Chapter 144
At Li Zhengqing's age, even if he had been injected with a super potion, he would not be able to withstand Gao Zhuo's angry blow.

A slap did not break his neck, he was considered strong, and he passed out on the spot as soon as he rolled his eyes.

Before she passed out, she probably was still thinking about why Qianqian's palm suddenly became so big.

"Bah, I'm used to you."

Gao Zhuo spat coldly at Li Zhengqing, tore off the Jack mask on his head and threw it to Xu Tong: "Fuck off, don't let me pretend to be any more in the future."

As he spoke, he tore off the clothes, and tore off the paper shell covering his body a few times at random.

Xu Tong giggled from the side, as if waiting to see his joke.

After taking Jack's mask, he simply put it on his head.

Going forward, he began to take off Li Zhengqing's clothes, and said as he took them off: "Life is too short, why not try it, at least it is a life experience. My father often said, don't wait until you are lying in the coffin, and then start thinking that you haven't done it yet." What have you been?"

"Hehe, your father is definitely a philanthropic person."

Gao Zhuopi replied with a half smile.

"That's right!" Xu Tong's hand paused for a moment, and he sighed, "He dedicated all his life's achievements to the hospital, and didn't even have the chance to go out once."

Hearing this, Gao Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and said with awe-inspiring expression, "Such doctors are rare."

"I didn't say he was a doctor." Xu Tong raised his head and corrected him with strange eyes.

The corner of Gao Zhuo's mouth twitched: "Could it be a patient?"

I saw Xu Tong put a white coat on his body, and said with a smile: "Yes, I have been ill for many years, I hope the disease will overcome him as soon as possible."

Gao Zhuo: ???
Without further ado, Xu Tong picked up the injection gun, put a medicine on it, aimed at his arm and injected it, and then threw the other medicine to Gao Zhuo.

Gao Zhuo first threw it into the props book, then frowned, and after weighing his thoughts for a moment, he decided to give up injecting the potion.

Xu Tong didn't care about it, after all, what was given to Gao Zhuo was Gao Zhuo's, and how to deal with it was his business.

After the medicine was injected, Xu Tong immediately felt a chill all over his body. As soon as his body temperature dropped a lot, the pupils of his two eyes immediately shrank a lot.

Immediately after a numb feeling hit the whole body, the mental state of the whole person immediately changed.

Originally due to the passive influence of [Dark Physique], his skin was sickly pale, but now it has turned a little bloody, at least it looks not much different from normal people.

It seems that after the physique is strengthened, it will also have great resistance to its own negativity.

He took out a small knife and scratched lightly on the tip of his finger, only to see a drop of blood dripping down his finger, but when he took out a paper to wipe off the blood on it, he found that the wound had completely healed.

It can be seen that the rapid healing effect brought about by this genetic enhancement medicine is quite good.

It has an excellent miraculous effect on this kind of small wounds, but this ability is only for small wounds that are not fatal. For those wounds that need to drink medicine to save their lives, the effect may not be so obvious.

But something is always better than nothing.

"I got the potion, shall we go to support Yang Kang next?" Gao Zhuo still has a good friendship with Yang Kang, and he still doesn't forget to consider supporting him at this time.

Because according to what Li Zhengqing said just now, it seems that all members of the Special Forces are doomed, including Yang Kang.

"Don't worry, you don't know where those special forces members are being detained. Going out now is just looking for a needle in a haystack. Let's talk about it, we're here. Are you happy to leave like this?"


"Then what do you mean?"

It was Gao Zhuozhe who noticed that Xu Tong had already changed his clothes, and at some point, the Jack mask that had been put on his face had changed into Li Zhengqing's appearance.

"As the saying goes, thieves don't go empty-handed, don't you want those super potions?"

Mentioning the super potion, Gao Zhuo nodded with his eyes shining.

After the two walked out of the office, Xu Tong swaggered and led Gao Zhuo into the experimental area.

"Professor, the second batch of super potions has been prepared, but the quantity may not be enough to reach [-]."

When he saw the two of them walking in, the assistant in charge of dispensing the medicine immediately ran over and said with a embarrassed expression on his face.

"Oh, is the first batch of potions still in stock?"

Xu Tong asked his deputy.

"Yes, we have reserved fifty." The deputy nodded.

"Then take all of them. In addition, the second dose of super potion will also deduct fifty sticks. As for whether it is enough, it doesn't matter. Just give as much as you have, and special treatment will be given in special cases."

Seeing Xu Tong casually playing Li Zhengqing, his tone of voice and relaxed demeanor were almost exactly the same as Li Zhengqing, Gao Zhuo standing behind him couldn't help but wonder if this guy is really a paper maker? ?

Why is it that other than ventriloquism, even imitating others is so similar.

"it is good."

After his deputy left in a hurry, Xu Tong winked at Gao Zhuo, indicating that we are getting rich this time.

A total of one hundred super medicines were delivered quickly.

Xu Tong picked it up and threw it into the item book for a look, he couldn't laugh or cry.

It turns out that these so-called strengthening potions can strengthen ordinary people by 100%, but only for non-player creatures,

If it is a player, the increase is pitifully small.

It can only increase the overall quality by 5.00%, and there is no other entry.

The combination of the two potions can only increase your physique by [-]%, but it does not increase your overall stamina, but also randomly increases your ability by a little bit.This potion is also called a super potion?

Immediately, he felt cheated, but fortunately, the only consolation is that these potions can bring out the script world

Although the effect is not good, but it does not occupy the grid of the item book, I believe it should be able to sell for a good price at the exhibition.

Giving half of it to Gao Zhuo is considered his reward for hard work.

"Professor Li, it's not good, it's not good, you go and have a look, I heard that those evolutionists have rushed in."

"So fast?"

Xu Tong was a little surprised. According to his estimation, it would take a day for these evolutionaries to arrive, and they didn't expect to arrive so soon.

So he immediately climbed to the top of the building with his deputy, Gao Zhuo.

All of a sudden, there was darkness in the distance, and Xu Tong saw Lianghong's figure from a distance. There was no way this guy was wearing too coquettish, and the bright red cape looked like a target no matter how he looked.

"so much……"

Seeing the dense numbers, Gao Zhuo even went to Xikou to cool off.

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly thought of something, and asked Gao Zhuo: "By the way, is the Ranger still outside?"

"Yes, his identity is too sensitive, and he was not allowed to come in, so he was buried halfway up the mountain." Gao Zhuo nodded, wondering what Xu Tong was going to do.

Hearing that Xu Tong's face showed joy, he quickly said: "Let him come out, it's just right, he can help me determine why they came to this ghost place."

 No, my stomach can't hold on anymore, sorry, let me slow down

(End of this chapter)

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