Infinite script kill

Chapter 150 Save Me!

Chapter 150 Save Me!

"Cough cough cough..."

Gao Zhuo pushed away the dust and took a closer look. There was no entrance, and it was covered tightly by countless gravel. If Xu Tong hadn't pulled him just now, he would have been buried below now, even if he was a player. My physique estimates that this is also a dead end.

"Hey, we didn't go in, and that idiot didn't come out?"

Gao Zhuo suddenly realized that Liang Hong, the second idiot, hadn't come out yet, so he couldn't help but gasped slightly.

Just now he glanced into the tunnel, all the fighters armed to the teeth, without even thinking about it, must be the fighters injected with the second-order super potion. I can't say that they are very powerful in combat, but they are definitely far better than the special forces.

The most important thing is that the number is large, eight hundred if not one thousand, plus a Wang Ya Ya who is a little stronger than himself.

The three of them may be able to fight head-on together, and now he is left alone... Thinking of this, Gao Zhuo couldn't help but mourn for Lianghong for 30 seconds.

"What should we do now?? The entrance has been destroyed. I'm afraid we won't be able to get in."

Gao Zhuo turned to look at Xu Tong, but found that Xu Tong was not in a hurry at all, instead he smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, there is more than one entrance."

I saw him running down with Gao Zhuo, and he found a hidden door. The door was locked and couldn't be opened without a password.

But after Xu Tong fiddled with it a few times, he actually opened the door.

"You still have this skill??" Gao Zhuo was shocked.

"Hey, what's so difficult about it, isn't it all written on it." He said and handed the retreat plan that he got from Zhang Qiang to Gao Zhuo.

After Gao Zhuo picked it up and flipped through it a few times, he was startled and screamed: "This guy is crazy, if it were me, I would kill him too."

It turns out that according to the instructions in the plan, once a super alert occurs in the camp, all students will be transferred into the safe area as soon as possible, and then the cleaning plan will begin. Wang Xuzhi will activate the hydrogen bomb in the missile silo behind the camp, and carry out an attack on the entire world. Massive bombing.

I think the lair where the Empress is located must also be one of the targets of the attack, otherwise the Empress would not order Liang Hong to lead so many evolutionaries to attack the camp and kill him at all costs.

Naturally, this also included the ground buildings of the entire camp. In other words, Wang Xuzhi, a bastard, had no intention of trying to organize humans and infected people to fight for a long time.

Instead, he intends to clean the world directly in the simplest and most brutal way.

The camp is more like a bait and a target, and only a small number of people can really survive.

Seeing that Gao Zhuo was in a cold sweat, he resolutely turned back a few pages, and sure enough, he saw that the passwords for the entrances of various safe passages were basically universal.

"You already have this thing, why didn't you take it out earlier? Do you want us to enter through the crack above??"

Gao Zhuo asked Xu Tong as he walked.

In fact, Xu Tong didn't intend to come in through the gap above, but he didn't want Lianghong to rush so fast, he planned to push the boat along the way.

Unexpectedly, this bad luck reminded them that Yang Kang smashed down the road behind them as soon as they went in, so they couldn't go in.

But this is also good, with Lianghong on top to withstand the firepower that attracts the scrutiny from inside, it is also easier for them to move.

In fact, after all, Lianghong is still unlucky.

"It's finally safe."

Closing the door casually, Gao Zhuo couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief as he looked at the huge gates that were stacked one after another in front of him.

Because according to the meaning of the main line, as long as they find a safe place to hide, and then wait until the end of the task time, they will complete the main line task.

"It's not that simple." Xu Tong put Dabai away, this kind of narrow road is not suitable for Dabai's physique, and at the same time, he seemed to have sensed what Gao Zhuo was thinking, so he couldn't help reminding.

"I always feel that something is wrong, but I don't know what is wrong."

Gao Zhuo frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he whispered: "I understand what you mean, because of Song Nuannuan, right?"

Xu Tong continued to walk forward without saying a word.

Gao Zhuo explained in a low voice: "She is definitely not a newcomer in the second book, but it is not as exaggerated as you think. I heard that some of the players once got a special item card. After activation, three consecutive scripts failed. You can get the special blessing of [True Luck]."

Speaking of this, Gao Zhuo couldn't help but feel envious. It is said that with the blessing of this thing on his body, no matter the plot or identity, he will be taken care of by the goddess of luck. As long as his strength is not too good, he can often complete the dungeon with great advantages.

Hearing this, Xu Tong stopped and looked back at Gao Zhuo: "You mean, Song Nuannuan should have similar abilities, right?"

Gao Zhuo nodded and said, "Why is she so lucky? She was Wang Xuzhi's daughter at the beginning?"

When Gao Zhuo mentioned this matter, his face was full of envy and hatred, obviously because Song Nuannuan had gained a lot of benefits through this special status.

However, Xu Tong didn't think so. Instead, he frowned and said, "Do you know what is the most profound rule I understand after I become a player?"

Gao Zhuo was a little caught off guard when he suddenly asked such a question, and he couldn't think of the answer on his blank face after thinking for a moment.

