Infinite script kill

Chapter 116 The First Half

Chapter 116 The first half (seeking tickets...)

The black leather boots stepped on the shattered glass shards. Although the fire had been extinguished long ago, the burnt smell could still be smelled in the air.

The swimming pool in front of him, which should have reflected the stars in the night sky, was emitting a pungent smell at this moment.

No. [-] raised his head, feeling infinite regret in his heart, what was clearly within his reach, but now slipped away from his hands like this.

The day after tomorrow will be the time for the Empress to start selecting candidates, and the unknown fire in No. [-]'s heart will start to flare up again.

But there is no target around him for him to vent.

Several of his good brothers have already avoided the shadows, and made it clear that I can't afford to hide, I will hide first, and you come to me if you have the ability.

The nest is so big, there are many unknown corners, corners, grooves, and crevices. People want to hide, but you want to find it, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.


Number Eight raised his brows, thinking about this made him feel even more uncomfortable, because this was another mistake he made. If he had made up his mind to kill all the hosts present at that time, he should be able to sit back and relax now.

But I was confused at the time, thinking that they would obediently hand over the child under my pressure.

Thinking about it now, the more I think about it, the angrier I get.

"grown ups!"

A familiar voice came from behind, and he didn't need to look back to know that the person behind him was Liang Hong. As a vassal, as long as they were within 100 meters of him, he would naturally notice their whereabouts.

"I thought you weren't coming back."

With his back facing Lianghong, No. [-] slowly raised his palm, only to see a wisp of faint black flame burning in his palm, looking at the beating flame, a biting murderous intent flickered in his dark eyes.

Lianghong's eyelids twitched, aware of the killing intent, and hurriedly said: "Master, I found it, I found the trace of that child."

No. [-] raised his brows, first surprised and then happy, but soon he became suspicious again: "Did you find the child? Where is it? Why didn't you bring it back?"

The sharp eyes seemed to be piercing his heart with a dagger. The answer that Xu Tong had agreed with him earlier flashed in his mind, and he quickly explained: "I had already given up, but suddenly I heard the cry of the baby. It was only then that I realized that they were hiding in an unfinished building under the lair, I didn't dare to startle the snake, so I rushed back to report to the Lord."


The first thing No. [-] thought of was Wang Jiaming.

"Yes, a woman and a man. I saw them holding a baby with my own eyes, especially that woman. She also seemed to be the host of the source virus."

Liang Hong lowered his head and described everything he saw to No. [-] in detail.

Including the location, the appearance of the woman, and the appearance of the man, tell them all in detail.

These massive details gradually dispelled most of the doubts on No. [-]'s face.

"Notify the blood demon and let him come back as soon as possible."

As No. [-] said, he walked to Lianghong's side, saw him prostrate on the ground and shivered, his face warmed up, and said: "You did a good job this time. After this time is over, I will personally help you." You, get rid of the remaining biological toxins in your body."

Lianghong was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized what was going on. With an unbearable ecstasy on his face, he hurriedly kowtowed to No. [-].

It's just that I have a deep hatred for No. [-] in my heart. It seems that No. [-] has long known that he is using [biological mixture], and he is also well aware of the side effects brought by this thing.

Realizing that he had been played by No. [-] from the beginning to the end, Lianghong's hatred grew stronger and stronger, and he followed behind without saying a word.

"What do you think will happen if I swallow this thing?"

Xu Tong was lying on the sofa, holding the brain crystal from Tana in his hand. Different from other brain crystals, this brain crystal was actually dark green and had a special fragrance.

Taking a deep breath, it even made people feel a little bit above.

Yan Niang sat holding the doll in her arms, did not answer his question, and asked, "You should know that we cannot be opponents of No. [-]. His evolutionary path is purely for fighting."

After all, she didn't agree with Xu Tong's plan, which was completely risky.

As she said before, she is the weakest of all source viruses, otherwise she would not be hiding in this place, completely not wanting other source virus hosts to notice her.

Now Xu Tong actually wants to kill No. [-], which in Yan Niang's eyes is simply risking his life.

But even so, she agreed to Xu Tong's plan, but in this plan, she was only in charge of the first half, and once she finished her role, she would withdraw immediately.

This step was possible because Xu Tong promised to tell her where the baby was. In exchange, she had to accompany her through the first half of the performance and give him two copies of blood loaded with the source virus.

Hearing Yan Niang's inquiry, Xu Tong sat up straight from the sofa and stared at Yan Niang: "You should think about it, your previous promise."

As he spoke, he casually swallowed the brain crystal in his hand like throwing a jelly bean...

"right here!!"

Lianghong pointed to the abandoned house in front of him, and said firmly to No. [-].


No. [-] glanced at the abandoned building in front of him, and couldn't help being a little surprised. This is a relatively remote corner of WL City. It is more appropriate to call it a village in the city rather than an urban area.

The only few high-rise buildings are also in an unfinished state. If you look around, the dilapidated doors and walls of the low houses all over the street remind you of the abandoned villages in TV dramas.

