Infinite script kill

Chapter 145 Goal Wang Xuzhi

Chapter 145 Goal Wang Xuzhi


Gao Zhuo didn't understand what Xu Tong meant.

"Don't worry, I know that guy very well."

Xu Tong pointed to Liang Hong in the distance. This guy was wearing a bright red cape, and he was so coquettish to the extreme. It was time to ask him what his mission was.

Gao Zhuo didn't know what Xu Tong was thinking, but he heard him speak so confidently, so he woke up the ranger's body hidden outside the camp.

Anyway, at most, he lost a corpse.

And precisely because it was a corpse, the other evolutionists just glanced at him and didn't take the initiative to attack him. Even though the ranger walked to Lianghong's huge skeleton seat, he was finally stopped by an evolutionist.

"Don't, don't, I'm leading someone to pass on a message, and it was Yu Ni who asked me to come."

Gao Zhuo hurriedly transmitted the voice through the mouth of the ranger.

"Yu Ni!"

When he heard these two words, Lianghong, who was originally tired, had his pupils tightened, and he sat up straight from the chair, staring at You Xia: "Where is he!"

"I'm in the city, let's talk, your main task shouldn't be to destroy the city."

Gao Zhuo acted as a mouthpiece between the two and controlled the ranger to pass the words to Lianghong's ears.


Lianghong curled his lips, stood up from the chair, and wanted to point at Xu Tong and yell at him.

This guy made himself miserable. His departure made him become Yan Niang's blowing bag and tortured him a lot.

But when he saw You Xia's dead face, he immediately lost interest.

Sitting back on the chair again, he put his chin in his hand and said lazily: "The Queen Mother gave me two tasks, one is to bring back the child, and the other is to kill a person."


"Wang Xuzhi!" Lianghong read out this very strange name.

Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo who were standing on the roof were both surprised and Lianghong replied.

If the person to be killed was Li Zhengqing, they would not be surprised. After all, Li Zhengqing's research and development of a super potion is a huge threat no matter how you look at it.

But Lianghong's mission was to kill Wang Xuzhi, which puzzled the two of them.

Who is Wang Xuzhi?Just an old guy over half a century old, although he bears the title of leader of the human survivor camp, after all, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo don't think it's a big deal, and let Lianghong bring a vast army of evolutionists to kill him. he? ?

Xu Tong signaled Ranger to ask Lianghong about the specific situation.

Lianghong didn't have anything to hide about this, he roughly said that when Yan Niang was promoted to empress, she saw a corner of the future in her sleep.

After waking up from his sleep, he summoned Liang Hong to him, and pointedly wanted to kill Wang Xuzhi by name, and he must be killed as soon as possible, at all costs.

As for what Yan Niang saw, she didn't tell Lianghong. He tried to ask and the answer he got was only three words, which could not be said.

"So, wouldn't it be all right for us to help kill Wang Xuzhi?"

Knowing Lianghong's purpose, Gao Zhuo couldn't help thinking in a low voice. If they assassinated Wang Xuzhi and Lianghong completed the mission, they wouldn't need to attack the human camp. Wouldn't they be able to spend 48 days in the camp safely? Hours, complete the main task, and go home easily?
Thinking of this, Gao Zhuo was even a little excited, but when he inadvertently looked at Xu Tong, his heart skipped a beat.

Seeing the thick layer of haze on Xu Tong's face and the flickering eyes, like a basin of cold water being poured on Gao Zhuo's head, the smile on his face gradually subsided.

Sure enough, Xu Tong raised his head at this time, with a wry smile on his face and said, "It's not that simple, maybe we're all going to die."

scare! !

Gao Zhuo was startled, at first he felt that what Xu Tong said was too exaggerated, but when his gaze touched his eyes, a bad premonition made Gao Zhuo's heart sink.

He is not scaremongering.

Just listen to Xu Tong's analysis in a low voice: "Faction confrontation, at least in a sense, is about balance. The purpose of so many evolutionaries is just to kill Wang Xuzhi, even if they throw away those human legions and those important In terms of weapon defense, Wang Xuzhi's weight is not enough to compete with a source virus like Lianghong, but the script is obviously on Lianghong's side, that is to say, Wang Xuzhi still has an amazing hole card."

Gao Zhuo felt that what Xu Tong said was reasonable, but after thinking about it, he felt something was wrong: "Wait, isn't this a good thing?? The stronger Wang Xuzhi is, the safer we will be. Wouldn't it be nice to get through time in troubled waters?"

As soon as he said this, he saw Xu Tong staring at him with idiot eyes, which made Gao Zhuo feel uncomfortable, but he didn't know where he said it wrong.

"Don't be stupid, the script can make you fish??"

Xu Tong curled his lips, feeling that Gao Zhuojing wanted to fuck.

"My words have another meaning. Our greatest danger is not from Lianghong. Then the script allows us to survive in the camp for 48 hours. What do you think it means?"

Xu Tong said this sentence before, and now that the story is brought up again, Gao Zhuo will inevitably feel a little impatient.

However, when he thought about it carefully, he immediately realized the strangeness in it.

"Wait, you mean..."

Suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, and he was shocked and said in surprise: "Are we also going to be enemies with Wang Xuzhi?"

"Yes, it's not just us, the entire camp, including Lianghong and those evolutionaries, are all targeting Wang Xuzhi."

"Hiss~~ Why is he??"

Gao Zhuo sucked in a breath of cold air, how strong is this hole card, to be able to stand on the opposite side of everyone? ?
"Don't be so shocked. There is a gap in information. Most people are still on Wang Xuzhi's side. You know what I mean."

Xu Tong took a puff of his cigar and comforted Gao Zhuo.

