Infinite script kill

Chapter 138 Practicing the truth

Chapter 138 Practicing the truth

Yang Yan Wang's original name was Yang Kang, and it is true that he has the same name and surname as Yang Kang in Jin Yong's novels.

He made a lot of jokes since he was a child, which made him decide to go to Shaolin Temple to practice martial arts. Liuhequan is already superb.

However, when the living Hades really walked to the gate of hell with one foot, he couldn't help being frightened into a cold sweat, especially when he saw those familiar figures hanging on the Ferris wheel and giggling at himself When the sound came out, Yang Kang was really scared and stepped back.

All of a sudden, I felt something behind me.

Looking back tremblingly, Yang Kang's face suddenly turned pale, and he saw pairs of shoes hanging in the air behind him, like hanging salted fish, neatly hanging in the air.

Yang Kang didn't even have the courage to raise his head to take a look, he just felt cold all over his back, a bead of sweat slid down his neck into the neckline, and the moment it slid down his skin, his scalp was even more numb, like It's like someone is pressing their own back with sharp nails.

"Hey hey hey..."

At this time, Yang Kang suddenly heard a deep sneer, squinted, and was startled, and saw that the Li stab he was following had actually hung on it.

Two eyes protruded high from the eye sockets, and his tongue was sticking out. Originally, Li Ci's appearance, even in reality, could be called a handsome young man.

But at this moment, the whole face was black and blue, and the blood vessels burst on it, which was so ferocious that it made people feel chilling.

At this time, he stared at Yang Kang with both eyes, and let out a sneaky and incomprehensible laugh, like a ghost who was dying.

Yang Kang's face became more and more ugly, his fists were tightly clenched, and his muscles and bones squirmed, rattling in the air.

When people are extremely scared, they are often also extremely angry.

"Go away!!"

Yang Kang was terrified at first, but after he was terrified, his anger became even more uncontrollable. He suddenly yelled and threw his fist at the corpse. How could the cold corpse withstand his punch.

He was beaten to pieces, his body flew up, and then fell heavily, floating in mid-air.

"Bang bang bang..."

This time, not only did Li Ci's body sway left and right, but the other bodies also swayed together.

The densely packed corpses swayed left and right in front of him, and Yang Kang suddenly realized that he seemed to be surrounded by these corpses and could not advance or retreat.

At this moment, a hand was suddenly pulled on Yang Kang's shoulder. Yang Kang subconsciously wanted to raise his fist and smash it, but before he could do it, he heard Xu Tong's voice behind him: "It's me!"

Seeing Xu Tong say this, he stretched out his hand and pulled him back, trying to pull him out from the door, but instead of pulling him out, he also vaguely felt that there was something in the dark something, pulling on his arm.

Seeing this, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, waved his hand and splashed it, and pieces of round money with square holes were splashed out from his hand.

The splashing paper money fell into the air, as if being lifted up by an invisible force, and the surrounding corpses circled back and forth.

Before Yang Kang understood what was going on, the corpses in front of him gradually rose up again. At this time, Xu Tong hurriedly pulled him back and dragged him back.

In fact, he followed up just to see if he had a chance to kill Li Ci.

But I didn't want Li Ci to rush to the street, and actually hung up the southeast branch first!
From the perspective of profit, he decided to take a risk to save this guy Yang Kang, after all, this guy is also an official in the camp.

I don't know exactly what level it is, but it should be similar to the head of the company's security department in reality.

If used well, it may be of great use.

As for these copper coins, of course he carefully prepared them. Although no rooster blood was found, materials such as cinnabar, yellow paper, and joss sticks were all selected from the highest quality.

This is with the attitude of giving it a try, after all, my master has made it clear that what they do in this business is the trading of living people and the friendship of dead people.

Since it is the friendship of the dead, in such a ghostly place, the money may come in handy.

Moreover, he found that the paper money he made was placed in the item book, and it was actually recognized by the item book as special items.

【Third Class Mingqian】(Producer Xu Tong)
One point of Yangsha is yellow on both sides, and three pillars of yellow fragrance respect the ten directions.

It was originally a piecemeal matter in the yang world, and it was worshiped over yin and yang.

Use effect: It can be used by bribing ghosts, little ghosts, and inferior ghosts, but the specific effect depends entirely on luck.

There is a certain probability of dispelling resentment spirit and ghost resentment.

Even though the notes he made casually did not completely follow the master's instructions, they had achieved initial results, and Xu Tong was unavoidably proud of them.

But what he didn't know was that if Xue Gui saw this, he might call him bloody.

None of the underworld artifacts produced by the paper maker are high-quality goods.

You made a third-rate ghost note, do you still want me to praise you? ?

Of course, who told Xue Gui not to be here, I saw Xu Tong pouring down a lot of Ming money, and the surrounding white mist actually dissipated most of it, and the two of them could vaguely see the main road ahead.

Looking at the main road ahead, the two of them were about to run out immediately.

But as soon as he took two steps, his eyes were immediately shrouded in thick white mist.


A gust of cool wind hit, blowing the wind chimes hanging in the air, Xu Tong felt a thump in his heart, suddenly felt his legs go numb, looked down, and saw that the soles of his feet were tightly bound by two ropes neck.

