Chapter 1118
Du Ziren's appearance made Xu Tong heave a sigh of relief.

Even a super powerful existence like Michael might not be able to do anything to Du Ziren.

Among the five ghost emperors, the other four had one officer and one assistant. Only Du Ziren held the positions of political commissar and head of the regiment, and his authority was much higher than that of the other four ghost emperors.

To be able to do this, there is definitely a solid strength to support it.

In fact, just as Xu Tong thought, Michael saw Du Ziren's carriage with a look of fear on his face.

Du Ziren is definitely a hard worker in the underworld, and there is no god in the three realms who does not know his prestige.

The gods fought in Guixu Mountain more than once, competing for Guixu Mountain. At that time, there was no territory of Netherland.

Later, the ruler of the government swept across the underworld, rectified the government, opened the underworld, and guarded reincarnation, but he rarely participated in the struggle of the gods.

Until one time, Du Ziren led a million Yin soldiers from Huangquan and rushed into the battlefield, killing the gods and gods' eyelids.

Even after the incident, the governor recalled him and severely reprimanded him for leading troops to fight without permission, but the territory was actually taken down.

A decree, with both grace and power, can only be said to be the emperor's method, even Xu Tong has no choice but to bow down.

Hearing this, he pointed to Xu Tong: "This person has an agreement with me in the West, and he must return to my Western Paradise."

Immediately, Xu Tong felt his primordial spirit tremble, and a special power merged into his primordial spirit, which was the benefit brought by the righteousness fruit status, which instantly increased the number of his primordial spirit.

Xu Tong walked to the front of the carriage solemnly and said: "The Yin Cao Division welcomes Xu Tong, the envoy, to meet the emperor."

Gao Zhuo's spirit was shaken, and he looked away, his eyes were shining brightly.

Immediately, the decree was unfolded, solemn and grand, sacred and peaceful, and the aura it exudes makes people want to bow down. This kind of thing is difficult to imitate.

Be it reality or script.

Hearing this, Gao Zhuo was stunned.


Immortals are easy, but true fruits are hard to find.

Ten thousand, thirty thousand, sixty thousand... Yuanshen's thoughts grew wildly.

As soon as this remark came out, many players were shocked.

She is a god of the third generation, but her combat power is not weaker than that of the second generation of gods. However, facing an ancient god of the level of Lord Taishan, she has to temporarily turn off her light and be willing to be a candle.

When Xu Tong saw this volume of decree, his expression changed immediately.

Rao was also suppressed by this sacred power, and it was difficult for Michael to move. The divine light of the six pairs of wings behind him was dimmed, and he even felt uncomfortable to breathe.

Seeing that Xu Tong has achieved a positive result, Michael was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

Gao Zhuo and the others were so excited that they danced their hands and feet. This is a high-ranking person, even if he is enshrined in a temple, he still needs to be treated alone.

Now Xu Tong has no possibility of refusing.

But these identities are all temporary. In contrast, Xu Tong was able to hold a professional title in Hades, which is a great deal.

But how could Xu Tong refuse the benefits in front of him and throw himself into Michael's arms.

That's right, the position of Southern Emperor seems to be extremely revered, but in fact the benefit is only to increase Xu Tong's strength.

At this moment, Du Ziren's carriage turned around.

There was no Du Ziren in the empty carriage.

What's more, my master and master are all in the dark.

What kind of Meng Po soup, if I don't drink it, Meng Po can only stare blankly.

Seeing this, Xu Tong immediately asked the battleship to follow.


Xu Tong smiled and waved at Michael, and Michael felt depressed for a while.

Looking at the entire Netherland, except for the Forbidden Army on Youshan, there is no army that can confront it.

Xu Tong's dharma looks open, the original battle armor receded, wearing a bead curtain and jade crown, a black dragon robe, a five-clawed golden dragon coiled around, jade buckles, golden boots, and a saber at his waist, standing tall between the sky and the earth. Among them, one of the five poles of the ultimate underworld is honored, the status of the righteous god.

"The widow has been established for thousands of years since the underworld, and there are nine of the five poles of art. If one is missing, it is not perfect. Now I feel the destiny of heaven and earth. I canonize Xu Tong as Wuji Yuansheng Southern Ghost Emperor and lead the Qiang barbarian ghosts!"

This guy didn't even have a thought. If Michael knew that he was shot by Du Ziren, he would be so angry that he vomited blood.

Xu Tong saw that he was a little carried away, so he had to pour cold water on him: "Don't be stupid, you can't stop the gods and the gods of death, the world will collapse, and the underworld will also be turned into ruins!"

The blessing brought to Xu Tong by this Zhengguo leader alone caused his primordial thoughts to soar to [-] thoughts.

Speaking of this, a golden decree floated out from the carriage.

There are some things that Xu Tong can't say, and he can't say it out. He already feels that behind him, the palm of Fujun is manipulating the chessboard.

"By the order of Emperor Taishan Qitian Rensheng!"

The most important thing is that the words on the decree were written by the emperor himself, but the decree itself did not come from the prince, but from his master.

