Infinite script kill

Chapter 1106 Gods Battlefield


The beating of hoes resounded around a huge mountain, and as far as the eye could see, thousands of people were digging stones on this hill.

Surrounded by huge towns, these towns are very strange, all the buildings are piled up with huge stones, which makes people feel like they have traveled back to the original.

"Brother, do you still have water, give me some water, I can't take it anymore."

"Where does the water come from? I haven't drunk a drop of water for more than ten days. If I don't drink any more water, I will almost die of thirst!"

"This damned place is really a hell, damn it, the gods and those bastards, I really want to greet their eighteen generations of ancestors."

A few people were smashing stones while cursing, but these people were all players.

Not long ago, they were still roaming freely in the script world, killing and looting locusts, and countless creatures were slaughtered mercilessly by them.

But now they have transformed into a qualified miner.

Such a result was caused precisely because the gods crossed the river and demolished the bridge. After all, apart from the six regiments, most of the ordinary players could not really complete the task.

The younger brother at the side heard the words, and immediately added: "Yes, but you have to pay the price, for example, another bottle."

Once it rains, everyone has to hide. Once they are drenched by the rain, they will be seriously injured at least, and their souls will be scattered at worst.

When Li Bo heard it, he immediately rolled his eyes: "Brother, do you think I'm iced tea? Do you want another bottle?"

"Just now, this guy used to be invincible in a scripted world. The top experts in the scripted world are not his opponents. The Blood Shark Group has a very high evaluation of him. The danger level is S-level, which annoyed him. Who are we? Can you beat it?"

"Brother, my name is Chang Zai, who do you want to ask, the team."

Occasionally it will rain heavily.

Later, the gods even directly issued a hunting order, as long as anyone who finds the seven gates, no matter whether they are living or dead, they will receive a huge reward.

Li Bo also took out half a pack of cigarettes and gave them to them.

Li Bo also drifted into the crowd and disappeared.

When everyone heard this, they were startled.

As soon as they heard the rain, everyone quickly ran into the stone city behind them.

While several players were talking, someone suddenly stopped what they were doing and looked up at the dark clouds in the sky.

Someone couldn't help but tasted it, and died suddenly on the spot. Only then did people know that the water here is highly poisonous.

"Brother, I advise you not to think about it. Qimen is not easy to mess with. Even if you encounter it, it is good fortune to escape for your life, so don't even think about rewards."

The leading player asked Li Bo unhurriedly with a cigarette in his mouth.

When Chang Zai heard this, he immediately pursed his lips, and said with a disdainful expression: "I used to be in the Blood Shark Group, and I was also a well-known figure in the second-line team. Now the Phoenix that is in trouble is not as good as a chicken, but I dare not smash our Blood Shark regiment brand."

Then he rolled his eyes, took out two sugar canes from the item book and threw them to Chang Zai.

"Brother, you are not here to frame me, are you? The two guys from the Seven Gates are so strong, why don't you just send them to the upper battlefield to fight, but lock them here instead? I heard that the upper battlefield is very short of people!"

"I don't have any water. Just these two things can quench my thirst. You can see for yourself if you want to."

Most ordinary players can only make three or four more gods' seals on the sacrificial monument, which is already remarkable.

And after these players were forcibly divided under the command of certain gods, they became free labor and were dispatched to mine here.

What? ?why not run?
This is a good question, but don't ask it next time.

Several players saw that he was unfamiliar, so they waved their hands impatiently: "Go away, don't disturb the uncle's rest."

It seems that some kind of magic has been placed on them. Once they escape the range of Guixu Mountain, they will have a splitting headache and life would be worse than death.

"I just want to go in and save people, I'm afraid it's not easy!"

Seeing that there was water, the faces of several players were overjoyed, and the leader immediately took the water and threw it into the item book calmly.

The name Qimen is probably known to all players.

Seeing that what Chang Zai said was straightforward, Li Bo believed him for the time being.

Hearing Chang Zai's words, Li Bo didn't explain, but followed the other party's words and said: "You are lying, gods, aren't they their opponents?"

"Hey, brother, let me ask you about someone."

But the problem is, the rainwater or river water here is not drinkable at all.

When he looked at Li Bo again, his face changed immediately.

Even if the player's physique is excellent, they can't bear it if they don't drink water for more than ten days. If they don't drink water for more than a month, most players will die of thirst.

But even if there is a glimmer of hope, he still wants to sneak in and give it a try. After all, Li Bo is not the little pony who used to follow behind Xu Tong.

It was this enormous mountain range in front of him, which the locals called Guixu Mountain.

Chang Zai hurriedly made a silent gesture, and pulled Li Bodao aside: "You are crazy, what are you doing asking about this?? Still thinking about the bounty?"

