Infinite script kill

Chapter 135 Am I a Hero?

Chapter 135 Am I a Hero? (seeking a monthly ticket)
There was no way, the bridge was broken, and the darkness under the bridge was at least ten meters deep.

If Captain Jia hadn't just seen the warning sign on the roadside Duantou bridge, even people and cars would have fallen off at this time.

Listening to Zhang Peng's shouts on the walkie-talkie, both the driver and Captain Jia felt their scalps go numb.

After a while, Captain Jia suddenly grabbed the walkie-talkie: "Sun thief, you are a fucking human or a ghost, get out!!"

Captain Jia cursed, and the intercom was silent for a long time. After a while, he heard a signal interference, but Yang Yanwang's voice came: "Captain Jia, where are you, come and meet us."

Captain Jia, who was about to open his mouth to scold him, was stunned for a moment when he heard the familiar voice. He was about to speak, but after a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Inspector Yang?? Is it really you?"

"Nonsense, of course it's me. What happened to you taking the wrong medicine?? I'll send you a signal flare. When you see the direction of the signal flare, gather towards me. Hurry up, we can only wait for you for 15 minutes."

The familiar cursing sound immediately made Captain Jia feel at ease.


A bright red flare exploded in the sky, and the red flame instantly dyed the white mist with a blush.

Fortunately, the distance is not very far.

Captain Jia made a visual inspection and felt relieved, but soon he realized that 15 minutes was too short. It would take half an hour to transfer so many materials, no matter how fast or how little.

After a short moment of hesitation, he gritted his teeth: "Everyone give up their supplies, take as much as they can carry, and set off in one minute."


After everyone heard Captain Jia's words, their faces changed drastically. How could the supplies they had worked so hard to bring be given up so easily.

But Captain Jia didn't discuss with them at all this time: "Listen clearly, set off in one minute, give up all supplies, and if you can't do it, you can stay here by yourself."

To be able to give one minute is already an order he issued under great pressure.

Visually running from here, 15 minutes is still very tense, and some people will inevitably fall behind, but Captain Jia can't care so much at this moment.

The scene that happened just now was so weird that people and cars almost fell off. If they stayed in this ghost place, they would definitely die.


The pharmacist sitting in the car behind stood up and urged everyone to leave quickly. He didn't know what happened ahead, but he always felt that there was a strange feeling inside and outside this place.

The young man at the side reached out to help him, but the pharmacist avoided him without a trace, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, this little injury won't trouble me."

As he spoke, he became even more vigilant, and at this time, he was more worried that Xu Tong, who was hiding around, would take the opportunity to attack him.

He couldn't even believe the young man in front of him.

Seeing this, the young man was not reluctant, and hurriedly jumped out of the car with everyone. Seeing some people scrambling to carry supplies, the young man hesitated for a long time, and rushed in as soon as he gritted his teeth.

However, he just took some medicine and jumped out of the car in a hurry. He hurriedly caught up with the pharmacist and said, "Mr. Yao, take these medicines. In case the wound becomes infected, these are life-saving medicines."

The pharmacist sneered in his heart. He called himself a pharmacist, and he was short of this medicine? ?
But seeing the sincere expression on the boy's face, he did not refuse, nodded and said: "In that case, let's go together."

As he said that, he quickened his pace and walked towards the lighting position of the signal flare without looking back.

Even though the pace was not fast, every step seemed to take five or six meters, pulling the young man behind him early in the morning.

Pulling off his clothes, looking at the bandaged wound, he tore off the bandaged gauze and threw it away with a disdainful smile.

Then take some white powder and apply it on top.

The powder is very miraculous. As soon as it gets on the skin, the skin will start to grow and heal quickly. After watching the wound gradually heal, I am completely relieved and muttered: "No matter where you hide, if you want to hide, there is no door. .”

As he spoke, he walked forward quickly, but within a few steps, Pharmacist's face suddenly turned red and hot, and an indescribable feeling came to his heart.

It's as if the whole person has become ten years younger at once. He walks in a hurry, and his whole body is full of blood, and even the third leg wants to jump out to show you the muscles.

"What happened??"

The pharmacist became more and more confused, his whole body became hotter and hotter, but there was still a feeling of ecstasy constantly hitting his mind.


Spreading his hands, he involuntarily let out a deep moan, and even the world in front of him became blurred and distorted.

"No! I... this..."

The pharmacist immediately realized this feeling of ecstasy, which was very similar to the strong hallucinations caused by taking drugs, but even if he realized it, people always wanted to indulge in it involuntarily.

It's like when you pass by Amei's shampoo room and see a beautiful young lady standing in front of the door with a lollipop in her mouth, looking at you with charming and expressive eyes, you know in your heart that this is wrong, My noble soul does not allow myself to be so depraved.

But when I felt it, I changed my mind immediately. Maybe it is because of my noble soul that I need to save these young ladies. If I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell? ?

At this time, the pharmacist's heart began to shift towards the latter, and after the strong hallucinogenic effect, the pharmacist only felt that his whole body began to float away.

