Infinite script kill

Chapter 117 Baby

Chapter 117 Baby
Under the dull impact, the face of the blood demon also deformed.

Fatty in paper armor looks like an alien tank, with tentacles winding up one after another. Seeing that the situation is not good, the blood demon immediately activates the prop skills, and the figure turns into a black black light again. out of the tentacles.

Afterwards, he quickly distanced himself from the fat man, and he couldn't help becoming alert.

Thanks to him, otherwise, if it were any other player, it would be a ditch to overturn the ship.

Don't think that it's just as hard to die as a player. You don't know how many players have capsized in the gutter and fell into the hands of rookies.

Didn't the prototype of 007 also die at the hands of a soldier.

Seeing that the blood demon refused to approach easily, Big Fatty immediately turned around and ran. Although the speed was not as fast as the ghost state, the problem was that this guy didn't follow the normal route at all. It was like a bulldozer, heading straight in one direction. run forward.

Those abandoned houses and the old courtyard walls crashed directly all the way.

Gorefiend frowned when he saw this. He didn't have other methods, but the fat man in front of him was far stronger than he thought, and his flexible tentacles would be very troublesome once he got entangled. His methods were powerful. It's not easy to control, once the baby in his arms is hurt, then things will be troublesome.


There was a heavy panting sound, like an old bull that had just climbed off a cow, and the Gorefiend looked at Lianghong with disgust on his face.

This guy's drug addiction seemed to have started again, and he was panting like this after running all the way here.

"Idiot! I warned you a long time ago that any special props are very dangerous. Do you really think that those powers are given to you out of thin air?"

In fact, Lianghong had already reminded him vaguely when he was eating the biological mixture.

But for any thing that can increase one's own physique without occupying the item status, nine out of ten will have great hidden dangers, and the remaining one will be a pitfall.

According to the principle of equivalent exchange, there is nothing that can be obtained without paying a price.

Relatively speaking, although item cards consume script points, that is already the smallest and safest price.

"Whether you can do it or not, just go away and stay." For this kind of pig teammate who doesn't listen to advice, the blood demon never gives the slightest bit of goodwill.


Lianghong pointed to the Gorefiend, but he couldn't speak. He took a few deep breaths and said, "I'm not good at running around like this, so you can't entangle him. Give me some time."

As he said that, he clutched his lower abdomen and retched a few times, as if he wanted to vomit his stomach out, and then he did not forget to complain: "Look for yourself, where did it all go, this ghost place, I don’t even have a shared bicycle, so is it easy for me to catch up?”

Only then did the Gorefiend realize in surprise that he just buried himself in the chase, and only when he recovered did he notice that they had chased them a long way.

"No, you can't let this guy run any further, you go and pester him and buy me time."

Gorefiend noticed that the distance between them and No. [-] was too far, and if he continued to run forward, he didn't know how many variables would arise.

"Okay... okay... I'll take another breath."

I don't know if it was intentional, or really panting, Lianghong leaned on the wall with one hand, panting heavily.

Seeing that the mud couldn't support the wall, the Gorefiend wished he could kill him right now.

Turning around to see, just as the two of them were talking, the big fat man ran not far away again.

"I'm unlucky."

Seeing that if the big fat man had to run another distance, he would have to pant for an unknown amount of time when Lianghong rushed over, the blood demon threw a bottle from the item book to him with a face full of pain.

"Drink it."

Lianghong picked it up and looked at it, his eyes sparkled: "Are you willing to take out this thing?? It seems that you have worked hard enough to become the source virus."

The glass bottle that Gorefiend gave him was filled with red liquid, and the liquid swirled in the glass bottle, revealing a rose-red color.

[Crimson Suffering] (The maker is anonymous)
A mysterious drink brewed with the blood of a young girl using the black magic of the blood clan.

Eating effect: Obtain the blessing of crimson aura.

Crimson Aura: Lasts 30 minutes.

Halo holders can increase their movement speed by 30%, increase their own strength by 15%, and gain the effect of blood self-healing.

(Note: When drinking, don't take a sip, but learn to taste the fragrance of the girl in the wine.)
You must know that even the potions sold at the exhibition are far from the top-quality potion in front of you, and it is not expensive to sell 100 script points for the four words of blood clan self-healing.

Not to mention the movement speed and strength bonuses

It took Gorefiend a long time to research this potion. For this reason, he had to lurk into some surrounding small countries, and go out day and night to hunt and kill girls in villages and towns.

If it wasn't for this mission, the Gorefiend would never have given this thing to the second person for use.

Lianghong's such a blessing can only be said to be due to the glory of the mission.

He very much needs to have the source virus for himself. Only by becoming the source virus can his dark physique be further improved.

So for the sake of the mission, he can still afford the loss of this bottle of potion.

"Hahaha, don't worry, I will not disappoint your kindness."

Lianghong opened his mouth and suffocated the medicine in one gulp.

Although the vulgar action ruined the delicious taste of this bottle of fine wine, it finally made the Blood Demon's complexion a little better.

After drinking the bottle of potion, a bloody halo suddenly appeared on Lianghong's body.

The state of the whole person has also changed greatly.

"Hiss~~" took a deep breath, the air poured into the lungs from the mouth and nose, and then spit it out heavily, as if all the coldness in the body was spit out, and the whole body felt like it was from the inside out. comfortable.

Lianghong has not experienced this kind of comfortable feeling for a long time.

Looking at his palm, Lianghong's heart was trembling, wasn't he always like this before he took that damned pill?
Thinking of this, his resentment towards No. [-] added another layer.

"Don't be dazed, hurry up!"

Seeing that he was not moving, the Gorefiend couldn't help urging him.

But as soon as his words fell, Lianghong glanced at him abruptly: "What's your name? Is it difficult to say please?"

