Chapter 136 Sheng Mi En Fights Mi Chou

"Warning, your behavior has seriously violated the rules of the camp, and all your reputation in the camp will be cleared."

"Warning, your actions have caused great damage to the camp, and your follow-up missions will also change accordingly. Please pay attention to the mission prompts."

The cold warning sound came, like a harsh trial, hitting his heart hard, Pharmacist never dreamed that it would be such a result.

"No! I'm not convinced!!"

Every time you perform a mission, how many do not die?
Every time you fight an infected person, when do you not kill a few escapees?
I just killed a few people by mistake, they shot me with a gun, and I was forced to fight back to kill them?
Could it be that all his previous achievements were erased because of this? ?
The pharmacist was full of grievances and anger, even though he did not protect the camp out of his own heart, but based on the mission and the role he played.

But those hard work and dedication can never be faked.

Unexpectedly, such a result turned out to be such a sharp contrast, which made the pharmacist unacceptable.

If the pharmacist can calm down and think carefully at this time, it will not be difficult to understand where the problem lies.

When a good person does a bad thing, they are often criticized by thousands of people, while when a bad person does a good thing, they are often praised by thousands of people. Many people do not understand why this is the case.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

You give someone candy every day, and if you don't, he'll hate you.

You beat a person every day, and when you stop beating, he will be grateful to you.

This is the psychological reaction brought about by the accumulation of quantity.

It's just what the ancestors often said, Sheng Mi's kindness fights Mi's hatred.

This reason is very simple, how can people see clearly in the game.

Yang Yanwang's name was not something that was blown out of his mouth. Seeing that the pharmacist's expression became more and more manic, he frowned, and suddenly stretched out his hand towards the pharmacist.

The five fingers were already bent like eagle claws, sweeping across with a faint golden light, the pharmacist turned cold when he saw this, waved his hand and sprinkled a large amount of powder in front of him.

But how could Yang Yanwang's name be blown out, ignoring the medicine powder that fell on his body, he grabbed his chest, tore the clothes on the medicine man's chest into many pieces, and a deep scar was torn on the flesh of the chest!
Just as the pharmacist was about to fight back, he realized that Yang Yan Wang had already taken a step forward, and this step happened to be pinned to the pharmacist's leg.

At the same time, the other hand grabbed the shoulder of the pharmacist, and a huge force was directly transmitted to him!The shock force followed, and the muscles and bones of Pharmacist's whole body trembled and lost strength.

This is the authentic Shaolin Liuhe boxing. Yang Yan Wang has been learning martial arts in Shaolin since he was a child, and later he went out to fight in the mountains. With his first-hand kung fu, he became famous early.

And after encountering the doomsday, he was lucky and got a mutated brain crystal.

After taking it, not only his strength increased greatly, but he also had a unique supernatural fluid golden light. The medicine powder sprinkled on him by the pharmacist was immediately turned into ashes and dispersed after being stained with this golden light.

The strength like a tiger with wings has created his reputation as the King of Hades.

"I knew that for a person like you, being a hero would be a disaster."

Yang Yanwang sneered, raised his wrist, lifted the pharmacist's elbow, and shook him flying.

Immediately, Pharmacist's eyes blurred, like a poisonous snake being lifted upside down by its tail and shaking!He was involuntarily thrown to the ground by Yan Wang in a semi-circle, and lost any ability to resist from head to toe!

Seeing this, Yan Wang took advantage of the situation and took a step forward, continued to hold his right hand into a claw shape, and clawed out horizontally!

The pharmacist just wanted to fight back.But in horror, he realized that he lost control of his body again, continued to be forcibly dragged, and staggered back in the opposite direction involuntarily!

Pharmacist is starting to regret now that he shouldn't have fought Yang Yan Wang in close quarters.

So much so that now he is completely powerless against this guy's continuous attacks, but where is there any regret medicine in the world?

But he is not someone who just sits and waits to be killed. Seeing that he is passive, he will even have to confess his life here.

Gritting his teeth: "You forced me!"

While talking, Pharmacist's body suddenly swelled up, his rapidly fattened body was like swelled shrimp slices thrown into the oil pan, and at the same time, mouths were split open on his flesh, and vicious curses came out of his mouth.

"All are going to die! All are going to die! You forced me to do this."

All kinds of medicinal powders were thrown out by him, and at the same time, these big mouths suddenly sucked in, and the strong wind suddenly turned the surrounding ten meters into a short vacuum, including those medicinal powders, which were also sucked into the mouths by him.

After inhaling these medicinal powders, the pharmacist's body swelled further, and from time to time, a stream of colored air could be seen ejecting from his ear holes or nasal cavity.

Those who didn't know about this appearance thought it was a replica of Big Fatty's self-destruct.

In fact, it was almost the same, except that Pharmacist would not easily choose the road of self-explosion, as long as he bought some time, he could activate the item card and forcibly escape from this script world.

"Go to hell, Poison Explosive Star!" A big mouth opened suddenly, and countless wind blades burst out in an instant, like a flooded river covering the sky in an instant. .

"Oops, run!!" Yang Yan Wang's face changed drastically, he stood in front of the crowd, shouting for everyone to leave quickly, but is it too late...


In an instant, the poisonous wind blade was mixed, and in an instant, the surrounding woods were cut into flat ground.

