Chapter 121 Going to Maicheng (asking for a monthly ticket...)
Number Eight raised his brows slightly, and when the gong stopped, he heard the baby crying again.

The sound was right under his nose, but he couldn't find the source for a while.

"Let's go!!"

When Yan Niang heard the voice, she immediately understood that it must be the bastard Yu Ni, and immediately grabbed her mustache and ran west quickly.

Seeing this, No. [-] didn't do anything anymore, but followed the two of them in a leisurely manner to see what tricks they were going to do, and more importantly, followed them to find the child's hiding place.

"Deng Dang Dang Dang~~~"

The beating of gongs and drums was getting faster and faster, as if deliberately leading them to move forward, but amidst the beating of gongs and drums, the crying of a baby could be faintly heard.

When the three chased them out along the alley one after the other, they saw a mess all around them, with a lot of discarded furniture and sawdust piled up.

Those who didn't know thought this street was about to be demolished.

At the same time, there was a pungent smell in the was gasoline.

And it's a lot of gasoline.

Number Eight vaguely heard the voice of the child coming from these discarded garbage, but the voice was very weak, and it was impossible to hear where it was.

"The child is here. If you want to fight, you can fight here. Whoever wins, I will tell him the whereabouts of the child."

Accompanied by Xu Tong's voice, two large braziers were lit on the roofs on the left and right sides.

It was already dark here, but the lights from the two braziers illuminated part of the sky, but made the space below much darker.

Under the light of the fire, I saw a red face protruding from the edge of the fire. It had no eyebrows, a big red face, a mole on its face, black lines on its forehead, a long beard on its chin, and half-closed eyelids. The radiation radiated on half of the face, and the eyes were cloudy and uncertain.

"Yu Ni!!"

Although the facial makeup was on, the voice did not change. Yan Niang glared at him and wished he could rip this guy off, which was completely different from what they had talked about before.

It's a pity that her angry eyes were completely ignored by Xu Tong, and he looked at No. 7 standing behind the two: "You only have 7 minutes, and I will set the fire after [-] minutes."

After speaking, he ignored No. [-]'s murderous look at him, and lightly hooked his fingers.


I saw a gong sound next to the brazier on the opposite room.

The two paper figurines beat a drum and a gong. It's okay to kill themselves, but if this pot of fire oil is poured, the whole street will turn into a sea of ​​flames in an instant. They are not afraid, and the babies hidden in those old furniture will definitely die.

Suddenly the atmosphere became weird.

Yan Niang and Xiao Huzi had no choice but to turn around and looked at No. [-] with a full face of wariness. They knew better than anyone else that Xu Tong's purpose in doing this was to suppress No. [-]'s power as much as possible, so that he had no black The blessing of fire.

But they hate Xu Tong even more, because if they do this, they will have to fight No. [-] to the death.

"Naive, do you think I'm someone who will be blackmailed by you? Besides, how do I know if you lied to me, or got another fake to replace you?"

There was a disdainful smile on the corner of No. [-]'s mouth, and he opened his wounded palm, and saw a ball of black and blue flames beating in his palm.

It seems that a big fire is about to be prepared to ignite everything here.

Once this happened, that child would certainly die, but none of Xu Tong and the three of them could survive.

"Do not believe!"

Xu Tong's unparalleled eyebrows raised slightly, and he took out an alarm clock from the props book without haste, set the time for the alarm clock, and put it at his feet: "Please do it!"

As he spoke, he didn't care what No. [-] was going to say next, or whether he was going to kill regardless, he just hooked his finger lightly.

The paper figurines on the opposite roof began to beat the gongs and drums in their hands, "Deng Dang Dang Dang~~~"

Beat the drum quickly and beat the gong. Under the firelight, I saw Xu Tong shaking his head, holding his long beard and green dragon knife in his hand, walking like a tiger, stepping on the beat of the drum.

"Hearing this, I was furious. How can a tiger girl be worthy of a dog? This Jingzhou is originally in charge of someone, who dares to take Jingxiang? If I don't read Zhuge Liang, I will cut off your head and hang it in the barracks~~~"

If it was in a theater, this old style of Qin opera would definitely be full of applause.

But at this moment, no one was appreciating downstairs, No. [-]'s eyes were flickering, he glanced at the clock under Xu Tong's feet, and finally focused on Yan Niang and Xiao Huzi in front of him.

He didn't dare to bet, not only because of the child, but more importantly, Yan Niang's ability was actually creation, although that was just the surface of creation, and it shouldn't even be called creation at all.

But if she can become the empress, maybe she really has the opportunity to complete the plan envisioned in the empress's mind.

Yan Niang gave him such a surprise, it is hard to guarantee that other hosts of human-derived viruses did not have bigger bargaining chips hidden in their hands.

In contrast, I don't even have any offerings to the empress, so what advantage do I have to compete for the empress's position.

He noticed that No. [-]'s unfriendly eyes struck.

Mustache immediately put his hands up in front of his chest to be on guard, but soon his scalp tightened, and he squinted, only to see Yan Niang holding her hair with one hand.

The moment the eyes of the three met, determination was already revealed in their eyes.

It's just that the person who took the lead this time was No. [-].

Without the blessing of the different fire, the speed of No. [-] is still as fast as the wind, and the palms full of scars still carry a kind of calmness and elegance, even rebellious aloofness.

Facing the attacking No. [-], Yan Niang and Xiao Huzi immediately tried their best to fight.

