Chapter 154 The Return
In the end, when everyone looked at each other, no one left the script world, which was a bit embarrassing.

Apparently everyone has unfinished business here.

No one wants to leave without maximizing their benefits.

At this time, Gao Zhuo pulled Xu Tong aside and whispered a few words before returning to reality first.

In fact, he didn't have any follow-up tasks here, and he didn't have any unreaped results. He just wanted to tell Xu Tong that if he was free, please come to Xiangxi.

Xu Tong asked him something, but he didn't say anything, and said mysteriously: "You will know when you come, don't worry, I will never harm you."

It's not that he deliberately wants to be secretive, but that there are too many people here, and it's not convenient for him to say anything.

Leaving him a phone number, Gao Zhuo left the script first.

After Gao Zhuo's figure gradually disappeared in front of Xu Tong and the others, the others looked at each other. Lianghong had regained consciousness at this moment, and he looked around blankly. After that, he did not return, but chose to leave.

If he was fast enough, he could still rush back to the lair within 24 hours and ask the Empress for a generous reward.

Song Nuannuan handed Xu Tong a business card with only a string of phone numbers on it.

"I owe you a favor this time. Why don't you give me a call when it's convenient for you to attend the exhibition next week, and let me treat you to a meal, so we can have a good chat."

Speaking of which, Song Nuannuan took Wang Ya Yat up and left here. If Xu Tong's prediction was correct, the reason why Song Nuannuan left in such a hurry should be because he wanted to ask Li Zhengqing for the third super potion.

With her current status and appearance, Xu Tong indirectly helped her own the entire camp, so she had to make a fortune before leaving.

Don't forget, she still owes Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo [-] script points that have not been paid. When she leaves the script world, the script points will be automatically taken away.

After everyone left, only Xu Tong and Wang Xuzhi who had turned into Song Nuannuan were left in the control room.

He took out a cigar from the item book and handed it to him.

Wang Xuzhi shook his head, rejected Xu Tong, but took out a box of Hongtashan from his pocket.

It seems that he still prefers the excitement of cigarettes to the taste of cigars.

"What are you going to do with me?" Wang Xuzhi sat leaning in the corner with an indescribably depressed expression on his face.

His plan has clearly succeeded, and after an earth-shattering explosion, he can give those children a clean world.

In the end, he lost in a muddleheaded mess. When he saw those children coming out of the safe point, he was so anxious but helpless.

I can only obediently come back and turn off the hydrogen bomb.

Xu Tong didn't respond to him, but waited quietly for him to finish smoking before calling out Big Fatty: "Take you somewhere."

I saw the big fat sticking out the dense tentacles involuntarily, picked up Wang Xuzhi and walked out.

Lianghong had already retreated with the evolutionists at this time, and the camp was full of shouts and screams.

When Wang Xuzhi was carried out of the bunker by the fat man, a pair of complicated eyes focused on Wang Xuzhi's face for a moment.

Seems to be wondering why the leader's daughter would betray humans.

Suddenly, no one knew who threw a rock on Wang Xuzhi's body, followed by the second, third, and even someone who wanted to rush up, but was swept away by the fat man.

Wang Xuzhi lowered his head silently, did not defend himself, nor begged everyone to stop.

In fact, he knew in his heart that no one really cared about whether he had betrayed the camp at this time, and even these people didn't care about the truth at all. They just wanted to take the opportunity to vent their inner distress.

For these people, Wang Xuzhi disdained them in his heart. In his eyes, there were not many good things among these survivors. Why did some people survive? Are they really lucky?

Thinking of this, Wang Xuzhi despised these people even more.

It wasn't until the guards arrived that they stopped the crowd from continuing to mess around. The higher-ups had already ordered the traitor to be dealt with by Xu Tong, so they couldn't interfere too much.

Xu Tong took Wang Xuzhi all the way to a fruit tree, which happened to be the place where Zhang Qiang took him after he came to the camp before. The location happened to be on a small hillside, and he could see half of the camp below.

I saw gunpowder smoke everywhere in the huge camp.

In the distance, Yang Kang almost wiped out the entire factory area behind, and left a huge hole in the southwest direction. From the perspective of direction, Yang Kang did not leave with the large army like Lianghong, but chose a completely different direction. .

Xu Tong signaled Fatty to put Wang Xuzhi down, and casually threw him a pack of wet wipes, asking him to wipe off the blood on his face.

"If you just want to insult me ​​like this, you have achieved your goal, but if you think it will make me feel painful, then you may have miscalculated."

Wang Xuzhi responded to Xu Tong forcefully.

