Infinite script kill

Chapter 149 Shall we... let's go heads-up?

Chapter 149 Shall we... let's go heads-up?
Yang Kang's rampage caused chaos inside the camp. Some soldiers rushed towards Yang Kang, while others tried their best to prevent the evolutionary army from entering the camp.

In an instant, the ground was full of dead and wounded, and the situation was not optimistic. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before the camp was engulfed by these monsters.

Lianghong sat on the chair, looked at the ranger who was sticking like a log from time to time, hoping to hear Xu Tong's opinion, but he didn't want to hear this guy's voice. His contradictory psychology made him more anxious.

Until he felt that No. [-]'s will was replaced, Lianghong's already lying down mind became active again.

I saw Lianghong sitting up from the chair, looking in the direction of Yang Kang, thinking of something, and after a deep laugh, he rushed towards the bridge in front of him.

Suddenly, countless bullets focused on him like a torrential rain.

Lianghong turned around in mid-air, roared, and a terrifying black storm whizzed up, deflecting countless bullets in an instant. At the same time, the scarlet cloak behind him waved, leaving a bright red light in the air, blowing the entire void It seemed to be torn apart, and appeared behind these fighters in the next moment.

As soon as the feet landed, the five beast-like heads under the cloak opened their mouths wide, and blood and flesh splattered in the trench immediately. Before the soldiers could even scream, they were torn into pieces under these bloody mouths.

At this moment, the entire battlefield became a little quieter, and they were all intimidated by Lianghong's aura. Fortunately, Lianghong was not interested in these soldiers. After slaughtering the guys who got in the way, he jumped towards Yang Kang. Rush in the direction where you are.

"Quick, run this way!!"

On the other side, Zhang Qiang took a few children through the streets and alleys, and managed to avoid the soldiers, but when they crossed the alley, they found that they had gone the wrong way, and got into a dead end all the way.

"Oops!" Seeing this, Zhang Qiang's face changed, and he hurriedly led the crowd to run back, but as soon as he turned around, there was a sudden burst of wind, and before Zhang Qiang realized that there was someone behind him, a big hand grabbed his collar .

With a big hand, Zhang Qiang was lifted from the ground as if he was holding an insignificant ant. Zhang Qiang was so frightened that his heart trembled, and he subconsciously wanted to grab the pistol at his waist.

"What are you doing here??"

Fortunately, Xu Tong's voice shocked Zhang Qiang physically and mentally. He turned around and saw that the little guy's eyes turned red when he recognized Xu Tong.


Seeing that Zhang Qiang was about to cry, Xu Tong covered his mouth: "Now is not the time to catch up with you, where are you going?"

Zhang Qiang realized something, nodded repeatedly and waited for Xu Tong to let go of his hand, then hurriedly said: "Uncle, run quickly, the camp is going to be finished."

Hearing this, Xu Tong put Zhang Qiang down, and said in relief: "Actually, you should hide for a while, those evolutionists may not be targeting you."

Seeing that he had misunderstood himself, Zhang Qiang hurriedly shouted: "No, no, those evolutionaries are also finished. We went to the school before, and all the children in the school disappeared. We found it in a principal's office. this!"

It turned out that since the Evolvers attacked, Zhang Qiang dragged a few friends into the school to hide for a while. After all, the school's defense facilities are the best.

As a result, when they arrived at the school, they realized that the huge school was empty, without a single child.

At first they thought the students were hidden in a safe place, so they searched classroom by classroom, and finally found this document in the principal's office.

Xu Tong picked it up and took a look, only to see a line of large characters written on the document [Instructions for Action Specifications of the Clearing Plan]

Turning to the page below, it turned out to be a set of action steps and a retreat plan.

After he flipped through the pages one by one, his expression gradually became heavy: "No wonder the empress must kill Wang Xuzhi."

"Uncle, let's run quickly, we won't be able to run if we are late."

Zhang Qiang naturally hoped to take Xu Tong to leave together. Xu Tong looked at the safe zone marked on it, tore off the page and handed it to Zhang Qiang.

"I have more important things, you hurry up and go."

As he spoke, he turned around and kicked the wall in front of him, kicking a hole in the wall that blocked the way.


Zhang Qiang wanted to say something, but Xu Tong had already turned around and jumped onto the low wall beside him, climbed up to the roof of the three-story building in twos and twos, waved his hand to say goodbye, and disappeared in front of Zhang Qiang.

Looking at the disappearing back, Zhang Qiang gritted his teeth, his eyes became firmer, and he turned to the friends behind him and said, "Go, trust me, I will definitely lead you to live."

In fact, Xu Tong didn't really leave, but just hid in the corner and observed silently, recalling the scene of meeting Zhang Qiang for the first time, at that time, this little guy even lied that he was Xiao Chengzhi in order to survive.

Now he has not only become stronger, but can even bring inspiration and strength to others. The transformation is gratifying.

Come to think of it, if Ranger knew the result, he would be very relieved.