It's really hard to be noticed by hiding in this place.

"I come!"

The Gorefiend stepped forward and opened his cloak, only to see dense bats rushing out under the cloak, rushing into the abandoned building in front of him.

With the help of the information sent by the bat, his eyes lit up, and he pointed to the unfinished building inside: "If you find it, it's just ahead. It's true that there are only one man and one woman, and they are holding a baby."

Hearing the long-lost smile finally appeared on No. [-]'s pale face, he strode up, and the murderous aura pervading his body became more intense, which affected the bats released by the blood demon, flapping their wings desperately to escape.

His pride made him not allow himself to sneak in like a thief and make a surprise attack. He wanted to use this method to tell those thieves that their end was coming.

He walked very slowly, every time he stepped on, a thick layer of dust rolled up on the ground, as if he was a giant animal waking up.The paradox is that his speed is getting faster and faster, and the distance of [-] meters can be reached in the blink of an eye, as if it is as simple as stepping over a stinky ditch at random.


Before he could make a move first, there was an explosion in the building, and as countless shattered stones fell down, two black shadows jumped out one after the other.

The former rushed towards No. [-], while the latter ran towards the back frantically.

The shattered stone smashed towards No. [-], but before the stone touched No. [-]'s body, it was sent flying by an invisible force. The black gloved hand raised up and grabbed it forward.

A sharp and slender nail was firmly grasped by No. [-].

"Oh, so it's you! Number 1."

When he saw Yan Niang's face clearly in front of him, No. [-] said in a slightly surprised tone: "No wonder I haven't seen you all this time, so you are hiding here."

Speaking of No. [-], she looked behind Yan Niang from the corner of her eye.

A fat figure was walking clumsily, but it kept flickering and shifting in the air. If you look carefully, it is not difficult to see that this fat man is holding a child in his arms.

"It's him!"

When seeing the fat, simple and stupid body, No. [-]'s mind flashed, remembering that he seemed to have seen this fat man at the banquet.

His eyes turned cold, and he was more sure of what Lianghong said, that Tana was killed by No. [-].

"Go after him, don't bite too hard, don't hurt the child."


After hearing the words, Gorefiend and Lianghong naturally wished for it, and immediately chased after the fat man.

Maybe it was due to rivalry, or the relationship between the two was not good. Seeing that Lianghong was being valued by No. [-] again, the Blood Demon was naturally a little upset. Wu Guang flew through the air, and quickly left Lianghong behind.

Gorefiend is not only fast, but also one of the rare players who has integrated item cards into a complete set. His combat power is by no means comparable to rookies like Ranger and Lianghong.

Fatty has the passive blessing of Spirit Flash, but his speed is still much slower than that of Gorefiend.

"Fatty, hand over the child."

The figure of the Gorefiend emerged from the black light, and he stretched out his hand to grab the back of Fatty's head.

The sharp black nails refracted the light like a blade, and were dug into the palm like a tiger's claw.

It seems simple and simple, but it is blessed by the passive combination of the skills [Tear] and [Five Elements Fist].

If he grasped it firmly, he could break even a steel bar.

However, Fatty didn't even dodge the blow that was inevitable. He let the Gorefiend grab it, and then his figure flickered and disappeared in front of him immediately.


When the shot missed, the Gorefiend was stunned for a moment, but the experienced man soon realized that the fat man seemed to have the ability to avoid things.

But this is not a problem for him, physical damage immunity sounds like it is very powerful.

But it's not surprising at all, because theoretically, he can also achieve temporary immunity to physical damage.

This ability may have miraculous effects in some places, even a little invincible.

But meeting someone with a little special ability to hurt can make you cry.

There was a strange giggle at the corner of his mouth, and he chased after him again, "Do you know why those melee masters never bothered with this kind of foolish ability? Because this kind of ability will kill themselves when it encounters magic damage."

As he spoke, he quickly activated his prop skills; [Blood Explosion Technique! 】

Opening his palm, a blood-red glare shot out quickly. Pang Pang didn't even have time to dodge this time, and was directly pierced by the blood light from his chest.

Immediately afterwards, with the pierced part as the center, a layer of crimson cracks quickly spread all over the body.

Seeing this, the Gorefiend hurriedly reached out to snatch the baby in his arms.

However, the fat body that was about to slacken suddenly changed its appearance at this time. The body that originally looked fleshy quickly lost a lot of weight, and the body became firm and strong, and the hole in the chest disappeared. The slender tentacles wrapped around the Gorefiend's wrist.


The sudden change caught the Gorefiend off guard, and the other hand grabbed Pang Pang's heart again.

It's just this grasp, the chest as hard as iron, almost smashed his nails away.

Fat Pang, who had transformed from a ghost form into a paper armor form, had a bluish-white skin, and his thick face seemed to have been smeared with two huge blushes, and he raised his hand and punched the Gorefiend on the face...

 There are no updates today, only two updates. This paragraph is not easy to write, and I am ready to climax.

(End of this chapter)

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