Infinite script kill

Chapter 115 The Death of Xiao Chengzhi

Chapter 115 The Death of Xiao Chengzhi

Sure enough, after hearing Xu Tong's voice, Yan Niang's figure appeared in the dim room.

She glanced at Xu Tong first, and then glanced at Lianghong.

With a glance, Lianghong immediately felt a strong sense of oppression. This is not only the aura emanating from Yan Niang, but also the natural suppression of the semi-source body by the source virus.

Lianghong's eyes lit up, and his eyes immediately locked on the baby in Yan Niang's arms, and his heart immediately increased a little bit of trust in what Xu Tong said before.

It seemed that Tana was indeed killed by this lord.

Xu Tong hurried forward, raised his humble and pious hands above his head, then crossed his hands flat on his chest, and bowed deeply to Yan Niang, with that expression, those who didn't know it thought he was worshiping a god.

Seeing this, Lianghong hurriedly followed Xu Tong and bowed in salute.

Seeing Xu Tong's humble and polite appearance towards her, Yan Niang almost laughed out loud, but she really enjoyed how pious this stinky shameless person treated her, she nodded with airs, as if she didn't answer Looking around, teasing the doll in his arms, he had no intention of opening his mouth at all.

"My lord, this is my good brother. We are brothers and sisters. We have depended on each other since we were young..."

Xu Tong leaned forward and began to talk about his poor brother with tears and snot, how he was forcibly pushed down by No. [-], forced to be C, drugged and controlled, and finally became a tool of his subordinates, and is still being used by No. [-]. The story of ruthlessly abandoned on the street.

Lianghong stood behind, blushing up to his ears, even if he knew that Xu Tong was deliberately helping himself out, the problem was that it was too miserable.

And... why does this set of procedures feel so familiar? ?

He only knew that Xu Tong was selling miserably for him, but he didn't know that Yan Niang had roughly understood what was going on.

Glancing at Lianghong, he shook his head: "If you can't get rid of it, a vassal is a vassal, and when the host dies, the vassal will be buried with him."

Hearing this, Liang Hong's heart suddenly became cold.

"grown ups!!"

Xu Tong carefully raised his head and glanced at Yan Niang's slightly raised eyebrows, he understood it, and threw himself on Yan Niang's lap with a plop: "My lord, you can't just ignore death, that No. [-] is about to lose his mind and go crazy now." , it won't be long before the other hosts will join forces to kill him, my brother can't be buried with him in vain."

Lianghong carefully raised his eyelids, and when he saw Yan Niang's frown, his mind tightened, he was worried that Yan Niang would refuse, so he quickly knelt on the ground: "I beg you to be fulfilled, even if I am a cow and a horse, I will definitely repay you." Grace of Reinvention."

His worry was purely superfluous, but he didn't know that the reason why Yan Niang frowned was entirely because Xu Tong's hand on her thigh was becoming more and more dishonest, actually in...

...Pull her leg hair.

Yan Niang resisted the urge to kick this guy away, her tone softened, she stretched out her hand and pulled the guy up, and said to Liang Hong with a half-smile: "Half-source body cannot get rid of the state of being a vassal." , but if I give you another half to help you become a new source virus..."

She didn't say the last paragraph, but when she saw the smile on Yan Niang's face, Lianghong's conjecture had been confirmed, and she couldn't suppress the ecstasy on her face, and kowtowed to Yan Niang to thank her.

"not that simple."

She changed her voice: "I can help you, but you must show me enough sincerity."

"Yes, yes, I can do whatever you want."

Lianghong's eyes are bright, once he becomes the source virus, his main task 2 will be completed ahead of schedule, and he can completely get rid of the control of No. .

Yan Niang was very satisfied with Lianghong's attitude, just when she was about to continue to say something, suddenly the whole nest trembled violently again.

A low growl echoed in the lair.

When the humming ended, Xu Tong noticed that both Yan Niang and Liang Hong's expressions were not very good-looking.

"The empress is angry, and she will choose a successor the day after tomorrow."

Liang Hong explained to Xu Tong the information contained in this low growl.

"Angry?? A few hours ago, wasn't she quite happy??"

Xu Tong remembered that a few hours ago, in front of the statue, this thing made that happy, why did it take a little effort, and he started to get angry.

"This one……"

Lianghong was a little embarrassed, the Queen Mother's voice contained many kinds of instructions, some were for the infected, and some were for the evolutionary alone.

As a semi-source body, I can only hear a small part of the information.

"It was Lao Jiu who was killed."

Yan Niang looked a little strange, Lao Jiu had just awakened, and was killed so soon, it seemed that the mother had high hopes for Lao Jiu, otherwise she would not be so angry. You must know that Chen Hai died so badly, the mother didn't even shout Didn't fart.

It turned out that at the moment when Lao Jiu woke up smoothly, a strong red light suddenly shattered the window glass of the car and quickly covered the midair of the camp.

Also at this time, the girl whose blood was sucked by Lao Jiu, with her limbs like a monkey, jumped at Zhang Qiang who was stunned by the blood light.

The sharp minions slashed across the air quickly, but before they could touch Zhang Qiang's immature face, a figure was one step faster than her.

At that moment, a big hand full of barbs grabbed her throat from behind, and wiped it hard.


Blood splashed on the glass of the bus, and the head rolled directly to the ground.


Sitting in the back row, Xiao Chengzhi was stunned for a moment, seeing that the ranger covered in blood would actually betray him at this time, his face was stunned for a long time.

