Infinite script kill

Chapter 1088 first move

Chapter 1088 first move
For the next half a month, Xu Tong wandered around the major witch temples.

He saw Tianzu who was rumored to have lost his head, and Lingzu who had disappeared for a long time.

On the body of the Nine Great Palace Masters, Xu Tong saw many pictures of the future, and gained a better understanding of the old magic stick's methods.

In general, the old god stick has three abilities that are the most terrifying.

The first ability is the ring of time. I spent a lot of energy to see the clues from some subtle clues.

It seems to be an ability activated by the old magic stick when he entered this world. It is a halo, which will cover the entire world, and then gather all the time power of this world for his own use.

This ability is very powerful, but it also reveals a message from the side, the old magic stick cannot directly control the time power of a time and space.

This is good news, so after discussing with the Lord of the Nine Palaces, he decided to attack the old god stick as soon as he failed to gain a foothold.

This is their only chance to take the lead.

From this moment on, Xu Tong has begun to discover that many gray lines in this world have begun to have a little color, which shows that his actions are not wrong.

Even if he deduced himself in a more subtle way, he would feel it immediately.

For this reason, Xu Tong had to prepare for the worst. Fortunately, with the cooperation of the nine masters of the Witch God Temple, it is good for everyone to dodge as much as possible.

What shocked him the most was that he didn't even know all this.

Obviously, Chang Wushou's YD appearance and obscene posture instantly reminded Niuniu of some bad memories.

But if the blessing of this world is lost, Jiuding is just nine slightly larger ornaments.

But that's just the fur, no, it should be said that he didn't even grasp the fur.

Even if Niuniu's strength is not as good as the old magic stick, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as terrifying.

The nine great tripods were completely awakened under the control of the nine masters of the witch hall.

Even a human immortal like Gu Xibai, with extreme martial arts, cannot bear it for too long.

The muffled war drums sounded, and then the mountains and forests were torn down, and a huge altar rose from the ground.

The old magic stick said as he touched the void with his fingers, and saw a white ripple rippling on his fingertips as he moved his fingers. The ripples became bigger and bigger until they spread to the whole world.

The old god stick looked at the world in front of him.

The old magic stick can be restrained by the masters of the Nine Great Witch Halls, while the group of themselves needs to solve another problem as soon as possible.

The third is the ability of the old magic stick to transcend time in a short period of time. This ability is the most difficult, and once it is used, it is almost equivalent to invincibility.

This is one of the three divine arrows given to him by the master. As Du Ziren's treasure, it naturally has extraordinary divine power.

Chang unrestrainedly shivered uncontrollably, turned around and saw Xu Tong staring at him with ill intentions and giggling, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart...

As the god of time, the old god stick can tell the power of the nine tripods at a glance, and he knows that the nine tripods are the power of gathering mountains and rivers, and have the power to suppress evil spirits through the ages.

When he looked carefully at the tombstone, the face of the old god stick suddenly sank.

Consuming 3000 script points, after launching, the vision of Tengu swallowing the moon will be called out, causing the target creature luck to enter the cover state.

The old god stick frowned, and found that his luck seemed to be disturbed imperceptibly.

Once this method is unfolded, she will become a black hole and expand continuously, and all mountains, rivers, and oceans will be swallowed by her.

Under the woods, a thug stuck his head out and made obscene gestures towards Niu Niu.

It's just that Niuniu and Lao Shengun are together, how can we separate Lao Shengun and Niuniu?
This is a big problem.

However, at this moment, Niuniu on the side suddenly discovered something, and pulled the old magic stick: "Here!!"

The only way to injure her is by concentrating all the power on one point. Apart from himself, only Gu Xibai and Chang Wuzhi can do it in their team.

Even Yan Xiaoqi suffered a great loss from his terrifying gluttony ability.

The old god stick heard the words and looked in the direction the girl pointed, but was surprised to find that there was a tombstone standing in front of him.


This arrow didn't shoot at the old god stick, but went straight to the void behind the old god stick, and the world was gloomy for a while, and it was actually a vision of the dog eclipsing the moon.

"Hmph, that's it?"

However, after the old magician finished speaking, Niuniu didn't see any response. When he turned around, he saw Niuniu staring at the forest in the distance with red eyes.

The second type is time turbulence, which can form a terrifying time storm. In the time storm, two completely different time forces, past and future, form a terrifying time dislocation.

In the world of Gods Division, countless scenario worlds have been created, and after countless players have been introduced, such a world can be described as rare and precious.


It was also because of her that the world would eventually collapse and die, causing the nine palace masters to lose the power of the world, and were finally killed one by one by the old god stick.

