Infinite script kill

Chapter 137 Horror Paradise

Chapter 137 Horror Paradise

That's right, the pharmacist really didn't expect that this young man was actually Xu Tong himself, he stared blankly and noticed the human skin mask in his hand.

Immediately he looked relieved.

The Jack mask, a small prop that can only be used about five times, is not unusual at the show. ,

The reason why Xu Tong bought this prop at the exhibition was originally to enter the hospital and rescue his good friend.

But at this time, he was using this place.

This mask is a special consumable item such as medicine, so it is not within the seal range of the item card, so naturally it does not need to use tasks to unlock it.

This is also an advantage.

But it didn't work as well as expected. After all, it's just a mask, it doesn't really make you into another person.

Even if you observe carefully enough, you can see enough flaws in the details.

But unfortunately, Xu Tong's perfect acting skills made up for this flaw. In addition, it was dark at night and surrounded by mist, which further strengthened the concealment of the mask.

It's not surprising that the pharmacist didn't see it for a while.

"My wound..."

He suddenly remembered that the reason why he lost control was probably caused by this guy.

"This is really not me." Xu Tong shook his head, he did tamper with the wound, but quietly stuffed a grain of [biological mixture product] under the skin of the wound.

That thing is small and generally hard to spot.

This was originally left behind by him, because the mixture was wrapped in a thin cotton thread, and only when the gauze was torn off, the mixture would be cut by the sharp cotton thread and quickly enter the pharmacist's body.

How amazing the power of these small mixtures is, I don’t need to explain anymore, just look at Lianghong’s mentality collapsed by it at the beginning, and the look of giving up on himself, you can know how strong the hallucinogenic ability of this thing is.

As a result, the pharmacist was far more vigilant than he thought, and after shaking him off, he tore off the gauze, causing the mixture to be chopped up by the cotton thread immediately and mixed into his body.

But if it's just that, it's not a big problem, but Pharmacist and the others hunted down a lot of evolutionaries along the way, and obtained many kinds of brain crystals.

If the quality is poor, just throw it to the soldiers on the side to improve their combat effectiveness.

And the ones with good texture and good appearance were divided up by him and Li Ci.

The two of them didn't have Yan Niang's guidance, and the types of brain crystals they ate were also messy. It would be strange if there were no problems. This is the source of the auditory hallucinations that he always had in his ears during this time.

As a result, the hallucinogenic effect brought by the mixture immediately tore through the defenses of his mind, which made him lose control.

Xu Tong didn't have the opportunity for the pharmacist to continue. After the knife was pulled out from his chest, he quickly made another knife in his heart.

The pharmacist waved his hand weakly, tightly grasping Xu Tong's wrist, as if he wanted to say something: "I..."

He still didn't say the last sentence, and fell to the ground weakly with his hands loose.

The pharmacist's item book appeared on his corpse, Xu Tong opened the item book and looked through it.

In the pharmacist's item book, there are many item cards. After careful inspection, he found that the combat effectiveness of the pharmacist is actually very poor, even the ranger may not be able to match it.

But this guy has a lot of item cards for making drugs, which is a treasure.

Any therapeutic drug at the exhibition can be described as priceless.

No wonder the pharmacist was never stingy every time Li stabbed his hands, and the pharmacist was never stingy when adding money.

If it was another time, he might be fascinated by these prop cards for making medicines, but looking at it now, he couldn't help it. At this time, he suddenly saw a prop card, and his eyes stayed on it for ten minutes. few seconds.

【Covenant of the Poor】

Special props that can be forced to leave the script world after activation, but must bear the corresponding price.

Forced to leave this script world, your income in this script world is zero, and in the next script world, you will immediately suffer an escape penalty.

(Note: It takes 5 minutes to charge up the props to activate this time, and within 5 minutes, you must not move or be interrupted, otherwise you will fail.)
Although I have heard of this prop more than once.

But this is also the first time I have really seen such an item card.

Although they are all used to save lives, there are various types of such item cards, and each type has a different punishment mechanism.

Some are lighter, some are heavier.

The nuances are so strange, and he even heard that some malicious props will even give you a special boost effect, such as turning your sniper rifle into a Gatling.

Or you can't tell any lies in the whole script world, and there are even more extreme ones, such as your sense of taste is disturbed, eating anything is the same as eating poop, etc. These punishments are not fatal, but not everyone want to meet.

Xu Tong just glanced over it hastily, and looked at it with a little interest, but he couldn't arouse the slightest interest anymore.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a total of 670 points is a huge sum of money after choosing all the script points of the pharmacist.

This amount of money is not much less than Zhang Hu's script points.

There are so many scripts in stock, which is really surprising.

But if you think about it carefully, you will be relieved. The pharmacist's item card abilities are all biased towards pharmaceuticals. Just relying on these healing medicines, they can sell a lot of money.

In addition, they mostly used supernatural powers to fight along the way, and rarely stimulated the power of item cards, so item points were naturally accumulated.

"It's no wonder Li Ci is so obedient, such a good father of the funder, he really can't find it with a lantern."

After Xu Tong sighed to himself, he stretched out his hand to touch the pharmacist and closed his eyelids.

Then he awakened Fatty and quickly chased after Li Ci and Yang Yanwang.

