Infinite script kill

Chapter 142 Ventriloquism

Chapter 142 Ventriloquism
After the strong light saw the night shining into the day for a moment, the huge explosion that followed immediately drowned out everyone's eardrums.

The harsh siren was sounded.

When the dust cleared, two ghostly figures poked their heads out from a distance to take a look.

"Hiss!! Are we playing too big??"

Seeing the bombed fortifications in the distance, like a big ugly hole smashed into a beautiful face, Gao Zhuo regretted it in his heart.

Seeming to see what this guy was thinking, Xu Tong patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, our enemies have never been those evolutionaries outside."

"That's true."

Gao Zhuo nodded. These fortifications are fine against the infected, but not effective against the evolved ones.

"Then what shall we do next? To support Yang Kang?" Gao Zhuo asked.

"No, no, no!" Xu Tong's head was like a rattle drum, he looked up at the moon covered by dark clouds in the sky, and couldn't help but read a poem: "The moon is dark and the wind is high, the sky is full of murder and arson."

Gao Zhuo's heart skipped a beat: "Who are you going to kill?"

"It's not killing anyone, but stealing things. Didn't you hear that ordinary people have super potions, so why don't we have them? If we don't get two, even if we complete the main task, it will be a blood loss."

As soon as Xu Tong said this, Gao Zhuo silently gave a thumbs up, but then frowned again: "What about Yang Kang?"

"What should we do? You don't even give us side missions, and you still want us to work for him??" Xu Tong curled his lips. He is not a very kind person, and he has no benefit at all.

Since I have already created such a good opportunity for Yang Kang, why can't Yang Kang help them attract firepower?

In his view, this is fair.

Gao Zhuo was naturally yearning for the so-called super potion. Hearing this, he slapped his thigh: "Why didn't I think of it."

In fact, the appearance of the main task seems to tie them to the camp.

So Gao Zhuo doesn't think about it, but Xu Tong is different, he changed his name to Yu Ni, obviously he wants to go against the development direction of the script, maximizing the benefits is what he wants .

The two waited for a while, and only after the camp was completely in chaos, they moved towards the scientific research building behind the camp.

I saw that this unremarkable scientific research building was protected by three floors inside and three floors outside.

Even in an inconspicuous corner, you can still see three heavy machine guns mounted on it. With this heavy firepower, even if Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo wanted to attack by force, they would probably lose their skin if they didn't die.

"Someone came out!"

With sharp eyes, Gao Zhuo grabbed Xu Tong, and the two hid in the bushes. Through the gap in the bushes, they saw a group of people walking out of the building under the protection of the guards.

"It's him! The one surnamed Wang!"

Gao Zhuo raised his brows slightly, and pointed at the man standing behind Song Nuannuan: "He was the one I fought against last time. This guy's strength is probably above six scripts, and he is very difficult to deal with."

Gao Zhuo's words were full of fear of this man. In fact, if he hadn't used his geographical advantage last time, it would not have been easy to deal with him.

However, Xu Tong's focus is obviously different from Gao Zhuo's. He pointed to the middle-aged man surrounded by the stars and asked, "Who is he?"

"He!" Gao Zhuo glanced at him: "Wang Xuzhi, the real person in charge of the camp at present, is said to be a businessman himself, but when the apocalypse broke out, he quickly attracted a group of people with his years of business courage and became the leader of the camp." supreme leader."

"Of course, these are all rumors in the camp. In fact, this guy's rapid rise must have something to do with Song Nuannuan and the others."

Gao Zhuo whispered about the difficulties at the beginning of the establishment of the camp. If it weren't for players like them, these people would have died long ago. How could they have been given the opportunity to create such a large camp.

When the two whispered, a group of people had already got into the car and left quickly.

"Have it!"

"What's wrong?" Gao Zhuo turned his head and saw Xu Tong squinting at him: "The way to get in is not to force it."

Hearing this, Gao Zhuo's eyes lit up and he asked: "What way??"

