Infinite script kill

Chapter 153 Magic can defeat magic

Chapter 153 Magic can defeat magic

The tunnel was filled with a strong smell of blood. I don’t know how many corpses fell on the ground. After twisting the neck of the soldier in front of him with his fingers, Liang Hong finally collapsed on the ground. .

After all, let alone a living person in front of him, even if it is a carrot, it is not an easy task for him to pull out one by one.

What's more, these guys were all injected with the second dose of super potion fighters. A dozen of them rushed up at a time. Although he could kill them, he didn't feel well.

This place is so big, he doesn't even have to hide, he needs to be punched a few times, and the more the number, the more he can't bear it.

He waved his hands again and again: "Don't...don't...I'm slowing down, I'm a little bit out of breath, there's a feeling that we're going head-to-head, you can't stop talking about martial arts like this."

Wang Ya Ya didn't care about this, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "Hehe, heads-up? Do you think I'll fight you one-on-one?? If you want to blame, you can only blame you for bringing too few people."

As he spoke, he waved his hand to signal that the next wave of fighters was about to rush forward. As the saying goes, he beat the master to death with random punches, and Wang Ya Ya didn't intend to give Lianghong a chance to breathe.

However, just when a dozen fighters were about to rush up.

Only Wang Xuzhi's voice suddenly came from the tunnel: "I am Wang Xuzhi, give up the cleaning plan immediately, give up the cleaning plan immediately, give up the cleaning plan immediately, everyone returns to work, we must fight these monsters to the end.

In addition, all personnel in the bunker are requested to do their best to capture Wang Qian and Wang Ya Yat, they are traitors to our human beings, no one is allowed to provide funding or shelter, and they will be killed immediately if they are found. "

Wang Xuzhi's voice came out through the radio in the bunker, and everyone was stunned for a moment. Those soldiers who were fighting Lianghong just now looked at Wang Ya Ya beside him strangely.

The plot reversed for a while, causing the smile on Wang Ya Ya's face to froze instantly, and for a moment of stupefaction, Liang Hong couldn't stop laughing. He pointed at Wang Ya Ya and said: "I heard it all, I heard it all, You bosses have already opened their mouths, and if you haven’t taken him down, what are you doing in a daze.”

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and Wang Ya Ya did not expect such a sudden encounter. His face changed drastically, and he kicked the soldiers who hadn't recovered from their senses in front of them, and their figures rushed out of the crowd like lightning.

"Hurry up, don't let this grandson get away, hurry up, I still want to see him single out a group of you!!"

Seeing that Wang Ya Ya was about to run away, Liang Hong immediately became unhappy, he thought that this beating couldn't be in vain, and today's feng shui is turning, he must not let this kid run away.

Ever since, Lianghong didn't even care about the task, and he overtook everyone with a single step, and followed closely behind Wang Yaya's ass, cursing while chasing: "Sun thief, don't run away!!"

It's a pity that Wang Ya Ya not only wanted to run, but even transformed into the shape of a wild beast while running wildly, and his speed suddenly accelerated.

Command room on the other side.

Song Nuannuan, who had regained her living body, was tossing the sticky clothes with disgust on her face, and the smell on them almost made her spit out.

"Shouldn't you only want to arrest Wang Qian? Why do you want to bring Wang Ya Ya, isn't he your loyal son-in-law?"

Gao Zhuo stood aside and asked with a puzzled face.

Judging from his tone, it is obvious that he does not have a good impression of Wang Yaya, but simply does not understand why Song Nuannuan sells his teammates like this.

"It's because everyone knows that Wang Ya Ya is my son-in-law, so they should be wanted together."

"It's you, are you sure Wang Xuzhi will really come back?? He knows that I don't have the password to deactivate the hydrogen bomb."

Song Nuannuan squinted at Xu Tong, and then glanced at the time on the clock. There were less than 5 minutes left.

If Wang Xuzhi hadn't rushed over after 5 minutes and entered the correct unlocking password, then they would follow the bunker and be wiped out in the neutron bomb explosion.

Even if they ran out now, there was not enough time to rush to the nearest safe point, and they would still die in the impact of the hydrogen bomb explosion outside.

Knowing this result, the first one who couldn't bear it was Gao Zhuo.

He didn't expect such a result, so he regretted why he didn't arrest Wang Xuzhi who had become Song Nuannuan when they met each other before.

