Chapter 155 Returning Inventory
Accompanied by the darkness that hits in front of you.

The whole story of the script began to appear in front of me like watching a lantern on a horse.

Xu Tong sat down with an extra pack of snacks in his hand, as if sitting in a movie theater watching a movie, watching the flashing images in front of him.

In the screen, No. [-] was arrogant and domineering, killing all directions, and was finally beheaded when he was defeated in Maicheng.

Yan Niang finally got her wish and became the new Empress Dowager.

From the picture in front of me, I still saw Yan Niang becoming the empress... so ugly.

The huge body is like a huge worm, and the slender nerve networks are all over every corner of the brood.

Able to make her will come to every infected person.

But since then, she will never be able to leave that huge lair again.

At this time, the screen changed, and it was actually Yang Kang who appeared. This guy walked west with his huge body until his figure disappeared into the sea.

The picture kept flickering. On Zhang Qiang's childish face, black and white eyes stared at the sky in the distance, until this small face gradually became angular, from childhood to youth.

The string of silver keys was finally inserted into the keyhole, and after a string of numbers was input, the screen in front of him finally became completely dark.

[The world of this script is over, the task reward is being settled...] A cold reminder came.

"Script main line 1 [Survivor], the task is completed, and 60 script points will be obtained."

"Script branch task 1: [Close the door], the task is completed, get 70 script points."

"Script side mission 2; rescue, completed, get 70 script points."

"Script side mission 3: Hunting mutants, complete the mission, get 70 script points."

"Special identity task 1: Find a partner, complete the task, get 80 script points."

A large number of task calculations appeared in front of him. Because there were too many tasks, Xu Tong chose to skip them and go directly to see his total harvest.

3 main quests, 690 side quests, and [-] special identity quests add up to [-] script points.

Seeing this number, he raised his brows slightly, and curled his lips: "Stingy!"

Nearly [-] script points are considered high in the calculations of other script worlds.

But for the nine-person difficulty book, it is a very low number.

This figure is not even as good as their reward for completing the status quest.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not without reason that I got such a low score.After all, many tasks did not get the final reward.

For example, the special status task, after Yan Niang became the Empress, I had theoretically completed this task, but I did not choose to participate in the final ceremony.

So much so that I missed the biggest reward at the core of the entire mission.

And the special plot mission also caused the interruption of his original script mission, which naturally meant that it was even more impossible for him to get all the rewards of the main mission.

To sum up, my script world this time is completely a wasteland-breaking behavior, and I haven't had time to explore many delicate places.

It is not bad to be able to get such a script score.

But the settlement is not over yet.

"You signed a special agreement with another player, and 250 script points have arrived." This is Song Nuannuan's [-] script points, half of which goes to Gao Zhuo and half to himself.

"You killed No. [-], and got the item card [Ember] and a script bronze badge. Please check the item book for details."

This news really surprised him, but it was within his expectation, number eight is so strong, in terms of combat power alone, it is enough to push all the way up.

If he finished beheading him by himself, it would be unreasonable if this guy didn't explode some equipment.

"You got a special item card [Polypoma]"

"In this scenario world, you have completed the mission of both factions and obtained the title of the special achievement [Defender], please check it yourself..."

"You complete this script space and get two bronze badges."

The settlement was finally over here, and as the darkness in front of him receded, when he opened his eyes again, he was standing on the street, and when he looked up, the sign of the Script Killing Experience Hall had disappeared without a trace.

"Oops! I'm finally back."

He stretched his waist, turned around and went straight to Cross Street. He felt empty in his stomach at this moment, wishing he could swallow a cow.

Thinking about it, the time span of the script world is so large this time, and the script is so long. I am in it every day except for instant noodles and bread, and I almost feel like throwing up.

It was already dawn at night.

But for a food street like Shizi Street in the old city, there are also early morning transactions.

Those snack bars have long been closed, but the mobile stalls on both sides of the street can often keep you going until three o'clock at night.

"A big bowl of rice noodles, and two baskets of buns!"

If you can’t eat dinner, it’s better to have some snacks first. This old restaurant called Midnight Rice Noodles doesn’t taste good, but fortunately, the portions are enough.

A bowl of hot rice noodles was served, served with steamed buns, and Xu Tong sat on a chair and began to munch on it.

For him, these things are just appetizers.

While eating, he called out the item book, and took stock of all his harvest in his heart.

