Infinite script kill

Chapter 118 You have to do this first...

Chapter 118 You have to do this first...


The Gorefiend screamed, and subconsciously wanted to throw the child to the ground, but before he could raise his hand, he was firmly held down by reason. He didn't dare to drop it, because this was the child No. [-] liked, and it was easy to fall to death, but How to explain to number eight.

In the tangle, the blood demon suddenly found that the blood vessels on his arm began to turn black rapidly, and it seemed that something was flowing out of his blood vessels visible to the naked eye.

"Let go!"

Lianghong rushed forward screaming, trying to take away the baby in the hands of the Gorefiend.

However, this little guy's mouth was firmly biting his wrist, and he couldn't pull it off no matter how hard he pulled.

Seeing that his arm could no longer be kept, and he was afraid that he would lose his life if he bit it down, the Gorefiend gritted his teeth and wanted to break his arm.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to make a move, a huge pain suddenly hit his back.

A dagger appeared in Lianghong's hand, aiming at the back of the blood demon and stabbing it hard.

In fact, the dagger is not long, even a little shorter than ordinary daggers, not even 15 centimeters long enough.

Moreover, the blade also seemed very thick, and the strangest thing was that the handle of the dagger was thick and big. No matter how you looked at it, this dagger didn't look like a qualified weapon.

But the problem lies in the handle of the dagger. The moment the blade pierced the back of the blood demon, Lianghong pressed the inconspicuous air valve switch on the dagger with his fingers.

Immediately, there was a "Puff!!", and the Gorefiend's chest bulged instantly, and then his entire chest exploded.

This wasp dagger was a contraband that Lianghong found from the customs warehouse after spending a large sum of money and using his real family relationship.

Although the dagger is small, it is enough to be called the most lethal dagger of modern cold weapons.

Minced meat mixed with fresh blood splashed out from his chest. Under the fatal blow, the Gorefiend couldn't even scream, but soon his body quickly turned into a blood mist and rushed into the distance.

[Blood Transformation Technique] This is a life-saving skill that he relies on for a living. The condition for activation is that it will be activated automatically after he suffers a fatal blow.

After activation, it turns itself into a cloud of blood mist, immune to all physical damage, and quickly flees away. After disarming, all injuries on the body will heal itself.

It can be said that this ability is equivalent to adding a life to the blood demon.

Of course, the price is also quite heavy.

It has 75% script points, and there will be a strong period of weakness, and the cooling time is as long as half a month.

The blood mist surged into the air, and he wanted to leave quickly, but at this moment, the fat body suddenly disappeared, replaced by Xu Tong who had ambushed earlier.

"The power of magic!"

Light blue magic flames suddenly gushed out from his palm. Just as the Gorefiend said before, the price of being invincible is heavy. The Gorefiend never expected that there would be another person hiding here.

The flames flickered in front of him, and most of the blood mist was instantly burned away by the magic flame. The blood escape technique that had not yet been activated was also forced to stop, and the figure condensed into a human form again.

It was as if a layer of skin had been peeled off the whole person, howling in pain.

Immediately, a dazzling electric light flashed on his chest, causing him to be hit hard again and his body fell straight to the ground.

Lianghong seized the opportunity and rushed forward quickly. The short and thick dagger was shaped like an armor-piercing horn, and it stabbed into the top of the blood demon's head.

"go to hell!!"

As he spoke, he lightly pressed the air valve button on the dagger with his fingers.


It may be because it has been released once, the air pressure in the gas cylinder is no longer as strong as it was when the first knife was first cut, but even so, the head of the blood demon is deformed in an instant, making crackling noises like a smashed walnut click sound.

The head swelled up a lot, and the eyeballs protruded from the eye sockets. After the blood mixed with brain fluid sprayed out along the nostrils, the body fell heavily on the ground with a "plop".

Maybe the blood demon didn't expect that he would be killed by Lianghong until his death.

You know, under normal circumstances, even if they go together, they may not be able to kill the Gorefiend, and they may even be killed by the Gorefiend to the limit, taking the life of one of them and leaving calmly.

But his death, in Xu Tong's eyes, was a preordained result, and he did not die unjustly.

From the time when he and Lianghong chased and killed Xiang Dapang, this result was doomed. On the surface, there were two people on the blood demon's side, but here it was a big fat man and a baby.

In fact, whether it is Fatty, the baby in his arms, Lianghong who doesn't care about the blood demon at all, or even himself who is dormant in Fatty's belly waiting for an opportunity, strictly counting, it is four people who are calculating He is alone.

The Gorefiend didn't expect that he had become the prey in the eyes of the four people, step by step into the trap they carefully prepared.

It is unreasonable for him not to die.


Looking at the Gorefiend lying in a pool of blood, Lianghong gulped greedily and was about to draw his item card.

But when he chose to draw the item card, he suddenly remembered something. Looking back, he saw Xu Tong looking at him with a half-smile.

