Infinite script kill

Chapter 119 You Can't Get Off the Stage

Chapter 119 Letting You Down


A battle between source viruses in the ruins is gradually entering a white-hot stage.

Many evolutionists who heard the movement and heard the sound chose to flee after seeing the two.

A fight between source viruses is equivalent to a fight between brothers in the master's family. These slaves are not even qualified to persuade them to fight.

Yan Niang has exposed her most ferocious side at this moment, her delicate image was torn into pieces by the slender claws, and the bone spurs with fierce light kept flying from the slender claws behind her.

At the same time, the figure struck, and the sharp claws with countless wind blades pressed against him, as if they were about to tear everything around them into pieces.


Looking at Yan Niang who was still trying to contend against him, No. [-] sighed: "The person you shouldn't provoke is me, but you have no chance to turn back."

While speaking, he raised his hands slowly, carrying countless phantom afterimages during the movement, as if he had transformed into a thousand hands.

As the hands closed together, a group of blue-black flames appeared in the palm of the palm, and in the blue-black light, there was a breath of death wrapped in the slightest strands.

The fire burst out suddenly, forming a twisted and terrifying suction force in the air, and at the same time countless blades formed by black fire burst out.

Yan Niang's blue pupils suddenly revealed a horrified expression. She knew how powerful No. [-] was, but only now did she realize that there was a huge gap between the two, and they were not on the same level at all.

A black fiery blade swirled across her head, Yan Niang hurriedly turned her head, a few strands of black drifted down, and a scar appeared on her snow-white and delicate face.

The wound was accompanied by a tingling burning sensation. Under the burned skin, there was actually a flashing red light, like the flames of red-hot coals flickering in the wind. How could it be blown? It's like being blown out.

Yan Niang's body twitched, she was a woman after all, even though she was only a parasite on a woman's body, the importance of the face was self-evident to her.

More importantly, such scars are still expanding and burning her flesh and blood.

Number Eight's attack was still going on, and the terrible suction made her unable to retreat even more, and the black fire that kept flickering past her was about to make her breathless.

She is like a drowning person, every cell in her body is yearning for oxygen, but the water surface and the air are close at hand, and it only takes half a breath to regain life, but the urgency of the situation forced her to the point where she could not breathe There is no chance of breath!
And No. [-] stood proudly, looking at Yan Niang who was still struggling in front of him with a look of contempt.

When the flame in his hand gradually disappeared, No. [-] came to Yan Niang, who was panting violently, grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up. A blue-black fire tornado whirled rapidly. , swallowing Yan Niang directly.

In an instant, Yan Niang's body began to dissolve and die like plastic incinerated by flames.


Seeing this scene, No. [-] frowned, and casually threw the charred body aside.


The body exploded, forming countless fine powders, but these powders exploded violently in the air, and countless gravels splashed around, blasting out a big pit with a diameter of two meters and a depth of one meter on the spot.

"It's interesting. Your ability is not strong, but it is very special. No wonder you want to hide it. Is it because you are afraid of being noticed by others?"

Number Eight looked up at the shadow not far away, and asked thoughtfully.

"You discovered all of this??"

The shadow then distorted and Yan Niang's figure emerged, using a mischievous tone to cover up her inner horror, and waved her hand: "Since you found out, it's boring, you can play by yourself, I'm leaving."

Yan Niang said that she was about to run away, and she promised Xu Tong to help delay it for half an hour. Although the time is still a bit short, the problem is that No. [-] is far more difficult than he expected.

To be able to delay to this point is already considered as the best of humanity.

"Don't go!"

However, a roar came from behind her, and Lianghong ran back angrily, and threw the two things on the ground, causing Yan Niang's pupils to tighten, and said in surprise, "How could it be?"

"Smelly bitch, this is not Tana's baby at all, this guy said it all before he died, you hide the baby, let him hold this fake to lure us to delay, then you hold the baby and hide , Say, where is the child hiding?"

Lianghong threw two things on the ground, one was Yan Niang's vassal, that is, the doll. Lianghong stepped on it and crushed its corpse, watching the dark blood flow out. No. [-]'s expression darkened in an instant.

And the other is Xu Tong's bloody head.

Yu Ni and his dolls are all dead?
The sudden change caught Yan Niang by surprise, her face flickered, and she looked at Lianghong: "You..."

Even if she is as smart as she doesn't know what to say at the moment, even if she says in front of No. [-] that this guy is a traitor who came to join me before, it doesn't make sense to say these words.

After all, with the head first and the evidence behind, even if I jumped into the Yellow River, I wouldn't be able to clean it up.

Originally planned to delay enough time before she could retire, but she didn't want Lianghong's betrayal to make her unable to step down.

"Good plan, but it's a pity that your vassals are really not strong enough, otherwise I might really have to let you go."

No. [-] clapped his hands, and said with a half-hearted smile.

Yan Niang's face turned cold, she knew that she couldn't get away now, facing No. [-]'s ridicule, she didn't want to explain anything, since she couldn't get off the stage, she could only continue to perform this play, whether she wanted it or not At this moment, I can only spit out two words to No. [-]: "Stupid pig!"