I saw his left hand clenched into a fist, and his attack speed was slow.But it was like a huge ax that opened a mountain and bombarded it one after another, but the right hand was light and ethereal, and the five fingers on the hand danced wildly and trembled like rain falling on a lute.

Slowly and quickly, both hands were firm and soft, and immediately broke through the defense of the mustache in front of him, but without the help of Heiyan, his combat power was greatly reduced after all.

Mustache's eyes shone coldly at the moment his defense was shattered, his muscles swelled suddenly, and he grabbed No. [-]'s wrist with both hands.

No. [-] struggled hard but couldn't break free, his wrists seemed to be tightly clamped by iron clamps.

At this time, Yan Niang's figure appeared beside him.

The bottom is fighting, and the top is singing.

With the beating of gongs and drums, his eyes were wide open, his left hand was holding his beard, and his right hand was holding a knife. As he walked, that red face became more ferocious and angry.

"I think back then, when I immediately slashed the knife, I killed Pang De and captured the powerful Huayi. Today, I am trapped in Maicheng and I am in a desperate situation. I am deceived by this group of ugliness~~~"

I saw that Yan Niang's figure was transformed into a faint black phantom, hazy and blurred.Like a snake swimming in the water, it twists and turns and moves forward quickly.

His right hand was dry and thin, and there was still a faint black light on the nails.

Looking at Yan Niang who appeared beside him, No. [-] subconsciously wanted to activate the black flame, but just as he raised his hand, he suddenly realized that there was gasoline all over the place, and the action was half a beat behind as soon as a thought flashed by.

The pain in his chest was immediately thrown away by Yan Niang's claws.

This was the first time that Yan Niang seriously injured No. [-], which naturally gave the two of them boundless confidence. Of course, the two of them would not let go of this opportunity, and they were about to rush forward to make persistent efforts.

Number Eight raised his head sharply, and let out a loud roar towards the two of them.

"Go away! Offal."

With a roar, blood came out from No. [-]'s eyes, nostrils, ear holes, and corners of his mouth.The voice was raised to the extreme.The huge roar made the two of them dizzy for a short time.

Upstairs, Xu Tong was still singing, the big knife in his hand was waving wildly in the air, his red face was full of tiger eyes, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Enlarge your courage! Kill as your father! Kill! Kill! Kill! Break out of the siege!!"

He has been heroic and outstanding all his life, but now he is at the end of the road and lost in Maicheng.

The drums beat faster and faster, and the knife swung faster and faster, as if there were really thousands of troops in the darkness, coming to kill them head-on.

I don't know if this scene is too tragic, or the annoying drumbeat makes people feel hot.

Listening to this song "Going to Maicheng", No. [-] has a sigh and resonance similar to Guan Yu's.

However, he knew that he was not Guan Yu.

It will not be lost on Maicheng Trail.

He stood up and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth. There was already fury in his eyes, and his chest was covered in blood and flesh. This claw smashed the elegance on his face, and replaced it with anger!
It was only when Yan Niang and Xiao Huzi were in a state of unrest, they came to kill them quickly.

His eyes became colder and more frenzied, the joints on his body became thicker, and his muscles swelled, completely tearing away his human face, revealing his true face.

It was a demon-like body, covered with a layer of battle armor made of thick white bones. When he swung his fist, it directly smashed into Mustache's chest cavity, and the cracking sound of bones could even be heard, echoing in the air.

The other hand stretched out a finger at the same time, and one finger had already pierced into Yan Niang's shoulder blade, and the broken shoulder blade hit the surrounding bones, finally shaking the bones and wings behind her into pieces!
Kicking her flying, her body was like a cannonball smashing into the wall before stopping.

No. [-] tilted his head, looked coldly at Xu Tong standing on the roof with a big red face.

When the two looked at each other, they suddenly heard the cry of a baby behind them, followed by a fat man struggling to stand up in a pile of furniture, turning around and about to run.

And the crying of the baby came from the fat man's stomach.

Seeing this, No. [-]'s eyes lit up, and his footsteps stepped on a whirlpool in the air. His figure pounced in front of Fatty Paper like a tiger and leopard. In front of No. [-]'s sharp, thick and violent fist, he was even more vulnerable. When he punched in, the backhand tore a hole in Fatty Paper's chest.

But when he was disappointed, there was no child in Fatty's belly, only four or five gasoline barrels, with a paper figure sitting on it.

"Wow wow..."

The ear-piercing cry of the baby, without the sound-proofing and calming process of the big fat belly, is even more ear-piercing. I saw that the paper figurine was actually holding a Walkman in its arms. As the tape rotated, a piece of music was actually played.

"I'm afraid I won't have the chance to say goodbye to you, because maybe I'll never see you again..." The melodious and relaxed singing voice was just like Xu Tong's cheap swishing face appearing in front of his eyes.


He smashed the Walkman in front of him with a punch, and No. [-] turned around with a dark face, only to find that Xu Tong was already carrying Yan Niang and Mustache on his shoulders, walking like flying, he didn't even bother to change his clothes, he jumped on the roof and ran away.

"Can you run!" No. [-] snorted coldly, and was about to chase him, but suddenly found that his feet were tightened, and when he lowered his head, he saw dense tentacles wrapped around his feet.

What made him even more nervous was that a bright light suddenly burst out from Zhipang's torn chest.

The light became stronger and stronger, instantly turning the world in front of me into daylight.

PS: I'm sorry, I stayed up late last night, so I didn't wake up until [-] o'clock in the evening. I ate something and continued to code. Hey, my schedule still collapsed after all.

(End of this chapter)

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