Infinite script kill

Chapter 1107 Support

Chapter 1107 Support
Whoa, whoa, whoa...

The clear and traceless spring water is splashed down along the canal and gathered in the pool, and the blue waves are like dyed, clear to the bottom.

The pool, which is as big as a lake, is as quiet as a huge emerald, and cranes fly past the lake from time to time.

The Immortal Fort is surrounded by green grass and green trees like clouds. Qionglouyuyu are built according to the lake, and one of them is full of aura and magnificent.

This water is a clear spring that can really be drunk, and now it is splashed in the pond, but it is not willing to be given to those players to drink.

Surrounded by heavenly soldiers wearing battle armor patrolling back and forth.

These Heavenly Soldiers are no less powerful than Earth Immortals, but no one has noticed that a shadow is moving through the shadows and sneaking in from under their noses.

"Damn it, I've already gone to this shitty place to mine, and it's still so extravagant."

When Li Bo escaped from the shadows again and looked at the gorgeous palace in front of him, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

"Old Bai, Old Gao!!"

The three of them immediately understood Yuan De's meaning when they heard the words. For a while, the four of them looked at each other and smiled, only to see Yuan De's hand holding an extra command arrow, pointing the command arrow: "It's time for you two to move around!" ,Come out."

Li Bo looked at these four guys with cold eyes, and he was ready to face the battle in his heart.

"It's over!"

Li Bo secretly thought it was strange, because the altar was too big, with a sacrificial stele as the eye, the area of ​​the altar was tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Even a few heavenly generals occasionally felt that the wind in the Castle of the Gods was a bit strong today.

Soon a heavenly soldier began to twist his body: "Why is my body... a little... itchy."

Jiazi God Yuande is the head of Liujia, and the other three are among Liujia, Jiaxu God Xuyi, Jiashen God Jielue, and Jiawu God Chanren.

Hearing Yuan De's order, Gu Xibai and Gao Zhuo looked at Li Bo, and the next second, Gu Xibai's figure flickered and appeared in front of Li Bo.

From now on, when it comes to playing crowd tactics in the team, he is definitely above Gao Zhuo.

Seeing that it was not the big fish they expected, the four of them inevitably became impatient, just as they were about to kill Li Bo.

An understatement of the palm made Li Bo feel as if he was about to die, as if there was nothing to hide, nothing to hide.

But at this moment, Gu Xibai stepped on the ground with one foot, and his martial arts will directly penetrated the ground. In an instant, Li Bo felt that his natural power was directly shattered and pierced by a thick force.

"Another fish that slipped through the net!"

It was only at this time that Li Bo deeply realized how indecent the methods of the gods are. No wonder Gu Xibai and Gao Zhuo were defeated by these three-generation gods who were not in the same rank. It was really shameless.

That kind of empty gaze made him feel strange. The two people in front of him were no longer his familiar comrades-in-arms, but two puppets who were treated like marionettes.

When the four gods saw Li Bo, they were not surprised but happy, but when one god took out a portrait and compared it to Li Bo, he frowned: "It's not the person we are looking for, one from the Seven Gates Little guy."

That's it.

At best, he has no problem fighting those four generations of gods.

Team channel, as long as the team members are in the same world, they can be contacted even if they are far apart.

Human beings, with extreme martial arts, able to slap the fists of three generations of gods, are not something Li Bo can afford with his body fat.

Facing the four gods, Li Bo still had great pressure in his heart.

From a distance, I saw two figures coming out of a dark corner.

Li Bo scolded on the spot when he heard the words. He was born in the market, and he was a rough fat man. When he scolded people, his mouth was the essence of the essence of Chinese culture. Immediately, he was so angry that his seven orifices smoked.

In this regard, it has to be said that Li Wu's inheritance does have extraordinary power. With the combination of wonderful magic techniques and Li Bo's natural power, as long as Li Bo doesn't take the initiative to expose it, almost no one will be able to detect his existence.

"Kill him, kill him for me, I want his body to be shredded into pieces!!"

However, the surrounding space has obviously been remodeled and compressed, so that such a large altar is hidden under the Spiritual Fortress, so that no one can detect it.


Seeing that the two did not respond, Li Bo put his palms on the ground. The affinity of the earth made his thoughts blend into the entire Spiritual Castle silently, allowing him to detect every move in the Spiritual Castle.

There are many people in the team who can fight three generations of gods, but Li Bo is definitely not included.