As he spoke, he saw her figure flash, and turned around to run away.

"Can you escape!"

No. [-] let out a terrible sneer, straightened his collar without haste, and then started to catch up. The slow pace was even several times faster than the speed of the blood demon, and he disappeared in an instant. go in the dark.

Looking at No. [-]'s figure going away, Liang Hong didn't intend to chase after him. He walked up to Xu Tong's head and kicked him casually. After rolling his head on the ground for a few times, the leather on his face unexpectedly It split open quickly, revealing the face of the Gorefiend below.

Then he took out a bottle of bright red blood from his pocket and drank it in one gulp.

As the blood poured into his throat, Lianghong's eyeballs suddenly became bloodshot, and dark green fluorescence flickered in his dark brown pupils.

It was as if thousands of worms were wriggling under the skin, stretching his face open. This process will undoubtedly be as painful as Ling Chi.

The whole process lasted for a full half an hour before it subsided amid Lianghong's painful howls.

When he stood up again, the pupils of his eyes had completely turned dark green, and he also received a reminder from the space, reminding him that he had completed the main mission 2.
This was supposed to be a joyful reminder, but Lianghong ignored it as if he hadn't heard it. His eyes were obsessed with looking at his body, and he had never felt such a powerful force for a moment.

It's a very subtle feeling, as if you can hold the world in front of you by opening your hand, which is as subtle and magical as it is.

Even my own drug addiction has been completely eliminated.

"It's such a pleasant feeling, no wonder..."

He sighed in his heart, and now he finally understands why No. [-] always looks at people like dogs, and his eyes always have an expression of contempt for everything.

"Now, it's time to find that kid, I hope that guy didn't lie to me, otherwise..."

Although he said so, but for some reason, when he thought of Xu Tong's face, he couldn't help shivering in his heart.

On the other side, two figures chased and fled one after the other.

In front of her were abandoned buildings that kept passing by, and some evolutionaries who didn't know what happened, Yan Niang was eager to find a hiding place.

But the problem is that Number Eight's figure is getting tighter and tighter.

I saw his steps becoming more and more light, like a peerless master in a novel, with his hands behind his back, his feet lightly touched the ground like a dragonfly, and the next moment his figure flew out a hundred meters away.

But when he left, the place where his toes landed just now exploded, and black flames spewed out from the ground, instantly burning those evolved people to ashes.

So much so that wherever he went, there was a rumbling sound of turbulent waves.

"This damn bastard!!!"

Sensing that No. [-] was getting closer, Yan Niang couldn't help cursing in her heart, but she wasn't cursing No. [-], but the bastard Yu Ni.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. Although she didn't understand what was going on, she believed in her heart that she was tricked by Yu Ni.

Xu Tong couldn't help but whispered before he was about to separate from her: "If No. [-] doesn't want to be fooled and chase you, remember to run all the way to the west, and the movement is getting better and better. Then I will find a way to catch up with you at that time." place to lead him away."

At that time, she didn't pay attention to this sentence, and she didn't realize until now that this guy had already prepared it.

As for what happened to that head, Yan Niang didn't know and didn't have time to think about the tricks inside. Now she can only give it a go and try to follow Yu Ni's words.

Thinking of this, Yan Niang changed her direction and quickly rushed into those evolutionists, at the same time she turned around and taunted No. [-]: "You only dare to come after me, but if you kill me, you will never die!" I want to know the whereabouts of that child."

No. [-]'s face turned cold, and the haze covered his face. He opened his palm, and the highly concentrated energy elements quickly gathered in his palm to form a blue-black fireball, and then the fireball appeared in the next second where Yan Niang was standing. position.

With a "boom", black flames flew around and scattered in the space, greedily devouring and chasing the evolutionaries who were screaming and running for their lives. In an instant, these strange-shaped evolutionaries were burned into black ashes floating in the air. The scene is both weird and spectacular, and even has a sense of art...

Yan Niang herself quietly appeared in the shadow of the other end again. The elusive figure made No. [-] very annoying. He didn't like Yan Niang's ability.

Seeing the dust flying in mid-air after the huge explosion, Yan Niang suddenly understood something, her eyes lit up, and her figure fluttered more and more.

What Yan Niang didn't know was that just when she was entangled with No. [-] at the risk of her life.

At the other end, Xu Tong was wandering around the west side. Although there was no one on the street, he was nibbling a beef patty in one hand and holding a Coke in the other. Like walking down the street.

If this scene was seen by Yan Niang, she would probably have the heart to press this guy on the bed and tear it apart.

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly seemed to have noticed something, stepped back two steps, leaned back, gnawed on the pancake with one hand and tilted his head to the left.

Looking at the blood-stained gate in front of him, there is a sign hanging on it. On the blurred handwriting, there are still three characters that can be seen clearly. It says "Go to Maicheng"

PS: The code will be updated next time, and the old rules will be posted in the early morning.

(End of this chapter)

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