Infinite script kill

Chapter 152 The Truth of the Great Purge

Chapter 152 The Truth of the Great Purge
About half an hour later, Song Nuannuan led someone back in.

I saw Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo had fallen to the ground unconscious.

Seeing this, Song Nuannuan was not surprised at all, picked up the injection gun on the ground and took a look, only to see that the medicine inside had been injected.

Kicking Gao Zhuo away on the ground, after seeing his face clearly, he couldn't help sneering: "I'll just say, why did Wang Ya Ya come back so quickly, it turned out to be a counterfeit."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xu Tong: "Sure enough, people die for money and birds die for food. This sentence has never been missed."

As he said, he opened the glass jar with his fingers, only to see that the head in the glass jar had completely fallen into dead silence without the stimulation of the electric current.

The smile on Song Nuannuan's face became more and more strange, and she whispered: "Hey, don't you think so, my good girl."

After the words fell, Song Nuannuan suddenly raised the gun in his hand, aimed at the glass jar and pulled the trigger.


The ear-piercing gunfire sounded loudly, and a hole the size of a thumb was punched out of the head in the jar.

After confirming that the head in the jar was completely finished and that there was no chance of rebirth, Song Nuannuan couldn't help letting out a long breath of relief on his thin face.

Immediately, he looked at Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo who were lying on the ground, and raised the muzzle of the gun silently to aim at them.

But after thinking about it, he put the gun back again, stretched out his hand and patted Xu Tong's face contemptuously: "Forget it, it's good to save two bullets, don't you want to stay here? Just follow this bunker Let's finish it together."

Speaking of this, Song Nuannuan suddenly remembered something, and looked up at the time: "Oh, the effect of the medicine should be almost the same, the general will wake up later, he must be very hungry, I hope he eats fast enough , let you suffer less."

After finishing speaking, Song Nuannuan led the people out with a smile.

It wasn't until Song Nuannuan walked farther and farther that Gao Zhuo, who fell on the ground, slowly opened his eyelids, glanced left and right, and was relieved to make sure that he had gone far away.

"Phew! It's so dangerous, this bitch... No, it should be this old Yinbi, I thought she was going to be cheated."

Xu Tong was still lying on the table, but at some point he opened his eyelids, and said with a smile: "No, those who have a chance to win are probably not so eager to kill their opponents. This kind of people like to kill every opponent with a snap of their fingers. Personal endings should be planned, to enjoy the feeling of playing with everyone's fate."

Gao Zhuo shook his head and got up, and he couldn't help asking: "Why are you so sure??"

Xu Tong raised his eyebrows, looked at the glass mirror beside him, stretched out his hand and stroked his cheek lightly a few times, and said with a smile, "Because I am such a person."

When the voice fell, he slowly opened his palm, and a small paper man raised his head in the palm, and was dancing and gesticulating towards Xu Tong.

Gao Zhuo stepped forward and looked at the paper figurine, and couldn't help laughing: "Don't say it, everything is fate. If it weren't for you, we injected that bottle of fake medicine in a muddle-headed way, and now we might end up worse than you."

After Gao Zhuo finished speaking, he looked up, only to find that Xu Tong was looking at him with contempt on his face, his disdainful little eyes seemed to say again: "Obviously you were almost fooled, don't pull me."

In fact, after seeing the entries given in the item book, I felt a little weird in my heart, especially the word 'strong' in parentheses. I always felt that something was wrong.

Moreover, there was only a countdown in the annotation, but no explanation was given, which made him even more suspicious.

In addition, there is Song Nuannuan's appearance and demeanor. From the first time I came in and saw this girl, I felt that the Song Nuannuan in front of me had the same essence as the Song Nuannuan he saw outside the scientific research building last time. difference.

Even though I just glanced at it hastily at that time, I still remember the special girly style on Song Nuannuan.

In addition, the human head in the glass jar is actually typing Morse code for himself.

All kinds of doubts added up, how dare he rashly use this unknown drug.

Therefore, even without her reminder, I would never be fooled easily. The biggest possibility is that I watched Gao Zhuo lie upright on the ground after injecting this fake medicine.

Then, through the Morse code sounded in the jar, he was even more convinced that his judgment was correct, because the head in the jar was actually Song Nuannuan himself.

It turned out that the potion given to them by the robbed Song Nuannuan seemed to be fine, and even the item book gave a positive explanation.