Li Bo scolded his mother angrily, where to put millions of scripts in his item book, but now he reminds himself that the scripts are not enough, isn't he talking nonsense with his eyes open.

Although it is only the size of a grain of rice, its lethality is enough to change the color of the gods.

I don't know if it's because of this guy's shit luck, Li Bo went all the way to the basement until he reached the place guarded by the guards, but no one noticed his existence along the way.

Although the Heavenly Soldiers are just young men, they are also the bodies of the Earth Immortals, and the battle armor on their bodies is even more precious, impervious to water, fire, and dust, but at this moment they feel their bodies are getting more and more itchy.

Li Bo lost as he walked, occasionally some heavenly guards passed by him, but no one noticed Li Bo.

Seeing this scene, Li Bo's face turned red in an instant, and he pointed at the four of them angrily: "When my boss comes back, I will throw you all into the alchemy furnace to make alchemy!!"

With the sound of armor and weapons falling to the ground, Li Bo walked out from the corner. There were only a few dozen bugs in front of him, but now after eating the flesh and blood of these heavenly soldiers, there were hundreds of thousands of bugs in a blink of an eye.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's talk about it after it's gone!"

"Hey, I don't have any ideas, but this kid is here, so let's just watch the excitement."

But since I came to this world, I haven't contacted the two of them, guessing that some kind of power should block my voice.

Li Bo soon discovered the whereabouts of the two of them. They were imprisoned on a huge altar under the ground of the Spirit Castle.

Seeing that if he didn't run away, he would have to confess his life here, Li Bo didn't care about 21, he threw the teleportation beacon casually, and rushed towards the teleportation beacon with his head stuck.

Yuan De waved the command arrow in his hand, pointed at Li Bo and roared.

Hearing this, the four of Yuan De suddenly laughed: "We are afraid that he will not come, otherwise what are we waiting for here!"

"Huh? Brother Yuande, do you have any ideas?"

Once the light ball touched the ground, it melted into the ground like a drop of water.

Only then did Li Bo notice that both of them had something like a tight band on their foreheads.

"Damn you!!"


In the reality of later generations, those head lowering and voodoo techniques are all passed down from the witch clan.

This is not simply the coming of the four gods, but the real gods themselves. Just standing there, Li Bo felt the natural force on his body begin to stir uncomfortably.

But the moment he activated the teleportation beacon, there was a cold reminder from the item book...

And the Sky Horned Gu is the most prolific type, with great power, fast speed, and amazing reproduction, even if Gao Zhuo's zombies come, they will be willing to bow down.

Seeing this, Li Bo's expression suddenly turned ugly: "Old Gao, Lao Bai, how are you doing, talk?"

Li Bo was disheartened, but he didn't give up struggling. His figure retreated abruptly, and countless sharp soil spears rushed from his feet. At the same time, Li Bo himself was about to activate the teleportation beacon and take the two of them away forcibly.

After devouring these Gu worms, the number of worm swarms expanded again, and the densely packed Gu worms gathered together like a large black cloud.

Even though the bug was small, its speed was so fast that even the heavenly soldiers could not notice it, and it sneaked into these heavenly soldiers without a sound.

"Oh! Brother Yuande means..."

"No, I can only find a way to take them away first!"

Yuan De narrowed his eyes and said.

"Wait!" The person who spoke was Jiazi Shen Yuande.

He raised his hand and clapped Li Bo.

"Jingle, jingle..."

"If you want to hide, I will let you expose."

Hearing this, the expressions of the other three gods immediately collapsed, and they were so happy to co-author.

Let's talk about the rest.


And the Gu in Li Bo's hands is even more unusual, it is a kind of Gu insect named Tianjiao carefully prepared by Li Wu.

But now is not the time for him to swear. Seeing that Gu Xibai's fist had already been thrown towards him, Li Bo's face turned pale, and his whole body was enveloped by Gu Xibai's martial arts will. Even if he wanted to become the high priest of nature, he couldn't do it. arrive.

From screaming to turning into bones, the whole process is even just a blink of an eye.

Thinking of this, Li Bo formed a seal with his hands, and strange apricot light balls appeared in his hands.

At the same time, a huge backlash struck, making Li Bo's throat sweet, as if someone had punched his chest hard, and his face suddenly pale as gray.

One of the gods suddenly thought of something interesting.

It can only be said that Li Wu's inheritance and Li Bo's natural power are really compatible. It is no wonder that Li Zuhui was moved by his love of talents and insisted on passing on Li Wu to Li Bo.