The Gorefiend was stunned for a moment, and this arrogant gesture reminded him of when the two of them just entered the script space, and the item card had not been unsealed at that time.

But Lianghong dared to copy a kitchen knife and cut off the heads of several infected people in a daze.

The unruly self-confidence seemed to return to Lianghong at this time.

Seeing this, instead of being angry, he restrained the disdain on his face, and said to Lianghong with a serious expression: "Sorry, I was in a hurry, let's do it, after the matter is over, I owe you a favor. "

What is reality, this is.

Even if he knows that you only have three ten minutes of strong time, the blood demon will still give you three ten minutes of respect.

Lianghong nodded, and suddenly stepped out with a brisk step. Suddenly, a strong wind blew up in the midair, blowing up sand and rocks like a leopard galloping at full speed.

In an instant, he caught up with Fatty: "It's my turn!"

There is a gleam in the eyes!He raised his hand and punched in the air. It was five or six meters away. Fatty flew up into the air and crashed into the wall next to him as if he had been hit by some transparent object.

Fortunately, Big Fatty was tough enough. Facing Lianghong who was coming to kill him head-on, countless slender tentacles twisted into a huge fist in an instant, and bumped into Lianghong.


With the pure force collision, the stone debris between the two was instantly blown up by the powerful airflow.

"Be careful kids!!!"

Seeing this, the Gorefiend hurriedly reminded him that he was afraid that Lianghong would be too excited, and if the child was shocked to death, they would just wait to be skinned by No. [-] and cramp.

Lianghong was stunned and hurriedly pulled back his strength, no longer confronting this guy head-on, but chose to surround this guy and keep attacking and harassing to buy time for the blood demon.

"very good!"

Seeing Lianghong's performance, the blood demon was at ease, and saw him take out a small cage from the item book.

There is a very small bat in the cage, with huge eyes, it is still as clear and bright as sapphire in the dark, and its shiny fur looks like a cute little pet.

But looking at this little guy, the Gorefiend felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He carefully bit his fingertips, took out a cotton rope, and wrapped it tightly around the base of his fingers.

It wasn't until the blood was blocked and the whole finger was black and purple, that I brought my hand to the little guy's mouth and let it lick.

The slender pink tongue only licked a few mouthfuls, and the finger of the blood demon directly shriveled.

Fortunately, he blocked the blood flow with the hemp rope, otherwise, after these few mouthfuls, the blood in most of his body would be sucked up by this little guy.

"Come on, do me a favor and attack him, but don't hurt the child."

The Gorefiend opened the cage as he said that. After the little guy crawled out slowly, he gave the Gorefiend a displeased look, as if saying that you gave too little blood.

"I promise, I will let you drink to your full next time."

The Gorefiend hurriedly patted his chest to assure himself, as for the next time... Hehe, I will throw him in the development meeting after I come back this time.

After getting the guarantee from the blood demon, the little guy reluctantly flew out of the cage, flapped his wings slowly, and only spun around in mid-air.

The already dark space suddenly became darker.

"what is this??"

Lianghong looked up and looked at the countless small bats above his head in horror.

These bats flew down overwhelmingly and formed a dark torrent. After Lianghong hurriedly dodged, he saw that these bats swallowed Fatty in an instant.

"Hey, you won't hurt the child if you do this."

Seeing the Gorefiend approaching, Lianghong asked nervously.

"No! This is a group of blood gore bats. After locking on to the target, they will never attack anything other than the target. Their teeth contain a kind of neurotoxin. It only takes one bite, and even an elephant can't move. Let's Just wait until this guy is sucked dry and bring the baby over."

"Such a good thing, why didn't you take it out earlier."

Lianghong couldn't help but wonder.

Unexpectedly, the corner of the Gorefiend's mouth twitched, and he raised his finger and said: "You have to feed it well first. In order to raise this thing, I caught many women for it every day in several small countries in Southeast Asia, Thailand. Eat, otherwise the price will not be this one finger, but half life."

The Gorefiend said it lightly, but only he knew that this thing would start throwing temper tantrums every now and then. It was lucky that it didn't make a fuss today. If it really lost its temper, you had to find a way to coax it first. After coaxing it, it would make a move.

Once, in order to coax this little guy, the Gorefiend coaxed him for almost an hour, and in the end he finally coaxed his ancestor well by offering blood sacrifices to his teammates.

What, I don't coax, I don't need it, okay? ?
Well, it's okay, the previous owner is like this, it's normal for people to have a bit of a temper.

So by the time he rushed over, that guy had been sucked down to the point where there was only one piece of skin left.

The Gorefiend wanted Lianghong to delay, because he was worried that if the little guy was in a bad mood, not only would he not be able to help immediately, but he had to coax the ancestor first.


Not long after, a tentacle wrapped in a baby slipped out of the bat. Seeing the baby in the swaddle, the blood demon's eyes lit up immediately, as if he was afraid that Liang Hong would steal the merit, he immediately rushed forward and hugged the baby in his arms. arms.

Taking a closer look, the baby's skin is slightly green, his eyes are slightly closed, he looks about the same age as a hundred-day child, and there are several bubbles of different sizes on his face. Didn't think much about it.

After all, it was Tana's child. Although it was a bit weird, it was an acceptable result.

"Hey, why isn't this kid breathing??"

Lianghong leaned over to take a closer look, and couldn't help saying in surprise.

"No way!" The blood demon tensed up, and hurriedly put his hand under the baby's nose, but just as his hand was placed next to the baby's mouth, the baby in front of him suddenly opened his pale green eyes, opened his mouth and bit hard on the blood demon's cheek. hand.

 There will be no updates tonight, everyone rest early, and we will start at midnight tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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