Infinite script kill

Chapter 1089 Thank Uncle for the New Year's Money

Chapter 1089 Thank Uncle for the New Year's Money

If you want to say who Niuniu likes the most in the hospital, it is undoubtedly Xu Tong.

Because Xu Tong often brought some delicious food for Niuniu, and he was also willing to play with Niuniu.

Although I occasionally tamper with Niuniu's medication list, such as doubling the dosage or something.

But this kind of thing is acceptable kindness to Niu Niu.

Conversely, the person Niuniu hates the most must be Chang Wuzhi.

Even though this guy is in the team now, he is very obedient, that's because Xu Tong is on top, and Gu Xibai, Gao Zhuo, and others are watching behind him.

This guy is a bad animal to the bone. Killing people is nothing. In Chang's unrestrained worldview, blood and death are the source of happiness.

This guy has been a bad breed since he was a child, he can bully Niuniu as much as he wants.

Otherwise, Xu Tong would not have performed a minor operation on him.

Now that Chang Wuzhi suddenly appeared provocative, Niuniu naturally wanted to smash this guy to pieces immediately.

Speaking of it, there is no way to do it. After all, it is the result of the acquired creation. It is a normal result to suddenly bear such a powerful force and become a lunatic.

This is absolutely fatal to Chang Wuzhi who relies on prop cards as his main strength.

"Impossible, how did he find out my secret??"

Even King Xia Kongjia himself could not escape. Of course, he was not killed as a sacrifice, but bloodletting.

Seeing Xu Tong resorting to such a life-saving trick again, the old magic stick was very happy, because he didn't think about how to crack Xu Tong's invincible hearthstone.

"After all, it is a product of failure!"

But now that he lost the blessing of the item card, Chang Wuzhi's face turned cold, and he took out the black water dragon tooth. Although under the influence of Niu Niu's special power, the characteristic skills of the black water dragon tooth cannot be activated, but this does not affect the two Enhanced to +12 the lethality of the Artifact Dagger.

But these kinds of treasures are not ordinary treasures, they can be used for personal use, otherwise he must have snatched this divine cauldron early and took it for his own use.

It's just that who would have thought that Chang Wuzhi's body was crippled, and he was no longer suitable to be a test subject, so he finally chose Niu Niu after a long time of consideration.

"Hahaha, you are just a bunch of dross abandoned by the times, and even in the years to come, you can only be reduced to supporting roles, and you are also worthy of being my enemy. When you run out of power, you are ready to meet the end!"

Thinking of this, the old god stick's heart exploded with murderous intentions, this kid grew up too fast, far beyond his expectations.

When the old magic stick noticed Xu Tong's figure, it was too late.

The old magic stick spoke, and the long stick in front of him was thrown up by the air, and it grew stronger against the wind, and it became bigger and bigger. Thousands of golden lights waved from the stick, wrapping the figure of the old magic stick, making him out of time.

When even the fingers were connected, the Controlling Universe Years Stick rolled up a storm of time, and smashed towards Xu Tong with a lot of force.

If he was allowed to continue waving, all the great witches would die of old age in a short time.

At the same time, the inherited skills from the Niuniu family were activated, and the muscles on Chang Wuzhi's arms suddenly increased, and the dagger in his hand made a piercing tearing sound, which would instantly pierce Niuniu's hands, and at the same time, his legs jumped up into the air, kicking On Niu Niu's face, she kicked forcefully by virtue of her inertia and suddenly jumped more than ten meters away.

But now the old god stick has no time to lament these trivial matters, and the nine big tripods in front of him have already smashed down on his head.

"This kid!!"

It seems that everything is going in the direction originally planned by fate.

Thirteen were sacrificed just for the great witches at the ancestor level.

Seeing that Niuniu has been abducted by Chang Wuzhi, the old magic stick has nothing to do, because Niuniu's spirit itself is not normal, except that she will listen to what the youngest says, and he has no way to command her.

However, at this time, the old god stick suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and this chill came from nowhere, which made his heart beat faster.

The old god stick grinned ferociously.

It has to be said that the nine Lords of the Temple of the Witch God are all ruthless people, and they have spent all their money to meet this world-destroying enemy.

"If you want to suppress me, you are still a little tender, get up!"

"Yeah!! It's a pity this treasure!"

"There is a way to heaven if you don't go, but there is no way to enter hell. Even if the youngest person comes forward to protect you today, you will not escape death!"

While speaking, I saw him take out a long stick from his sleeve. Once this long stick appeared, it would stir up time and space. With the swing of the old magic stick, the starry sky in this world was reversed, and the sun and the moon alternated, as if in an instant, There have been decades of spring and autumn years, and with the swing of this long stick, it passed quickly.

Seeing this, the old god stick screamed strangely again and again, but he regretted that although the nine gods were acquired, they could have innate power.

The old god stick changed his voice: "However, it would be too ridiculous to suppress me with this tripod."

As for the slaves who offered sacrifices, there were countless. The executioners who were in charge of torture killed several groups of people day and night.

If it was the past, Chang Wuzhi would definitely die.

It can be imagined that when I entered this world, I saw the tombstone Xu Tong set up for myself at first sight, and was immediately besieged by the natives here.

