Infinite script kill

Chapter 141 Super Potion

Chapter 141 Super Potion
I guessed right, the real crisis definitely does not come from the army of evolutionaries outside, but from within.

Regardless of whether the information given by Yang Kang is reliable or not, what is certain now is that the attitude towards the special forces in the camp has formed a huge split.

After all, if hundreds of well-equipped special forces suddenly lose control and strike back at a critical moment, it will definitely be a devastating blow to the camp.

Even the camp may be directly on the road to destruction.

Yang Kang is under house arrest, where are the other special forces members?This is also a problem.

"Then shall we rescue him at three o'clock?"

Gao Zhuo frowned, feeling that the matter was not that simple: "But...we haven't received any task reminders."

Ordinarily, the tasks given by such characters in the plot, they would have a chance to get side tasks, but for such an important matter, there is no hint at all, which is very abnormal.

"That's right, this is the weird part. I feel like the script is deliberately going around in circles with us this time."

Xu Tong can deeply feel the deep malice in the world of this script. No explanation is given for the main storyline, nor are the side missions given. They all rely on themselves to guess.

It’s okay if you guess right, but if you guess wrong, the result is likely to kill them.

"Then shall we save or not?"

Although the relationship between Gao Zhuo and Yang Kang is not bad, if it involves their lives, Gao Zhuo has to think carefully.


Xu Tong answered without hesitation, but immediately added: "But we can't come forward to rescue, otherwise we might be taken in."

He pulled Gao Zhuo out, and said as he walked, "Since Yang Kang wants to escape, we can just create convenience for him. It's not worthwhile to come directly to rescue him."

"Perhaps... there is a way."

Gao Zhuo took a deep breath, and looked at the building not far away: "There is a warehouse over there, at worst, let's set it on fire for him."

"Hey, don't be so aggressive!!"

Xu Tong patted him on the shoulder, signaling him not to be so excited, and then pointed to the high wall that was being reinforced in the distance: "It's too troublesome to set fire, just blow up that wall..."


The green liquid in the flask was like boiling hot water, bubbling, and everyone's eyes were focused on Li Zhengqing.

As a leader in biochemistry in the world, he is now the most authoritative professor in the entire camp, and even has high hopes from the camp.

At this time, everyone was anxiously waiting for his scientific research results.

The second dose of the super potion is not only related to the future of mankind, but also related to the war that may break out in the near future.

According to the news from the reconnaissance team, the marching speed of those evolutionary army far exceeded people's expectations.

To compete with these monsters, they must have a more powerful army.

And only Li Zhengqing can do this.

After Li Zhengqing mixed the special serum in a test tube and various strange liquids into the culture tank, Li Qingzheng himself began to break into a cold sweat.

The group of people who were injected with the first dose of the super potion got perfect results. The physique of human beings has undergone great changes, and some human beings have even awakened their abilities.

Unlike the members of those special forces, they evolved very cleanly and were not infected by any viruses.

There is absolutely no need to worry about getting out of control.

But this alone is not enough, the second dose of super potion is the most important thing. If the first dose of super potion is only to lay the foundation for these people, then the second dose is the towering building that will fully stimulate their potential.

As time passed by every minute and every second, I saw that there was finally a new movement in the cultivation tank.

"Gollum Gollum!!"

A puff of white smoke floated out from inside, and a large piece of purple plants like mushrooms grew inside.

"Sure enough, the origin of all things starts with these fungi!"

While talking to himself, Li Zhengqing carefully collected some plants for distillation and purification.

In the end, I got a small bowl of crystal clear liquid like amethyst.Then he began to try to take a straw, and began to immerse the liquid drop by drop into the fat for experimentation. Finally, the busy days were not in vain. After the liquid was diluted, he turned around and announced to everyone: " The second dose of super potion was successful!"

Suddenly, everyone's cheers echoed in the laboratory.

Song Nuannuan was the first to rush forward, ignoring everyone's weird gazes, and gave Li Zhengqing a huge hug.

It made Li Zhengqing feel uncomfortable all over, and he looked at Wang Xu, the head of the camp beside him, with a guilty conscience.

I wondered if he already knew about the matter between himself and his daughter.

In the end, Wang Xu acted as if he didn't see it.

The smiling expression on his face made Li Zhengqing feel uncomfortable, after all, he was only five or six years younger than Wang Xu.

"Since the potion is successful, we will immediately increase the production. I believe that with this super potion, the dawn of mankind will never be too far away. Until one day, we will rebuild our homeland."

Wang Xuzhi's resonant voice inspired the hearts of everyone in the room, making them flush like a booster, and they raised their hands and shouted loudly.