Seeing this, he didn't go around in circles with Gao Zhuo, and raised four fingers and said, "Equivalent exchange."

He does not believe that players can obtain a special status for no reason, nor does he believe that the so-called real luck is really lucky.

Because according to the principle of equivalent exchange, all fruits must pay a corresponding price.

It's just that you can see some costs, such as script points.

But there are some things that you can’t see. Take the real luck that Gao Zhuo admires. Maybe every time he gets the favor of the goddess of luck, he is sending a precise coordinate positioning to the broom star.

Just waiting for the luck to pass, is the beginning of the misfortune that made him miserable.

This is precisely the scary part of the script space. If you are secretly happy because of temporary luck, it is hard to say whether this luck itself is a trap.

It is precisely because of this that Xu Tong didn't take Song Nuannuan's so-called aura of luck to heart.

What really made him feel uncomfortable was that the route of the script had deviated from his own expectations, which gave him an intuition that someone was deliberately guiding the direction of the script, and leading them to a dead end.

Gao Zhuo walked behind, listening to Xu Tong's words, he felt as if a hand was gently brushing his scalp, and his whole scalp was numb.

This couldn't help but remind him of the saying "The real danger is exactly what you can't see."


At this time, Xu Tong pushed open an iron door, and a dark tunnel appeared in front of them. There was a faint green indicator light in the tunnel, but the light was so weak that the light was very poor. Fortunately, he had the aid of dark vision. Still can clearly see the tunnel [-] meters away.

Although Gao Zhuo didn't have dark vision, he had excellent hearing. He could tell that there was a patrol not far away with his ears upright. He could hear the rhythm of the footsteps why he was so sure it was a patrol.

"There are still a lot of people, how do we get in?" He looked at Xu Tong, and rolled up his sleeves to reveal the thread on his wrist.

Xu Tong thought for a while, and threw the Jack mask to Gao Zhuo again.

"Why, let me tell you, if you want my women's clothing again, I will fight you hard."

Seeing Jack's mask, Gao Zhuo's face turned green.

Fortunately, Xu Tong didn't ask him to play women's clothing this time, but asked him to play another person, Wang Ya Ya.

This guy happened to be restrained by Liang Hong right now, playing his role would save them a lot of trouble, and the most important thing was that he had never had direct contact with Wang Ya Ya, so Gao Zhuo was still here.

After all, the two have played against each other, and both of them have had a deep understanding of each other.

Gao Zhuo heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that it wasn't women's clothing, and reluctantly agreed, anyway, it would save trouble just to put on a face.

After putting the mask on his face and turning into Wang Ya Ya's appearance, Gao Zhuo raised his hand to his mouth, cleared his throat, and walked forward with Xu Tong's shoulders.

The two walked into the tunnel, and after a few steps, a patrol came out from the corner. After seeing the two, they were stunned for a moment, but when they saw clearly that it was Wang Yabo, they immediately relaxed.

Before they could open their mouths, Gao Zhuo casually pushed the man forward, and imitated Wang Ya Ya's manner of speaking to these few people and said, "Take him to see the leader!"

The tone is completely commanding, leaving no room for doubt.

But this is exactly Wang Yabo's usual style.

So even though the voice sounded a little hoarse, they didn't think too much about it, because everyone knew that Wang Ya Ya's temper was smelly and hard, and he was even moody. This moldy head.

I'm afraid Wang Ya Ya would never have dreamed that his bad temper would become indispensable luck for Xu Tong and the others.

On the way, they saw patrolling soldiers wearing exquisite equipment. These people were not only armed to the teeth, but also had an amazing aura, with high temples on their foreheads and a murderous aura exuding from their bodies. They could be known at a glance. It is not something that can be trained in one or two days of training.

Gao Zhuo didn't pay attention at first, but when they approached, Gao Zhuo suddenly realized that something was wrong. After a closer look, he was surprised to find that these soldiers were all corpses.

After a closer look, it was found that the pupils of each of them were white, and they looked exactly the same as those of the infected.


Seeing this, Gao Zhuo gasped in his heart. Who would have thought that the guards guarding such a secret place were actually a group of infected people? ?

Now he finally began to understand why Xu Tong had such a worried look on his face.

Because he is also in a very relaxed mood now, there is always a bad premonition swirling in his heart.

After following the patrol soldiers through an underground corridor, the light in front of him suddenly became brighter.

Xu Tong was pushed, and it was the huge glass jar that caught his eyes. Inside, a bloody head was opening its mouth unconsciously, making a strange growl.

What's strange is that when Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo came in, this listless head suddenly roared at them like a stimulant, and kept hitting them with its head. on glass jars.

The sound of "Boom, boom, boom..." inevitably makes people wonder whether the glass jar can withstand this guy's continued impact.

Xu Tong had no interest in this big head at first, but as the head continued to hit, he seemed to suddenly think of something, looked at the head suspiciously, and tapped a few times on his thigh with his fingers imitating the frequency of the head hitting Finally, he even spelled out two words: "Help me..."

(End of this chapter)

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