After all, Xu Tong has already achieved a positive result, and with Du Ziren, if the two force her to stay here, although they can't hurt her at all, it will be a huge disadvantage to the upper battlefield.


Turning around and returning to the battleship, the eldest princess and sister stepped forward to congratulate her.

Michael trembled with anger, but he had no choice but to look at Xu Tong and transmit the sound softly.

There are even corpses of gods and beasts among them.

As Du Ziren spoke, the handwriting on the decree in front of him glowed with a golden glow, and everyone on the battleship knelt down unconsciously for a moment.

Just as Xu Tong thought, the imperial edict in his hand is the master's last trump card.

The other players felt their scalps tingling as they watched this scene. The army of tens of thousands of corpses appeared in front of them like ants.

The kind that can choose a position after reincarnation.

In an instant, the decree was shining golden, with the seal of the great emperor stamped on it, turning into thousands of colorful stripes and covering Xu Tong's body.

It was Du Ziren who spent countless years raising the army.

In the battlefield of the gods, all forces can see the decree of the palace lord, and they are all shocked by this decree.

Going to fight with the God of Death and fight with the gods, even if you want to hide.

Also played the prestige of Netherland.

Now after so many years, seeing Du Ziren again, Michael would be lying if he said that he was not afraid, but if he said he was afraid, it would not be true.

I can only leave a sentence to do it for myself, and quickly turn around and leave.

Xu Tong took a deep breath and put away the edict.

In the distance, the sound of orderly footsteps sounded, and a ghost cavalry in black armor was seen marching mightily.

The happiness in life is nothing more than the sentence: "There are people above me."

Now Xu Tong is exceptionally mentioned to this position by the emperor, which is of great benefit to him.

"Da da da da..."

To refuse is to deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestors, and he can't let him pick and choose.

"Hahaha, boss, let's post it now!!"

Obviously, at this point, Michael can only show his sincerity to lure Xu Tong.

As early as when Du Ziren took out this decree, Xu Tong recognized it at a glance. It was the master's personal protection treasure, the edict of destiny.

They are players, and they can obtain multiple identities in the script world, and some even became emperors.

It's just that at this point, I have no way out, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, I still have to rush forward.

"If you return to my heaven, you will achieve more than that. You can choose the left and right kings of heaven, and the six angels will crown you personally."

Different from the ghost riders that Xu Tong encountered in the underworld, this ghost rider is the elite of the underworld elite.

After Xu Tong revealed his identity as an official in the underworld, Du Ziren's sneer came from the carriage; "I'm an official in the underworld, it's inappropriate for you to take him away quietly, besides..."

Looking around, I saw countless corpses moving forward on the ground.

At this moment, except that my foundation is not stable enough, no matter in terms of status or strength, I am no different from the second-generation gods.

"Let's go now?? Treat you to tea another day."

What's more, even if Xu Tong achieves the true fruit of the underworld, he still holds a hole card in his hand.

After all, there are so many locations, one radish and one pit.

There was a cold snort in the carriage, and Du Ziren's voice came out of the carriage unhurriedly: "Xu Tong, tell him who you are."

Although Du Ziren was not there, Xu Tong could hear his voice: "This is your master's request to the emperor to give you a positive result with his edict of destiny. Before I set off, the emperor handed it over to me. Please be careful." Thank you, Grandpa Master."

After Michael left, Xu Tong went to the carriage, but he stretched out his hand to open the curtain.

The ghost emperors of the five directions are the number of the five extremes of the underworld, and there are only ten positions in total. It is rumored that Du Ziren's temperament is violent, and this position has been vacant all the time.

Xu Tong raised his hands and took this decree in his palm.

After crossing the two worlds again, what catches everyone's eyes is the evil spirit that overshadows the sky.

Did the emperor increase your strength for nothing? ?
Of course not, by accepting this Zhengguo position, I was completely tied to the same boat as Netherland.

"Sure enough, the old man still loves me."

As Du Ziren's voice fell, I saw the decree flashing a dazzling and strange light, and then it rushed through the sky, reflecting the three thousand great worlds.

But this happiness is far less interesting than the sentence "There is someone under me."

The master's edict of destiny, plus the handwriting written by the emperor himself, is not only a kindness, but also a hint to Xu Tong.

Just the destructive aura hit, it made all the players feel the taste of death.

What's more, Xu Tong, as the southern ghost emperor, is equal to Du Ziren. If they die in the future and go down to the underworld, they will be treated sideways.

The vast and boundless body of the Great Emperor has already appeared in his mind, the emperor's power is pervasive, and the brilliance is lingering, making the world a peaceful and crystal clear reflection.

Not to mention those resurrected gods of death, even the three generations of gods dare not rashly set foot in this country that has become the world of the dead.

A cavalryman spotted Xu Tong and rushed to this side quickly. After reining in his horse, he took off his helmet and revealed a handsome face: "The envoy of the Chinese Army Superintendent, I pay my respects to the Emperor!"

Xu Tong stared at the face in front of him, and was immediately stunned.

Not only was he stunned, but even Gao Zhuo was dumbfounded, staring wide-eyed at the handsome face in front of him: "Damn! Are you still alive???"

(End of this chapter)

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