Infinite script kill

Chapter 120 Waist Field

Chapter 120 Waist Field (Yesterday's third update, although a bit late.)
The sound of fighting was getting closer, but the fleeing people changed from one to two.

It's also a coincidence to say it, Xu Tong means that you should make more noise and let other competitors know that there is a fight here.

In the end, I don't know if it was a coincidence or just luck, when Yan Niang fled to a hidden corner to catch her breath, she just happened to hide in Xiao Huzi's hiding place.

At that time, the mustache was numb, and I was hiding in such a hidden place, you can come to the door? ? ?

Mustache's heart is like thousands of grass and mud horses galloping, but he has no choice but to run with Yan Niang.

But with the addition of Mustache, the pressure on Yan Niang's side suddenly decreased a lot.

Mustache seems to be very good at defense. Facing No. [-]'s black fire, he can parry and resist it a few times.

It would be even more unbearable if he just got up from the front.

Fortunately, Yan Niang's special ability played a key role at this time. The supernatural ability that follows him like a shadow allows him to shuttle freely in the shadows, and at the same time, he can quickly use the ability of creation to create a clone with a certain combat power.

In all fairness, the fighting power is not bad, but in front of No. [-], it is no different from paper.

But Yan Niang couldn't stop her from being cruel, and kept making troubles, she grabbed the hair of the mustache, ignoring the howling of the mustache like killing a pig.

After grabbing a handful of hair, he casually kneaded it a few times, and suddenly a dozen figures with mustaches appeared in front of his eyes to block No. [-]'s pursuit.

The effect is good. The created mustache is not strong in combat, but its defense is top-notch. It can often block No. [-] for a period of time, giving the two of them a little time to breathe.

The only bad thing is that in just a short while, most of the hair on the mustache's head was pulled off.

"How long do we have to run! It's not an option to go on like this. Why don't we run separately, maybe we can get away with one of them."

Mustache covered his head. Although his hair was thick, he couldn't hold back Yan Niang's free hand-to-hand masturbation.

"Run separately?? Do you think you run fast, or do you think he runs slowly? If you kill me, you won't live."

Yan Niang's condition is also very bad, such crazy use of Creation Technique will consume him a lot, she took a breath and asked, "Do you know where others are hiding?"

Mustache froze for a moment, then shook his head: "Who knows."

At the beginning, they all ran separately, and neither of them wanted to be found, let alone betray themselves to No. [-] in case someone else was found out, so neither of them knew the other's location.

Mustache's luck was purely bad, and Yan Niang's blind cat met a dead mouse.

"But it's not a solution for us to continue to consume. Didn't you say that there might be helpers running west?"

Yan Niang said she didn't want to answer, help? ?Go to hell, that bastard Yu Ni sold her out this time, obviously it's unrealistic to expect him to help.

And Yan Niang knew in her heart that even if Yu Ni made a move, it would be useless against such a powerful No. [-].

The two of them talked for only two or three sentences, and suddenly their expressions changed. Yan Niang grabbed the mustache's hair, and her figure quickly rushed out of the building where she was hiding.

Immediately afterwards, a black fire exploded in the place where they had just hid.

The sudden violent tremor made the whole nest and even the ground tremble.

"Boom rumble..."

There was a violent trembling sound, causing a thick layer of dust to rise from the roof of this old house.

Xu Tong, who was sitting in front of the mirror patiently applying makeup to himself, saw that the face that he had just painted was covered in dust, and suddenly he pouted, picked up a towel beside him, wiped off his face, and started painting again.

Just like what Yan Niang said, he never thought of going to support Yan Niang and the others in his heart at all. He was stalling for time, just like talking about cross talk. .

So let Yan Niang and the others continue to procrastinate, the longer they procrastinate, the better the effect will be.

I have to say that it feels really comfortable to use others as cannon fodder.

Pick up the paintbrush again, look in the mirror and draw a pair of Wushuang eyebrows for yourself again.

It wasn't until the whole face was drawn, and I looked at it carefully in the mirror, that I nodded without embarrassment: "It's just that the face is a little thin."

Guan Gong's face is not fat, but thinning his face will lose three points of might out of thin air, but his face is not shaped enough, so he can sing well.

After drawing the facial makeup, Xu Tong casually called out the item book, couldn't help looking at the brand new item card, and frowned for a moment.

This item card was obtained from the item book of the Gorefiend.

In exchange, Xu Tong gave him the blood of the Zhiyuan virus, in exchange for him to choose the items in the blood demon tool book.

When he heard Lianghong report all the names and attributes of all prop cards to him, he didn't even hesitate, and decisively chose this prop card named [Dark Physique].

Lianghong himself was not surprised by this, because he would have chosen this item card instead, and it was the core item card of the Blood Demon.

All of Gorefiend's abilities are configured around this item card.

You must know that the prop card that can be used as the core itself is extremely rare and expensive, and almost no one will even choose to trade it.

As for the exact location of Tana's child, Xu Tong offered a price of [-] script points.

He believed that Lianghong could still come up with the script.