The sound of the fight between the two was very fierce, and they walked all the way to the depths of the mist. The longbow in Li Shi's hand was always looking at the direction, but today he met Yang Yan Wang himself, but he realized what it means that a tiger eats a turtle and has no way to bite Feel.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A series of three arrows pierced through the air, and Yang Yanwang swung his backhand, his fists opened and closed, his fists and palms alternated between tigers and dragons, and the essence of Liuhe Quan, which is divided and combined, was brought to the extreme, and it was easy to block the eyes. Arrow awn.


Seeing this, Li Ci cursed secretly in his heart, turned around and accelerated to throw away Yang Yan Wang.

This is also a point that makes Yang Yan helpless. He can block the arrow but can't catch up with Li Ci's pace. He can only be kited by him, and his heart becomes more and more angry.

The two ran quickly one after the other, and suddenly there was a misty mist in front of them, and a strange gate appeared vaguely.

Li Ting took a closer look, and it turned out to be a playground.

Thinking about it carefully, they saw this playground from a distance when they passed by last time, but they didn't expect to come to this place.

"Alright, this is a good place to kill people, and he will never come back."

Li Clan was thinking secretly, wanting to take advantage of the complex terrain of the playground to snipe and kill King Yang Yan.

However, when he just stepped into the gate.

A gust of cool wind blew in, blowing the wind chimes on the side, making a crisp sound of jingling bells.

Li Ci's raised foot collapsed forward, and with the foot hanging in mid-air, it slowly fell down for an instant...

His foot was actually empty, as if his foot was empty, he was startled, and subconsciously wanted to jump up, but with this jump, a strong sense of suffocation suddenly hit him, as if a rope was wrapped around his body. throat.

As the rope tightened, Li Ci's eyes suddenly widened, and his hands struggled and scratched desperately on his neck.

On the white skin of his neck, the strangle marks of a hemp rope became more and more clear, so clear that you could even see the texture of the rope on the skin, but the strange thing was that you could only see the strangle marks, but not the rope.

No matter how desperately Li Ci grasped and scratched, he couldn't touch anything at all, the rope became tighter and tighter, and his legs were constantly struggling in the air.

After a while, a wisp of yellow water spilled down the trousers, and the struggling feet dangled powerlessly in mid-air.


At this time Yang Yanwang suddenly stopped, and the Li stab breath that he was following just now suddenly disappeared, disappeared without a trace, as if he had cut off his trace all at once.

This can't help but make Yan Wang very confused.

Although his speed is not as fast as Li Ci, but he has a special tracking ability, unless the target he locks is dead, as long as he is within a radius of fifty miles, no one can escape his tracking.

"Is he dead??"

Yang Yanwang thought about it, and felt that this was simply ridiculous. He had fought against Li Ci a few times. From the situation, this guy's ability in close combat is not strong, but he is not weak, and he is very sensitive to changes around him.

Generally speaking, it is not so easy to kill a master like him, at least like myself, it is simply impossible to kill him in an instant.

Just when Yang Yanwang was suspicious, suddenly the walkie-talkie on his shoulder made a rustling sound, and after a while the sound disappeared, replaced by a hoarse cry for help.

" me, someone help me..."


He hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie, and after a while, he heard a man's excited cry for help: "I am... I am Chen Yanbo, a member of the search team, come and save me, save me!!"

"Chen Yanbo!"

Yang Yanwang frowned slightly, and asked tentatively, "Who is your captain?"

"Song Qidong, Captain Song."

Hearing this name Yang Yan Wang's heart moved, and he finally confirmed that the person who asked for help was the first search team he was looking for.

So he hurriedly asked their location: "Where are you?"

"A playground, we're trapped inside, I don't know what happened, we've been stuck here for a long time now..."

Chen Yanbo's voice was extremely excited, calling for help, hoping that Yang Yanwang would come to rescue them as soon as possible.

Playground? ?

Yan Wang glanced sideways, and saw that the distance of five or six meters in front of him was the gate of the playground?A huge dog's head, with a huge mouth, and a funny face in the mist, looked a little weird and inexplicable.

Yang Yanwang didn't go forward, but just stood at the door and watched left and right. He saw that the amusement park was empty, and everything was covered by white mist.

At most, you can only see the swing hanging on the old tree with crooked neck behind the garden gate shaking slightly.

"Where are you? Why can't I see you??"

Yang Yanwang suddenly became suspicious, picked up the walkie-talkie and asked.



The noise in the walkie-talkie is getting stronger and stronger, as if it has been strongly disturbed.

It took about five or six seconds before I heard a complete sentence from the walkie-talkie: "Hey, we are up there, look up!"

Yang Yanwang was stunned, and slowly raised his head to have a look, his eyes suddenly widened, and saw corpses hanging on the ferris wheel in front of him, and as the ferris wheel slowly rotated, these corpses also Then up and down.

He didn't know if it was his eyes dazzled or his illusion, but he actually saw these corpses... laughing at him.

 I stayed up all night last night. I was thinking of going to sleep, but I heard that my mother-in-law came to see me at noon, with a chicken in her left hand and a duck in her right. Hey... let’s get through it a little longer. It’s hard work at two o’clock in the afternoon. After seeing off my mother-in-law, I slept all the time, but when I opened my eyes, I wiped it, and it was already four o’clock in the morning, hahahaha, get up, eat, code words...

(End of this chapter)

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