Chapter 1117
(Sorry, I got stuck, I deleted the first update and re-wrote it, so the card points were updated, published first and then revised, two chapters combined into one)

No wonder they think so.

Who made Laojunfang increase the price too high? Some players found out after comparison, good guy, co-authoring myself was purely wronged before.

But this is also something that can't be helped, who made this a monopoly business.

After thinking about it, Xu Tong's Enlightenment Pills, Flying Papers, and Pills are not low in enhancement levels, and compared to the cost of enhancements, they are still a fair price.

Hmm... They obviously didn't know anything about the enhancement costs of these things, otherwise they might have the heart to strangle Xu Tong to death at this time.

All the way to the south, constantly shuttling horizontally and teleporting across borders.

When passing through the barriers, the scene in front of you is shocking, chaotic and chaotic battles everywhere, not only the gods of the East, but also the gods of ancient countries such as Greece, India, Egypt, etc. participated in it.

And what these gods are fighting against are those gods of death who were resurrected by the youngest.

These gods of death are different from the youngest, [tai], old god stick, Nishen, and four.

The four of them are death gods who have finally awakened after sleeping in the underworld for an unknown number of years.

Protected by special coffins, their bodies have not decayed, and their souls and thoughts have been preserved.

And these gods of death who were resurrected by the youngest have already died, and there have been too many variables in the long years. Some gods of death were killed when they woke up, or their coffins were broken, causing their bodies to decay. Some simply died inexplicably in the coffin.

The youngest uses these birth date horoscopes and their matching patients as flesh to help them recall the thoughts scattered in the world and be reborn.

Although the strength is not as good as before, it still has the power to crush three generations of gods.

They are too ancient, even if they have only a little idea left, the supernatural powers they display are extremely terrifying.

The patron saints of those small western countries are completely vulnerable, crushed and devoured mercilessly.

But there are also many powerful gods who have turned out, such as the power displayed by the Western Holy See, which shocked all forces.

Only a few red-robed priests are needed to open the gate of heaven and summon endless angels.

There are also ancient Buddhist gates, where the Buddha came in person, appeared to preach, and turned thousands of novice monks into Buddhas.

Perhaps the quality is far from the opponents of these resurrected gods of death, but in terms of quantity, it is a trend of crushing.

The appearance of Xu Tong and his party will naturally attract the attention of many gods. When some gods saw the Sun Battleship, their faces inevitably showed a look of guard.

But when he could clearly see the figure of the player on the battleship deck, his alertness disappeared, and his face showed anger instead.

An angry god rushed to the sky, raised the scimitar in his hand, and slashed towards the sun battleship.

In his opinion, the sky is the domain of the gods, and these humble things are not worthy of flying in the sky, let alone bear them flying over their heads.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

It's just that before he got close, the vitality cannon that had been charged for a long time smashed down overwhelmingly.

Followed by a large number of skills, it fell like a tide.

The other party was just a third-generation god, or a god from a low-level small country. Facing the overwhelming attack in front of him, he was smashed and ran away.

"The first team will follow me, and the second team will follow behind, come on!!"

I saw Gao Zhuo raised his arms and jumped off the battleship first, followed by the players, released flying papers to follow, and followed Gao Zhuo to hunt the gods.

Having tasted all the benefits brought by thoughts, these players are already red-eyed. They know that if they want to survive, they must seize every opportunity to hunt and kill those weaker gods. Only by devouring them and strengthening themselves can they survive. Survive the future war.

Xu Tong not only agrees with this idea, but also strongly supports it.

He used Yanshu again to turn the Zhanzijue into a talisman and distribute it to these players. With this talisman, their skills or weapons can have the power to slash the gods in a short time.

They also specially asked Gao Zhuo to divide these players into two teams, Gao Zhuo and Li Bo came to lead the team, and Da Ya sat in the rear with a fairy furnace in hand.

Now it's the turn of the god to be blinded, eyes wide open, looking at the players rushing up, he couldn't believe his eyes: "Stupid ants, you are looking for your own death!!"

The player who is a tool dares to attack the gods.

This is like a dog in captivity, biting back at its owner.

This kind of dog has no domestication value and can only be killed and turned into a dish.

Just when he was about to use his supernatural powers to turn all these lifeless ants into Huijin, Gao Zhuo, who took the lead, had already made a move.

As a corpse fairy, although he didn't realize the power of the law, he still has the capital to challenge the three generations of gods.

As soon as he made a move, all kinds of weird curses fell down. Some of these curses were researched by Gao Zhuo himself, and they had the bonus of item cards.