After all, they followed No. [-] and became his vassals. Obviously, they had completed the identity task, and they must have received the rewarded midfield supply box.

Liang Hong still hesitated for a long time for such a large amount of script points, and finally managed to come up with 300 points after a round of bargaining.

Xu Tong can still recall the cold look on this guy's face when he left. It seems that this young man has begun to hate himself.

But he didn't care, he had already had a lot of troubles, and it wouldn't be much more if he had one more.

The matter at hand was more important. He looked at the introduction entry of [Dark Physique]. Although it was not the first time he read it, he still looked at it very carefully.

【Dark Physique】

Only those who walk on the edge of darkness have such a physique, but be careful, don't try to cross that red line, otherwise you are doomed.

With Passive 1: Body of Darkness

The carrier will have a special physical effect, which will reduce the damage by 30% when receiving dark damage such as poison, black magic, and curse.

(Note: But at the same time, when you receive damage from justice systems such as holy, bright, and talisman spells, it will increase by 30%.)
Comes with Passive 2: Night God's Caress.

At night or in a dark environment, all your dark skills will temporarily gain a 20% increase in power and reduce the cooling time by 15%.

(Note: Similarly, in daylight or extremely bright environments, all your dark skills will temporarily be weakened by 20%, and the cooling time will be extended by 15%)

Active Skill: Heart of the Abyss
Consume 20 script points, after activation, you can devour the dark power on your body, every time you devour, the level of the dark body will increase by a step.

(Note: This is a double-edged sword. The closer you are to the darkness, the more you are doomed to deviate from the light... and finally fall into the abyss.)
This item card cannot be said to be powerful, but it is definitely an extremely rare core item card.

I choose this item card by myself, and more importantly, although I don't have as many dark-type item skills as Gorefiend, my own item cards are basically all dark-type.

Especially the [Magic Power] item card, which is the best in the dark system.

So getting this item card is also a qualitative leap in one's own strength.

It's just that the most difficult thing for him at this moment is, which item card should he strengthen?
Xu Tong twirled his finger on [Star-Eyed Tribulation], his eyes wandered between the body of darkness and the power of magic.

He is still hesitating, but he doesn't know that the world has been turned upside down outside.

Yan Niang and Xiao Huzi, who already realized that it would be futile to run away, finally gave up the idea of ​​running for their lives and started to attack No. [-] with all their might.

It's just that it's obvious that No. [-] dared to blatantly say that if he can't find the child, he will kill you all, it is definitely not talking out loud.

Yan Niang swooped towards No. [-] at an extremely fast speed. At this moment, she had completely revealed her main body, with purple bone wings sprouting from her back, and the air around her body was covered with a layer of light purple.

At the extreme high speed, Yan Niang left a purple afterimage in the air.

But No. [-], who was still spotless in a black suit, showed a sneering sneer at the corner of his mouth.

With his right hand behind his back, he calmly dispelled Yan Niang's attack with only his left hand. The process seemed to be understated, and he didn't even forget to make the most elegant gesture, which made people feel that his outstretched hand was more like It's like asking number eight to dance.

Although Yan Niang's sharp claws left deep scars on No. [-]'s left hand, they did not cause any substantial damage to this terrifying man!

Instead, he was seized by the opportunity and grabbed Yan Niang's bone wings.

There was a chilling smile on the corner of his mouth, he swung it forcefully, and said "Kale", making Yan Niang's face suddenly pale.

At the same time, he swung another fist, making an obvious movement of accumulating strength, and hit the mustache who had been sneaking behind him behind him.

With a sound of "boom", the dark flames flew around, and the mustache who had been fully prepared did not retreat but advanced, as if he was waiting for this punch, he opened his arms crossed in front of his chest, resisting the punch forcefully, At the same time, it stimulates its own supernatural powers to countershock.

This is Mustache's strongest ultimate move, the stronger the opponent's strength, the stronger the strength of his counter-shock will also multiply.

This move is the key to his ability to retaliate against No. [-] in the same way.

But what he never expected was that No. [-] seemed to be born with a keen sense of fighting, and when he sensed the danger, he immediately turned his fists into claws, and five extremely sharp curved qi appeared in the air, flashing in the air. passed away.

With such a ferocious claw strike, the mustache, who was caught off guard, was whipped alive and kicked, and felt a dark force penetrate into his flesh and blood, as uncomfortable as it exploded in his abdomen.

After the body fell heavily on the ground, a stream of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

"Stupid guy, the strongest defense, there are always only two words, attack! attack! keep attacking!" Looking at the mustache lying on the ground, No. [-] laughed wildly, holding Yan Niang's bone wing with his right hand, and slammed She fell to the ground.

Just when he was about to kill these two guys, his ears moved, and he felt a strong palpitation in his heart. He turned around suddenly, only to hear the cry of a baby behind him.

The sound disappeared in a flash, and when he listened carefully again, he only heard a burst of "thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump~~~" of the gong.

 I wrote, deleted, and deleted, and slept for another two hours in the middle, sorry for the lateness, good morning... Also, give me the early ticket as well, just treat it as Ah Shui's breakfast money, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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