But Xu Tong shook his head and directly rejected his proposal, seeing him smoking the hookah in his hand unhurriedly: "If we used force at that time, he would never tell us the password, don't forget, he His dream is to create a new world that is absolutely clean, and it is not the most important whether he is included in his dream."

"I agree!"

Song Nuannuan nodded, expressing agreement with Xu Tong.

Having been with Wang Xuzhi for so long, Song Nuannuan can still somewhat understand the character of Wang Xuzhi, and knows that Xu Tong is right, and using force will only drive them to a dead end.

"Then I don't understand. If this is the case, how can you conclude that he will turn back and turn off the hydrogen bomb and neutron bomb?"

Gao Zhuo didn't turn his head around for a moment, thinking that what Xu Tong did was completely dragging them into the fire pit.

If he knew this was the result, he should have found a way to find those safe spots and hide in them.

"No! Don't you understand yet?? Only magic can defeat magic. What Wang Xuzhi wants is dreams, but if there are no other living people in the world of his dreams except himself, do you think it will be him? dream??"

After Xu Tong's voice fell, he heard the hurried footsteps of a group of people.

When Wang Xuzhi appeared in Song Nuannuan's skin, he just gave Xu Tong's group a cold look, then walked quickly to the console, took out a key, inserted it on it, and at the same time entered a series of passwords .

Wang Xuzhi finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the prompt that all the hydrogen bombs were shut down again.

The others were about to leave the range of the bunker, but they heard their own voice coming from the loudspeaker. As a result, the children who had just entered the safe zone came out again.

When he wanted to stop these children, he followed himself and became a traitor.

Now Wang Xuzhi was dumbfounded, so he had to hurry back. Fortunately, he rushed into the meeting room just one minute before the bomb was about to explode.

There were not many twists and turns in the whole process, but every minute and every second of time was a great torment for everyone.

Although Xu Tong didn't speak, the tobacco pot on the chimney was already filled with shredded tobacco, and big mouthfuls of green smoke gushed out of his mouth and nose.

And Song Nuannuan, who had managed to come back from a desperate situation, turned pale with fright, staring at the countdown of the last ten seconds, a kind of great panic, which made her wet her pants unknowingly.

Not to mention Gao Zhuo, if it wasn't for Xu Tong's hand firmly pressing on his shoulder, I don't know what stupid things this guy would do.

So when Wang Xuzhi quickly entered the password to deactivate the neutron bomb that was about to explode under the bunker, everyone subconsciously glanced at the time on the clock and found that there were less than ten seconds left before the explosion.

Even when I think about it carefully, I can't help but feel like I have walked through the gate of hell before returning.


This naturally included Wang Xuzhi himself, who was sitting in a corner with a dejected expression, glaring at Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo with unfriendly eyes: "You didn't inject medicine?"

"Nonsense, if we are injected with the potion, we will all be ruined, old thief, your abacus is sounding, we almost capsized in the gutter." Gao Zhuo yelled relentlessly.

"Gutter overturned?"

Wang Xuzhi raised his phoenix eyebrows slightly, looked sideways at Gao Zhuopi and said with a nonchalant smile: "When it comes to capsizing the boat in the gutter, it's because I capsized the boat. I should have shot each of you in the head if I knew it, yes I was too careless."

He really didn't expect that Xu Tong and the others were not caught in the trap he carefully designed. Not only were they not caught in the trick, they even extracted Song Nuannuan's soul from such a big head and made it occupy his body.

This was a result that Wang Xuzhi never expected.

He actually lost on this step difference, if the gutter capsized, he was the one who capsized the gutter.

"Huh, winner and loser, I just didn't expect this defeat to be such a joke. If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you, but if you want the code to detonate the hydrogen bomb, it's absolutely impossible."

As Wang Xuzhi said, he sat down on the ground, but Song Nuannuan kicked him as soon as he sat down: "Don't sit up with my mother's skirt."

As he spoke, he still didn't forget to take out a roll of toilet paper and put two sheets under his buttocks, so Wang Xuzhi sat down again.

As soon as Wang Xuzhi sat down, he saw a black shadow rushing in from the outside, and stood in front of Wang Xuzhi. It was none other than Song Nuannuan's faithful licking dog Wang Yabo.

This guy has followed all the way, so naturally there will be another person missing.

It was Lianghong who was beaten to the brim.

