Infinite script kill

Chapter 122 Opportunity

Chapter 122 Opportunity (Good morning, ask for a ticket)

If... I mean... if someone drops a firecracker in your house, the noise of the firecracker is enough to make you say hello to Eminem eighteen times.

If he dropped a second kick, it doesn't matter if he is your cousin or not, you may greet his family's eighteenth generation ancestors excitedly.

So what if he drops a C4?
Haha, just kidding.

Compared to the size of the lair, covering the entire city, Big Fatty's self-detonation is only equivalent to a cannon that is a little more powerful than the second kicker.

But the highly enclosed environment, coupled with the gasoline barrel that Xu Tong left in Fatty's belly, naturally caused a different explosion.

Just because of that violent shock wave, when the lair nests crashed like mountains and seas, it is unknown how many evolutionaries will suffer because of it.

Even the dome of the lair was blasted and collapsed, creating a huge hole. It is unknown how many corpses of infected people would be needed to plug the hole again.

I'm afraid that even Xu Tong himself didn't think of this point. Fortunately, he runs fast enough, has a strong physical bonus and the active skill of [Cheetah Cloak] Leopard Strike, even with two people on his shoulders, he still Able to walk like flying.

But even so, Xu Tong didn't expect that the effect of Big Fatty's explosion would be so shocking that the three of them were still sent flying far away by the shock wave.

Like a kite with a broken string, it took a while to fly with the shock wave before falling to the ground, and everyone fell hard enough.

When Xu Tong got up from the ground, he saw that the air was hazy, with sunlight shining in from the outside, and a large amount of dust filled the air.

The obviously red-faced Guan Gong suddenly turned into a white-faced Cao Cao.

As long as you open your mouth, you will feel like eating a mouthful of sand, which is so sour that you will almost suffocate.

Big Fatty's explosion effect completely exceeded his expectations, but it was also within his expectations.

After all, you throw firecrackers in the open field, and find a bucket to cover them, the power produced by the two is obviously completely different.

"Ahem... this is your way??"

Yan Niang on the ground opened her eyes, not knowing whether she was asking about the explosion, or about Xu Tong selling her out, or both.

But Xu Tong didn't care, stretched out his hand to pull Yan Niang up and said, "Otherwise, neither of you can beat him, do you expect me to fight him one-on-one? You think highly of me, don't you?"

He said with an exaggerated expression on his face.

The corner of Yan Niang's mouth twitched a few times. Although it was undeniable that the best result was already achieved, the feeling of being played by this guy in the palm of his hand was not pleasant.

But Yan Niang is not stupid, she understands that this is Xu Tong deliberately taking revenge on herself, concealing and using him before taking revenge.

He simply designed such a trap to take revenge on himself, and let himself feel the feeling of being treated as a pawn.

There is an impressive proverb in her memory called: "It takes three years for a gentleman to take revenge, but revenge for a villain is before his eyes."

Just when she wanted to ask Xu Tong where the child was.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew violently, sweeping away the dust in front of him.

"You are here!"

The cold questioning voice immediately made Yan Niang and Xiao Huzi's hearts sink to the bottom.

Of course they knew that although the power of such an explosion seemed astonishing, it was absolutely impossible to kill No. [-]. Don't forget that he was originally a strong person who was good at fire.

When the two looked back, they saw that one of No. [-]'s hands had been blown off.

There was a huge gash on his forehead, and of course the wound on his chest that Yan Niang tore open. After the impact of the explosion, the wound became much worse.

But even so, his gaze was still as sharp as an eagle's, but at this time it was a little more cruel and gloomy.

After his eyes quickly jumped over the two, he was quickly looking for the third person, as if Yan Niang and Xiao Huzi were no longer important.

"Hey, this way!"

At this time Xu Tong's voice came, and No. [-] quickly followed the sound, and saw Xu Tong sitting carelessly on a stone with a towel in his hand to wipe away the thick dust and paint on his face. Wipe it off.

No. [-]'s gaze was finally able to look at the boy's real face, and he said in surprise, "Human??"

He was very surprised. He didn't expect that the person who made him suffer a lot and made fun of the three source virus hosts was actually a human being.

But he quickly suppressed the astonishment, no matter whether the other party was a human being or an evolutionary, even if it was the same source virus as himself, he would never allow him to survive.

After Xu Tong wiped off the dust on his face and hung the towel aside, he took out a cigar from the item book and put it in his hand without haste.

He lowered his head and stared at the cigar in his hand, and focused on slowly toasting the front end of the cigar with the lighter, as if he didn't care about No. [-]'s eyes that were about to cramp him.

"That child is already dead. Even if the explosion didn't kill him, he wouldn't be able to survive such a strong shock wave. We have already pushed him to this point. Do you still want to wait and see naively?"

Xu Tong muttered to himself, as if talking to the air.