Part of it came to him after he became a corpse fairy, and it was the most weird and difficult.

Another part is from the inheritance of the Wu Clan Mingwu.

The three curses fell together, and even the three generations of gods couldn't bear it, and the players behind saw this, and they threw all kinds of skills at each other frantically.

With the blessing of thoughts, they found that the release of skills is so simple, they can smash out more than a dozen skills in one breath.

"Bang bang bang..."

Various skills exploded around this god like a torrential rain.

With the blessing of Xu Tong's [Zuzi Jue] talisman, these skills and weapons, which have never been seen by the gods, now have the power to hurt him.

A player flew forward, holding a big sword in both hands and slashing down. The blade of the sword shone with dazzling radiance, almost cutting his chest open.

Under the tremendous pain, the god beat the player into a pulp with a backhand punch, but there were more and more injuries on his body.

It's just that the foundation of these players is too weak. Most players still rely on the skills of item cards and need to wait for a certain cooling time.

Fortunately, the second team led by Li Bo had already taken over the battlefield. Li Bo played the same trick even better than Gao Zhuo.

This guy directly transformed himself into the high priest of nature, mobilizing the power of thunder from heaven and earth to form a terrifying ocean of thunder.

Afterwards, all kinds of Gu insects were released to harass them.

This time the god couldn't stand it anymore, and after a while, many wounds appeared on his body, and he wanted to escape in embarrassment.

As a result, he was sniped by players from the second team and was beaten to pieces on the spot.

Da Ya, who had been waiting for a long time, saw this and quickly took him into the fairy furnace.

After a great battle, everyone returned to the battleship with excited eyes.

Da Ya handed the celestial stove to Xu Tong, reckoning that [-] thoughts could be extracted from it.

Quantity and quality are far from the previous god of death.

But this is already the best result. After all, the opponent is just a three-generation god of a small country, and he is just like cannon fodder on this battlefield.

Asking Da Ya to be responsible for refining these ideas, Xu Tong glanced at these players. Such a simple battle caused them to reduce their staff by nearly 20 people.

This is the result of Xu Tong's help, Gao Zhuo, and Li Bo's pressure. If it weren't for these two players as the main force, if it wasn't for Xu Tong's help, just relying on these players to charge up, the casualties would be more than twenty One, I'm afraid that none of them will survive.

With the loss of 20 players, these players are extremely excited. Hunting and killing a god is an extremely important booster for them.

What's more, they can still share this god's idea equally and continue to strengthen their own strength, which undoubtedly gives them a faint hope.

After these players absorbed the idea, before they could stop, they threw themselves into the next hunt again.

In every hunt, some players will fall, but the strength is also growing visible to the naked eye.

Although this is cruel, it is undoubtedly the best way.

For a while, the news about some players hunting gods in the middle battlefield spread like wildfire, drawing the wrath of many gods.

However, the battlefield is too chaotic, and it's not just players who plunder the gods, those gods will not miss this opportunity.

As long as enough gods are devoured, they can also quickly increase their strength.

In fact, everyone is now like a drowning person falling into the river, and no one can see the direction of the other side, but as long as they step on other people's bodies as much as possible to let themselves survive for a second, then there is hope for a second of life.


At this time, a low-pitched horn sounded on the battlefield, and the sky in the distance was torn apart by a strong holy light.

Xu Tong stepped onto the deck, watched the direction of the holy light with clairvoyant eyes, and found that a large number of angels were rushing towards this side.

There was an aura that made him feel familiar.

"Not good, let's go!!"

Suddenly Xu Tong noticed something, and quickly empowered the battleship with the power of time, causing the fast battleship to turn around and run away to the other side.

"I finally found you!!"

Surrounded by many angels, a golden chariot descended powerfully from the holy light.

Everyone looked at him, all feeling terrified.

A woman stood tall on the golden chariot, with six pairs of wings, flashing with divine light. The woman's eyes flickered, locked on the Sun Battleship, or in other words, locked on Xu Tong's body.


One of the six ancient blazing angels, he is the strongest god among them, and he is also known as the former glorious morning star.

How could Xu Tong not recognize her? At the beginning, the eldest princess almost killed herself, and attracted Lilith and Michael.

In order to take away his own soul, Michael gave his soul a feather to purify his soul.

Lilith would decisively give her heart and save herself alive.

Now that Michael is here in person, it will definitely not be as simple as coming to catch up with him.

In fact, the Holy See repeatedly wanted to let him go to the Vatican, and Xu Tong always felt that there was something tricky about it.