Seeing Zhang Qiang leading these children to the so-called safe point, Xu Tong turned around and walked back to Gao Zhuo and asked, "How is it? Did you find the entrance?"

"No?? Yang Kang smashed it indiscriminately, but buried the entrance instead."

Gao Zhuo said angrily.

While the two were talking, suddenly Xu Tong raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and called out a silver arc to hit behind him, and saw
I saw a bloody black wind blowing up in the darkness, resisting all the thunder and lightning, and a figure fell steadily on the ground. Xu Tong fixed his eyes and smiled: "Your outfit is so cool, it's standard equipment. , or an optional outfit?"

Gao Zhuo turned his head and tensed up, and naturally recognized that the guy in front of him was Lianghong who controlled the evolution outside, and immediately became vigilant.

Xu Tong glanced at Lianghong's equipment and said with a grin, "If I had known about this benefit, I would have stayed at that time."

Lianghong snorted coldly, pointed to Yang Kang who was not far in front of him, and said, "It's a waste of you to give the source virus of No. Take your strength to another level!"

"Did you know that after you left, I was given an advanced privilege by the Empress, and now my strength is comparable to that of No. [-] in its prime."

Lianghong's palms were lightly pinched in the void, and a handful of tiny whirlpools swirled between him. This kind of power almost made him narcissistic.

He felt that even the rumored certified players might not be as strong as this.

"You didn't stay, that's your loss. After I finish the main mission, the empress will give me an ultimate reward. This reward is likely to be a clue to the gold item card. You should envy and hate it."

Lianghong's demeanor at this time was like a child who got a lollipop and showed off.

On the one hand, he urgently needed this to increase his confidence, because Xu Tong had impressed him so deeply that he still had a very bad feeling standing in front of Xu Tong.

On the other hand, I also hope to see even a little bit of regret from his face.

However he was disappointed.

Whether it was the evolutionary privilege or the golden props he talked about, Xu Tong didn't seem to be interested at all. After seeing a huge hole in the mountain where Yang Kang kept beating, he narrowed his eyes.

"Right there, rush in with me."

While talking, the two of them jumped on Big Fatty's body, relying on Big Fatty's special passive flickering, they kept rushing towards the gap.

Realizing that he was being ignored, Lianghong's face flickered for a moment, and then he let out a strange cry, waving the cloak behind him, his body seemed to be engulfed by a black wind, like a sharp arrow piercing the air, and in a blink of an eye Surpassed Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo.

Looking at the gap in the mountain in front of him, Lianghong grinned coldly, and his figure came to the gap in an instant.

Looking through the gap, there is indeed a huge tunnel below, and it seems that my target Wang Xuzhi is hiding here.

Thinking of this, he first looked back and saw Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were still behind him, he was not in a hurry, but slowly took out a cigar like Xu Tong and put it to his mouth to smoke.

"Da da da da..."

The sound of hurried footsteps was getting closer and closer from the depths of the tunnel, and Liang Hong saw a troop rushing from the end of the tunnel with uniform steps.

He noticed that these humans all had extraordinary auras, and just by the sound of their footsteps, there would be a feeling of stormy waves rushing towards them.

Obviously, this army must be the elite fighters around Wang Xuzhi.

Wang Ya Ya led the people to walk in the front. When he saw Liang Hong, he immediately raised his palm to signal the soldiers behind him to stop. Liang Hong naturally didn't recognize Wang Ya Ya, but he could feel Wang Ya Ya's aura that was different from ordinary people, and he frowned slightly. Pick but don't take it to heart.


Taking a deep puff of the cigar, Lianghong slowly exhaled the smoke, looked at Xu Tong who was rushing behind him, smiled coldly, stepped on the gravel and walked into the tunnel.

While walking, he said: "Hurry up, I'm not waiting for you, I've already started killing people, hurry up, let's make a quick decision, you help me kill the group on the left, and the rest will be rounded up."

Xu Tong and Xu Tong also just rushed to the crack. After hearing what Liang Hong said, Gao Zhuo was very unhappy with Liang Hong's attitude of pretending to be 13, and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "It seems that you can fight alone. Same."

"Then don't talk nonsense, and don't ask me for help when you fight later."

Lianghong said as he took off the baggy clothes casually, put the cigar in his mouth and took a deep puff.

Just when Gao Zhuo was about to go down into the tunnel, Xu Tong who was standing behind him suddenly noticed something. When he raised his head, his pupils tightened, and he quickly grabbed Gao Zhuo and quickly backed away.


Immediately after a loud shock came, Yang Kang's tentacle was impartial, and it just happened to completely collapse the tunnel gap in front of Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Countless shattered stones flew wildly, and when Lianghong raised his head again, he saw only a piece of collapsed rocks behind him, blocking the tunnel tightly, but Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were not seen, and the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched. Can't help but twitch a few times.

Looking back at at least hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at him, he swallowed, and took the cigar from the corner of his mouth with a trembling hand: " about we fight each other??"

PS: I'm sorry, Kawen is dead, I deleted it several times, resulting in a little less update today, try to make it up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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