The same is true for Yang Kang on the side, the rope is wrapped around his feet, no matter how powerful he is, he still can't break free, his legs feel numb for a while, and he can't lift a little bit of strength all of a sudden.

Seeing this, Xu Tong casually sprinkled a handful of paper money, but it was of no use at all.

At this time, he suddenly felt something staring at him behind him, and when he turned his head, he saw a hanging rope hanging from it in the park, with bright red drops of blood dripping on the ground from time to time.

If you look carefully, you can vaguely see the shadow of a woman hanging on it. The shadow is very shallow, and only a little outline can be seen, her body dangling on the hanging rope.

Xu Tong's eyes were slightly raised, and he looked at the woman's shadow. He didn't see him being afraid, but he teased: "Hey~ sister, you are so slutty, why don't you follow the uncle, and I guarantee you a good life."

When Yang Kang heard the words, he almost bit his tongue, thinking that you are looking for death so don't hurt me? ?
So he gave Xu Tong winks frantically, but Xu Tong didn't look at him at all.

The reason why he came to this place was because he noticed that it was not clean last time.

There are such weird places in a doomsday script, which inevitably arouses my curiosity.

But last time I was too hasty to unlock all of my item cards, and Yan Niang was in a hurry to tell me to hurry, so I didn't have a chance to practice it.

Didn't master and master often say that you have to make friends with the dead? Of course, you have to practice such a rare opportunity.

After all, practice makes the truth.

"You're a ghost here, it must be very boring, do you want to consider our products, I'm not talking about it, you can have whatever you want, any muscle golden wheel, small fresh meat can be customized, yes, I You can also choose weapons, such as mace, vajra, Goro gossip stick, gun... one is not enough, how about a two-pronged approach, our family supports dual-weapon fighters."

Hearing this, the woman hanging on the hanging rope finally raised her head stiffly, with a bit of confusion in her eyes.

I don't know if he is confused by Xu Tong's words, or is he wondering what a two-armed warrior looks like in his mouth?
After being stunned for a moment, the woman's expression suddenly became ferocious, and with a wave of her hand, Xu Tong and the two of them immediately felt the tightness of the rope on their ankles, and when they pulled back, their legs were about to be torn apart.

The expression on Xu Tong's face suddenly became unkind. I am talking about friendship with you, but you still want to harm me.

I saw that he quickly took out the [Magic Bell] from the item book and shook the bell, and suddenly bursts of ethereal bells began to reverberate around.

The enchanting voice entered my ears, and the woman let out a heart-piercing scream.

If it is to deal with the hosts of those source viruses, he may need to play some tricks.

But if you want to deal with the dead, I'm sorry, our family is a professional household.


Two ropes came through the air, one from the left and the other from the right, trying to stop him from ringing the bell, but Xu Tong had been prepared for a long time, and when the rope was tied to his hand, he decisively activated [Magic Power]

A light blue fire appeared on his palm, instantly igniting the rope, and now the rope around the woman's neck was also ignited.

Now the woman's screams became more and more horrific.

I saw the white mist surging around, and the corpses hanging from the southeast branch began to fall from the mid-air, and there was a constant crackling sound in the park, and the corpses hanging from the high altitude fell one by one and fell to the ground. Like a cannon.

Just as her screams became more and more painful, the bell in Xu Tong's hand stopped suddenly, then he squatted on the ground, lit a cigar and waited slowly until the woman seemed to have recovered from the pain.

Then he continued with a smile: "Let me introduce myself, I am a papermaker who is orthodox to the Eight Classics. I am a disciple of the Eight Schools. It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, but you have to give me some face. Tell me, what do you like?" What flavor, let's decide today, and I'll cook it for you another day."

"Brother are..."

Seeing this, Yang Kang had a confused expression on his face, even more confused than the female ghost, and urged: "We are short on time, if we don't kill her, let's go."

"No, I don't care whoever kills her will do business for me. If she doesn't buy it today, I won't leave."

It is said that doing business with the living and friendship with the dead.

Since people don't talk about feelings with themselves, they can only talk about business.

It's hard to do a practice, but you can't just finish it so sloppily.

Xu Tong's persistent attitude made Yang Kang's mouth muscles twitch a few times, and he thought to himself: "Good guy, this set of forced buying and selling has got him a ghost?"

The female ghost's eyes widened even more, and she glanced at the bell in Xu Tong's hand in confusion, and then nodded with difficulty after a moment's hesitation.

"That's right. Let's count on the highest ration for you. I'll add everything I can to you. First pay the deposit, and I'll be ready to rush back to work when I get back."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he stretched out his hand towards the female ghost with expectant eyes...


Looking at Xu Tong's hand, the female ghost's fuzzy facial features turned into a mosaic. She wished to hang this guy on the pendulum, but she couldn't stand the threat of the bell in Xu Tong's hand.

Finally, after hesitating for a moment, she walked to the corner and reluctantly took off the small wind chime hanging above it and put it in Xu Tong's hand, as if this humble small wind chime was already her entire net worth.

As soon as the wind chime was in his hand, Xu Tong immediately felt a special aura surrounding the wind chime, and threw it into the item book. After reading the message in the item book, he finally showed a smile on his face: "Not bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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