"Then what's next??"

Gao Zhuo looked into the distance, and saw a large number of evolutionists being blocked on the bridge. Under the crazy suppression of heavy firepower, those antibacterial bullets were too much for the evolutionaries.

Often after being hit by a shuttle, the body will violently reject it, and even start to go crazy uncontrollably, attacking its own kind.

"Under the bridge!!"

At this time, there was a sudden roar, and three flares illuminated the bridge, and the dense worm-like evolutionaries under the bridge had already crawled all over the bridge.

A large number of soldiers on the shore raised their guns and fired wildly at the bottom of the bridge.

However, this time, the antibacterial bullets used by Hundred Trials and Braun seemed to have lost their effect. The bullets hit these evolutionaries without piercing them at all.

"Let's go!" Xu Tong called Gao Zhuo, turned around and left.

"Where are you going??"

Gao Zhuo turned around and found that Xu Tong had already jumped down the building. The height of a three-story building was nothing to him, but Gao Zhuo was so angry that he cursed at the street. Go down without breaking a leg?

Fortunately, he noticed the sewer pipe on the side, and simply hugged the sewer pipe and slid down along it.

After following up, he asked Xu Tong: "Wang Xuzhi must be hiding, how can we find him?"

"Others don't know, but Yang Kang must know. Didn't you say to help him?? Let's go to Yang Kang first."

While Xu Tong was speaking, he called out Big Fatty.

I saw the big fat and slender tentacles carrying the two of them on their shoulders, and the figure quickly ran towards the direction where Yang Kang was imprisoned.

When the two arrived, it was already a mess.

It seems that Yang Kang has successfully rushed out of it.

However, judging from the blood and corpses on the ground, his rushing out was not smooth.


Gao Zhuo glanced at the remaining traces on the ground, and pointed to the front.

At the same time, he saw an extra pair of embroidery needles in his hand, and with a backhand throw, the embroidery needles immediately pierced into the skulls of these corpses on the ground, and the other end of the needle and thread was connected to Gao Zhuo's ring finger, and with a flick of his finger, all the corpses on the ground were brushed together Stand up straight.

Xu Tong took a closer look, and found that the needle thread was not tied to Gao Zhuo's ring finger, but passed through the thimble of the ring finger. There was actually a small thread bucket in his sleeve, and there were five or six needles on the top of the thread bucket. A slender silver needle.

Sensing Xu Tong's gaze, Gao Zhuo grinned and said, "Chickens and ducks are different, and you won't understand the trick even if you don't move."

"Oh, that's because you eat less."

Xu Tong gave him a blank stare, he didn't understand the business of making paper now, so he had no intention of stealing his teacher, but he was just curious about the thread bucket on his wrist.

"Follow me!"

After Gao Zhuo finished speaking, these corpses actually chased towards the path ahead, and the two of them followed behind without haste.

When the two chased into a corner of the camp, they heard a burst of fierce fighting, which came from the abandoned office building in front.

The two looked up, and from time to time they could see dazzling lights shining from the stairwell.

Xu Tong and Xu Tong looked at each other, and Gao Zhuo flicked his finger, and the corpses rushed into the building immediately.

In fact, Yang Kang was already at the end of his battle at the moment, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo didn't come to support him at all, which made Yang Kang feel very depressed, wondering if his painting was too vague, or they really didn't understand.

Fortunately, the huge explosion attracted many guards away, otherwise it would be difficult for him to break out.

Glancing at his own wound, he stretched his fingers in and stirred it a few times, and dunked a bullet from it.

This bullet is almost the same as an ordinary bullet, but there is an extra glass marble on the bullet head, which contains antibacterial liquid. The cost of modification is extremely low, but once it is injured, the awakened ability will be immediately destroyed. Suppress both levels.

I thought it was a weapon used to deal with those infected or evolved, but I didn't expect these bullets to hit their own people in the end.

It's a great irony to think about it.

The footsteps from all directions were getting closer and closer, and Yang Kang knew in his heart that he had nowhere to go, so he sighed secretly: "Wang Xuzhi, you bastard, you were really blind and recommended you to be the leader."

Just when he was about to give it a go, there was a sudden scream, followed by a burst of rapid gunfire in the empty corridor, which began to roar wildly.

But these bullets are simply wasted when they hit the corpse.

Gao Zhuo sat on Dabai's body and controlled the corpse to deal with the guards. Occasionally there would be fish that slipped through the net, but Xu Tong raised his hand and struck a thunderbolt to easily deal with them.

After the two of them dealt with the chasing guards, they found the injured Yang Kang in the corner.

After seeing the two of them, Yang Kang felt relieved first, and then couldn't help cursing: "Didn't I tell you to come to support at three o'clock?"

"Did you say it?? Why didn't I hear it??"

With a dazed expression on his face, Xu Tong casually threw a maca syringe and medical gauze to him.

Yang Kang picked up the syringe and gave himself an injection first, and he had no time to worry about Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo releasing their own pigeons.

He raised his head and said: "Do me another favor, take me to the isolation area behind, don't tell you to do nothing, there is an escape route under this camp, I can tell you."

Yang Kang is also aware of the current situation in the camp. There are so many evolutionaries outside, and those fortifications alone cannot defend them. There is only one dead end to stay in the camp, so he can tell them a safe evacuation route.

"No, no, how can we leave at this time, we can help you, but we also happen to be going to kill someone, you should know where this guy is now."

"Who??" Yang Kang looked at Xu Tong suspiciously.

I only heard Xu Tong exhale a smoke ring, and spit out three words unhurriedly: "Wang Xuzhi!"

(End of this chapter)

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