However, Xu Tong didn't answer him, instead he glanced up and down Gao Zhuo's body, his strange eyes made Gao Zhuo feel a little uncomfortable, and he hurriedly asked, "What are you doing?"

"No! I don't like masculinity." Xu Tong shook his head solemnly, expressing that he was a serious boy.

"Get lost." Gao Zhuo scolded angrily, "Hurry up, what can I do!!"

I saw Xu Tong took out the [Jack Mask] and threw it to Gao Zhuo: "Of course it's a man disguised as a woman."


Gao Zhuo opened his mouth wide, thinking that Xu Tong could come up with some good idea, but he didn't expect such a bad idea, so he casually threw the Jack mask to Xu Tong: "I want to pretend to be you, why me?"

"My figure is too different from Song Nuannuan's. It's useless to just change my face. Your figure is very similar to Song Nuannuan, so I can only wrong you."

Gao Zhuo shook his head, and when he was about to refuse, Xu Tong had already taken out his trump card, the head of No. [-].

"Don't forget, if we don't see Li Zhengqing, it's useless for us to get special potion rewards, so no matter what, we have to go in."

Hearing this, Gao Zhuo hesitated.

But he still defended a little unwillingly: "I'm just about the same size as her, but I don't have her exaggerated 36D. You can't let me stuff cotton, can you?"

"Need not!"

Xu Tong waved his hand: "Have you forgotten what I do?"

I saw him stretching out those sinful hands towards Gao Zhuo with a wicked smile on his face.

As an origami craftsman, one bundle, two pastes and three stickers are housekeeping skills.

Xu Tong originally had the blessing of [Paper Craftsman's Book], and Song Lao taught him that he never kept his secrets, so this craft has already reached the point where it has entered the room.

Of course, there is still a few points behind Song Lao, don't underestimate these points, these points cannot be made up by talent, it needs years of immersion to continuously optimize and optimize from the subtleties, and in the end it is often the slight difference between the angles , can create a completely different style.

But even so, when Xu Tong paste the pair of proud steamed buns on Gao Zhuo's body every minute, Gao Zhuo couldn't help but praise: "Good craftsmanship, it's so's so lifelike, it's not hand-made." It's such a pity."

This is not a compliment. He also had contact with a paper maker when he was a child. Even if he was not an authentic descendant of the Eight Schools, he was still a master within a radius of ten miles.

But compared with Xu Tong's technique, the difference is not one point or two points.

It can be seen that although Xu Tong became a monk halfway, he is also a deep true biography. At least in actual combat, he is not much worse than him, a corpse chaser who has studied systematically since he was a child.

"You're done."

Looking at the prosthetic breasts that fit perfectly on Gao Zhuo's body in front of him, Xu Tong inspected them carefully, and felt that except for a little bit of poor hand feeling, there was basically no problem.

The two then found another set of women's clothes, asked Gao Zhuo to change into it, and put the [Jack Mask] on his face. Suddenly, a rough man suddenly transformed into a man who let most of the camp. The object of a man's charge in his sleep.

"But my voice..."

At this time Gao Zhuo suddenly remembered one thing, his voice could not be changed.

This is the most deadly reason for 【Jack Mask】.

It is precisely for this reason that the value of Jack's mask is so low.

After all, no matter how much you pretend, once you open your mouth, it is equivalent to a prop for self-declaration, and it can only fool ordinary people.

"Haha, don't worry, it's already ready." Xu Tong said, and gave Gao Zhuo a mask.

"So you are here!"

Gao Peck, who got the mask, didn't understand what was going on, when he heard Song Nuannuan's cry suddenly, he was so frightened that he turned around to watch.

However, Song Nuannuan was not seen. "How? That's okay, right??"

Gao Zhuo looked back at Xu Tong, only to see Xu Tong looking at him expressionlessly, but the same sound as Song Nuannuan came from his stomach.


He was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xu Tong to know ventriloquism. He couldn't help asking, is this your ability or what%...

The result is naturally the four words "no comment"...

PS: Take a break and code tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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