depressing words.

Just as insurance sellers will not tell you, the accident insurance you bought is a comprehensive insurance, which seems to be as high as 60 insured, and you can only get it if you belch on the spot. Paralyzed, the insurance coverage for these accidents is only a pitiful few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars.

There is actually only one purpose for him to say these words, to let Lianghong understand that he is a player, and he is also a player, and players and players should be in the same camp.

"But I...I can't betray No. [-] now. I belong to his vassal. If I betray him, he can kill me at any time."

Lianghong looked a little embarrassed, throwing out his concerns.

"This is easy. I can take you to ask my lord. It would be best if she has a way to help you solve this difficulty. If not... I have already prepared to betray her at any time. In short, we are players. Maximizing is how we play the game."

Xu Tong narrowed his eyes and threw out his Wang Zang.


These words really shocked Lianghong, and when he looked at Xu Tong, the fire in his heart was instantly ignited.

But Lianghong is not a fool, he has experienced the script world four times, he does not believe that such a good thing will happen to him for no reason.

"But what benefits can you get by doing this?" Lianghong directly asked the most critical question, which was also the question he was most concerned about.

Xu Tong had been preparing for this question for a long time, taking a puff of his cigar without haste, and stretched out four fingers at the same time, as if he wanted to break Lianghong off one by one.

"Of course there is. First, we are both players, and in the same script camp, our power is much higher than that of our own masters."

"Secondly, I haven't become a vassal yet, that is to say, I still have a chance to join No. [-]. If I can find the baby, it will be a must from the Dragon."

"Third, my special plot mission did not explicitly say that I was required to support her in the position, but only told me to find the artifact in the lair, so our missions do not conflict."

"Finally, and most importantly, don't forget, this is a nine-player difficulty book. Our current comfort is entirely due to the fact that humans and the infected have not yet entered a state of engagement. Once the main mission begins, you really feel that the four of us Any chance of winning?"

The four benefits were torn apart one by one by Xu Tong and made it clear that Lianghong had no doubts.

Besides, I am already in this state. If I don't give it a go, even if No. [-] becomes the empress, whether I will be reused or not is another matter. Once No. [-] fails, his fate can be imagined.

When I think about it carefully, I am the one who has no choice.

After confirming to cooperate with Xu Tong, Lianghong hesitated to speak.

"You want this?"

Xu Tong shook the glass tube in his hand, Liang Hong nodded a little embarrassed.

"I can't give this to you. This thing was supposed to be hallucinogenic for 10 minutes, but you finished it in 5 minutes. I can say with certainty that there is no interval of twelve hours between each time you take it. I will give it to you. I am afraid that the drug addiction will break out. Suffocated and died suddenly."

This kind of kind and fierce words, on the contrary, made Lianghong feel an inexplicable intimacy, as if he would say this between good brothers.

"I'll give you one every twelve hours. During this period, when you become addicted to drugs, just bear with me."

After finishing speaking, he still didn't forget to add a sentence: "A piece of fifty script points, not one point less."

Lianghong was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that the 200 script points hadn't been given yet, so he hurriedly traded 150 script points to Xu Tong, and the extra [-] script points were regarded as an advance payment.

150 script points are not many, but for Xu Tong, what he lacks the most right now is the script score. With this script score, his script score barely returned to the passing line close to 400.

He took Lianghong around and walked around in a big circle, and finally came to Yan Niang's hiding place.

"right here??"

When he saw the dilapidated room in front of him, even Xu Tong praised Yan Niang as high as heaven and earth, comparable to Zhuge, resourceful and resourceful, but when he saw the dilapidated house in front of him, he couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart.

Xu Tong also knew that the place Yan Niang had chosen was too hip. Apart from being broken, the place was also dirty and messy. High EQ said: This place is unexpected.

In low EQ terms, this place is a dump.

Seeing this, Xu Tong could only save Yan Niang's image, and coughed twice: "Ahem, I said earlier that even though you are a woman, you have the wisdom of husband and wife, and you always use extraordinary means, even if you turn the whole nest upside down!" I wouldn't have thought that adults would hide in this place."

His voice was very loud, as if he was deliberately showing off, but the words were also for Yan Niang. The translation was: "The guests are here, ready to come out to pick them up..."

PS: I couldn't sleep at the head of the bed in the middle of the night, and there was an update when I woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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