"Professor Li, I heard that there is a third super potion, which is the final potion. We are now at a critical juncture. Now that the mother plant of the second potion has been developed, the rest will be left to others Do it, you need to develop the third medicine as soon as possible."

Wang Xuzhi enthusiastically took Li Zhengqing's hand and encouraged him.

"This one……"

Li Zhengqing's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, and he squinted at Song Nuannuan, with a wry smile on his face, thinking that he had really been tricked by a beauty.

He only told Wang Qian (Song Nuannuan) about the third super potion. Now that Wang Xuzhi knew about it, it meant that Wang Xuzhi must know about the two of them.

Li Zhengqing even guessed maliciously that maybe Wang Qian took the initiative to approach him, an old guy in his forties, it was Wang Xuzhi who instructed him.

As if aware of the unhappiness in Li Zhengqing's heart, Wang Xuzhi's fat and honest face showed a more friendly smile. He took Li Zhengqing's hand and called him by his name this time:

"Zhengqing, what era is it? Do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't understand the old?? A hero deserves a beauty. Qianqian likes a hero like you. I don't think it's a bad thing."

This time Li Zhengqing's face suddenly turned red.

Before the apocalypse broke out, he actually had a wife, but everyone met through a blind date. He has treated this wife with respect for more than ten years, and he seems to be very affectionate to outsiders.

But in his heart, he always felt that the passion he longed for was missing. Until he met Wang Qian, even though he knew in his heart that Wang Qian came with a certain purpose, he still couldn't help being moved by it.

In addition to Wang Xuzhi's words at this moment, it can be regarded as a positive agreement for them to be together. Even though Li Zhengqing was unhappy in his heart, he still agreed.

"But the third super potion can only produce one."

At this time, Li Zhengqing suddenly thought of something, and quickly explained, because the third super potion needs the source virus and Eva's blood. For the young Eva, it is irreversible to draw so much blood at once. harm.

At this very moment, he is willing to try, but only for this one time, and he cannot try again whether he succeeds or not, otherwise, if anything happens to Eva, it will be the biggest loss.

"Okay, okay! Don't worry, Eva is also the treasure of our mankind. If it weren't for the moment when we have reached the point of life and death, I would never allow her to be hurt in the slightest."

Wang Xuzhi looked at the baby girl in the incubator, and he spoke even more righteously.

This attitude finally made Li Zhengqing feel a lot better.

"You have to speed up the progress, I'm waiting for your good news."

He patted Li Zhengqing's hand, and after repeated encouragement, he led people out of the laboratory.

"come on!"

Before leaving, Song Nuannuan walked to Li Zhengqing's side, and when he was not paying attention, she gave him a passionate kiss like lightning, which made Li Zhengqing's face turn red to the base of his ears.

When she regained her senses, Song Nuannuan had already followed behind Wang Xuzhi like a good girl, leaving his sight together.

After being stunned for a while, Li Zhengqing put his hand on his face and wiped off the lip marks on it. Looking at the lip marks on his hands, Li Zhengqing glanced at the crowd from the corner of his eye, making sure that no one was paying attention to the movement here, quietly Put the lip print on your hand to your mouth and lick it.

"Yang Kang didn't move much last night."

Wang Xuzhi and others mentioned Yang Kang and others while walking.

"No, but I feel uneasy, so I added a lot of guards over there in private."

Song Nuannuan followed behind Wang Xuzhi and whispered.

"Be careful, he's not the kind of person who just sits and waits to die." Wang Xuzhi nodded, looking out of the window, the sky outside was getting darker and darker, and the high wall gave people an indestructible sense of security .

"What about the Special Forces?"

An officer in combat uniform asked in a low voice.

The special operations team has become a hot potato now. In the past few days since Yang Kang left, there have been two or three out-of-control situations. They even discovered that some members of the special operations team secretly hid a lot of brain crystals in order to improve their strength.

According to Li Zhengqing, these people can no longer go back and may become evolutionary at any time.

The camp turned a blind eye before, it was because they had no other choice, now there is a super potion purified from Eva and the source virus.

It means that human beings have a stronger and better evolutionary route, and their emergency products are naturally about to be abandoned.

Wang Xuzhi looked very embarrassed: "Let's take it easy, when this crisis is over, I will talk to Yang Kang about it."

The others looked at each other when they heard the words, always felt that the chief's heart was too soft, and they were about to persuade him again.

Suddenly, a dazzling bright light flickered a few times in the distance, followed by a huge bang, and a huge flame suddenly lit up over the camp...

PS: Crawling on the bed to type, my head is about to break, and I will go to the next code.

(End of this chapter)

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