No. [-] couldn't help squinting his eyes when he heard the words, and sneered: "You can't save you if you play tricks at this time."

Xu Tong didn't speak any more, just put the roasted cigar to his mouth and took a deep breath. With the clouds of smoke swirling around him, he raised his head lazily and silently gave No. [-] a thumbs up. Then the wrist slowly turned so that the thumb gradually pointed down, and the contempt was self-evident.

"court death!"

Being teased by such a human being and despised by him, No. [-]'s self-esteem is like being rubbed on the ground again and again, his legs jump up, and he kills Xu Tong in a way that dominates the world.

But Xu Tong didn't move, he didn't even make a defensive posture, he just took a deep puff of the cigar in his hand, as if savoring the unique taste of the cigar.

This behavior is undoubtedly a kind of silent contempt, and it makes Eight feel angry.

However, at the moment when he fell in the air, a black shadow leaped over Xu Tong's side, the extreme speed was so fast that it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, but the strong wind that followed immediately surrounded him. The cloud of smoke was sucked into a straight line and dissipated in the air.

"Wang Jiaming!" No. [-]'s face changed slightly, but he was still in mid-air, so there was no time to use his strength to change his moves.

And soon No. [-] realized that it was not only Wang Jiaming who shot at this moment, but the other three figures were also attacking No. [-] at this moment.

They have been hiding in the dark and observing silently, since No. [-] chased and killed Yan Niang, after all, how could they not hear such a big movement.

If it was only about who would succeed the empress, they would not be so worried, after all, the position of empress would have to be sacrificed.

Even the second generation empress, the speed of decline is astonishingly fast, and it will enter a period of decline in less than a few years.

However, Tana's death and the child being stolen were the culprits that led to this incident going to extremes.

It's strange that they don't care about life and death.

And all of this, from the time No. [-] killed Chen Hai, he had already fallen into his own trap.

What I have to do is very simple, constantly weaken No. [-], kill the blood demon, divide the good, cut off the help these two powerful players bring to No. [-], and at the same time use No. [-]'s concern for children as a bait, further To threaten to seriously injure him.

It's mean,'s fun.

As for my own special task, hehe, go to hell, it’s not the main line, it’s the best if you can complete it, it doesn’t matter if you can’t complete it, he turned the whole nest upside down, just for one sentence, just for fun!
Until now, Number Eight has been seriously injured, using his body as bait to expose Number Eight's flaws.

If at this point, Wang Jiaming and the cowards are still unwilling to give it a go, I can only say...bye, I can't afford it, I don't want to play it anymore.

Fortunately, when Xu Tong was ready to start running, Wang Jiaming and the others still didn't hold back the great opportunity and rushed towards No. [-] in unison.

The four of them teamed up to attack. Normally, No. [-] would never pay attention to him, but at this moment, with a broken arm, he had to make quick adjustments in the blink of an eye, desperately accepting Wang Jiaming's frontal attack. , but also try to avoid the deadly backstab that the other three teamed up from behind.

"Come on!"

Seeing that the four of them had already huddled together, Xu Tong hurried to Yan Niang's side, picked her up and prepared to run away.

"Wait! Save me!"

Seeing that the two were about to leave, the little beard on the side hurriedly stretched out his hand to Xu Tong and shouted.

"save you??"

He turned around, pretending to be stupid and asked in a daze: "I don't know you well, why did I save you?"

Hearing the words, Mustache hurriedly looked aside at Yan Niang. For her, his hair had been plucked into the Mediterranean Sea. It would be unreasonable to leave him here at this time.

"Don't look at me, I'm also a mud bodhisattva, and I can't protect myself when I cross the river."

Yan Niang hurriedly shook her head, at this moment she had to rely on Xu Tong, how could she help him speak.

Seeing Yan Niang's refusal, Xiao Huzi couldn't help cursing inwardly; "Bitch," but he still tried to put on a smiling face as much as possible: "Little brother, help me, I'll give you whatever you want."

He didn't want to stay here. After fighting No. [-] head-on, Mustache knew in his heart that No. [-]'s evolution was entirely for fighting.

Even though No. [-] was seriously injured, it was unlikely that he would kill No. [-] with Wang Tianming alone.

He didn't want to stay here and wait to die, but helplessly, his injuries were too severe. No. [-]'s last punch still used the power of Hei Yan, but it directly penetrated into his internal organs through dark force techniques.

So much so that now his abdomen is burning like a furnace, and as long as he moves a little, he will feel the pain of his internal organs being completely ignited and burned.

So I can only look at Xu Tong, a human being, for help. Although, as a host of the source virus, he begged for mercy from human beings, it is simply a joke to spread this matter.

But the fact is that in the face of life and death, all false names are false.

Xu Tong hesitated for a moment, as if he was thinking about something, and stretched out his palm towards Mustache: "Give me a copy of your source virus, and I will help you?"

(End of this chapter)

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