To say that the most harvested is the script score.

Aside from the 670 points I earned, I originally killed the pharmacist and extracted all his script points, a total of 250 points, plus Song Nuannuan's [-] points.

Disregarding the odds, the script points in his hand have reached [-] script points.

With such a huge sum of money to protect himself, he will finally be able to stand tall at the next development meeting.

This time, the script space gave me a very low evaluation, but in terms of harvest, I still made a lot of money.

[Dark Physique] The value of this core item card, even if he exchanged all his script points at the moment, he would never frown.

What's more, what I have gained this time is not only the [Dark Physique] prop card?
The powers and boosts I obtained in the script world completely disappeared when I chose to return.

But the powerful boost brought by the gene enhancement medicine is a real treasure.

Although he did not complete the special plot mission, the reward of Big Fatty, in his opinion, may not be much worse than the special plot mission.

In addition, there are two prop cards obtained just now.

[Embers] and [Polyposis]


The extreme of life, the extreme of death, the fire of embers, destined to have endless karma.

Passive Skill 1: Scorching
The wearer's fire skill level is upgraded by one level.

Passive Skill 2: Jhin
When the target takes damage, there is a 10% chance to trigger Bonefire.

(Note: Bone Flame is not a special item and cannot be dispelled. It will continuously burn the opponent's flesh and blood, making the wound unable to heal and worsening over time.)
Active Skill 1: ? ? ?
To be identified.

Active Skill 2: ? ? ?
To be identified.

This item card is obviously related to No. [-]'s flame ability. Looking at the two active skills that still need to be identified, his heart is full of enthusiasm.

I couldn't help but think of the picture of No. [-] opening his hands, causing the black flames to form a terrifying vortex in his palms, strangling all the enemies around him.

Although there is not much hope, I secretly start to look forward to it.

As for the other [Tumor of Polyps]

This thing is all greetings, neither passive nor active, only three words, "to be identified!"

It seems that this thing needs to be taken to the script killing experience hall, and the basic information can only be known after identification.

He was eating well, when suddenly he heard a piercing siren whizzing past behind him.

"What happened tonight?? When I got off the highway, I saw five or six police cars."

The drivers who were sitting there having dinner behind them couldn't help discussing as they watched the police car whizzing by in front of them.

Guess if there is any big case, or if there is some big action.

Xu Tong glanced at it and didn't care. After all, he was not interested in maintaining world peace, so he put away the item book and went home.

As soon as I got home and lay down on the bed, I fell asleep snoring.

As if this small bed at home had infinite magic power, let him lie down and close his eyes immediately, no need for anyone to be on guard.

As a result, at noon the next day, Lao Song poured cold water on him.

The icy cold water seemed to be taken from an ice cellar, poured down in a basin, it was as cold as ice knives were going to pierce into the cracks of the bones, Xu Tong couldn't help shivering from the cold.

Before he opened his eyes, he heard Elder Song's scolding voice: "You boy, did you go into a death pit last night, or went to sing an opera for others on Mangshan Mountain, you smell like a dead man, get up!"

Xu Tongben wanted to justify a few words, but he saw Mr. Song dragged him into the yard and asked him to stand under the sun. When he wiped his fingers, he saw three yellow incense sticks pinched by Mr. Song.

Elder Song muttered a few times, and then asked Xu Tong to hold a yellow incense in each finger, and the third yellow incense was inserted into the soil under his feet.

At the same time, he took out the sesame oil and put a layer of sesame oil on his forehead and under his nostrils.

At first, he thought that Mr. Song was making too much fuss, but he had a bit of a deadly smell on his body, so it shouldn't be serious.

However, seeing the green smoke, he glanced at his own shadow inadvertently, then stared at him, and the indifferent look on his face couldn't help becoming serious.

I saw his shadow on the ground, standing crookedly in front of him, a faint black mist surrounded his shadow, accompanied by the green smoke filled with yellow fragrance.

A thief-like hand actually came out from his shadow, followed by the head, the feet, and the torso. Once it got out, it looked like a child, looking at the misty blue smoke. , immediately opened his mouth and began to swallow it with big mouthfuls.

Elder Song was full of displeasure while reprimanding Xu Tong for being lazy, and on the other hand, he held an extra boat in his hand, and put the boat under his feet: "Hmph, brat, it's fine if you come back by yourself, why did you bring a kid back?

(End of this chapter)

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