Infinite script kill

Chapter 139 Survival and Destruction

Chapter 139 Survival and Destruction

When Xu Tong walked away from the park with Yang Kang contentedly, the thick water mist in front of him actually disappeared.

Looking back again, I saw a few corpses hanging sparsely on the gate of the park.

The upper sling was hanging there, apparently awaiting its next prey.

Without the interference of water mist, Yang Kang quickly found Captain Jia and the others, immediately reorganized the team and found the abandoned resource vehicle, left the city quickly, and informed Captain Jia and others that the city would be avoided in the future. Don't do any more searches.

As for the reason, Yang Kang didn't tell Captain Jia.

"Brother, why don't you just kill that thing, she won't do us any good if she stays here."

On the way back, of course Xu Tong didn't need to squeeze the bus anymore, but sat happily in a big jeep with Yang Kang.

Yang Kang couldn't help asking why he didn't kill the female ghost.

It seems to him that Xu Tong's so-called forced buying and selling reason is too far-fetched.

But Xu Tong didn't explain it to him at all.

He called out the item book casually, and saw an item card with a bell pattern in the item book.

【Sanjue Octagonal Wind Chime】

The three enlightened beings are self-conscious, aware of others, and enlightened to perfection, and they can gather the voice of the gods, which is the proof of the great enlightened being.

Special Effect 1: Gather Qi to summon spirits.

Hanging the corner corresponding to the gate of the house can collect the special atmosphere around, and there is a certain probability of attracting spiritual things.

(Note: The effect is different depending on the placement position. If the placement is not good, it is easy to attract ghosts and evil spirits.)
Passive Skill 1: Evidence of the Awakened

It can't be described, please feel the experience yourself.

This prop card is very interesting. It is rare because it has a special effect.

But after thinking about it carefully, this thing was originally hung in his own home for decoration, and it seemed that the position was wrong, and it might cause trouble.

But its passive skills, the item book can't describe it, which inevitably aroused Xu Tong's inner curiosity, especially wanting to feel what is so wonderful and indescribable.

As for how to put this thing, he is not worried at all, don't forget that there is an old man at home.

It is said that having an old family is like having a treasure.

Thinking of this, he felt extremely relaxed, and began to think about what kind of paper figurine he should make for the female ghost.

When the car drove out of the city intersection, Xu Tong saw Gao Zhuo standing waiting at the intersection, and the body of the ranger standing behind him.

After the car stopped, Gao Zhuo got into the car.


He took a look at Gao Zhuo and found that Gao Zhuo was actually injured, he couldn't help asking in confusion, "Who did you fight with?"

I saw Gao Zhuo's complexion was very ugly, the clothes on his chest were torn, and there was a gash on his forehead, from left to right, deep bone was visible.

Xu Tong couldn't help but wondered in his heart, if he grabbed a handful along the wound, he wondered if it would be like peeling a lychee, directly tearing off his scalp.

"I don't know, but it should be someone sent by Song Nuannuan to kill you."

Gao Zhuo took out a bottle of potion from the item book and drank it directly, casually talking about what happened last night.

It turned out that not long after Xu Tong left, he naturally discovered that something was wrong with this city. In professional terms, the haze shrouded the dead air and condensed it.

Gao Zhuo wanted to go in and find out, but he didn't want to meet someone sent by Song Nuannuan, and the two naturally started fighting when they disagreed.

The one sent by Song Nuannuan is called Wang Ya Ya, and his strength is not bad, at least he is an old player who has gone through five scripts.

Gao Zhuo was not as strong as him, so he suffered a dark loss.

But Wang Ya Ya was not much better. After all, Gao Zhuo had a geographical advantage in this strange smoggy land. With his help, Wang Ya Ya was also injured a little.

At this time, Gao Zhuo was surprised to find that the water mist had dissipated, and when he looked back at the direction of the playground and saw the haze dissipate, he probably guessed in his heart that it was his masterpiece.

After all, the paper maker's method of dealing with ghosts and resentful souls is quite good, and may not even be much worse than Maoshan Zhengzong to some extent.

So he simply stood at the intersection and waited for them, preparing to return to the camp with them.

Yang Kang, who was sitting in front of the car, wanted to introduce the two of them, but in the end, seeing that they were so familiar with each other, he seemed to be more familiar with him than himself. When he interjected and asked, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo looked at each other and smiled, and only responded with two words. Word: "Old friend."

He didn't explain a single word to Yang Kang, which made Yang Kang feel puzzled for a while.

The car drove fast and rushed back to the camp early the next morning.

Xu Tong went to the war room to pay the mission, and indeed got a supply box and a box of special military equipment healing kits.

The supply box gave 100 script points, which is not too much, but adding the script points I drew from the pharmacist's item book, and more than a hundred points in my hand, I got more than 800 script points, and finally lifted his The script is in crisis.

The military medical kit is also a good thing. There are some newly developed medical drugs in it. Even if the effect is not as strong as those special drugs at the exhibition, it is still a rare good thing.