The whispers in his ears that he had never heard clearly became clearer, and the sneaky whispers poured into his mind as if with some powerful magic power.

The flesh under the ribs began to crack open, like two big greedy mouths licking the human scent in the air.

"Mr. Medicine..."

In a trance, the pharmacist heard someone calling him behind him, and turned his hazy eyes, but what he saw was twisted like twisted flowers.

Captain Jia saw that the pharmacist's face was not normal, and was about to step forward to ask him what was going on, when suddenly a green light appeared in the pharmacist's eyes, and the palm of his hand suddenly stretched like a python, and he grabbed it while Captain Jia was waiting. people.

A soldier couldn't dodge in time, and was immediately entangled by this arm.

Before Captain Jia and the others came back to their senses, they saw countless mouths split open on his arms, and they began to gnaw on him.

The sound of "cracking, crackling..." echoed in the night sky, but in the blink of an eye, the soldier was eaten into a pile of broken bones and rotten meat.


This time, Captain Jia and the others were all dumbfounded. The pharmacist's eyes were shining with green light, and the light from his eyes made everyone's scalps tingle.

"He... he was infected!!"

Seeing this, a soldier decisively raised the muzzle of his gun, aimed at the pharmacist and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Dazzling tongues of flame erupted from the muzzle of the black hole, but the figure of the pharmacist was like a ghost. The figure kept moving left and right, and even activated the skill of the item card, spreading a cloud of light yellow powder from his palm.

The soldiers who were stained with the powder immediately felt as if their skin and flesh were being burned, and they all fell to the ground and screamed.


Seeing that the situation was out of his control, Captain Jia's expression changed drastically, and he quickly took out the walkie-talkie to seek support from Yang Yanwang and others, and at the same time raised his gun and aimed at the pharmacist.

An antibacterial bullet hit the pharmacist, and it was not known whether it was because this special bullet had a strong inhibitory effect on the virus.

The pharmacist's mind flickered, and the person gradually woke up from the hallucination, and after a few shakes in his mind, he was buzzing.

When he opened his eyelids again, he realized that there were already five or six dead bodies lying under his feet.

Everyone, including Captain Jia, pointed their guns at him.

"You...what are you doing?"

The pharmacist, who hadn't realized what happened, suddenly looked strange.

I am the hero of the camp, how could they point their guns at themselves like this.

Looking around, I saw that everyone's face was full of fear and hatred towards him, and some people were puzzled and shocked.


Captain Jia didn't care what the pharmacist was thinking at the moment, seeing that he didn't move, he immediately pulled the trigger decisively.

In an instant, the bullets came like a torrential rain, and the pharmacist was awakened by the sound of the gunshots. With a loud roar, he threw himself on the ground sideways to avoid the bullets, and cursed: "You guys are crazy!! It's me, I'm the pharmacist! !"

No one paid attention to his shout, and the bullets chased after him crazily. Seeing that it didn't make sense, Pharmacist's mind sank, and bursts of killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"I tried my best to save you, but you actually want to kill me??"

This thought flashed in my mind, but what was rolled up was a raging murderous aura.

Suddenly, the pharmacist decisively activated the ability of the item card, waved his hand, and the air was immediately sprinkled with countless medicinal powders of various colors.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and blew, and a strong wind burst in the air, forming wind blades visible to the naked eye. These wind blades were already powerful, but after mixing with these poisonous powders, they even sealed their throats with blood.

If you touch it, you will die, if you touch it, you will die.

Those experienced soldiers were alright, and escaped in time, but the ordinary people who caught up behind suffered a sudden disaster, and were immediately cut to pieces by the wind blade. After being contaminated with the poisonous powder, the corpses rotted even more quickly. And it emits acrid and poisonous smoke.

There were screams and howls for a while.

Now the pharmacist panicked, regretted secretly, wondering how he became so impulsive.

If he could use misunderstandings to explain it before, now he can't explain it clearly even if he is covered in mouths.

Just when he was in a daze, suddenly a strong light came from behind him, and it was shining on his body, followed by a strong wind, it was Inspector Yang who had heard the gunshot and rushed over.

He was waiting for Captain Jia and the others, but he heard intense gunshots and cries for help. After realizing that the two were not far away, he simply brought people over.

As a result, as soon as they arrived, they saw the pharmacist slaughtering Captain Jia and the others. Apart from being surprised, they were even more elated, and their heroic image was broken.

"No, it's not what you think, it's not..."

The pharmacist's heart sank, but he didn't know how to explain it.

"Demon, kill him, kill him!!"

Looking at the relatives and friends who fell on the ground, the death was horrible, everyone was full of grief and indignation, glaring at the pharmacist, wishing to have his cramps peeled off.

"not me……"

The sound of crusade came, the pharmacist couldn't explain it, and felt an unspeakable bleakness in his heart, he was obviously the hero of the camp, if it wasn't for him, the camp would have been destroyed long ago.

Why... Isn't it just killing a few people by mistake?I also want to protect myself?How... has he become what you call a demon? ?

PS: It’s bad luck to cut off the pharmacist with the next cut.

(End of this chapter)

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