Some unlucky people were swept by the wind blade in an instant, split in half on the spot, and their bodies quickly rotted. When the corpses fell to the ground, they had been corroded by poison into white bones, and there was still a puff of blue smoke.

When Captain Jia saw that he was doomed, suddenly a big hand grabbed his arm and pulled him over.

When Captain Jia came back to his senses, he realized that there was a huge paper man standing in front of him. The paper man's arms were crossed, but his fingers were filled with countless slender tentacles. These tentacles were intertwined to form a curved wall. Before these wind blades touched, they were turned back.

"what is this??"

Captain Jia was surprised, Yang Yan Wang had no choice but to take the initiative to attack, even his fluid golden light, under the bombardment of wave after wave of wind blades, began to be unable to resist.

I saw his hands like knives, slashing on the wind blade, under the shining streamer, he fully displayed the crane pose in Liuhequan, like a flying crane against the sky, this elegance and calmness, even It gives people the illusion of majestic atmosphere and sky cranes spreading their wings.

Almost in an instant, he avoided the attack of the wind blade in front of him.

The uppercut was very heavy on the chin of the pharmacist, when he was in pain, his figure turned over, stepped on the forehead of the pharmacist, and jumped behind the pharmacist.

Grabbing his shoulders with both hands, bumping his knees against his waist, and then leaping forward, he was pulled up in mid-air, and then smashed hard to the ground.


Under the huge impact sound, the pharmacist's eyes turned white, blood gushed out of his mouth, and his entire spine was smashed off. What's worse, under the big hands of Yang Yanwang, he twisted hard, and bursts of pain immediately came from his arms. There was a bang of bone shattering, and white bone scum pierced out.

This is not Liuhequan, but Yang Yan Wang's own trick [Flying Star Fall]

This seemingly majestic move is extremely insidious. People who are attacked by this move often have few bones in their bodies that are intact.

Even if it survives, it will only be a waste.

The pharmacist let out a scream, just when Yan Wang was about to end his pain.


Suddenly, a bright blue light flashed in the air, and an arrow pierced the air, pointing directly at King Yang.

It can be seen that the wooden pole on the arrow body is covered by a layer of light blue flame after flying out, leaving little sparks in the air, like the tail of a meteor across the sky, and the front edge flashes The blue fire light is exactly the triangular arrow.

With such an iconic attack, you don't need to think about it to know that it is Li stab.

In fact, he has been rushing over for a while, and he has been hesitating whether to do something, until now he can't help but decide to help.

"Idiot, who told you to come in!!" Realizing that it was Li Ci, the pharmacist yelled helplessly. He had been calling Li Ci not to come in, why did this idiot come in.

Even if he came in, he shouldn't be here to attack Yang Yan Wang, so he might not be able to save himself, even he would be dragged down and become a traitor in the camp from now on.

But Li Ci didn't care about this. Although they were not teammates, the two had cooperated as early as the first time in the script world, and occasionally chatted a few words at the exhibition afterwards.

Even though there are not many face-to-face encounters, it is already a precious friendship for a player who is precarious and whose lifespan can only be calculated by the number of scripts.

Some people say that the world of scripts only cares about gains and losses, so Li Ci wants to give it a go today, be silly, and see if he can save this old friend.

Aware of the terrible damage caused by this arrow, Yang Yan Wang actually did not dodge or dodge, with his arms crossed across his chest, his whole body glowed with golden light, and his strong body stood upright like a rock standing still in the midst of a violent storm .


The arrow hit Yang Yanwang's chest, and immediately a billow of air rolled up. At this moment, Li Ci flew out from the darkness and grabbed the pharmacist on the ground.

But just when his hand was about to touch Pharmacist's body, the surrounding air suddenly surged in one direction, Li Ci's face changed, and when he raised his head, he saw a huge iron fist slowly raised, driving The air around him surged and hit him.

"Get out of the way!"

Pharmacist screamed, but it was too late. Even though Li Ci tried his best to parry, this punch still made his left hand instantly deform like a broken chopstick.

The body flew out like a cannonball.

Seeing this, Yang Yan Wang strode after him, intending to take the opportunity to kill Li Ci as well.

"Run! Don't look back, run quickly!!"

Pharmacist was still trying his best to pinch Yang Yanwang's foot with his legs, hoping to delay Li Ci's time, but he was kicked mercilessly and flew away. Under the severe pain, he didn't even have time to activate the foot. The life-saving props that have been prepared for a long time, there is a burst of darkness in front of him, and the pain is so painful that he can't breathe.

At this moment, a hand suddenly caught his body from behind.

"Mr. Yao, wake up, wake up..."

In a trance, he opened his eyelids, looked at the young man's face and frowned for a while, and was about to say something when he suddenly straightened up, and a dagger pierced his chest from his back.

Seeing that the smile on the young man's face became more sinister: "I didn't expect that what Yan Niang said is true, eating a lot of brain crystals indiscriminately will really cause big problems."

When a familiar voice came, the pharmacist widened his eyes in horror, and screamed, "It's you!!"

After the young man stretched out his hand and tore off his face a few times, he actually tore off a human skin mask, revealing the face he had been looking for. It was none other than Xu Tong himself!
PS: One night has passed, I will code for a while to sleep, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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