This military healing package should be an extra reward. After all, the amount of supplies Captain Jia brought back this time far exceeded many people's expectations.

In addition, the news that Yang Kang also found the first search team is an extra bonus item.

After walking out of the war room, he saw Zhang Qiang standing there waiting for him.

Seeing him coming out, the little guy threw himself into Xu Tong's arms with a silly smile on his face as if he had eaten honey.

Ever since he got the news that he was going to join the search team, Zhang Qiang has been guarding here every day.

It wasn't until I saw him come back that I really felt relieved.

After comforting the child, Xu Tong took out a handful of candies and gave him a lot of snacks.

"Uncle Yu, you don't know that during the past few days you left, the camp was very uneasy every day, and the special forces have imposed martial law several times."

Zhang Qiang ate a lollipop and casually talked to Xu Tong about the camp for the past few days.

Xu Tong listened casually. In fact, he didn't care much about the camp affairs. He was more concerned about why the main mission hadn't started. After thinking about it, he didn't know what Yan Niang was doing when she became the empress. ? ?

The appearance of the last countdown indicated that the infected must have evolved again, but now there is no movement for so long, which made him very depressed.

When eating in the cafeteria at noon, Xu Tong noticed that the number of people in the cafeteria had dropped by more than half.

After careful questioning, I found out that during this period of time the camp was conducting a closed special training. It was said that Li Zhengqing had newly developed a special vaccine that could enhance the strength of ordinary people.

All eligible young people in the camp participated.

After all, in the last days, the more strength, the more possibility of survival.

If you really become strong and you can join the special forces, then the treatment will change drastically.

While eating, Gao Zhuo suddenly walked in from the outside and sat opposite the two with a plate.

He first glanced at Zhang Qiang.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiang hurriedly stuffed the multigrain bread into his mouth, and said vaguely: "I'm done eating, I'll go home and rest first."

After speaking, he ran away quickly with the finished dinner plate.

Seeing that Zhang Qiang is such a good kid, Gao Zhuo nodded in satisfaction, and joked casually: "Hey, this kid is crazy, if it weren't for the script world, I might consider taking him in as a registered apprentice."

"Come on, you really have that thought, and you still care about this?" Xu Tong rolled his eyes at him.

Gao Zhuo smiled without saying a word, and stuffed the multigrain cake viciously into his mouth. From the corner of his eye, he glanced around to make sure no one noticed them, and then whispered: "I feel that the main task is coming soon."

Xu Tong continued to eat. Although it was a multigrain cake, a pile of pickles, and a bowl of noodle soup, it was a rare delicacy in the last days.

Seeing that he didn't react much, Gao Zhuo could only emphasize his tone: "Yang Kang was taken away in a hurry as soon as he got out of the car. I looked at this guy's face very badly. There must be some big problem in the camp."

When Gao Zhuo mentioned this incident, Xu Tong couldn't help thinking of Zhang Qiang's mention of martial law several times by the Special Forces.

Just when he was about to mention this matter to Gao Zhuo, a harsh siren sounded suddenly.

When everyone in the canteen heard the alarm, their expressions changed. They stood up and rushed out regardless of the unfinished food.

"Go, it's a martial law alert, something must have happened."

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo hurriedly dragged Xu Tong out, and the two followed the crowd to the big playground. They stood in a row with the team, and soon Yang Kang appeared on the screen of the playground.

He held a manuscript in his hand, and sat there with a dignified expression: "Starting today, all camps are under martial law, search team missions are temporarily suspended, everyone is not allowed to go out after 17:[-], all production tasks are stopped, there are no special status personnel, all Carry out defense engineering reinforcement according to deployment."

Yang Kang took the manuscript and read it one by one.

All of a sudden, there was a muffled discussion among the people in the square.

But at this moment, the screen suddenly changed. After seeing the currently playing screen, the noisy sound in the square instantly became silent.

Everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath.

I saw a large number of evolutionaries in front of me, forming a huge army, rushing towards them.

There are no infected people, but a team composed of evolutionists. Evolutionists of different shapes look like a group of demons dancing under the camera.


Suddenly Xu Tong's eyes lit up, and he saw an old acquaintance, and couldn't help grinning.

This old acquaintance is none other than Lianghong.

I saw this guy wearing a strange bone battle armor, a deep black cloak on his body, a paralyzed expression on his face, his chin resting on his hand, and sitting on a large seat, perfectly embodying the paralyzed temperament of Ni Dahong and Ge You combined.

It's just a matter of serving him a glass of [-] red wine, and he can make a perfect debut.

While watching, the picture suddenly shook violently, and soon a big face full of tumors appeared on the screen, and after a strange laugh towards the camera, the picture suddenly went black.

At the same time as the screen ended, Xu Tong and Hei Zhuo finally received the main task they had been thinking about.

But when the two of them heard about the mission, the expressions on their faces became weird for a moment, because they were surprised to find that there was no mission description for this mission...

(End of this chapter)

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