You Xia glanced at Zhang Qiang who had passed out on the seat, his expression was extremely complicated, and he pleaded with Xiao Chengzhi in front of him: "You can kill the people here, but this child can't do it, at least you... are friends too."

Even knowing that Zhang Qiang is just an insignificant little character in the copy space.

So what if he died?

But he still couldn't bear it, at least he had gone through a lot of hardships along the way to bring him here and give him the hope of living.

Even if the hope has been shattered now, he still wants Zhang Qiang to survive.

"It's just because of my hard work and hard work along the way, let him go."

You Xia bowed his head to Xiao Chengzhi extremely humblely, hoping that Xiao Chengzhi could forgive him, after all, this matter was not difficult for him at all.

However, what I thought was something that could be discussed, was reprimanded and cursed by Xiao Chengzhi in exchange.

"Stupid! This place will soon become a Jedi, and no one can leave alive. In addition, even if I let everyone go, he must die."

Xiao Chengzhi pointed at Zhang Qiang and said viciously, "You either kill him, or you two die together in the stomach of the infected person."

You Xia's face turned cold, he didn't expect that he would be so shameless to beg him, and he got such an answer in exchange.

Suddenly an iron box appeared in his hand.

This is the bomb he bought in the Vietnam Triangle before entering the world of this script. Holding the bomb, he threatened fiercely; "Don't come here, at worst, we will die together."

Xiao Chengzhi shook his head, not paying attention to the bomb at all, tapped his forehead lightly with his fingers, as if trying to recall something from Xiao Chengzhi's head: "Hey, I remember I watched Infernal Affairs, I want to be a good person ……late."

The survivors on the surrounding car seats stood up slowly, screamed sharply, and rushed towards the Ranger.

"Da da da……"

There was intense gunshots outside the car window.

The rapidly spreading virus broke out violently in front of the camp. Some soldiers, after experiencing a brief dizziness, rushed towards their companions frantically in the next second.

The scene of doomsday strikes is re-enacted.

The only difference this time was that another massacre was taking place inside the bus compartment.

With a hand full of barbs, he slapped the head of the woman in front of him, and at the same time unceremoniously kicked the driver who had become an infected person away.


An infected person rushed forward, opened his mouth and bit the ranger's shoulder, but the infected person's big teeth were blown off in the next second, and the skin under the torn clothes was covered with a metallic texture. How can an infected person who has just been infected with the virus be able to bite.

As time passed, Zhang Qiang's body was already covered with blood. After finally killing all the infected people in the carriage, he suddenly saw more infected people coming around from the window of the car.

Seeing this, the ranger felt cold, waved his hand and threw [Shining Dagger] out of the window.

At the same time, he reached out and grabbed the unconscious Zhang Qiang on the chair, wanting to lead him out of here first.

But before his hand could grasp Zhang Qiang's body, a red light flashed in front of his eyes. Xiao Chengzhi, who was sitting in the back row just now, suddenly appeared in front of him, and his thin palm appeared on his chest in the next second. She slapped him on the chest in a nonchalant manner.

The ranger's face turned black and purple in an instant, the blood in his body seemed to have stopped at this moment, and then flowed back into his heart in reverse.

In an instant, the pupils of the ranger's eyes tightened, and he let out a heart-piercing scream, and dense drops of blood oozed out from under his skin.


"If you don't kill, I'll kill for you!" He looked back at Zhang Qiang who had passed out on the sofa, with a cold murderous intent on his face.

After finishing speaking, he pulled out the dagger from the soldier's corpse, put it in the hand of the ranger, grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm with one hand, and stabbed the knife towards Zhang Qiang's throat.

You Xia's face was full of veins, he controlled his hand to pull back with all his strength, and the other hand desperately hit Xiao Chengzhi's chest and head, his fist was like hitting a rock, it didn't work at all.

This seven-year-old child has completely turned into a monster. The gap between the two is so big that even in the heyday of the ranger, it is difficult to compete.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered something, and looked out the car window, the [Shining Dagger] stuck in the trunk of a tree in the distance.

Gritting his teeth, his legs jumped up and wrapped around Xiao Chengzhi's body, and at the same time decisively activated the skill of the flashing dagger, jumping and flashing.

Xiao Chengzhi's eyes suddenly blurred, and the dagger that stabbed Zhang Qiang's throat went blank.


He was a little surprised at first, but suddenly realized something, his pupils suddenly tightened and he turned to look at the bomb in Ranger's belly.

"Hey, I'm not Hua Tsai, I have a choice, I have a choice!"

The ranger grinned, his blood-stained face looked extremely ferocious, and he pressed the detonation button suddenly with his fingers.


The fire suddenly rushed into the air.

It wasn't until the flames dissipated that Xiao Chengzhi, who had only half of his body left in the flames, crawled out with a distorted face, looked back at the shattered body of You Xia, and screamed angrily.

Then he glanced at the bus, with a bewitching blood on his forehead, and controlled all the infected people around him to come closer, and he wanted to tear Zhang Qiang into pieces.


Suddenly, there was a muffled roar in the air. The sound sounded like thunder at first, but it didn't feel like it. Xiao Chengzhi turned his head subconsciously.

In the eyes, an arrow shining with silver light was getting closer and closer to him, the body of the arrow shone with broken silver light, and in the air, it turned into little silver flames in the air, Like the galaxy under the night sky.

"What a nice view!"

After the last thought flashed through Xiao Chengzhi's mind, "Bang!!" His shattered head, like a big watermelon falling from the sky, was instantly shattered...

(End of this chapter)

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