So it has always been the Holy See, blatantly flaunting its banner, but in my heart I am wary of these birdmen.

Seeing that Xu Tong wanted to escape, Michael frowned, took the reins in his hand, and drove the chariot towards Xu Tong and the others.

Under the irradiance of Michael's holy light, the gold-cast battlefield is full of brilliance, reflecting it like an Allah in the world.

Nine white and flawless celestial horses flapped their wings, and every movement of the wings distorted the surrounding time and space.

The brilliant holy light is as strong as a rising sun.

Xu Tong crazily blessed the Sun Battleship with the power of time, making the battleship move at a speed that almost surpassed time.

Many gods who were still in the melee didn't even notice the battleship.

But when Michael arrived in a chariot, under the holy light, those gods evaporated quickly and were purified into ashes in the holy light.

Except for the Holy See, the other gods are all pagan gods. Destroying and purifying them is just like seeing an ant passing by and stepping on it to death by the way.

It's just that this scene in the eyes of everyone is tantamount to aggravating the antipathy towards the Holy See.

"Hurry up, hurry up!!"

Xu Tong urged Ge Zhuo and the others to take out all the energy spars in the warehouse and put them into the vitality furnace.

Although Michael is a third-generation god, his strength is only stronger than that of the second-generation god.

Xu Tong is not sure that he can kill the opponent now, not to mention that there is a mighty army of angels behind Michael, and once they are caught up, it will be troublesome.

"You still have to run there!!"

Michael's dark blue eyes locked on Xu Tong's body: "Stop, follow me, the Holy See will keep you safe in this catastrophe."

Michael's voice came, clear and ethereal, and many players on the battleship were shaken by her voice in an instant.

If there is any hope, who is willing to throw himself into this meat grinder and struggle to the death.

For a while, many players looked at Xu Tong, and some players even began to hesitate, whether to speak to persuade Xu Tong.

After all, Michael hadn't attacked them until now, he just rode a chariot and chased after them.

As a result, Xu Tong just glanced at them with gloomy eyes, and with just one sentence, these players completely dispelled their unrealistic thoughts.

"This bitch wants me, what does it have to do with you?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the players changed immediately, and when they looked at Michael again, their expressions immediately showed disgust.

As the saying goes, don't worry about scarcity but inequality.

People are so realistic, when life and death, the people on this boat will not be of one mind.

If Michael is willing to take everyone away, they will naturally be tempted.

But if only Xu Tong was taken away, it would be a disaster for other players.

Even if Michael looked at Xu Tong's face and didn't directly purify them as heretics, but if they were left in this place, without Xu Tong's protection, they might not be able to survive even a day.

Now no one dared to touch this idea, and some players even took the initiative to join Ge Zhuo's team, carrying energy spars to speed up the battleship.

"Master, how long will it take to teleport through the boundary!!"

Seeing Michael getting closer, Xu Tong urged on the team channel.

To crack the teleportation array, each use has a certain cooling time.

Master is also speeding up his repairs at this moment.

It's just Xu Tong's little thought, how could he hide it from Michael.

She suddenly gave up the upper battlefield and brought the angel army directly to the middle battlefield, just to take Xu Tong away.

How could it be possible for him to escape so easily? ?
Seeing that Xu Tong didn't intend to stop, Michael spread out his palms: "God said, don't move!"

Accompanied by Michael's voice, the surrounding time and space were instantly engulfed by a strong holy light.

Just wait for the place where the holy light sweeps, everything is still.

This is not the power of time, it is the real stop of everything, the degree of dominance of the rules is not even worse than the law of time, it can be said that it is hard to distinguish.

Whether it's the wind on the prairie, the water in the mountain stream, or even the breeding crabs, they can't do anything.

Including everyone on the Sun Battleship is no exception.

The vitality in the vitality furnace solidified almost instantly, and the battleship suddenly lost all power.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they found that their bodies could not make any movements, and their eyes suddenly frightened.

Even Xu Tong found himself unable to move his limbs.


Xu Tong's heart sank, because when he was about to activate [Sage Manifestation], he suddenly heard Gao Zhuo's voice.

"If you don't let me move, I won't move. I will move. I can move however I want. I can't control the decree of you bird man!"

I saw Gao Zhuo standing on the deck with his hands on his hips and yelling, which didn't affect Michael's strength at all.

It's no wonder, he is a corpse fairy, he doesn't remember the world, but jumps out of the five elements.

Michael's law can immobilize everything, but it can't control Gaozhuo.

