Infinite script kill

Chapter 1110 Would you like to try the sword in my hand, is it good or not!

Chapter 1110 Would you like to try the sword in my hand, is it good or not!

At this moment, the outside of the Spiritual Fortress is already surrounded by heavenly soldiers.

Players can only hide below and watch from a distance. When they see the clouds, the heavenly soldiers and generals in silver armor and holding magic weapons make their scalps tingle for a while.

"These gods are crazy, why are there so many suddenly?"

"Who knows, but judging by the posture, there may be a fight later. It's better for us to stay away, so as not to be cannon fodder later and have no place to cry."

The vast majority of players don't know what happened, but everyone can feel the oppressive feeling that the storm is coming.

Not long after, five figures were seen coming out of the Spirit Castle.

When Xu Tong's face was shown in front of everyone, many players were stunned: "How could it be him!"

In front of the portal of the exhibition that day, Xu Tong frightened the tyrant Zhang and beheaded Zhang Zhenghao with a single look, which was obvious to all.

At that time, many people found out after inquiring that the identity of Xu Tong and others was actually the big boss behind Laojunfang, Qimen.

This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. It has been a long time, and there are indeed many outstanding people who have become gods as players, or even violated the gods.

Compared with Nezha, Gu Xibai's martial arts attainments must be higher. With the inheritance of the Nishen clan, the secret technique of the Wu clan, and the flat peaches eaten during the control period, how could Gu Xibai be better than Nezha? To be poor.

This time without Xu Tong's attack, Gu Xibai took the lead, his body swelled suddenly, every line on the golden skin seemed to have been polished countless times, and every inch of muscle showed a perfection close to the avenue.

But now this tool has the threat of backlash against its owner.


This time Rao is the King of Tota, and his face can't hold back anymore.

It is said that in the middle battlefield world, Nezha fought against the western gods, but failed to win the opponent. After returning, he directly slaughtered hundreds of players, and used their heads to build a pagoda to cheer himself up.

Yan Xiaoqi and his first battle are hard to distinguish.

Later, the rumors about Qimen continued to flow. He was strangled by the order of the gods. The Sixth Regiment trapped him in a world and sent experts to surround him, but he was stripped of his body.

"Fuck, run!!"

Immediately, the two figures collided in mid-air, and there was an explosion that tore apart the sky and the earth, and thunder and lightning struck together, which was extremely terrifying.

"I come!"

Standing up abruptly, he walked forward, staring straight at the [Qian Kun Suiyue Stick] with a look of horror emerging from his eyes.

At this point in the bloody battle, both the gods and the players were greatly shocked.

"Are they really that strong?"

The galaxy is surging, and endless big stars are overwhelming the sky, surging like sea water, and the chain of law and order is intertwined.

The players who had already fled to the distance looked back and had no hope at all, but at this moment they saw Gu Xibai fighting Nezha like a red fire dragon.

I don't know how much time passed, the strong light gradually dissipated, and in the vast sea of ​​light, two figures gradually appeared, and the fiery pointed gun burning with real fire penetrated into Gu Xibai's chest and embedded in his body.

The same is true for Nezha, but his eyes are calm, as if he is not surprised by this.

The gods are all silent, and the players are the tools they use to interfere with the normal operation of the script world in order to achieve their own goals.


The moment Xu Tong and the others walked out of the Spiritual Fortress, a strong light pierced through time and space in the sky, like a huge comet killing Xu Tong and the other five.

He is also a human immortal. He practiced martial arts since he was a child.

The hearts of the players were encouraged, it seemed that the aloof gods were not invincible.

All the players watching the battle looked horrified. This kind of attack is too fierce and powerful. How to resist?
Gu Xibai took a deep breath, his gaze was as calm as water, and he slowly raised his fists. There became a golden ocean, with countless unique moves floating in it.

Everyone's line of sight is completely blazing, boundless and pale.

Rumor has it that Nezha was born following the will of heaven and earth. He is one of the few immortals with a human body who is proficient in Taoism.

How can the player fight against the gods?
How could it be the opponent of the gods? ?
Shouldn't it be directly crushed and shredded by the gods? ?
"Bang bang bang..."

This question involuntarily arose in the hearts of everyone.

This terrifying mighty power, which is enough to destroy a mountain and river, makes everyone tremble.

Suddenly Nezha's eyes opened angrily, and he let out a loud roar, turning into a wave of white air and rushing towards Gu Xibai.

But where did Gu Xibai go?

"Could it be that so many gods came to surround and kill him??"

"Hey, it's too shameless to play this game if you can't beat it."

The embroidery needle rose against the wind, and then turned into a pillar reaching the sky, blooming infinite golden light, making the surrounding time stagnate.

A player cursed bad luck, got up and ran away.

It made everyone curse in despair.

"Fuck you, even if I die, I won't let you off if I turn into ghosts!"

Nezha was holding a spear, only two heads remained, and half of his chest was shattered. The eyes of the two met, and they regarded each other as a great enemy.

But in the eyes of players, this guy is a devil.

At this time, Xu Tong's voice resounded through the sky, and then he saw his fingers move slightly, and an embroidery needle popped out from the fingertips.

It seemed unexpected that an artifact of this size would fall into Xu Tong's hands.