After Chang Zai finished speaking, he immediately pulled over a few younger brothers: "Go and report to the Castle of the Gods. Once this kid is caught, our hard life will be over."

"Brother Chang, that kid just now..."

At this time, the team members who were always with him said in the team channel: "It seems to be a member of Qimen."

"No, find a cover, it's going to rain!"

Li Bo was not annoyed when he heard this, and took out half a bottle of mineral water from his sleeve and sent it over.

There are countless steel garbage piled up around this mine, which is where it comes from.

Even the gods were alarmed, and they were forced to suppress the two of them by resorting to tricks, otherwise the gods would of course be pressed to the ground and explode with hammers.

Now a sip of clean water is enough to drive these players crazy.

As the name suggests, it is the place where the gods in charge of this world live.

It is rumored that there is a huge palace hidden under this mountain, and it is this palace that the gods are fighting for.

It is said that the Sixth Regiment once launched a siege, but was unsuccessful, and was stripped naked by the people from the Seventh Sect, and took away all the script points.

Besides, I just sneaked in, Li Wu has many stealth techniques, and with the blessing of his own natural power, even the gods would find it difficult to find him.

Li Bo sent Huo in front of the other party, and then he said without haste; "People from the Seven Sects!"

It is said that it was a ghost made by a certain god.

Each level has eighteen horizontal worlds.

Seeing that the rain came and went quickly, everyone came out of the stone house as soon as the accumulated water on the ground subsided.

Hearing this, the faces of several team members suddenly showed ecstasy. They had already had enough of this kind of hard life.

Li Bo, who has obtained the technique inherited from Li Wu, can easily leave even if he is a tough three-generation god.

"Seven gates!"

And the reason why this place is so special is precisely because there is a mountain here.

Li Bo looked at the Fort of the Gods in the distance, and made a bitter face for a moment.

This is not a desert, on the contrary, it is surrounded by rainforest, the landform environment of virgin forest.

Fighting all the time.

Many players don't know the specific situation, but it is said that the upper layer has been dug out, but it is just a mountain top, but even so, the upper layer has become the Shura field in the battlefield of the gods.

It's just that the Qimen are not easy to mess with. It is said that not long ago, there was a team chasing down the Qimen.

The players crowded as much as possible in these simple stone houses, staring blankly at the heavy rain outside.

Often there will be too little, so I quickly put it away, and then said in a low voice: "The two guys who were suppressed by the gods before are in our lower battlefield, but they seem to be imprisoned in the back of the castle of the gods, guarded by the generals, Don't be too hard on yourself!"

In contrast, although the lower level is a bit bitter, at least they don't have to work hard.

When people rushed into the stone city, black rain began to fall from the sky in a short while, and the rain fell on the stones, making a bang bang bang sound.


In the crowd, a man in a black raincoat approached several players and asked in a low voice.

Even if the steel is contaminated with rainwater, it will be corroded into a pile of garbage in just a moment.

Chang Zai spit out a mouthful of green smoke: "I'm not going to lie to you about this, we are members of the Blood Shark Group, do you know what kind of brothers the Blood Shark Group is, even in this place, there is nothing we don't know matter."

"Nonsense, I recognized it at a glance, and you don't need to say, Qimen Li Bo, I can't recognize this guy, what am I still the second-line captain of the blood shark group!"

The battlefield of the gods is divided into upper, middle and lower layers, and the time nodes belonging to one place are divided into three.

Cigarettes are also a rare commodity here, and the few of them got water and cigarettes, and their relationship with Li Bo also began to become acquainted.

Chang Zai said angrily.

This is the lower world of the battlefield of the gods.

I was afraid that if I ran slower, I would die and go back alive.

"Then you were just now..."

Now the players dare not speak out. The rest of this ghost place is fine, but there is a fatal problem. The water here is more precious than the script.

"Are you sure?" Li Bo looked behind the Stone City, where there was a huge fortress, the so-called Fortress of the Gods.

But one of the team members heard the words, but said in a low voice: "Captain, they are from the Qimen. What I mean is, what if he runs away? When the time comes to retaliate against us, none of us can afford it." .”

"Idiot, he can't run away!"

Although Chang Zai is not strong, he has good brains. Just like Li Bo suspected before, why are Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai, two masters with super fighting power, not sent to the upper battlefield, but why are they left here?

I don't know if it's a trap, specially used to lure people from the Qimen to take the bait. Once this guy gets in, he's probably very capable, so don't even think about running out.

Hearing what Chang Zai said, everyone suddenly realized, so a group of people discussed it, one person went to the Spirit Castle to report the news, and the other stayed in Stone City, trying to find a way to notify the front-line team in the upper battlefield and let them come to support , no matter what, this credit can't escape!

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