Lianghong chased after him angrily, and saw Xu Tong and the others behind him, he couldn't help being surprised, but he sat beside Xu Tong calmly.

"Oh, it's all set."

He lifted his cloak with his lips, and a thick pool of blood splashed out from the cloak, splashing a bloodstain on the ground.

Although he was beaten, at least in terms of momentum, he couldn't lose.

Saying this, put one hand on the waist, and took out a cigar with the other hand, imitating Xu Tong's previous pie, slowly cut off the buttocks of the cigar, took out a lighter and slowly roasted the inside tobacco.

As a result, the cigar hadn't been taken yet, and when he turned his head, he saw Xu Tong was taking a deep puff on the huge hookah, and immediately spit out a huge cloud of smoke towards him.

Lianghong only felt a burst of whiteness in front of him, and he was almost fainted by the second-hand smoke.

After finally waving his hand to disperse the smoke cloud, he saw that Gao Zhuo actually snatched Xu Tong's hookah, and took a couple of gleeful puffs before returning it.

Looking at the hookah pipe in Xu Tong's hand, and then at the cigar in his own hand, Lianghong's mouth twitched a few times, and he lost interest in smoking any more, so he simply threw the cigar away, squinting at Song Nuannuan's body.

Seeing Song Nuannuan at this moment, Lianghong remembered the mission of the mother emperor, his eyes turned cold, and he was planning to kill the old guy first, and then settle accounts with Xu Tong and the others.

But Xu Tong suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm, looking directly at him with cold eyes, which made Lianghong's eyelids twitch, and when he was about to speak, he heard him say: "Teach your subordinates to retreat, and by the way, send Yang Kang away." regained his sanity."

"You're threatening me!!"

Lianghong was a little annoyed when he heard this. He is now the source of the virus, and with the special blessing of the empress, his strength is not much weaker than Xu Tong. Facing such a threat, he is inevitably a little annoyed.

But Xu Tong didn't respond to his words at all. He just stared into his eyes and said, "Everyone is in my hands now. If you don't retreat, everyone will die. Of course you won't survive, but you don't even want to survive."

"what are you saying……"

Lianghong vaguely felt that Xu Tong's words didn't sound like he was speaking to himself, and when he was about to tear his hand away from Xu Tong's hand in doubt, the world in front of him suddenly went blank, followed by his pupils gradually turning dark. green.

"It's okay to step back, but I have to take the child back. It's too dangerous for that child to stay here. She doesn't belong to humans, and she shouldn't be controlled by humans."

When Lianghong opened his mouth again, his voice became extremely soft. It was the voice that Xu Tong hadn't heard for a long time, it was Yan Niang's voice, no, to be precise, it should be the voice of the Queen Mother.

"Want to take the child away? You have a good idea, but since you said so, I will not refuse you, but the child must live in the human camp until the age of 12 before leaving this camp. You can kill it at that time , or take it to the lair, in short, we will not care about it when the time comes."

Naturally, Yan Niang would not be very satisfied with this answer, but he knew the man in front of him very well, and knowing that the other party had already proposed conditions, it was impossible to get the slightest advantage.

Just as Yan Niang nodded in agreement, the evolutionary who was sizing up outside immediately receded like a tide.

"And his mission. Wang Xuzhi is already in my hands. I can guarantee that he will not pose a threat to you again. Then his mission is considered complete. Tell him to leave early."

Xu Tong continued to make requests, Yan Niang hesitated, and finally nodded.

After Yan Niang nodded and agreed.

Xu Tong and the others immediately received a prompt from the script space.

"Main quest: Survival and Destruction, complete, you have completed the main quest, you can return to reality at any time, if you don't return, you can stay in this world for 24 hours..."

Hearing the notification that the main story line was completed, the expressions on Gao Zhuo's and the others' faces undoubtedly relaxed.

Song Nuannuan and Wang Yaya even chose to return immediately, and they didn't want to stay in this world for a moment.

It's just that they seemed to have thought of something, so they didn't choose to leave immediately, but turned their attention to Wang Xuzhi himself.

"What about him!"

Gao Zhuo looked at Wang Xuzhi with an unfriendly expression. This guy was almost buried with everyone, so he was naturally extremely upset.


Xu Tong looked at Wang Xuzhi himself, and frowned slightly; "Hey, that's not your business, I still have a big gift for him."

(End of this chapter)

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