How despicable the methods of the gods are, they are all obvious to all, even players at the level of the three gods can only bow their heads in the face of the gods.


Between the heaven and the earth, the wind and thunder raged, the dark wind howled, the thunder of the gods rolled, and the power of destroying the world crushed down.


Many people did not expect that Qimen, who had disappeared for so long, would suddenly appear here.

The former of the two is like water, with three heads and six arms, with infinite changes in secret magic and supernatural powers, and thousands of ways are in harmony.

As the representative of the top combat power among the three generations of gods, Nezha's appearance not only failed to amaze the players, but showed a look of horror on his face.

He poured the power of martial arts all his life into this punch, and he became one with him, blasting forward.

Then the pillar was pushed upwards, and the Linglong Pagoda was directly lifted into the air.

Five beams of light fell and bombarded Nezha's figure together. Gu Xibai coughed up blood, his whole body was about to burst, and he had to back away after being hit by the divine light a few times.

When everyone looked up, they saw a pagoda falling slowly. The bottom of the pagoda shone with silver light, which looked soft, but if you looked closely, the streams of light flowing out of it were actually a galaxy, which made people feel Shock.

Now in order to besiege and kill the Qimen, so many gods have been alarmed, it is simply incredible.

With a "poof", Nezha's other head exploded, and blood sprayed three thousand feet, but he was almost pierced by a spear between his eyebrows, and narrowly escaped, but a big hole was pierced on his shoulder .

"Linglong Pagoda!"

Nezha, in the impression of ordinary people, he is a little hero who fights against heaven and earth, and in traditional stories, he is an outstanding general who helps Zhou defeat Zhou.

There are even various animation, film and television dramas to beautify him.

At this moment, the faces of the people changed, and they saw that the pagoda fell, forming a terrifying nebula beam, like a millstone crushing all the laws of time and space, and even crushing this world together.

But soon this question has been answered.

The latter is like a fire, with thick hair flying all over his head, with the will of martial arts added to his body, and his boxing skills are like a tyrannosaurus dragon, which is immortal from ancient times.

All kinds of horrific acts are simply heinous. Who would have thought that this god of plague would come to the lower battlefield in person, and all the players in this group can only run away, for fear of being targeted by this brat.

Various deeds spread among many players, and many different versions of speculation have also been derived.

Facing the three-headed and six-armed Nezha, he sprouted two arms under his ribs, and four arms stretched out behind his shoulders, holding a Wushuang hook, and flew up.

At the same time, the spear in his hand vibrated violently and was pulled out from Gu Xibai's chest. The cold light tore through the void and pierced towards Gu Xibai's head.

I saw Nezha standing upright in the divine brilliance, the spear in his hand clanging, fused with the ten thousand dharma, turned into a starlight and fell down, stabbing Gu Xibai.

The figure of Shaxiang Xu Tong has three heads and six arms, holds a red-tasseled long spear, and steps on a pair of hot wheels.

All kinds of classic national quintessence, pointing at the gods above their heads and cursing, all kinds of obscenities, spitting out fragrance.

When he's free, he likes to dismantle a living person to the point that they lack arms and legs, twist the head of a beauty, and hang it around his neck as a necklace.

And such a tragic resistance like before, inevitably made many gods think of some bad memories.

For a moment, the sky and the earth were dim, as if all the light had gathered between the two of them, and gradually spread with this strong light.

This guy's brutality can be said to be famous in the middle battlefield.

Some people feel incredible.

But the vast majority of them either surrendered and became a member of the gods, or they were beaten to death, and in the end they didn't even leave their names, erasing all traces of their existence.

Blood spilled on the ground, Gu Xibai swayed and almost lost his strength, his arms were raised flat, and one hand was holding a head impressively.

At this moment, not to mention the players, even the gods watched the battle sideways.

It is one of Nezha's three heads.

It's just that these cursing sounds were pale and powerless as the pagoda fell from the top of their heads.

Seeing that the danger was approaching, Gu Xibai let out a loud roar, the sound of martial arts was like a roar of a dragon, shattering the air waves in front of him, and Wu Shuang hook with his right hand violently sent forward.


Heavenly King Tota's face flickered, and then he sneered and said: "Nie Zhan, you think you have this artifact, you can keep you safe, I will come here according to the decree of the gods, and you can catch it obediently, otherwise..."


In particular, the question of why Xu Tong was decreed by the gods to be included in the must-kill target can be described as constant speculation.

"Otherwise what?"

Suddenly, a huge shadow fell and covered the entire sky, covering everything below.


This moment shocked everyone, and even overturned their cognition.

Xu Tong squinted his eyes and walked forward slowly. The heavenly soldiers and generals in front of him, and even the rumored King Tota, are only three generations of gods. With the power of the law of time, combined with the Nine Immortals Cauldron, they are enough to kill them. sweep.

"Hmph, otherwise the power of the heavens will come, and you're afraid that your soul will be scattered and you will never be reborn!"

"What a big tone, but if I just want to go against the sky!"

Xu Tong called out the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, held the Moran sword in his hand, and pointed at Li Tianwang with the blade of the sword: "Dare to ask the gods in the sky, if you are willing to try the sword in my hand, is it sharp?"

(End of this chapter)

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