Unexpectedly, Xu Tong still didn't talk to him, but just sat beside him, took out the hookah pipe, filled it with shredded tobacco, took a few puffs, and looked into the distance with deep eyes.

Finally, after a few puffs of smoke, he said in a hoarse voice: "There is such a story, in which there is a child who starts cooking for his parents every day before dawn. His father is dumb, and his mother is a A blind man, a blind man and a dumb man are a match made in heaven, but the child suffers..."

"Blind man with dumb??"

Wang Xuzhi was startled, as if he had thought about something, but he didn't fully understand it.

"You mean..." He thought about it for a while, and his expression became more and more suspicious.

Xu Tong half-closed his eyes and said in a low voice; "Everyone was praising this child until one night...he picked up a knife from the kitchen and killed his parents with his own hands."

Wang Xuzhi thought for a moment before he sneered and said, "Good job, why do such cumbersome parents still have children." After speaking, he suddenly looked at Xu Tong.

With a half smile, he asked back: "The child in this story can't be you."

"No, I made this up."

Xu Tong took a sip of the hookah and looked back at Wang Xuzhi: "Now you are that irresponsible parent, and this camp is your child. That's why you lost."


Wang Xuzhi was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Xu Tong suddenly, but was speechless for a moment.

"Look! Here they come."

Xu Tong waved towards the distance, and saw Zhang Qiang leading a group of children running from a distance. After they came out of the safe point, they heard that Xu Tong had brought Wang Qian (Wang Xuzhi) all the way to this hill.

Zhang Qiang's clever little brain immediately understood that this was a signal from Uncle Yu, so he rushed over with his friends immediately.

In this regard, Zhang Qiang did not disappoint him.

"Uncle Yu!"

Zhang Qiang rushed over quickly and threw himself into Xu Tong's arms. Although he didn't know what happened, his intuition told him that they were still alive, the planned hydrogen bomb hadn't exploded, and everything was caused by this Uncle Yu in front of him. credit.

Xu Tong patted Zhang Qiang on the head, pointed at Wang Qian and said, "This man betrayed the camp and almost killed everyone. Now I'm handing him over to you. How do you think about him?"

Zhang Qiang didn't expect Xu Tong to push such a difficult problem in front of him, and scratched his head in a daze for a while.

But some older children behind him started talking after hearing this.

"Kill her!" An older child suddenly shouted.

"Yes! Kill her."

The other children also chimed in, killing people was not out of reach for these children.

For a traitor, or even a murderer who was about to destroy the camp, the only way they could think of to deal with it was so simple and rude.

Hearing the voices of these children, Wang Xuzhi frowned, but he did not defend himself, but looked curiously at Zhang Qiang standing in front of him.

From the face of this young child, Wang Xuzhi seemed to see the deepness that should not belong to this child's age. In those black and white eyes, it seemed that he was thinking deeply about something.

Finally Zhang Qiang raised his head, looked at Xu Tong and said, "Let her go, throw her out of the camp."

Xu Tong asked sullenly, "Why??"

Zhang Qiang raised his head: "Because we are not beasts, we are human beings, and I am willing to give her a more decent trial for the same kind."

The excellent answer made Xu Tong and Wang Xuzhi look at each other face to face.

Xu Tong covered his mouth and smiled and said, "Look, this gift is not bad."

Wang Xuzhi nodded in satisfaction, obviously this gift really surprised him.

Even if both of them could see that Zhang Qiang was deliberately trying to figure out Xu Tong's thoughts to make an answer, if he really killed him, would it be his turn to chatter with this little brat?

It was obviously to give him a chance to see if he could say one, two, three, four, five.

Although this is far-fetched, it is not easy to think of this step at a young age.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuzhi stood up, stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Qiang's hand and walked aside.

Zhang Qiang was reluctant at first, but after Xu Tong nodded towards him, he followed Wang Xuzhi carefully to the fruit tree not far away.

As for the other children, they wanted to follow, but they were stopped by Big Fatty.

I saw that Wang Xuzhi seemed to have explained something to Zhang Qiang under the fruit tree, and after handing over a shiny silver key to Zhang Qiang, he took out a dagger and plunged it into his heart unceremoniously.

Looking at the key in his hand and the note with the password written on it, Zhang Qiang stood still for more than ten seconds, then finally came back to his senses, firmly remembered the password, and then stuffed the note into his mouth. Mouth, make sure that no one else in this world knows the existence of the password.

After he swallowed the note, he finally remembered something, hurriedly raised his head and looked in Xu Tong's direction, only to find that Xu Tong and the big fat figures were standing not far away, waving at him. Waving his hand, the figure gradually blurred until it disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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