Chapter 1111
Pointing the sword to the sky and asking the ghosts and gods, there is no one like me in the world.

What Xu Tong pointed at with his sword was so murderous that the gods were terrified in an instant. They knew that this person was born with a rebellious nature, but they didn't expect Xu Tong to be so arrogant.

The corners of Li Tianwang's mouth twitched a few times, and then he laughed loudly: "It's up to you! Do you know how many gods there are in the sky? You know how many calamities we have gone through. You are not the only one who wants to rebel against the sky, but what about them? He died, his bones were gone, his soul was scattered, and even his name and orthodoxy were erased."

When he said this, Li Tianwang couldn't help sighing: "There are so many outstanding people and arrogance here, but in the end... Oh, you want to go against the sky, why do you have it!"

The names of some people flickered in Li Tianwang's mind, and these people had also turned the world upside down.

There were even his former best friends among them, but in the end, he was still personally sent to Zhanxiantai by himself.

The control of the myriad worlds by the gods is already an unshakable cornerstone.

Even in reality, people talk about atheism, but is it really atheism?
The gods of the heavens have long engraved their own shadows and influences in everyone's bones, books, and culture like a brand.

It was easy to shout a slogan against the heavens, but in the end, no one was able to really shake the gods of the heavens.

"Why? Just because of this."

There was also a look of surprise on the face of the other party, the two looked at each other, and in an instant, the sword's edge was like lightning, turning into countless sword shadows colliding.

In the blink of an eye, the swords collided with each other for [-] strokes. It seemed that they were fighting back and forth, but people with discerning eyes like Gu Xibai could tell that these two were paddling.

The opponent held a long sword with a rainbow, and a stream of pure yang energy bridged the air. The next moment, the blade of the sword slashed towards Xu Tong's head with a mighty divine light.

"Who?? Are you familiar? How come I haven't seen it before??" Gao Zhuo leaned over and asked.

The disappearance of the mental imprint now means that they can use various means to escape.

On the contrary, the eldest princess raised her chin and pondered for a while: "Oh, it's him!"

Only now did Li Tianwang understand why the gods made a decree to strangle this boy no matter what.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

Li Tianwang took a closer look, he was one of the immortals in the heaven, the Dragon Beard Immortal.

Li Tianwang's fingers were trembling, his mouth was trembling, and he shouted with all his strength, but for a while, none of the gods made a move.

The eldest princess gave Gao Zhuo a blank look when she heard the words: "Didn't you hear what he said, the Dao name is Ziyang, Ziyang Zhenjun is the patriarch of Quanzhen, and Xu Tong is half of the patriarch."

Seeing the Taoist rushing towards him, Xu Tong could only helplessly cooperate with his performance, using [Jie Zi Jue] to knock on the Taoist's iron head.

"I..." The player touched his head, and immediately screamed ecstatically: "The bondage, the bondage is gone, I am free, free!!"

Now Li Tianwang on the cloud almost bit off his tongue, pointing at Ziyang Zhenjun: "You are so bold!!"

"Who made you strong?"

As Xu Tong lightly tapped his fingers, in an instant, all the players felt like a spring of clear spring was blowing in their minds, and in the next moment, they felt that the feeling of being restrained in their minds disappeared without a trace.

A god will follow behind with a big axe.

All the players could only watch Xu Tong's figure appear in front of them, stretch out a finger, and point it towards the forehead.

Each other's sword moves are killing faster and faster, there are many strange changes in the sword moves, but the sword intent seems to be exactly the same.

But the Heavenly Court controls the immortals to ascend, and those who ascend all go to the Heavenly Court to be sealed. With this tight band around their heads, do you dare to say that the Heavenly Court is unpopular? ?

For a moment, the eyes of the gods looked at Xu Tong changed, as if they saw some terrible plague.

At this moment, Li Tianwang's face changed drastically, and he stared at Xu Tong: "Are you their inheritor?"

This made many people puzzled.

Seeing the opponent's sword light attacking, Xu Tong was a little surprised, instead of mobilizing the power of time, he blocked the sword edge in front of him, and the two swords collided.

At this moment, the Taoist in front of him suddenly made an opening, Xu Tong drew his sword and raised his hand to point at the Taoist's brow.

Zhenjun Ziyang's face was full of innocence: "Li Tianwang, I can't beat him, and the poor are willing to bow down."

Every time it appears, it is destined to cause chaos in the heavens, and is regarded by the gods as the source of chaos in the Three Realms.


Xu Tong was taken aback when he saw this. The two gods shouted joyously, wanting to fight Xu Tong to the death, but the expressions on their faces...why are they so happy? ?

The Taoist settled down, and immediately smiled at Xu Tong: "Ziyang thank you fellow Taoist for relieving my bad luck."

"Good guy, you don't have any hidden clothes!"