Suddenly, he felt a little bit in his heart, cursing himself for being confused, and hurriedly explained: "The conditions for the life-saving ability he activated in the end must be very strict, and it will definitely consume a lot of script points, so it will be more beneficial if we draw the card."

When talking about the word 'we', Lianghong specially strengthened his tone, hoping to tell Xu Tong in this way, I don't want to be alone, don't get me wrong.

Xu Tong just grinned, with an expression of knowing everything without explaining.

I saw him picking up the doll and holding him in his arms like Yan Niang, but the doll seemed to be very unimpressed with him, and after struggling a few times, he wanted to break free from his embrace.

But the more he struggled, the tighter Xu Tong hugged him.

Gradually, the doll began to feel that something was wrong, but before he could move, the muscles in Xu Tong's shoulders began to squirm, and two thick and powerful arms appeared on his back.

This is a new ability he acquired after eating Tana. Although Yan Niang has repeatedly reminded him that mixing brain crystals in this way will bring huge hidden dangers, he doesn't care at all at this time.


Xu Tong stared at the doll's face with playful eyes, and the corners of his mouth were raised backwards. With a piercing smile, the coldness on his face suddenly flashed a strong electric arc in his palm.

In an instant, the doll's exposed little head turned into a big light bulb, but it wasn't over yet. The casserole-sized fists on Xu Tong's shoulders, left and right, were like ruthless hailstones. , Greeting on the doll's face.

It was originally a pretty face, but it was beaten into a pig's head by Xu Tong.

" are crazy!!"

Now Lianghong didn't bother to draw the item card, and rushed up to stop Xu Tong. Before the action, Xu Tong had told him that this doll was not Tana's child, but Yan Niang's vassal.

Lianghong couldn't figure out why this guy would attack him all of a sudden.

Xu Tong raised his head, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he looked like a smile, which made Liang Hong feel guilty for a while.

He hurriedly changed his words: "You are like this, how can we explain to Yan Niang? I mean..."


Xu Tong frowned slightly: "Why should we explain to her?? Shouldn't she use us as cannon fodder and contribute to a doll?"

The corner of Lianghong's mouth twitched, and he finally understood what Xu Tong meant, and his forehead went numb: "Crazy, we offended both sides, and when one of them becomes queen mother, we will have nothing to eat."

Seeing Lianghong's frantic and fearful appearance, he joked instead: "You know that you are afraid of death now, it's much better than the puddle of mud when I met you."

Although he was ridiculed, these words still made Lianghong feel better. After all, who doesn't want to live like a dog, but if there is any hope, he will not give up on himself.

He patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "We are players, why should we charge forward and serve as cannon fodder for them? How can we do it without paying a price? Haven't you thought about a problem?"


Lianghong didn't know what this guy was going to do, but he always felt that this guy was looking at him more and more strangely, which made him feel uncomfortable.

I saw Xu Tong taking out a bottle of blood containing the original virus from the item book without haste.

"Drinking this thing, you are also the source virus. If so, why can't you become the Empress?"

As soon as these words came out, Lianghong was completely dumbfounded.

Staring blankly at the bottle of blood in Xu Tong's hand, his eyes gradually became erratic.

"Yeah?? Why didn't I think of this one??"

As long as I get two source viruses, I can evolve from a half source body to a complete source virus, which means that I already have the qualifications to compete for the empress.

"But... no, the empress is not a fool, she will choose me??"

Lianghong suddenly thought of another question. After all, he was also a latecomer. To put it bluntly, his source virus was still a product of hybridization. Why did the empress choose him as the heir? ?

When Xu Tong heard this, his face was full of contempt and he felt helpless at Lianghong's stupidity, so he could only remind him again: "I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs run, have you never seen pigs run?"

"Uh... haven't... seen it before."

Lianghong found that his thinking could no longer keep up with Xu Tong's thoughts. This guy's brain jumped repeatedly, and every thought came out once. No normal person would think of this.

Thinking about it carefully, I can't remember where I have seen similar cases? ?

Xu Tong, who hated iron but not steel, could only kick this guy's ass: "How did Li Shimin become emperor??"

Lianghong subconsciously replied: "Of course it's Xuanwumen... hiss~" Halfway through the words, Lianghong suddenly understood, the muscles on his face trembled, he looked at him in surprise, and said in a low voice: "Your Meaning... kill them all??"

"Do you want to kowtow to you during the Chinese New Year if you don't kill me?"

Xu Tong glanced at him angrily: "Kill them, plus that baby, the Empress has no choice but to choose you as the successor."

"But it's just the two of us??"

Lianghong was questioning, but his heart was trembling with excitement. This was not a question, but an urgent desire to know from Xu Tong what he should do.

Seeing the idiot finally enlightened, the smile on his face finally brightened, and he whispered: "It's simple, you have to do this first..."

 There are two more updates tonight...

(End of this chapter)

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