The Temple of the Witch God enshrines him as the king on weekdays and manages the hundreds of millions of people in Daxia, but at critical moments, he must be brought up and bloodletted.

Now that Xu Tong has used this method at this moment, it means that he cannot use the Invincible Hearthstone again in a short time.

Under the effect of gravity, it was very difficult for Chang Wuzhi to tear open the void and escape. Chang Wuzhi even found that all his props were stuck in a state of silence at this moment.

I saw the nine cauldrons falling, smashing down with the power to destroy everything, but it could only penetrate the body of the old god stick, but it couldn't cause any substantial damage to him.

These palace masters are easy to talk about, and they are not afraid of time wasting.

In fact, the best object should be Chang Wuzhi.

What's more, this is the first time he has used this method since he recovered. How could Xu Tong see the opportunity in advance?

All this cannot be explained simply by a coincidence.

"Suppress him!"

This time the old magic stick didn't dare to be careless, and showed his magical powers. A dazzling force of time and space flew out from between his palms and fingers. At the same time, his hands formed seals and swiped in the air. A storm of chaos in time and space.

"Devil God Transformation!"

Seeing this, the nine of them took control of the divine cauldron in unison, trying to suppress the old divine stick.

Immediately, the Nine Cauldrons emitted a brilliant light, and the power of mountains, rivers, sun and moon came like a tidal wave, crushing the time and space around the old god stick into a vast chaos.

But at this moment, Xu Tong's body suddenly bloomed with divine brilliance.

After several rolls in a row, Chang Wuzhi got rid of the force field around Niu Niu that could restrain all item cards. He didn't dare to breathe too much, and he tore open the void and fled a thousand meters away again.

The steps of dancing lightly make people feel amazing.

Xu Tong had been hiding around from the very beginning, and had no intention of intervening to help. Until this moment, this guy seemed like a sharp arrow off the string.

There was a strange smile on the chubby face, and his eyes were fixed on Chang Wuzhi's figure from a distance. With a leap of his legs, he also tore through the void and chased Chang Wuzhi.

The old god stick screamed in his heart, feeling that everything was a coincidence, and that he was beyond the years, relying on the secret of the time stick, and only a handful of people knew it.

As Dayu's direct descendant, Kong Jia's blood is the most pure royal family, and his blood is the most precious thing.

After activating this title, you are immune to all damage and free from all negative statuses.

However, all these can't stop Jiuding at all. I saw the nine great tripods, blazing golden light, extremely dazzling, invincible, directly suppressed, no matter the past, present, or future, they were completely crushed by the divine tripod.

Seeing this, the faces of the nine masters of the witch hall changed greatly. They didn't expect the old magic stick to be so terrifying. The long stick stirred up time, and just one breath seemed to have passed several years.

The chaotic time storm around was even split by an inch of time.

In this regard, the old god stick has to say that even the god of time cannot be omniscient and omnipotent.

Title Skill: Manifestation

Mo Ran swayed black and white light and shadow in his hands. With the blessing of an inch of time, the place he walked seemed to be a world of ink and wash.

It seemed that the more Chang Wuzhi resisted, the more excited she became.

But those big witches who were ambushing around didn't even notice what happened, and they were already aging rapidly.

While the old magic stick was speaking, he pointed his finger, and then accompanied by a huge rumbling sound, the long stick magnified infinitely in the void, and smashed down towards Xu Tong fiercely.

"not good!!"


Before he could think about what happened, Xu Tongren had already rushed over.

A pungent stench emanated from the gaping mouth in the abdomen, and at the same time, a terrifying gravitational force gushed out from the abdominal cavity.

But in the eyes of the old god stick, it made him feel a huge crisis, because this kid was running away for his own world.

Seeing the healed incision on her hand, instead of being angry, Niu Niu showed a joyful smile on her chubby face.

With the blessing of so many sacrificial offerings, the power of the Kyushu Divine Cauldron that was activated was extraordinary, and the nine great cauldrons fell at the same time, suppressing the eternity and destroying time and space.

But who cares, if the old god stick cannot be defeated, this world will be annihilated and turned into nothingness, and everything will be empty.

Seeing this, the old magic stick couldn't help sneering: "It's another trick! It's just right, I see how you can escape later!"

【【The Name of the Sage】】

This time, the bloodletting alone was as much as a cauldron. It is said that Kongjia barely survived after being poured with more than ten kinds of magic medicine, but the sequelae may not be able to escape.

Even if he is immune to his own blow, can he survive the next blow?

Thinking of the old magic stick's mouth, he couldn't help showing a smile, but immediately after Xu Tong raised his hand suddenly, a dazzling glare bloomed from the palm of his hand, covering the Qiankun Years Stick in front of him.

There was a scene that surprised the old god stick. Under the strong light, the connection between himself and the Qiankun Suiyue stick was forcibly cut off.

The Qiankun Years Stick, which was originally like a pillar of the sky, quickly became the size of a silver needle, and was grabbed by Xu Tong in the palm of his hand. Turning around, the red mouth and white teeth smiled at the old stick, clasped his fists with both hands, and pointed at the old stick. Bai: "Thank you uncle for the lucky money!"

(End of this chapter)

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