However, once it is injected, it will be discovered that the powerful drug effect is indeed the same as what the item book says, adding huge hardness to the muscles, but this hardness will make the body unable to move at all.

It can even cause hypoxia of the brain and lead to coma.

The so-called countdown refers to the duration of the drug effect, but because there is no label, it is misleading and makes people eager to inject themselves.

Song Nuannuan was like this at the time, only to find out in horror that Wang Xuzhi's head was taken out not simply to find the password, but to use his ability to seize it.

What surprised her even more was that Wang Xuzhi had found out early on that she was not his daughter, but she just continued to use her with restraint, with the purpose of waiting until now.

She was too smooth in the early stage, so smooth that she lost her vigilance towards Wang Xuzhi, and she was put on by Wang Xuzhi. If she hadn't met Xu Tong, she might have died here.

But having said that, Song Nuannuan is really lucky.

Because Xu Tong can not only understand the Morse code, but also happens to have the power of lightning, which keeps charging her big head.

What's even better is that he also has the ability to absorb souls, and is even more able to extract her soul trapped in this head.

All kinds of coincidences are indispensable, so she is lucky.

Of course, under these coincidences, Xu Tong still adhered to the principle of equivalent exchange, and offered Song Nuannuan a [-] script sub-agreement.

The agreement is provided by Gao Zhuo. This kind of agreement can be exchanged for script points in the script experience hall. It is very cheap and 10 points for 12 scripts.

According to the agreement, knowing to help Song Nuannuan get out of trouble, she is willing to pay [-] script points to Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo. If she does not have [-] script points, she will randomly draw her item card as compensation.

This price is not cheap, but for Song Nuannuan, it is not only fair, but also a bargain, not to mention five hundred script points, even if it is one thousand, she is willing to give it, after all, the dog's life is the most important thing.

While he was talking, he heard a bang upstairs.

I saw that the door of the upstairs office had been knocked open by a huge strange force.

A thick tongue, like a nimble boa constrictor, came out of the gap and began to twist the handle outside the door.

Soon the door lock was twisted open. A face full of tumors could still vaguely be seen as Wang Xuzhi. At this moment, this guy's eyes were glowing gray and white like an infected person, and his body had already swollen.

In his belly, a big weird face writhed and let out a low growl.

Wang Xuzhi seized Song Nuannuan, and transferred her soul to the general's head, but the general's own soul was transferred into Wang Xuzhi's dilapidated body.

His plan is not just to clean up the outside world. The bunker itself is also a decoy. Once the hydrogen bomb is launched, it will detonate the neutron bomb in the bunker.

After razing the entire bunker to the ground, Jishi has safely moved into another safe zone, watched the world be completely cleaned up, and after waiting for a few years, he can bring humans out again, and everything will be clean at that time , humans began to restart the world.

And he himself can rely on his own ability to achieve immortality, like a mythical figure.

To be honest, since he learned the truth, he could have directly killed Wang Xuzhi on the spot.

After all, in terms of strength, Song Nuannuan, who was the only one who was still a little threatening to him, was capsized in the gutter, and who else could be his opponent.

But how could he miss such a wonderful plan? After he exchanged glances with Gao Zhuo, his figure jumped up and rushed towards the general who had just woken up.

The general, who had just woken up, obviously didn't realize what happened. He just saw Xu Tong rushing forward, and subconsciously waved his thick arms to catch him.

As a result, Xu Tong's figure was slightly sideways, followed by a punch on his side face and cheek. At the same time, an electric arc burst out from the palm, which made the general's whole body twitch and dance.

Gao Zhuo took the opportunity to fly a few silver needles into the top of his head, his fingers shook a few times, and the general immediately froze in place, unable to move.

After controlling the general, Xu Tong turned around and looked at the paper figurine on the table.

Song Nuannuan seemed to realize something, her hands kept waving, and she even turned around to run away, but Xu Tong didn't care about it, she grabbed the paper figurine with one hand, and took out [魑魔铃铃] with the other hand, and walked quickly to the body of Wang Xuzhi in front of her .

He flicked the bell lightly with his fingers, and as the bell made a hollow sound, the corners of Xu Tong's mouth slightly opened and his eyes shone with faint light: "Soul arrest!"

 It's a little late, and I'll end this script tomorrow. After the end, I must make up for the previous deficit.

(End of this chapter)

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