Oh, and it's not just gaucho.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The sound of running water sounded in everyone's ears, and when they looked down, they saw a large amount of black liquid suddenly appearing on the deck.

The black water expanded rapidly and covered the gaps of the battleship, causing the battleship to run again. The eldest princess kicked Gao Zhuo's ass, kicked him aside, and looked up at Michael in front of him.

With a wave of his hand, he summoned endless black water, turning into a giant dragon and crashing towards Michael's carriage.


Seeing this, Michael pulled out the holy sword at his waist, and slashed out a sword light burning with holy fire, and immediately split the black dragon in front of him.

But the moment the black dragon dispersed, the eldest princess had already summoned endless black water, wrapped the Sun Battleship, forcibly tore open the space barrier in front of her, and fled in directly.


This scene surprised Michael. She never expected that someone would be immune to the power of her creation law.

It was even more unexpected that the opponent had such a powerful means to forcibly penetrate the barrier with a whole battleship.

Players of the space system know that the burden of single-person space teleportation is not heavy. If the ability is stronger, it is not a problem to bring several people to teleport together.

But if the number of people exceeds ten, the difficulty will rise in a straight line. If there are more than one hundred, without the assistance of a large teleportation array, it is almost courting death.

Not to mention taking such a large battleship together to forcibly penetrate the barriers of the world.

This is a complete joke on everyone's life.

Even if the gods want to teleport players, they must build a huge portal in the exhibition center.

But the eldest princess did it.

The black water engulfed the battleship and forcibly passed through the barrier. In an instant, everyone could see the black water around them evaporating rapidly.


The collision of the barriers caused the battleship to make a piercing friction sound, and everyone could feel the fierce shaking of the battleship's deck.

Everyone's heart was raised to their throats. If the battleship fell apart at this time, they would probably be thrown out and torn to pieces by the terrifying space turbulence.

Fortunately, the black water summoned by the eldest princess was almost endless, until the entire battleship was completely dragged out of the space barrier, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Michael's ability is obviously not enough to cross the boundary. When everyone passes through the boundary barrier, they can already act normally.

"Come on!"

Xu Tong didn't dare to stop for a moment, and immediately accelerated the battleship.

At the same time, Master finally repaired the cracking teleportation array. With the injection of a large amount of vitality, the boundary-breaking teleportation array was activated again, and the battleship disappeared out of thin air and shuttled horizontally again.

Perhaps because of the continuous travel through the world, many parts of the battleship could not withstand the pressure and ruptured.

Rao is accelerated by Xu Tong's power of time, and the speed of the battleship is also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Shouldn't be able to catch up?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Michael brought so many angels, and it was not an easy task to continuously shuttle through the barrier.

However, just when everyone felt that they could take a break first.

Xu Tong suddenly froze.

He looked up at the clouds above him.

After seeing the clouds, six pairs of wings shining with golden light gradually became clear.

Michael's figure suddenly appeared above all of them, with a bit of anger in his dark blue eyes, he slowly raised his white and flawless fingers, pointing at Xu Tong and the others.

A great sense of crisis instantly enveloped everyone's hearts.

It was as if an invisible force hit their hearts, as if everyone was facing a life-and-death trial.

"God said..."

The corners of Michael's pink lips parted slightly, and a dazzling light shone from his fingertips.

"Go together!"

At this moment Xu Tong, the eldest princess, Lao Bai, Gao Zhuo, and Li Boqi rushed to the sky and prepared to give it a go.

When Michael saw this, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he said calmly, "Judgment!"

The moment the voice fell, a scale appeared above everyone's heads.

At one end of the scale is a feather, and at the other end is the shadow of each of their hearts.

Everyone stared blankly at Libra, and a feeling of imminent disaster spread.

And as the scale gradually began to tilt, a huge pressure was bound on their hearts.

In the teachings of the Holy See, people are inherently sinful.

And these players worked as cattle and horses for the gods before, which one of them had blood on their hands.

As long as the sound of judgment falls, these people will all die suddenly.

Even for Xu Tong, the best result is that his heart will be shattered and he can only give up his body.

"Ahem, on my territory, it seems inappropriate for you to do this!"

Just when everyone's heart was about to jump into their throats, an unhappy voice of questioning sounded.

There was only a piercing ringtone, and after a moment of intuition, the scales on the top of everyone's heads were completely shattered, replaced by a book of life and death with their own names written on them.

Xu Tong was also startled. Looking back, he saw a headless carriage coming from the clouds.

Xu Tong recognized at a glance whose car it was, Southern Ghost Emperor, Du Ziren!
(End of this chapter)

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