Seeing the tombstone, the old god stick's face flickered, and he felt a little shocked in his heart.

After thinking about it, Xu Tong thought of someone.

Thinking of this, the old magic stick kicked the tombstone to pieces, but the moment the kick went down, unexpectedly, the tombstone exploded suddenly, and a bloody light suddenly shot himself dead from under the tombstone.

It wasn't because of the taunt on the tombstone, but the appearance of this tombstone, which showed that Xu Tong knew in advance that he would come, and he was on time, and he even knew the location of himself and Niu Niu in advance.

No one can bear the dislocation of these two situations.

"It's a pity, such a world is about to be destroyed."

"Is this also what you expected??"


At this moment, the old magic stick couldn't help but look serious, sensing something was wrong, he turned and looked at Niu Niu aside: "Destroy this world for me."

However, by observing the fate lines of the nine Lords of the Witch God Temple, I have already seen the weakness of this trick.

"Damn Ni! If he hadn't disrupted the situation last time, how could he have given this kid such a big room for growth!"

Even Xu Tong's Nine Immortals Refining God Array couldn't help him.

I am the god of time, controlling the laws of time in the world.


As the god of time, one thought can penetrate the world in all ten directions, and the master of time and space for thousands of years, such a threat is extremely fatal to him.

In this environment, any power, supernatural power, or even the physical body will be broken down in the chaotic time and space.

The more the old magic stick thought about it, the more angry he became, not only because of Xu Tong's provocation, but also because of Xu Tong's ability, which had already posed a huge threat to himself.

The masters of the nine witch halls have been waiting here for a long time.


Seeing the blood arrow attacking towards him, the old magic stick slapped it into pieces disapprovingly. This kind of powerful blood arrow looks full of murderous intent, but it doesn't hurt him at all.

More importantly, no matter what, Niuniu must be prevented from arousing the ability to devour the world.

But for the old magic stick, it's not big enough.

If he dared to use the power of time to find his figure by observing the future, he would be committing suicide.

But now I didn't realize it, this kid dared to provoke me in such a way.

I would directly sense his position, and at the same time, through the future picture he saw, I would directly appear out of the sky, and hold this little bastard in my palm.

At a corner of the east coast, a crack was slowly torn open, and then two figures, one tall and one short, one fat and one thin, came out of the crack.

It's just this kind of provocation one after another, which made the old god stick annoyed.

As a result, the voice fell, and the smile on the old god stick's face suddenly froze there, only to hear the sound of the mighty tripod's sound resounding through the sky.

The Nine Cauldrons, which had been dormant for hundreds of years, emitted terrifying power once they were revived. When the Nine Cauldrons were activated at the same time, the universe was turned upside down, and the sun and the moon were darkened.

"This kid..."

This is the trace of time, which can quickly spread his power of time throughout the world, and the time of this world will be controlled by him at will.

It turns out that this is a native world. The so-called native world means that there are no gods' intervention or traces of players. It is the most primitive side of the realm world.

This made the old god stick's eyes shine coldly. At the beginning, he thought that this little bastard would never live, but he didn't expect him to grow so fast, to such a degree in such a short period of time.

With a glance, he saw Chang Wuzhi with a lazy face beside him, and the corner of his mouth raised: "Hey, it's you!"

The old god stick smiled disdainfully. He was the first generation of gods born before the chaos opened in the ancient times. For him, the theory of luck is completely dispensable.

Roaring Arrow:
Passive Skill: Dark Moon

The past and the future are all under his control, even if this kid has a little bit of the power of time.

"It's here. This kid really knows how to hide. It's interesting to find a native world here."

At this time, the sound of an arrow ripped through the sky, and an arrow pierced through the sea of ​​clouds and hit the old god stick.

On the tombstone, there was impressively written [The Tomb of the God Stick "Kong"], and beside it was written in small characters: "My good nephew Xu Tong remembers it!"

So compared to the old magic stick, Xu Tong and the others had to find a way to solve the big trouble of Niu Niu.

Just imagine, in this environment, before you rush up, your physical body will show two contradictory situations of rapid aging and rapid youth.

"eat you!!"

Niuniu let out a strange cry, ignored the old magic stick, and rushed towards Chang Wuzhi like crazy.

Seeing this, Chang Wuzhi twitched the corner of his mouth, turned around and ran away, scolding Xu Tong while running: "Xu Tong, you bastard, didn't you say that this bitch can't run fast?"

While speaking, Chang Wuzhi's figure tore through the void and fled thousands of miles away, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Niuniu's figure had appeared behind him, and her big hands grabbed Chang Wuzhi, only to see his abdomen split open , showing a sharp mouth and biting towards him...

(End of this chapter)

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