Looking at the guard in front of him, Li Bo took out a small box from the item book, and when he opened it, he found a group of bugs smaller than a grain of rice.

"Nonsense, I'm worth a million scripts."


Li Bo almost jumped out of fright when he saw it, he knew it was Gao Zhuo's corpse poison, once it was infected, even if he was not dead, his skin would peel off.

As Li Bo said, he put the box in front of him and blew on it lightly, the Gu worms in it flew up quietly.

Although Li Bo didn't know what the purpose of this altar was, it just happened to cause some trouble for these gods.

But it doesn't matter, I have a small prop made by Master on my body, as long as I get close to two people, I can take them away forcibly.

And when the two looked at him with empty eyes, Li Bo's heart skipped a beat, as if he had stepped on the ground and fell to the bottom of the valley.

Or, the two of them didn't respond to themselves at all now.

"Hey, it's Chinese New Year, I don't have anything to give, I'll send you some ricochets."

When it comes to playing Gu, the Wu Clan is the ancestors.

Seeing this, Tianbing's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly wiped off the bugs, but who knew that the more he wiped off, the densely packed countless bugs were already on his body in the blink of an eye.

Gu Xibai at the side took a deep breath, and let out a low, muffled sound towards the swarm of insects. The sound actually caused waves in the surrounding space, and in the next moment, countless Gu worms were shaken into powder.

A heavenly soldier finally couldn't bear it anymore, stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head a few times, the scratching became more and more itchy, and when he looked at his hand again, he found that his fingers were covered with white worms.

No matter how Li Bo shouted, neither of them responded at all.

Li Bo tried to contact Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai through the team channel.

The three looked at Yuan De who was speaking.

This is the scary thing about Gu insects, as long as there is enough food, their reproduction speed is completely uncontrollable.


Immediately, Li Bo's eyes widened, he pushed his hands forward, a huge force of nature smashed towards Gao Zhuo, and at the same time countless sky horned Gu worms rushed at him, at this moment he didn't dare to hold his hand back.

"Ding! Your script is not good enough."

After finishing speaking, he still did not forget to look at Li Bo with contemptuous eyes: "Of course, forget it, you can't enjoy this treatment. On the contrary, I still lack a pet. If you kneel down and recognize me as the master, I will Think about it, how about if you don't die!"

At this moment, the Gaozhuo people had rushed up, and strands of strange liquid appeared on the palms of their hands.

There was no trace of expression on the wooden face, as if he had lost his sanity and was sleepwalking.

However, this time is enough for Li Bo, to control these insects, form an army of insects, and rush straight to the underground palace.

"Hey, let you taste the power of this witch clan!"

The only disadvantage is that the growth cycle of this bug is too fast. An adult insect can only exist for a stick of incense. After this time, the bug will quickly rot.

There was an angry roar in the air, and the four gods descended directly to the underground palace, and their eyes were fixed on Li Bo.

"Why is there an altar under here?"

Wherever they passed, it was like locusts crossing the border, what kind of heavenly soldiers and generals were swallowed up by the swarming Gu insects before they even made a move.

His figure seemed to blend into the surrounding environment, and even Heavenly Soldiers could not detect his existence.

Apricot-yellow balls of light were randomly thrown out by Li Bo.

"Fuck you!"

Such a huge number, if the gods above can't detect it, it will be called hell.

However, the gap was too big, Gao Zhuo held the general's Broken Blade in his hand, the blood-red Broken Blade exuded a demonic light, and split the force of nature in front of him with one blow.

Jiashen Shen Jielue said bluntly: "I'm not afraid to tell you, this place is already a net, as long as that kid dares to come, the end will be like this!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of friction of chains under the huge underground palace.

Although watching Lao Bai fight in the past was very enjoyable, but now when it was his turn, Li Bo realized how terrifying Lao Bai's strength was.

Seeing Yuan De speak, they naturally want to listen to Yuan De's words first.

Just when Li Bo was completely hopeless, a familiar voice suddenly came into Li Bo's ears: "You idiot, if you can't beat them, you should distance yourself first, and fight head-on with these two guys, who gave you the courage? "

This sound, so familiar that he wanted to hear it in his dreams, made Li Bo feel like crying instantly.

At the same time, the surrounding time suddenly froze and stood still, and following the teleportation beacon he dropped, two figures tore open the void and appeared beside Li Bo.

 Sorry, I'm not in a good state today. I'll make an update for now. I owe everyone an update and I'll make up for it later.

(End of this chapter)

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