The Taoist who rushed down first, stared at him, and said righteous words: "Stop talking nonsense, the poor will be blessed by God, I can't see such a madman like you, today is doing justice for God!"

In a trance, it seemed as if he saw the figures of nine people from Xu Tong's body. Those eyes were staring at him, just like when they were alive, their eyes were firm and unmoving.

After the Taoist finished speaking, he put away the weapon in his hand, and lowered his head: "Let's look at the impoverished Taoist iron head skills!!"

Immediately waving the order flag in his hand, Wuyang Wuyang retreated in a panic.

Even many of the mounts of the gods let out low roars at this moment, as if they couldn't bear it and wanted to rush out.

"Kill...kill...kill him!!"

Now everyone is stupid.

"True Immortal, wait a moment, this beast is dangerous, let our family come to help you!"

Then he put his forehead together.

Just waiting for Xu Tong to finish nodding the silly big man's forehead, he saw Nezha limping up to Xu Tong with his crippled body, staring at Xu Tong with empty eyes.

Li Tianwang wanted to say something more, but at this moment another figure rushed towards Xu Tong: "Bold, arrogant, let me fight with you!"

"These two people use the same sword technique?"

A celestial god in golden armor flew down from the nine heavens with a long sword in his hand: "Ignorant child, let me take your head!"


After finishing speaking, he felt something was wrong again, and shook his head again and again: "Impossible, they are already dead. In the first battle, they were destroyed and their souls were scattered. It is impossible to live. Who are you, who are you!"

Xu Tong took a look at the Taoist, and saw a big fool in golden armor standing next to him, dancing the mountain ax in his hand, and he had been fighting wits and courage with the air for a long time.

Now Li Tianwang couldn't sit still any longer, he quickly put away the Linglong Pagoda, waved the command flag in his hand, and wanted to lead his subordinates away quickly.

A group of players in the distance watched these gods pounce on Xu Tong like a convulsion, and in the end they just wanted Xu Tong to give them a nod on their foreheads.


When Xu Tong heard what Li Tianwang said, his heart suddenly moved, wondering if the god-defying people he was talking about were the nine immortals in the Nine Immortals Cauldron.


Immediately, I saw the Taoist covering his head, squatting on the ground and opening his mouth to spit out a cloud of black mist, then covering his head, gnashing his teeth in pain: "Oh, can't you be gentle!"

The bondage disappeared, making all players scream with excitement.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong squinted his eyes, called out the Nine Immortal Cauldron and held it in his hand.

They were imprisoned in this world as miners, driven by these gods, but it was this damned spiritual imprint that prevented them from even escaping.

Those who go against the gods will go against the sky.

"Are you sure you guys are here to fight??

Seeing the Nine Immortal Cauldron, Li Tianwang's pupils trembled, as if his strength had been drained, and he almost fell to the ground.

Breaking a broken glass can bring you down to the mortal world, and you will suffer from the pain of thousands of arrows piercing your heart. Whoever dares to say this will not be cramp, skinned, and ashes.


Not long after, not to mention Gu Xibai, even Gao Zhuo and Li Bo could tell that their swordsmanship collided and their moves were almost the same, no wonder they were so inseparable.

If you don't leave, not to mention whether the people under this hand will be gone, I am afraid that after Nezha unblocks, the first thing to do is to find him desperately.

The Taoist body trembled, a ray of white light poured into the mind of the primordial spirit, and in a moment, he opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of black air.


Seeing that the Taoist was done, he quickly took off his golden helmet and rushed forward.

As soon as these words came out, Gao Zhuo and the others suddenly realized that the co-authors were from their own family?

Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, and saw thoughts flying out of his brows, turning into thousands of figures, and these figures rushed towards the players in the distance, and his figure was like a flying rainbow, where time stood still.

A player prostrated himself on the ground, opened his mouth and vomited a cloud of black gas, and suddenly his mind cleared up.

As he said that, he put away the long sword in his hand with a smile, and stepped aside with a smile.

Heaven is unpopular?
This is like asking if the girls in the brothel are all young children.

Seeing the appearance of the Taoist rushing forward with his head stuck, the corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched: "Is the heaven so unpopular?"

Some of the god generals looked at Xu Tong hesitantly before leaving, and finally they were glared at by Li Tianwang, and then hurriedly bowed their heads and retreated.

Seeing the appearance of the heavenly soldiers and generals retreating quickly, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Xu Tong held his chin, always feeling that he seemed to be missing something.

After a moment, he slapped his forehead: "No, you are all gone, who should I use to make alchemy??"

You raised your swords together, and you ran over to tell me that we are teammates? ?
In an instant, Xu Tong had the feeling that although he was winning, he was actually losing money, and the way he looked at Master Ziyang became weird, and he couldn't help coughing: "That... one of you, please pay my labor fee."

(End of this chapter)

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